• Published 21st Mar 2016
  • 12,871 Views, 510 Comments

Friendly AC-130 Inbound - Azriel

An AC-130 traveling through the Bermuda Triangle is transported to Equestria. How will the inhabitants of this world view this strange metal contraption. More importantly the occupants within.

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It's a bird, it's a pegasus, it's heading this way!

CHAPTER 2: It's a bird, it's a Pegasus, it's heading this way!

Struggle was practically glued against the window. Something felt off. It might have been the forest they were flying over, what with its gnarled branches and the oddity of a few things glowing in the underbrush. The longer they flew, the stronger the gnawing feeling in the back of his mind - a hunch, if you will, that whatever they were flying over wasn't...right.

None of the trees were species he recognized; that castle they had passed, while inconspicuous enough, was in a state of disrepair that would be a black mark on any respectable preservation society. The other problem was he had been to enough castles in Europe to know that huge crowds were always present for such landmarks, and they were kept as pristine as possible. So why the lack of any discernable presence?

It wasn't until they sailed over an apple orchard that the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. Only then did he truly realize his feeling might hold any merit. It was quick, far too abrupt for him to verify what he saw. But he could have sworn he saw a red horse, sheltered underneath an apple tree. The trees were a common sight for the thirty seconds they sailed overhead, but yet again something was off. He had flown over plenty of orchards before, and they were always positioned in nice neat rows, but this orchard’s arrangement seemed random. What would possess any professional farmer to adopt such a pattern? Sure, he could see the merit in root space, but it would be a nightmare in terms of irrigation. It wasn't until the 'comms' squelched to life that he was broken from his ruminations.

"Load, Pilot. There appears to be a town ahead. I'm going to bring us into an orbit to get a better look."

Struggle watched the scenery flow by as he waited to get a glimpse of the town Chaos mentioned. It was slow going for the most part until he heard a squeal, signifying an addition to his comm net. He turned away from the window for only a second to see who it was. The Nav stood behind him on a pigtail cord in the crew rest compartment, trying to look over his shoulder through the window. With the Nav on the isolation net, he could talk without the rest of the crew hearing.

"What's it look like out there? Anything to indicate where we are?" asked Papa Hotel.

"Nothing I've been able to recognize. Also, I'm not familiar with any island in the Atlantic that grows apple trees. But that's neither here nor there. Why aren't you at your station, and why didn't you check off comms?" replied Struggle.

"Had to take a piss. Besides, I can't figure out why my equipment isn't working."

"Cool story, but you know how Chaos is about comm procedures. Also, if your equipment isn't working, you should probably get back to your station to figure it out."

"What's your problem? I'm just stretching my legs, after all."

"Well, you're distracting me, so beat it," Struggle said before returning to look out the window.

"Well, fuck you too." A second later another squeal informed Struggle that the Nav had left the net. Normally Struggle wasn't confrontational; in fact, he could be considered the definition of laid-back to the point of being a doormat. But he was on edge, as his sixth sense screamed at him.

"Load, I've brought us into an orbit. In about thirty seconds, you'll be able to see the town....I only caught a glimpse, but I don't know, something seems off."

Struggle waited patiently as it slowly came into view, his eyes darting back and forth, searching for anything out of place. It seemed normal for awhile until it dawned on him.

Something important was missing, something that even the most backwards of countries he'd been to sported. There were no vehicles, not a single one. On the latter part of the orbit, he did see train tracks, although there was no locomotive he could spot. After that, he lost sight of the town till the orbit brought them back around.

With the lack of vehicles in mind, he paid more attention to the dirt roads snaking through the town. He had paid little thought to moving figures after the time he was flicked off by that kid on a bicycle on a training line. But now his disregard for animate objects screamed for attention, since even at this altitude he could make out a difference. The beings below scrambling in an a attempt to get indoors at their arrival was nothing new; what was, was that they didn't appear human. Perhaps in their scurrying they did, but not in their shape.

He had flown over all different types of animals: sheep, goats, camels, cows, even horses. The figures below were clearly quadrupedal, but even the largest of familiar herds barely paid mind to an aircraft's presence. So it was a complete shock to see animals acting in such a manner, almost as if they were sapient.

"Struggle, you see anything out of the ordinary?" the pilot asked.

"That depends, Pilot. Do you consider the lack of vehicles, and animals reacting as people do abnormal?"

"Come again, Load, I must have misheard what you said as crazy."

"Well, I would too, but a lot of small things are adding up to only one conclusion."

"And that would be?"

"That I don't think we are in Kansas anymore. It might be time to check out that city under the dome."

"-even now, my minions are chipping away at it," Chrysalis said before chuckling.

"He may not be my husband, but he is under my total control now." Her pronouncement elicited gasps from Twilight and Princess Cadence. "And, I'm sorry to say, unable to perform his duties as Captain of the Royal Guard!"

"Not my Shining Armor!" Cadence exclaimed.

"Orbit established. What are all those black dots surrounding that purple bubble?" Chaos inquired.

As always, the cockpit got a cursory glance at an object before Struggle did. But when it all came into focus as the orbit brought the city into view, he was just as baffled as they were. Hundreds of flying figures bashed repeatedly against the purple dome. That was until they all moved as one, and the dome collapsed. No sooner had it fallen than the black figures descended on the city like green meteorites. Flashes of green and other colors erupted from the streets below. It didn't take a rocket scientist, or a war veteran like Struggle, to understand what was happening. This was a battle, and the greens were on the offensive.

"Well I guess we know why that purple bubble was in place; it was a shield against their invaders." Struggle stated dryly. “Want to get a closer look?”

The sounds of destruction echoed throughout the city. It was just too bad for Mirage that he had sentry duty with his partner Morpheus. They were stationed on the edge of the city in case pony reinforcements arrived. So much love in such close proximity, and yet they were missing out on the feast. Suddenly, Morpheus hit him on the shoulder and pointed to the sky.

“Hey, what is that?” Morpheus asked.

Mirage followed his partner’s hoof to a blob approaching in the distance. He squinted briefly at it before responding. “I don’t know, a bird maybe?”

“You ever see a bird fly that high? I say it’s a Pegasus.” Their brief debate was interrupted by another changeling.

“What are you two knuckleheads looking at?” The voice belonged to their Sergeant, Mystique. She followed their gaze into the sky. “Sweet Chrysalis, what is that thing?” The object in question was still a few thousand feet higher than the city, but it had come within a mile of the outskirts.

“I don’t know, but it sure isn’t a bird, or pegasus, that's for sure.” Mirage replied. “Think we should get the Captain?”

"~This day has been just perfect. The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small. Everypony I'll soon control, every stallion, mare and foal. Who says a girl can't really have it all!" Chrysalis sang before chuckling.

Your Highness we may have a problem. A metal construct is flying outside of Canterlot. The psychic link Chrysalis maintained with her Changeling officers was to only be used in a state of emergency. So it was with regret that she divided her attention from her prisoners to respond.

If it is an ally of Celestia's, then deal with it, you foal! Otherwise, make it clear that outsiders are not welcome at this time. Our victory is at hoof, and I do not want any interlopers! Chrysalis mentally commanded.

Your will be done, Your Highness. The changeling officer responded, before grabbing the three changelings and flying out of the perimeter of the city.

Captain Guise was going over Chrysalis’s order in his head.

“What did she say, Captain?” Mirage asked of their commander.

“In not so many words, she said to see if it’s a threat.” Guise replied.

“Your orders, Sir?” Sergeant Mystique asked.

“Alright, here’s the plan, you three will come with me. We’ll see if we can't figure out what it is, before we proceed from there.”

Captain Guise knew one thing: it certainly was loud whatever it was. As Guise drew closer and it came into focus, he realized it was some sort of flying machine. If it weren't for the windows that had given it away, it would have been the unfamiliar flag of red, white, and blue painted on its backside. Its propulsion seemed to be some type of unholy union of a windmill and fire. But it wasn't what was seen that sent shivers down the Captain’s spine. It was common knowledge that all changelings were emotivores, and as such could feel emotions.

What wasn't common knowledge was that they could feel lingering emotions surrounding objects, or those powered by emotions. This thing was unlike any artifact the changelings had. Old sentimental trinkets acquired from the ponies held love, treasure stolen from dragons held envy, Chrysalis even had a object of fear, stolen from Sombra's reign. This flying machine's residual emotions, however, were something new; a plethora of residual emotions surrounded it. More unsettling was that it felt as if a thousand souls had passed through it, each leaving their own unique mark on it. Where had this thing been, and what had the occupants seen to leave behind such strong residual feelings?

Captain Guise shook his head to clear the fog. It was currently about a thousand hooves above them. Taking the opportunity as it once again circled away from the city, he decided now was the time to relay his commands.

"Sergeant Mystique, I will fire a warning shot when it gets close again. You keep an offensive spell charged just in case it takes offense. Mirage and Morpheus, prepare a teleportation spell, and shield spell respectively." When they nodded, he turned back to the craft, charging his fire spell.

When it drew to its closest to them, he shot just below its massive form. The result was immediate and unexpected: the machine seemed to burst into flame, blinding them and causing Mystique to release her spell, before a shield and teleport went off.

Struggle had lost sight of the city and its conflict for near a minute, when he heard the tone go off, before a set of flares dispensed. But when their orbit finally brought it back into view, he was immediately greeted by a streak of green zipping towards the aircraft. He immediately hit the call button, silencing all other comm channels, and making him louder.

"Break right, break right, Triple A, three o'clock!" It was too late, however, as the stream of green tore through the right fuselage of the aircraft, rocking the mighty war bird and eliciting a cry of agony from the Nav in the Battle Management Center. He waited for another until it was obvious that there would be no encore, before deciding to cue the flight deck into the situation.

"Roll out, Pilot! Get us some distance from that city. Hostiles were using some type of anti-aircraft artillery." Struggle commanded.

"What happened, Load, are we hit?" Chaos responded.

"Yes sir, requesting 5 miles out call. After that, requesting check-off for battle damage assessment. Nav, I heard you scream, are you okay?"


"Eng, can you take over scanning? I think the Nav might be injured." It wasn't the Engineer, Story-Time, who responded however.

"Cleared off, Load, keep me abreast of the situation." responded the pilot.

Disconnecting from comms, Struggle was greeted by a world of muffled silence. Sure he could hear the roar of the engines, but little else. Time being of the essence in an evolving situation, he stumbled about the rocking aircraft that was presumably still being engaged by their new enemy. Once out of the Crew rest compartment, he grabbed his rolled up long comm cord and plugged in.

“Loads up.”

Even through the evasive maneuvers, he managed to make his way back to the battle management center. He stepped through the forward door to the small compartment. What he saw was unsettling: a thin gash ran down the fuselage, revealing a sliver of the outside world. All the while, a small fire raged, and hydraulic fluid spewed everywhere. And there slumped over in his seat, screaming in pain, was the Nav. Taking care to avoid the debris, he made his way around the booth to him.

Well no wonder we couldn't hear him afterwards; his comm box took a lucky hit. He couldn't tell exactly where Papa had been hit, but it was pretty obvious by the way he cradled his arm protectively over his side. He patted him firmly on the back to draw his attention.

The man flinched slightly under the touch before slowly turning to face him. Struggle grabbed his arm and moved it from his side despite Papa's protest. As he kneeled down to get a better look, he sighed in relief at what he saw. Underneath the singed uniform was about a quarter-inch gash that ran all the way across the top of his hip bone in the small layer of fat on the man. Sure, it looked like a third degree burn, and he was sure it hurt like all hell. But all things considered, it was relatively minor.

As he stood back up, he grabbed the right side of the Nav's headset to move it away to speak with him.

"COME ON! LET'S GET YOU TO THE CREW REST COMPARTMENT!" He had yelled as loud as he could, hopefully enough to cut through the noise and draw the man out of his pain. The Nav's only response, however, was a slow nod.

“The Nav is injured; it’s superficial but probably extremely painful. I’m taking him to the Crew rest compartment. I’ll give you a situation update afterwards.”

As the four assembled changelings watched the craft fly away, most of them felt an immense sense of dread. The first person to speak was the Captain.

“Well, Queen Chrysalis isn’t going to like this…”

“Does she really need to know? I'm sure she'll just be happy that it left.” Mirage said.

“I wasn't referring to us accidently hitting the thing..."

Twilight snuck her way to Cadence while the Queen was distracted.

"Quick, go to him while you still have the chance," she whispered, before using a spell to free Cadence from the goo on her hooves.

It had been slow going getting the Nav farther up-front, but now that he was safely out of the way, Struggle could get to work. It had taken two fire extinguishers to take down all the small fires in the booth.

"How does it look back there, Load?" Chaos asked.

"Not as bad as it could have been. We've lost the booster hydraulic system. It looks like the gun deck armor managed to catch most of it, and what it did cut through is mostly dead space from what I can tell. We're lucky it missed the liquid oxygen tank or we would all be cinders right now. I'm about to start my exterior inspection, just let me get back up to the window. Also, can you open up the overhead hatch on the flight deck, to try and vent this smoke out."

"Copy, Eng is on it, Load." Within a few moments, the flow of air barreled through, carrying all the smoke and irritants from the fire bottles with it.

As he got back to his window, he exchanged a quick glance with the pained Nav. Just let me finish up, buddy, then we can see about getting you some bandages. He sat down, ready to do a scan of the engines and wing but stopped as something grabbed his attention.Huh, looks like they got their shield back up....oh shit, oh shit it's heading this way! He watched in awed terror as it expanded carrying black specks in its wake that were steadily growing larger with it.

His voice caught in his throat as he tried and failed to the warn the crew of their impending doom. Where he failed, the Co-Pilot didn’t.

“Brace for impact!” Struggle didn’t need to be told, as he had already curled up with his eyes screwed shut, waiting for the impending collision…The plane shook violently for a second, and a weird sensation seemed to pass through him, but that was it.

Daring to chance fate, he opened his eyes, only to see that, yes, he was still alive. He sighed in relief as he righted himself in the seat, remembering that he still had to scan the exterior of the plane. But when he turned to the window, what he saw made him lose faith in his sanity.

There, comically plastered up against the window was a bug-esque horse, slowly sliding down the window, making a barely audible squeaking noise as it went, before finally falling off altogether to the world below.

“Wha...I don’t even….jus’ how?” He was trying to reconcile the insanity of what he just saw, totally disregarding the fact of how fast the thing must have been flying when it hit the aircraft. He had been flying long enough to know what happens to birds when they hit an aircraft: lots of pink mist and feathers. Deciding to chalk it up to a stress-induced delusion, he started to scan the wing. What he saw wasn’t promising. Smoke was trailing from the number 3 engine, which must have been hit in the attack as well.

“Crew, Load. Engine three is smoking. I can’t see any fire, but it might be smart to shut ‘er down.” Struggle said.

“Shit, we’re too damned heavy to shut an engine down right now. You think it can make it to landing?” the Pilot asked. Struggle was about to respond when the Eng cut him off.

“Indications on engine three are still nominal. I’m fine with keeping it.” Struggle didn’t like it, but the Eng was the expert on those systems.

“Well, let's not chance it. Let's start looking for a spot to land,” the pilot said. But as Struggle scanned the terrain below, their prospects of potential runways were small. In fact, they were currently at zero. Everywhere he looked, there was either a tree line, a creek, or some other obstacle which spelled disaster. It wasn’t until he remembered the town that he got a bit of hope.

“Pilot, Load. Can you bring us closer to that town we passed? Their railroad tracks might have been landscaped enough to provide a decent runway running parallel.” Struggle said.

Celestia grabbed Twilight’s hoof as she forced herself onto her own.

“Don’t worry about me, I’m fine.” She smiled down to her student before continuing. “You have a real wedding to put together.” Twilight smiled back, stating her worry before finally corralling her friends to put the wedding of the century back on track.

As her student and friends departed, Celestia decided now would be a great time to get a breath of fresh air.

What a day. She thought to herself as she stepped onto the balcony. She scanned the scene below, noting the ponies who were assisting their fellow Equine, cleaning up debris, and casually disregarding the severity of the day’s events. It would take a week or so, but her little ponies would get on with their lives. She admired their strength, and she would remember today’s events long after they had been forgotten. The burden of a leader, she supposed. It wasn’t until she checked the position of her Sun that she noted the presence of anything concerning.

In the distance, a small figure sailed through the sky, leaving a distinct smoke trail in its wake. It seemed to be retreating in the direction of Ponyville, a worrying development indeed. She thought after today’s events that she might be able to catch a breather, but duty called, and she knew she would have to answer.

Author's Note:

Awe hell, this has been by far the hardest chapter I've ever had to write. That being said I hope you enjoy it. If you did enjoy it please leave a like or comment, it's the only thing that fuels us fickle writers. Also lets all take a moment of silence to remember the brain cells I've lost drinking to this story, their sacrifice was not in vein. Onto other things, big shout out to Orthoros, and all you others who provided feedback to change this chapter. I've realized in the upcoming chapters that our characters have a ton of monikers. So down below will be a list of varying names they can go by. I know it sucks for the readers, but I'm going for realistic here, and the absurd amount of names for each of our human hero's is typical in this sense. Thanks to my new editor for going over this chapter, Nakanai

Pilot: Major Joshua Oldes, "Chaos".
Co-Pilot: Lieutenant Brad Ticer, no nickname currently.
Flight Engineer: Technical Sergeant Jason Sterry, "Story Time Sterry".
Navigator: Captain Simon Alicide, "Purple Heart/Papa Hotel."
Special Missions Aviator/Aerial Gunner/Loadmaster: Senior Airman Jake Drudge, "Struggle."

P.S: Thanks for reading, and don't be afraid to point out any errors on my part, or jarring transitions. I aim to please, and you all are the second line of defense to that.