• Published 18th Feb 2016
  • 12,256 Views, 441 Comments

Sundowner - King of Beggars

A very different Sunset Shimmer finds herself in a much darker human world. She's found the power she always wanted, but is power what she really needs?

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Epilogue - I Believe In A Thing Called Love

I sat staring at the journal in front of me. The dual-colored sun embossed on the hardcover seemed to stare back at me in expectation.

What was I even doing here?

It had been a little over a week since we’d finally gotten Twilight settled in. Things had happened at a pace that made me realize just how slow life had been since I’d come back to Canterlot City and opened up my little business. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been so busy, or so happy, for that matter.

And it wasn’t just Twilight eating up my time. Luna had slept over almost every night, and though she hadn’t yet brought up the issue, I knew she was eyeing all the extra space in my closet with an almost lustful stare. Something told me that things were going to go fast with that girl, and I wasn’t exactly against it.

Probably the only thing slowing us down at this point was Twilight wanting to sleep in the bed with us every single night. Luna was willing to indulge her, though, and I figured we could spoil her at least another week before it was time to insist she slept in her own bed. Celestia had sprung for a whole new bedroom set for her, and the kid spent more time in my room than her own.

Speaking of Celestia. She was over almost as often as Luna was, just to stick close to Twilight. Thankfully she hadn’t yet pushed her luck enough to ask if she could sleep over, but she was at my door first thing every morning with breakfast and a smile. I got the feeling she was being extra nice to me, just to stay on my good side.

I hadn’t heard from Clavus. Cilia had been the first to break down and give me a ring, and after telling her Twilight was okay and unhurt, I told her to let Clavus know I wasn’t angry anymore, and that I would be keeping Twilight. I could almost hear the smile in Cilia’s voice as she congratulated me on cheating death once more, and I decided not to tell her how close of a call it had been.

The very next day I found a big legal envelope folded in half and jammed in my mailbox. There was no mailing label, but my name was written on the front in big, sharp lettering that I immediately recognized as Clavus’. Inside was a stack of papers as thick as my thumb, signed by a judge and totally legal, naming me as Twilight’s new guardian.

I couldn’t help but wonder who in that chain of bureaucracy Clavus had been sleeping with to get those particular wheels greased.

Honestly, it was a lot to take in for a week, and I was almost pining for the days when the only stress I had was dealing with some previously unknown enemy sorcerer looking to flatten my city with a magical storm. Magical duels were totally in my comfort zone. Domestic life? Now that was complicated.

And so I’d found myself retreating into the study, just to get a break from everything. I’d told the girls that I needed some privacy for a magical deal, explaining only that it was ‘wizard stuff’. That explanation had been enough for Luna, but the twinkle in Twilight’s eyes told me that we’d probably be having a talk about her newfound gifts sooner rather than later. I’d caught her once or twice eyeballing my magic safe with the same hungry look that Luna gave my closet space.

I looked back at the book, tracing my fingers over the outline of my Cutie Mark. I’d come close to dying a few times, but I’d never come that close before. A good brush with death was just the thing for putting your life into perspective.

I felt… good. More at peace with my past, including what parts of it I’d left behind in Equestria. Having Twilight and Luna around so much kept me out of my own head, and every day it was a little bit easier to accept that I was literally a different woman than I had been just a week ago.

I opened the book, skimming through the pages as I flipped by. The book had been meant as a way for Celestia and I to communicate with each other even if we were in different parts of the country. Half the book was tightly packed with questions about every little thing that popped into my head, and beneath my tidy script – my human handwriting was definitely not as good as this – was Celestia’s big, looping lettering. I ran my fingers over the parchment, feeling the indentation left by the quill scratching the page and almost imagining I could feel her magic in the ink, warm as sunlight in an open field.

The magic that connected the book to its twin was long gone, and even if it wasn’t, with no portal, there was no pathway for the messages to travel – like a cellphone with no service. Even still, I felt the urge to write something to her, even if she’d never read it.

I read through our old correspondence, turning my words over in the back of my mind as I read. What could I say? How could I express all the great and terrible things I’d seen since coming to this world?

And how could I tell her about the things I’d done without disgusting her?

The words never came, so I just kept reading, trying to remember what it was like to be that young. I might have been a smart kid, but I had been a kid, and more than a few of the things I’d written had my adult self groaning into my palm.

My reminiscence was cut short by the thud of little feet running overhead. The door to the basement swung open, and Twilight shouted down from the top of the stairs.

“Sunset, are you done with the magic thing yet?” she asked. The top step squeaked and groaned as she bounced on her feet eagerly. “We were supposed to go to the movies today, remember?”

“Yeah, I’ll be up there in a minute,” I called. “You and Luna get ready, I just need to put on shoes.”

Twilight shouted confirmation and thudded away, slamming the door behind her as she went. We were going to have to have a talk about slamming doors around here.

I chuckled to myself. No slamming doors – my first house rule.

As I lifted the book to put it back in my safe, the picture I kept pressed between the pages fluttered out, landing face down on the ground. I picked it up, feeling peace, instead of a gnawing ball of homesickness and regret, for the first time in years as I looked upon it. There I was, a filly barely older than Twilight, sitting next to Celestia in her throne room. The only smile you could have found for a thousand miles around brighter than mine was the one of the mare sitting right next to me.

For the first time in my life, I could appreciate just what she must have felt at that moment. She had brought me into her home when I had no one else, she had taught me what she could, and here, in the moment frozen within this picture, the fruit of those efforts was by her side, ready to face the world with her.

I was beginning to understand the depths of the joy behind that smile, but I knew it wasn't all smiles. I understood a bit of that joy, and so I could also appreciate the other side of the coin, and how deeply the betrayal must have cut when I ran away.

I set the book down and turned to the first blank page. The pen that had sat unused this whole time found its way into my fingers, and at that moment I knew exactly what I would want to hear if I were in her place.

I’m alive.

* * *

Author's Note:

That took so long to finish... Sorry y'all. I do hope the wait was worth it though.

As usual, send any correction suggestions to me in a PM so I can review them right away.

Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, that you all will have a safe week, and that you'll join me again next time.

Please be excited!

Comments ( 78 )

'twas a very good story. Rather long, both in terms of wordcount and of timespan, but well worth the wait. You write a very good Sunset, and I am indeed excited for her continued endeavors.

Can't wait to see the other Celestia's reaction to all this...

Will this be getting a sequel?


That final bit just.... Ow...

But, bruised, bloodied, alive, and about.

It was a sunrise to look forward to after a horrible night.


What a nice ending. And they all lived...to the best of their ability to be happily ever after I suppose. I'm sure there were plenty of screw ups along the way, but there's an honest attempt at a family there. Sunset starts the story alone but she's earned her family.

That was a beautiful story and ending. I've been following this story for years (over four years since this story started?) so I'm happy to see it completed (and very glad you posted the last few chapters at once). Probably as close to a happy ending as Sunset's going to get but her friends and new family are what's really important. Figures that Whistler wasn't simply out to corrupt Sunset into a demon but her potential lifetime (or maybe existence would be a more appropriate word) is frightening.

Thank you for the excellent story, it was a fascinating mix of MLP and a very different kind of magic world, as well as a different Sunset. This already feels like a pretty conclusive end but I'm going to miss these characters, it was a fun ride.

This has been my favorite story in this site. Awesome work!

What an ending. Those two words, it really makes me wish that the journal wasn't dead. What a wonderful story, thank you for sharing it.

I loved every moment of this story, and the wait for its completion was worth every second. Thank you for all the effort, and care you put into writing it.

This was an incredible journey. Thank you for sharing it with us.

A very satisfying conclusion to one of my favourite stories on this site. More than worth the wait.

That was a ride, and one well worth the wait. I don't know if I'm alone in hoping that Sunset and Fiddler find some way to come to an understanding that gives them some sort of reconciliation.

Sunrise… oh light, that moment when I understood who, and what, she was, that was heartbreaking.

I'm glad things worked as well as they could.


This was well worth the wait. Love the ending and love the story! I really like how Sunset's story was written in this universe and her relation to this story's Celestia, Luna, and Twilight.

Messy but nice ride.

This was god damn amazing.

Oh my god sundowner updated!!! I had no idea, i wish fimfiction still did email updates! My favorite story, i thought it was abandoned

Strong finish! Thanks for writing.

3 chapters in one go! that is like a treat! never got to comment in the last three chapter, I was too engrossed by the story!

- One of the best Sunset Shimmer stories I have ever encountered.
- Sunset and Sunrise... wow that felt bitter-sweet in many ways! one heck of a reveal.
- So Shimmy is now this Immortal Primal being that is capable of challenging even gods... That is awesome! Crazy power-up.
- I am so glad I never stopped checking on this story, even through the one year gap in update.
- All endings make me wish for more. :fluttershyouch:


I feel like Celestia in Equestria should respond. XD

This was, without a doubt, art. A lot of stories have achieved such a title on this platform, but I don't think many have touched me quite so very deeply. Something about it held me tight from page one to the last.

I applaud you. And I only hope others enjoy this as much as I have.

This was an amazing journey, and a very different look into what might have been. I seriously would love to see a sequel, with Equestria getting back into the picture, and a bit more about Fiddler. I mean, I know he's a monster, but at the end there was something to his character that seemed honest... I'd kind of like to see that relationship turn around, almost, even with all the terrible things he's done.

Anyway, whether you continue this or not, it's a beautifully written piece, with a solid close. I'd be delighted for it to continue, but I'm happy where it is now. It touched me, spoke to me in a way many other wonderfully written MLP fan works have not, and I applaud you for that.

Thank you for writing this.

So, sequel? : )
Still there best characterization of Sunset I've read. The details and story around working magic in the human world are wonderful. The story flow and point of view narrative work beautifully to deliver all the needed info to the reader. And the adaptions of the other characters seems to fit so well. I'm so happy that sundowner got to reach it's wonderful and natural conclusion.

Thank you for the great story.

Extra note. Any chance this can get a print version? I would but a Lulu copy of this immediately.

I can't wait until next time!

That was an epic piece of fucking art. You should feel proud and was worth the wait.

I’m just so happy that this story found it’s ending. Especially now that the core series has ended, there is this fear, as a follower, that projects may go on hiatus or canceled outright. Not the end of the world, but there's a sadness when scrolling back throw Favorites and realizing you didn’t get to see the author’s intended conclusion.

Each time there was a gap between the later chapters, I found myself re-reading the whole story to refresh. This was a great read. Congratulations KoB.

This was... a wonderfull ride. The only thing I wish for, is more happy interactions between Twilight and Sunset (and Celestia's freak outs) and there's been plenty of them.

Your writing is beautiful and exciting. Thank you for the amazing story!

Would love to read more about this Sunset and this universe. But if that was it, it was a very heartfelt ending.

Came back to read this even though I'm not really into MLP anymore since this book was really great! The resolution to this book was anice and finished off this story nicely. Never thought I would see this story completed.

Lovely story and so very glad I discovered it the other day. Agree with most of the other commenters, I do hope we'll see more in the form of a sequel, but if this is the end, it was a beautifully perfect ending!

Now I want to go read some SunLuna romances.
Very interesting characterizations. I kind of understand Fiddlers motivations even if I don't agree with the method.

If ever again there is anything like this, I will be there vibrating with excitement. This story was incredible, and I loved every minute of the years of anticipation this story has stretched.

Thank you for writing this. It’s been a few days since I finished and I’m still thinking about this story. It was such a wonderful journey watching this over the years and you wrote such a great conclusion. The entire story hits you just so and satisfies every need it creates. Then again, so do the rest of your writing.

Honestly I’d love to see this and your other main works In book form.

Thank you again.

So, this seems a great world building to leave it like this, like many others before me, I had to ask... Any plan of sequel? Because it looks very good. Maybe Sunset forcing herself to meet Equestrians or visit Equestria. Or maybe a Prequel as we see how Sunset grow up from being a little kid to a big sorcerer and what happened to turn her like now

I would love a sequel focusing on twilight learning magic Sunset fixing her relationship with celestia and twilight making friends and going to school And just generally continuing the story

You can set up a bookshelf for email updates if you want

I have an entire bookshelf devoted to the stories that deserve email updates and it only has one story so far. This would probably have been in it if I'd caught it earlier though I'm glad I didn't.

Comment posted by Aenbr deleted Nov 18th, 2020

Finally found the peace and time to finish it. And I wasn't disappointed. Marvellous story and a very well written Sunset. Well, all of them were. Thank you.

the Frank approves.

I was hooked through to the very end. Incredible tale.

Words that kill
Would you speak them to me?
With your breath so still, it makes me believe
In the Father's sins
Let me suffer now and never die
I'm alive.

This was a great read, thank you for writing it! <3

I'm happy I found this fic, it really was amazing. Like truly amazing

Thank you for the wonderful fic

(Also damn, I wouldn't mind a sequel to this, cause the world building you set up here is great)

The ending was perfect. I don't how to properly describe it, maybe something like a sitting outside on a warm sunny day, after days of heavy rain, finally at peace. Or maybe rest after a very long and tiring day, I don't know.
The ending feels very final as well, but perfect. The 'I'm alive' feel like great closure for both Sunset and the Princess, yet leaves a potential opening for more. Was that intentional? Well, whether you continue this or not, I just want to say that I enjoyed the story, and the journey within it, a lot.

I was not a fan of the ship, or the way Celestia was fleshed out, but the story was so entertaining I didn't even care.

I enjoyed it very much.

You- author, are a talented creature.

I had discover it today, and I love this story :raritycry:
I truly expected her and Night light to be partners of investigation and fight against evil creatures, I even thought than he actually was the character of a video game or book who in his story was actually cursed, even thought I hadn't seen any indications than it was a crossover.

His death surprised me to say the least.
Sunset becoming a tutor of his orphaned daughter, who also happens to be the human equivalent of Twilight, is far more surprising thought (this was a part edited later, hence why there is the fact than i am surprised about Twilight mentionned at a other moment of the message).

Here come the fanboy rant :

I want more adventures of Sunset, Twilight and Luna ! With twilight learning magic, with some equestrian teaching about friendship and all of that just to not be screwed by the magic.

Sunset as a adult is truly refreshing, especially one who drink, smoke, have messy clothes and use quite the... Colorful kind of language.

Also, she is like what, 22-23 or 25-26 years old ?

Also, her relation with Twilight is so adorable :heart:

Sunset being a mother/aunt/big sister for the equivalent of Twilight was such a twist.

Also, this story need to continue just for have Sunset see Equestria Twilight and Celestia and meet Luna.

Do you imagine :

Twilight : so, in this other world, I am a child, and all of my family is dead, but you are also my... Mother figure ? Big sister ? Crazy aunt ? Teacher ?

Sunset : Well, they are more like Alter ego, but yes, also, I am kind of Close with the sister of Princess Celestia Alter-ego.

Twilight : Oh, you meant princess Luna.

Sunset : Princess Luna ?! You meant than Celestia had actually a sister ?! And she is here ?! Why I didn't knew ?!

Twilight : Well, she was Nightmare Moon at the time.

Sunset : you meant than i f*cked Nightmare Moon alter ego ?!

Twilight : you did what with her ?!

Princesses Celestia/Luna : You did what to Luna/me ?!

Sunset to them, blushing and in a low voice : yeah... I did it with her

Human Luna : you meant than you did me darling :trixieshiftright:

No, but seriously, I want to see magic shenanigans of Sunset and her Luna and Twilight, maybe with Luna who inherit a bit of equestrian magic like the characters of equestria girls (I didn't watched the show, I don't know how it happened) since unlike Twilight, she hadn't been teached.

Honestly, the adventures of Sunset, Luna and Twilight could have at least 6 seasons of a animated show, a beautiful Crazy smoking drunkard lesbian/bi witch with quite the swearing in her vocabulary and who had a job of "seer", mysterious ancient magic friends, who have both dark magic and (at least depending if she can use again equestrian one) a non dark one, and her adventures with her girlfriend and her pupil for who she had become a parent figure sound so cool.

You could have at least 50 chapters from that, and if some equestrian mess come, with Sunset role as both a parent and a sibling and teacher to twilight, we could at least had until Twilight is in high school.

No, not even 50 chapters, you could have 100, and a animated show adapting it.

It could likely develop to have Sunset being the magical teachers of the Mane 6, moments like having Twilight convince her to keep Spyke, bond as the big sister/teacher to the other girls, and if something like in Equestria girls happens, they would had a magic more close to Equestria, which could made Sunset rebound with a far less scary magic than the one in the human world.

Yeah, if there was truly a justice, your content should have a animated adaptation of many seasons, and a manga or comics of a huge number of volumes.

, you have created one of the most dark yet most beautiful stories of MLP I had read, and while there is others stories than i love in general, your use of the tropes is so great than it's made me nothing but frustrated than your work could not recieve the attention it should.

I hope you will write a sequel, this story is too good to not been update.

now than i think of it, how has Twilight situation been explained ? I meant, there must have been some necessary explanations at least to the why of Twilight surviving and being with Sunset to the authorities, no ?

This story hit way harder than I expected or was really prepared for. I burned through it in almost one sitting so I'll probably go back through again in a week or so and reread it, but damn was it entertaining in every way possible. It was so natural to empathize with the characters and follow their ups and downs. Absolutely phenomenal writing across the board.

I really hope you decide to do a sequel, even if its less action and more of a slice of life/drama type deal. And if your day job permits, maybe consider starting a Patreon or something; I'm absolutely sure you'd get support if you can get the word out.

seriously, you could change a few names and parts of the plots and it could be a original work, this story is awesome.

What was your favorite part on the relationship point ?

Also, i hope and think than Sunset will teach Twilight about magic, maybe it could even help Sunset reforge her bond with her equestrian magic, which could help her deal better with some of the messed up shits of her life.

I really hope than after Celestia had learn of Fiddler manipulation of Sunset, she will come on earth to show him why no one traumatise her baby girl :trollestia::yay:

Do you know stories (like comics or shows, movies are too short) with a idea like that ? A witch (who's age and appeareance can go from early twenties to late fourties) in a modern setting taking care of a young orphan ?

Now than i know far better the whole setting, i wonder what would happens if she were to meet Chrysalis and her Changelings.

King of Beggars, can Changelings (the earth ones) have childrens with humans ? Did it already happened in modern history ?

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