• Published 22nd Feb 2016
  • 3,610 Views, 9 Comments

Center of the Apple - ShrunkenBro

After opening a portal to an alternate universe Equestria were everyone's genders are swapped Rainbow Blitz finds himself in Ponyville. While on fly he unfortunately gets shrunken down to size and must avoid the ne

  • ...

A Whole New World

In the old library Princess Twilight Sparkle had her nose in a spell book she had discovered in the archives of the old tree house. The book’s cover was half-ripped so Twilight couldn’t read the title of the book, but the pages had spells that read how to open portals to other world and dimensions.

”Hmm.” Twilight brought a hoof to the bottom of her chin as she read the spell book levitating in front of her face.

“Maybe I shouldn’t try this yet… Oh, I can’t help it! I have to try.”

Twilight felt like she had sugar rush going throw her she levitated the book down on to a desk. Twilight’s horn glowed bright in the colors of violet and a glowing ring of white energy from the alicorn’s horn appeared in front of her.

Inside the glowing ring was a haze of what seemed to resemble smoke, but flashing a bright blue color Twilight’s horn stopped glowing. The alicorn breathed in and out then looked up at her work she gasped then gave a smile at the portal she had created. She took a few steps towards it trying to look inside she could hear, faintly, voices from inside.
Suddenly a flash of light startled her making her back away and then she felt something hit her, knocking her over. In a bright flash, the portal shot a wave of air, causing pages and books to fly off the shelves. It then vanished in blasts of flashes and lighting bolts that staticed in parts of the room. Smoke fogged up the room, causing Twilight to cough. She stood up and quickly opened a window to clear out the smoke.

As she coughed, she noticed somepony lying on the floor. She had to squint to see. It was a bright blue pony with a rainbow mane. Twilight gasped seeing the motionless body of her friend Rainbow Dash lying on the floor. She was about to panic, but quickly stopped when she noticed Rainbow Dash was moving. There was something different about her, however, causing Twilight to look closer. She then she saw that Rainbow Dash looked more built then she normally did. Twilight was about say something to her, but stopped when this built Dash grunted with a male voice.

“Uhhh, where... What?” Twilight’s eyes widen and her jaw dropped when she saw a stallion Rainbow Dash.

“Uhh Scoots? Dusk?” the stallion rubbed his head making his rainbow mane shaggy he looked over at Twilight. The stallion squinted his eyes.

“D-Dusk is that you?”

“Uh, no. My name is Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight said as she gave the stallion a confused look, one that was mirrored on his own face.

“Wait, you’re not Dusk? But you look just like him.” Twilight then put two and two together this was Rainbow Dash, except another version of her from another world.

“Uh… sir, what is your name?” Twilight asked.

“What? You mean you've never heard of me? I’m Rainbow Blitz, the best flyer in Equestria. I’m not training with Wonderbolts for nothing,” the stallion boasted, flexing his right front leg and gave a big smile Twilight smirked a little at how identical he was to Dash.

“You would not happen to be an Element of Harmony would you?”

“Ah yeah I am. Gosh, do you not get out much?” the Rainbow stallion grumbled. Twilight rolled her eyes and was about to explain to Rainbow Blitz when the door to the library was busted open.

“Hey Twilight! You okay? I saw huge flash and…” Rainbow Dash charged into the library, but stopped in mere shock from seeing an alternate version of herself standing right in front of her.


Four months had passed since the strange stallion, Rainbow Blitz, was brought to Equestria by Twilight’s spell. Blitz had moved in with his double, Rainbow Dash. Since they were pretty much the same pony, it only made sense that they lived with one another. Rainbow Dash had gotten to know Blitz pretty well and found he shared her desire to join the Wonderbolts. He even joined her at the academy working alongside as well, the two butting heads to prove who was better. Neither Blitz nor Rainbow Dash would admit it, but they both enjoyed each other’s company. To Rainbow Dash and Blitz, it was like having twin brother and twin sister. Blitz warmed up to Scootaloo, seeing her like little sister and would always bring her along with him on flights when Rainbow Dash couldn’t.

“Hey Dash! I’m gonna go for another fly, want to join?” Rainbow Blitz asked his double as she flapped her wings two times then folded her wings back into place.

“Naaah, I’m too tired and I got to put the squirt to bed anyway,” Rainbow Dash ruffled Scootaloo’s head, messing up her purple mane and making the little pegasus laugh.

“Well, I’ll see you guys later then,” Blitz opened his wings then took a mighty leap into the air then flew through the sky, leaving a fading rainbow behind him as he zapped threw the blue sky. Rainbow Blitz began to zip around Ponyville, waving to every pony he could see as he passed. Blitz did a few loop-de-loops to impress some of the fillies and colts watching him.


“Oh Sweetie Belle, can you bring me new sting and another needle?” Rarity used her magic and levitated a dress she was working on.

“Coming.” Sweetie’s voiced called back, following three coughs.

The small white unicorn walked into the room, holding the new string and needle; her nose was bright red and sniffed loudly. Her forehead was sweating and her mane was a mess.

“Sweetie Belle, darling, you look ill.” Rarity walked over to her sister and felt her head.

“Oh Rarity, I’m fine.” Sweetie sniffed and snorted. The little filly rubbed her nose, wiping away whatever liquid that had dripped her little nose.

“AHHH! AHH!” Sweetie Belle’s chest shook, and her eye began to twitch and water.

“AHH!” Rarity panicked trying to find anything to shield herself from her little sister’s disgusting sneeze.

“AHH! AHH!” Rarity quickly used her magic to levitate the dress she was working on right in front of her, as Sweetie Belle huffed her chest and opened her mouth wide.

“AHHHH! CHOOO!” Sweetie let out a loud sneeze, but to Rarity’s surprise, nothing slimy came out of her nose. Instead, there was a bright flash from her small horn, and a blazing white and green bolt of magic zapped around the room. Rarity quickly grabbed her sister and used her magic to pick up a mirror and plant it in front of them. The bolt hit the mirror before it blazed right for the window, leaving nothing but shattered glass and few tiny green sparks. Rarity gasped, putting a hoof to her mouth, “Oh no. I hope that doesn't hit anypony.”


“Might as well take one last flight before turning in today.” Rainbow Blitz slowly flew over Sweet Apple Acres, looking at the large farm below him. He'd met the Apple Family the very day he came to ‘Twilight Sparkle's’ Equestria.

They welcomed him like an old friend, though Blitz did find it bizarre seeing the Apple Family as all mares, save for the one stallion. Still, even with their genders switched, it was like he never left home. Blitz gently flapped his wings down to the orchard to snatch an apple from a tree.

Suddenly, the rainbow stallion’s ears perked up when he heard something that sounded like faint twinkling. He turned to see a green orb coming at him. He tried to dodge, but he was too late. The green orb hit Blitz right in the chest, knocking the wind out of him while a green light surrounded his body. Blitz felt gravity pulling him down despite his best efforts. Suddenly he hit something, something hard which made his back ache from the impact before he fell forward and landed with thump. Rainbow Blitz’s sides ached, his ears rang, and his vision was blurry.

He had to blink four times to get his vision back to normal again Blitz’s legs shook as he stood back up. Blitz rubbed his head, making some of the throbbing go away. Blitz looked up at the fading light orange sky, trying to find or at least see what or who hit him. To his luck, he saw no one.

“Possible just a stray magic bolt.” he thought. Blitz noticed something odd; he was under an apple tree, but something was very different. Rainbow Blitz’s jaw dropped when he saw that he was now on a giant branch in a giant apple tree surrounded by a giant apple orchard. He nervously gulped, looking around his new yet familiar world. Blitz was starting to breath heavily and sweat.

“How did this happen? How did this happen?” he passed back and forth on the tree branch.

“Okay, okay Blitz, calm down. All you got to do is find Rainbow Dash or Twilight. Yeah, they can help me,” just as he was about to take a leap into the sky, he stopped himself, “but what if I go out there now I might get eaten by some bat or something.” Blitz slammed

his rump down and gave a frustrating roar.

“Eeyup.” Rainbow Blitz’s ears perked up he peeked over on the side of the branch and saw a red stallion that reminded him of AJ’s big sister, Macareina. Blitz then realized it was Big Macintosh.

“Hey, he could help me.” Blitz was about to take flight but was stopped. Big Mac turned around having his rump face the tree he raised his back legs bucked the tree, making it shake. Blitz felt like he was in an Earthquake. He tried to take flight, but was stopped by the giant apples falling around him. Big Mac bucked the tree and second time, making the rainbow stallion fall off the branch.

“AHHH!” Blitz screamed. He felt his ears ringing as he felt gravity pulling him down. He flitted through the air, trying to flap his wings. Blitz finally got the strength in his wings; he hovered in the air and looked down to see a bucket of apples under him. Blitz wiped away the sweat from his forehead and let out a load sigh of relief. Blitz’s ears perked up when he heard something that sounded like a rush of air he looked to see an apple falling right on top of him.


All the apples fell into three buckets surrounding the bottom of the tree. Big Macintosh gathered up the buckets into the wagon he attached it to himself and then walked back to the barn with the old wooden wagon behind him.


“Ohhhh ow, where th- the where heck am I?” Rainbow Blitz rubbed his head, “This is the second time today I’ve gotten the wind knocked out of me.” he complained, still trying to rub off another splitting headache. Blitz finally took notice of what was around him. Everything was red; he suspected that he must have fallen into the barrel with all the apples that Big Mac bucked out of the tree, along with him thanks to his sudden new size. Blitz could feel something that was like an Earthquake and what sounded like the wheels of a wagon, only louder. Blitz was about to move, but then felt a loud jolt that shook everything around him and made the giant apples bounced up and down “Ah, not again!” he braced himself.


Big Macintosh dragged the rickety old wagon into the barn and parked it near the stables. He detached the wagon from his back, lifting all the pressure off his back. “Ohh that smarts.” Big Mac growled. The work stallion then gave a huge maw opening yawn. Big Mac put his hoof behind his neck and stretched it, his neck cracking before he then started arching his back. “Ah, mah back.”


“Ow, my head.” Blitz climbed to the top of the pile of giant apples with his spiked hair in a mess and his eyes crossed; little birds and stars circled around his head. Blitz hit his head three times, getting his eyes back to normal. “Wait a minute, where am I?” he said as he pulled himself out from the pile of giant apples. The sound of loud stomps shook the world around him as he saw Big Macintosh walk by the wagon.

“AH, MAH BACK!” thanks to his new size, Big Mac’s voice was like a loud megaphone that echoed through the tiny stallion’s ears.

“Hey Big Mac! Big Mac!” Blitz waved his hooves in the air, trying to get the red giant’s attention. Blitz leaped onto the side of wagon then ran along side of the narrow edge.

“Big Macintosh! Big Mac! Please, it’s me! Rainbow Blitz!” he shouted, trying to keep up with the giant stallion. Blitz was gaining up speed. He was nearing Big Mac's rump, all he had to do was jump and get his attention. "Big Ma-” Rainbow Blitz couldn't react in time, Big Mac’s huge tail twitched and swung to the side of the wagon. Blitz felt like he was getting hit by a broom a very huge broom. Blitz was knocked to the side and fell onto the wooden floor of the wagon. “OW!” Blitz quickly stood up, shaking off pieces of yellow hair sticking to him. “Oh man, now how am I gonn-” Blitz’s eyes jolted open, looking wider than they should, along with his mouth hanging open; he slammed his hoof into his face.

“IDIOT! You can fly!” Blitz flapped his wings and leaped into the air.

Blitz flapped out from the wagon buzzing towards Big Macintosh. He had might as well been trying to fly up a mountain at his size, but to Blitz’s credit, he wouldn't be giving up so easily. The little pegasus soared up to Big Mac’s head, floating very close to his left ear. “Bi-” Suddenly, the red giant jolted his head back and shook his head, making his shaggy man fling Blitz around in mid-air.


Big Macintosh scratched his ear. “Darn bugs.” he mumbled, rubbing the back of his head before he walked towards a table that was filled with tools other things Big Mac would find that he thought were valuable, like old rusty gold bits that weren't being used anymore and his most special treasure, Twilight’s Smarty Pants doll. But Big Macintosh noticed something different on the table, a bag from a fast food place. This brought a warm smile to the stallion’s face. On the bag was a note that read, ‘Thanks all the hard work today, big brother.’ Big Mac placed the note in the arms of Smarty Pants with a pleasant smile. “Thanks AJ.” he grabbed the bag and opened it, inside was French fries, along with two hay burgers.


Rainbow Blitz spun around in the air, making the tiny stallion dizzy. He used his wings to stop himself and stay mid-air. His eyes were crossed and twisted as an imaginary bird and star spun around his head. Blitz blinked three times, looking down to see Big Macintosh sitting down at a table with a bag of fast food. “Okay, I gotta his attention this time!” Blitz roared and then dashed downward, right for Big Mac’s head. Blitz flew right up to the red giant’s ear. “Bi-” Blitz quickly dodged the upcoming giant hoof swatting at him like fly.

“DERN BUG!” Big Mac’s voice boomed. Blitz retreated up into the air, just missing the giant hoof swatting left and right. Blitz stopped in mid-flight and then dashed straight for Big Mac’s ear. He blazed across the air, just missing Big Mac’s enormous arm. The tiny pegasus flew right inside the cavern of Big Mac’s ear, crashing further into pink tunnel.

“Alright, I made it. Now I just need to get his attention.” Rainbow Blitz stood up took in a deep breath and was ready to shout. “BI-” Blitz was suddenly stopped as the whole tunnel shook like an earthquake. “Whoa!” Blitz felt the tunnel shift and felt gravity pulling him down he clung to the ruff flesh floor, his grip started to slip. As he felt the shaking get more violent, Blitz began to lose his grip and fall right out of his ear.


Big Mac sat down in the wooden chair. Pulling himself up to the table, Big Macintosh reached into the bag pulling out a wrapped hay burger. He licked his lips, ready to dig into the delicious fast food. He stopped at the sound of buzzing possible another bug. He was about to scan the air above him, but jolted when he felt of something tiny fly right into his ear. Big Mac’s eyes widened in disgust, the feeling of the tiny creature inside gave him goose bumps. “Ehh.” Big Mac’s eye twitched he felt it moving around in his ear it felt very creepy to the poor stallion. He started shaking his head back and forth. If anypony were to come into the barn, they might have mistaken him for a metal rock star pony. Big Mac stopped. Still feeling the tiny thing in his ear, he dipped his head downward then started pounding the other side of his head, hoping to shake the little critter out. The irritated stallion stopped hitting his own head when he felt nothing inside ear moving around. “Thank goodness.” Big Macintosh returned back to his delightful mission; unwrapping the hay burger, ready to eat it.


Rainbow Blitz was flung around the air before crashing into the table, hitting a single button that caused him to skid into a rolling pencil that caused the poor pony to slip. “Uh...” Blitz grumbled, pulling himself up and rubbing his head, shaking off the throbbing headache. Blitz stumbled as he walked across small gear pieces, possibly from a clock, old pens quills and pencils that gently rolled across the desk. Blitz looked up to see the red giant eating a hay burger. He had already taken two bites out of the burger. He scratched his rainbow colored mane trying to think of a way to get Big Mac’s attention. Blitz looked up a second time to see Big Mac give a grimace. He opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue that had bits and chucks of food and a half bit slices of pickles. Big Mac pulled the half-eaten pickles from his mouth.

"YUCK." the giant placed the pickles in the unwrapped burger bag then crumbled it up.

“They always put pickles on mah burgers.” he grumbled, putting the crumbled bag back on the table before returning to eating his burger. Blitz’s ears perked up as the idea popped into his head.

“Big Mac doesn't like pickles, so I’m sure he’ll check his other burger for pickles.” he said to himself.

He waited, hiding himself behind a jar in case Big Mac mistook him for a bug and tried to swat at him again. He watched as Big Macintosh finished off his first hay burger, swallowing the rest down. Big Mac reached into the bag pulling out the last hay burger.

Rainbow Blitz quickly dashed across the desk, keeping his eye on Big Mac who wasn't paying him any mind. He waited beside the open bag as Big Mac brought the hay burger down onto the desk, unwrapping the paper around the burger. Rainbow Blitz could see the full size of the hay burger; it was big compared to him at his current size, almost like a huge round bed. Big Macintosh took the top bun off the burger, leaving only the bottom bun, the hay and the ketchup. Big Mac kept his attention on the top bun, seeing slices of pickles on it. Blitz quickly leapt onto the burger, squishing his hooves in the ketchup. Blitz waited for Big Mac to pick up the rest of the burger. He watched as he pulled the pickles off the bun and tossed them in the paper bag. Blitz was then greeted by the huge shadow of the top bun coming down on him. Blitz tried to jerk away, but was too late when the bun pinned him down on top of the burger. “BIG MAC!” Blitz yelled, trying to get the loose from the slimy trap.

Rainbow Blitz felt movement around him, possibly as Big Macintosh was getting ready to eat the burger. Blitz struggled, moving his pinned legs out from under his body. Thanks to the ketchup, Blitz was to slip his legs out. The stallion could see small seeps of light slipping in and out from between the gaps of his prison. Rainbow Blitz crawled forward, towards the light. He pushed passed the ketchup and mustard that stuck to his mane and body, along with small straws of hay. Blitz finally reached an edge of the sandwich. The tiny pegasus could finally see the outside world and Big Macintosh. Rainbow Blitz gasped, seeing Big Mac right in front of him and getting closer and closer to his muzzle “Wait, Big Mac!” Blitz was practically inches away from Big Macintosh’s muzzle. The tiny pony struggled, trying to slip out from the hay burger. Blitz stared in horror as Big Mac’s lips parted, showing the inside of the stallion’s mouth. Blitz could see lines of saliva connecting from his bottom and top rows of teeth Blitz was drawing near, his enormous spongy drool glazed tongue and the cavernous throat that seemed like a ruby red cave. Blitz was bathed by gusts of hot air coming from within Big Mac’s throat. The tiny pegasus started panicking and thrashed when he saw the lines of bottom and top white blocks coming together, Big Macintosh was biting down on the hay burger. Big Macintosh bite down on the burger, taking half of it in his mouth with Rainbow Blitz inside it, surrounding the pegasus in darkness.

Rainbow Blitz felt the weight coming off his body. Blitz pulled himself out right before the chunk of the sandwich was moved by the slobbery tongue. Blitz clenched the moist flesh, hoping not to be tossed around into Big Mac’s teeth, Blitz watched as the blocky teeth munched down the hay burger, making a chattering sound that echoed around the humid chamber. The burger was shredding into pieces that splattered onto Blitz’s coat and mane, along with mix of Big Mac’s saliva. Ketchup and chewed up food coated him, making his mane stick to his face. Blitz wiped the sticky drool from his face when he felt gravity suddenly lift him up as the whale sized tongue lifted up, pinning Rainbow Blitz to the slimy ceiling.

Thanks to the soft tongue underneath Blitz, it didn’t hurt as much being stuck between the tongue and the sticky ceiling. Blitz felt pressure from the tongue pushing him. The tiny pony felt like he was being squished by the spongy flesh of the tongue. Blitz felt the sides of his face being pushed together by the flesh. Suddenly, the tongue dropped with Rainbow Blitz still sticking to it. “Ugh, so this is what food feels like.” Blitz mumbled as he pulled himself off the spongy floor. A burst of bright light blinded Blitz as Big Macintosh opened his mouth, tossing in three French fries. Blitz tried to leap into the air, opening his soaked wings before crashing into the floor and making a squishing sound.

“Darn it!” he roared as Big Mac’s mouth was starting to close.

“No! No! No!” Blitz picked himself up and ran for the tip of Big Mac’s tongue, dodging the French fries in his way.

“No, don’t you clos-” Blitz forced himself to stop as the teeth clanged together, sealing the stallion in darkness again.

“No! Big Mac, please let me out of here!” but Rainbow Blitz’s pleas were not heard as the mouth turned into an earthquake again.

Blitz grabbed a hold of the tip of the tongue as it moved, tossing the fries into the mush of eaten hay burger. Blitz felt gravity tossing him left into Big Mac’s cheek and dropping down on the line of teeth. Blitz felt sick and dizzy as his head swayed. Slowly, he rubbed his aching head, flopping his soaked mane in a mess. Rainbow Blitz looked up seeing a giant pair of molars coming down at him. Blitz’s eyes widened in terror. He quickly leapt off the teeth right when they clanged together and began chewing up the food into paste. Blitz landed on the tongue, squishing into the fleshy floor and splashing into the saliva. Blitz deeply exhaled and inhaled, trying to catch his breath and relax a little. A flood of Big Mac’s drool washed over the stallion and covered him in meshes of chewed up potatoes, hay and bread. Rainbow Blitz wiped the food off his coat then tried shaking it off like a dog would. The stallion felt gravity beginning to pull him down, he started sliding down the tongue to Big Macintosh’s opening throat. Blitz flapped his wings rapidly, trying to shake off the saliva that prevented him from flying. He was drawing closer and closer to his awaited journey. Blitz spotted his chance, Big Mac’s uvula. He flapped his wings and then leapt into the air, catching the uvula and grasping hold of it with a squishing sound that gave Blitz goose bumps. The uvula swung back and forth as chunks of food slipped down into the esophagus with a loud gulping sound. Rainbow Blitz felt like he was going to throw up from swinging back and forth. “Ugh, this day is the worst.” he complained, feeling his grip slipping from the saliva soaking between his arms. Rainbow Blitz couldn’t feel any movement from his giant host and let go of the uvula, dropping down onto tongue with a splat, the pegasus inhaled and exhaled from exertion. Blitz felt his legs aching and his wings getting heavy he sat down between the two big lumps of Big Mac’s tongue.


Big Macintosh gulped down his second hay burger. He gave a smile and licked his lips with joy. Big Mac rested back in the chair and patted his belly. The stallion couldn't help but feel something tickle his throat. Puzzled, he moved his tongue around a little, trying to get whatever it was inside his mouth.


Blitz laid on his belly, feeling the soaked texture under him that made him feel sick and his skin crawl. Now that all was quiet, the tired pegasus could hear the sound of the giant stallion’s breathing coming from the tunnel like throat. Blitz could also hear a bubbling gurgling, possibly from his stomach digesting the food he had just consumed, along with the sound of a heartbeat. Blitz felt the mouth beginning to move the bottom and top jaws moved left and right and clanged together. Blitz grasped hold of the tongue as it began to lift up and down, splashing saliva all over.

“Crap! Crap! Crap!” Blitz cursed as the tongue wiggled, hitting the roof of the mouth and pinning Rainbow Blitz to the soft roof again and again in repeat. The angry pegasus started hitting the tongue in frustration, getting himself pinned to roof once more. The stallion pulled himself out flank first, almost slipping down into the throat but quickly grabbed the uvula, saving himself “Feehw!” Blitz exhaled in relief, but jumped when he heard a gurgling sound that was louder than any other. “What was that?” he asked, staring down into the fleshy tunnel.


The frustrated stallion moved his tongue around, feeling something in his mouth possibly a piece of food that he had missed. Whatever he had on his tongue did not budge and wasn't moving. Big Mac stopped twitching his tongue and felt something in his stomach bubble up. He could feel his stomach growling and gurgle. He patted his belly, trying to calm it down. He could feel air moving around in his stomach and begin to move upward into his throat. Big Mac felt air build up in his mouth. He opened his mouth and let out a loud burp that echoed through the barn, making a few things shake and scaring some nearby birds that had perched in the barn to sleep in for the night.


Somewhere in the night sky, Princess Luna flew gracefully through the star lit dark blue skies. She soared past the clouds, passing right through them like a fog. She passed by Ponyville, watching a few homes with lights still on in their windows go out. Luna smiled, seeing how peaceful the town looked. The blue alicorn jumped at hearing a loud burp, making her eyes widen, her mouth drop and few confused ponies open their windows, looking outside and wondering what the sound was. Luna looked in the direction it came from with a confused stare and said, “Whatever on Earth could have made that?”


Big Mac rubbed his stomach, giving off a few smaller burps. “Excuse me.” he said, looking at his stomach. Macintosh then looked over at his empty cup on the table and felt parched. Big Mac grabbed the cup, pulled out of his chair and walked over to the rusty old facet that leaked water. Big Mac placed the cup underneath it and turned the handle, making a hissing sound. The water spilled out, filling up the cup. Big Mac quickly turned the facet off and walked back to the table. Big Mac scratched his throat a little, still feeling that strange tickle in his throat. He huffed in frustration, and then smiled, bringing the cup up to his lips to drink.


Rainbow Blitz could hear the gurgling getting louder. He gulped, hoping Big Mac wasn't getting sick with him still inside the stallion’s mouth. The gurgling sound from below suddenly paused, everything was still. Blitz could only hear a few drips of saliva. Rainbow Blitz stared down into the tunnel, hearing a hissing sound. ’Hmm, what’s that?’ he raised an eyebrow. Suddenly, the jaws of the stallion parted, letting in beams of light. Then a huge rush of air blasted out from Big Mac’s throat, making the uvula franticly swing around in the air like towel caught in a gust of rushing wind. Blitz clutched the uvula with all his might as the ragging hurricane shot past him making his mane and tail whip in the air along with his cheeks and eyebrows stretching back, revealing Blitz’s wide surprised eyes, along with his front set of teeth. The gust of air soon died down and Big Mac’s jaws closed, cutting out the light. Rainbow Blitz was frozen in pure shock over what just happened. His eyes were as wide as his eyes would allow and his mouth was surprisingly shrunk. His mane and tail were shaggy and stretched back. Blitz’s arms and legs were shaking but still in his eternal grip. His shrunk mouth began to twitch and become normal. Blitz felt a rush of adrenalin flowing through his body, all the words in his mouth stuttered except one sentence that boiled in his chest and worked its way up to his mouth. “Holy sweet Princess Celestia and Prince Solaris!” he shouted, hearing his words bounce off the walls of the sealed shut teeth. Blitz could feel movement around him possibly, from Big Macintosh moving. Blitz could hear something outside of the mouth. He couldn’t figure out what it was, it sounded distant. Blitz jumped at seeing beams of light entering into the mouth, brightening up the mouth. The pony smiled. Seeing his chance, he quickly let go and started to head right for the parting teeth. Rainbow Blitz could see the outside world once again a cheerful smile cracked across his mouth. Blitz suddenly stopped seeing a pool of water spilling into Big Macintosh’s maw.

“Oh no! Why me?!” Blitz shouted as the water flooded the mouth in a rushing wave, carrying Rainbow Blitz and the running water to the abyss of Big Mac’s throat. Blitz panicked and kicked his legs, trying to swim but repeatedly sank and surfaced, trying to gasp for air. Blitz stared in shock as he helplessly drew closer and closer to the waiting throat.

“NO!” the pegasus shouted, sliding down into the throat.


Big Macintosh gulped down all the water in his cup, licking up drops of water that spilled onto his lips. The tired stallion let out a loud yawn, scratching his head.

“Might as well finish up.” Big Mac put his empty cup on the table and grabbed the last hayburger out of the bag and unwrapped it.

He quickly removed the bun and took off the pickles, and then he took a big bite out of the hayburger and swallowed it. Then he took another bite and finished off the burger with a big gulp. Big Mac rubbed his belly and gave another burp. “Eeyup.” Big Mac said and then walked out of the barn and began his short walk to his waiting bed.


Rainbow Blitz felt moist fleshy walls pushing him down and then felt liquid fill up making the fleshy walls depart, letting Blitz loose but he was swept away in flood of water. Blitz held in his breath, making his cheeks swell. He could see down the pink tunnel that looked as if it was endless, the whole thing reminded Blitz of a water slide, but this one didn’t lead to place he didn’t want to go. Blitz tried to get a grip, but was quickly pushed away by the force of the water pushing him down.

Blitz felt the tunnel become narrower and felt himself flipping through the waves, bumping into squishy wall after squishy wall. What was really seconds felt more like minuets as the poor pony traveled further down. Blitz quickly passed through an opening and closing ring of flesh and dropped down into an open chamber filled with green goop, along with chewed up mush of hay burger and French fries. Blitz splashed down into the green liquid, along with the flood of water, splashing the goop and the pieces of food, sending them crashing into the fleshy walls. Blitz felt the full force push him down. Blitz could feel his cheeks turning red, along with a sharp pain running in his skin. The tired stallion quickly flapped his wings, rapidly pushing against the force of the water mixed slime. Blitz surfaced, opening his mouth and inhaling the humid air around him, making him quickly gag. He held his nose, trying to block out the horrid smell.

Blitz gave a nervous gulp as the feeling of dread hit him like baseball. Rainbow Blitz was now trapped inside Big Macintosh’s stomach. Blitz jumped when the sound of bubbling entered his ears, he looked over to see a French fry sink down into the green liquid. He quickly swam over to a half-eaten apple, climbing on top of it to use it as a raft.

“How the heck am I gonna get out of here?” Blitz asked himself.

Blitz relaxed on the apple, sitting down and took in the grim site. The walls were a pinkish red that slowly moved or swayed inward or outward. The sound of gurgling and the loud booming heart beat echoed everywhere throughout the chamber. Blitz covered his snout again, blocking away the smell of digesting food that reminded the pony of vomit. Blitz could hear something that reminded him of an avalanche. He looked up, seeing the stomach walls tense up at the entrance where he came in. The closed up flesh opened, sending in two big half's of the Big Mac’s final hayburger. The two pieces of the burger splashed into the stomach juices, making a hug wave.

“Oh no!” Blitz panicked as the wave splashed him, knocking him off the apple and into the liquid. Rainbow Blitz quickly surfaced, swimming to the half-eaten bun and climbing on top of it. Blitz rapidly breathed in and out in mid cough. “This is ridiculous! What, is the whole world just trying to kill me or something?!” Blitz shouted, hearing his own echo fall on depth ears. Blitz jumped, hearing a hiss. He saw the half eaten apple he was sitting on begin to melt. Green bubbles formed around it and lines of steam seeped from the apple as it broke into smaller pieces and sank into the green slime. The pony trembled, knowing what was going to happen. “That’s going to happen to me.” he gulped. Blitz could feel a quake all around him, possibly from Big Macintosh moving. Blitz gave another nervous gulp, trying to think of a way to get out of Big Mac’s stomach.


The tired stallion carefully clopped up the stairs so he wouldn’t wake his family. He stopped at the last step, then slowly tipped hoofed into the hallway, passing Applejack, Granny Smith and Applebloom’s rooms, not waking up any of them. Big Mac stepped into his room and gave a big yawn, scratching his mane. Big Mac felt some humidity in his room, so he walked over to his window and opened it, letting in a cool breeze. Then he pulled back the covers from his bed and slipped into his worn but still comfy mattress. Big Mac relaxed his sore neck, resting his head on the pillow; his eyes were already becoming heavy. He covered himself up and snuggled into his warm bed. Big Mac closed his eyes and already felt sleep take hold of him, after a few minutes, Big Mac’s mouth opened wide, letting out a loud snore that echoed throughout the house. Thankfully, the Apple Family had experience with his snores and had everypony in the house stuff cotton puffs in their ears, except for a certain small guest.


Deep down in Big Macintosh’s belly, Rainbow Blitz held his ears in annoyance. The bun he settled on floated back and forth from the quaking of the stallion’s snoring. Blitz growled as the snores got louder and louder.

“BIG MAC, PUT A CORK IN IT!” Blitz shouted angrily, falling backwards on the bun resting on it like a bed.

“I could have tried getting some sleep but, NO!” Blitz ripped chucks of the bread out of the bun stuffing them in his ears.

Blitz sighed, trying to ignore the snoring. The stomach walls moved in and out, absorbing the melting hay along with other bits of bread, lettuce and apple cores that slowly turned into colored pools of liquid. Steam seeped up from the pools and began to fog up the whole stomach. Blitz waved the steam from his view trying to see better in this smelly fog. Blitz could feel a quake around him as the stomach walls started to rapidly moved inward, outward and sideways. Rainbow Blitz gulped in fear, grasping hold of the bun as air in the stomach began to grow more humid, making Blitz sweat. Suddenly, the air left the stomach in a quick fast gust causing Blitz’s wet mane and coat flutter rapidly through the blast. Blitz covered his ears as an echoing loud burp erupted, shaking the stomach like an earthquake and possibly rattling anything outside of the red stallion’s stomach.

“Ugh. It’s bad enough that I got to listen to his snoring, I got to endure his mega burps too!” Blitz roared. Just then, Rainbow Blitz smiled. “That’s it.” Blitz stood up on the bun and started flapping his wings.

“Come on boys, get dry.” The pony started feel his wings flutter off the last bits of liquid.

Blitz felt his hoof suddenly sink through the bun and into the juices. He pulled his hoof away and looked down to see the bun was already starting to get eaten away by the acids. Blitz quickly leapt into the air, flapping his wings to hover. Blitz watched his hayburger bun raft melt into a light brown liquid. He quickly started to fly in a circle. Rainbow Blitz kicked gusts of air in a spiral the wind that turned into a small twister, kicking up small chunks of food in the wind. Blitz could feel the twister getting stronger and stronger the walls of the stomach were beginning to expand. From outside, Big Macintosh’s belly began to swell up like a balloon, looking like he swallowed basketball. The poor stallion grimaced, feeling the pain in his stomach. Holding a hoof to his swelling belly, he began to kick and toss and turn in his sleep.

Blitz could feel a tremor around him, even while in flight. “Sorry big guy, but this is my only chance.” Rainbow Blitz continued to fly in a circle to keep his tornado in motion. The tremors got worse, feeling more like an earthquake. Suddenly, a blast of air took Blitz by surprise. He was then jerked away, feeling a rush of air pulling him upwards. Blitz watched as the tunnel he traveled down went rushing past him. Blitz was pushed forward. Now facing the front, Blitz could see a beam of light getting brighter. The loud sound of Big Macintosh burping echoed around him, making him grab his ears as he was tossed pasted Big Mac’s uvula, tongue and teeth. Blitz was flipped through the air and then crashed into Big Mac’s chest.

“Ow.” was all Blitz could say as he picked himself up from the red fur. He pulled off slimy pieces of eaten food from his mane and wiped his face from the moisture. Blitz let out a huge sigh of relief. Even if he was soaked in digested goop, he was finally out of Big Macintosh’s stomach.

Rainbow Blitz laid back on the warm red fur, breathing in big gasps of fresh air. Blitz smiled, feeling relieved, never realizing how much he’d miss clean open air. The pony closed his eyes visualizing if fresh air was a pretty girl, he’d be in love. Blitz quickly wished to forget the horrid smell of the inside of Big Mac’s belly, he even laughed as loud as he could since he was too small for others to hear anyway. He opened his eyes and brought up his hooves, seeing them covered in slime that was beginning to stick to him. “I’d better wash this off.” Blitz pulled himself up getting back on his hooves. A loud thundering sound made the ground quake, it was Big Mac snoring again. It caught Blitz by surprise, but just brushed it off.

“Ugh, man Mac; it’s a wonder how your family ever sleeps.” Blitz said, then quickly stretched his head up, looking around the room and over the furry planes of Big Macintosh to see if there were any where he could fly up to or hide in until morning. His eyes brightened when he saw the window was open.

The happy stallion opened his wings and took flight, dashing like a fly to the open window. Suddenly, Rainbow Blitz felt a weight making him feel heavy, too heavy to even fly. He quickly flapped his way onto the window sill. Blitz began to notice an odd change, he was growing. He gasped as he grew as big as a foal then to the size of colt. Blitz smiled, but then panicked, letting out a quick yell, falling backwards and landing on the board floor with a loud boom.

“OW!” Blitz growled, not realizing that Big Macintosh was starting to wake up. Blitz jumped to the window sill, trying to pull himself out of the window. Blitz suddenly reverted back to his normal size in a flash of bright purple light and green smoke. Blitz now found himself stuck in the window from the bottom down. Blitz quickly pulled himself out and then rolled down the side of the house, landing in pile of hay. The pony leapt out from the pile, shaking off the hay from his coat. Rainbow Blitz jumped, seeing two lights in the house brighten the windows.

“Who’s out there?” the sound of an angry Granny Smith shouted and a barking Winona made the stallion yelp and leap into the air, flying across the sky back to Rainbow Dash’s home.

Rainbow Dash sat on her couch with the TV on, watching an old cheesy horror movie. She had bowl of potato chips sitting beside her. Rainbow Dash gave big yawn and blinked her tired eyes. She giggled, seeing the obviously fake monster attacking the characters on the movie. “Run for your lives!” She rolled her eyes, giving another giggle. The door swung open, letting in a gust of air, making Rainbow Dash jump and her mane stick up in surprise. She saw a shadowy figure enter the living room then close the door revealing it to be Rainbow Blitz. “What the… Blitz?” Rainbow Dash was about to scold him for scaring her, but then paused, seeing Blitz looking exhausted and covered in brown and green goop that stained his coat and mane, as well as prickles of hay sticking all over his mane.

“Eh… sorry, Dash. I didn’t scare you, did I?” he asked.

“What? No, of course not.” she said, giving a smug smile.

“Oh, well okay then.” Blitz shrugged his shoulders and slowly began to walk into the living room.

“Whoa! Whoa!” Rainbow Dash quickly flew in front of Blitz, blocking him from going to wherever he was heading.

“Blitz, what the heck happened to you? And why do smell?” she asked. Blitz gave a nervous look.

“Eh, well Dash… it’s kind of a long story, can I shower first? I wanna get this stuff off me.”

“Hmm… okay, bro.” Rainbow Dash just shrugged then flopped back down on the couch going back to watching TV. Blitz slowly made his way to the shower, not wasting anytime getting into shower and washing off all the goop and slime. Rainbow Blitz had spent a good long time in the shower, using almost all of Rainbow Dash’s shampoo to wash his mane and coat. Blitz dried himself off he’d might as well tell Dash what happened.

Blitz trotted into the living room, seeing the TV was still on but Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen. Blitz shrugged it off, thinking she just went to bed and forgot to turn the TV off. He plopped down on the couch and gave a loud yawn.


Rainbow Dash rubbed her head, trying to shake off the sudden blast of light that blinded her and made her eyes blurry. She rubbed her eyes, seeing she was on a weird yellow platform of some kind. It was crusty and even itchy to the touch. She then blinked; seeing she was surrounded by them, some of them broken and in different angles suddenly she felt a quake that moved her and everything around her.

Blitz felt like he was about to fall asleep, but then picked up a whiff of something that made his stomach growl. He looked down to see the bowl of Rainbow Dash’s potato chips.

He licked his lips and felt another growl from his belly. He hadn’t eaten all day from surviving the whole ordeal. He pulled the bowl closer to him and reached down, grabbing a chip from the bowl and bringing it up to his mouth.

Rainbow Dash could feel the whole earth around her moving, the sudden vibration made her collapse onto the crusty floor.

She could see things moving at a fast pace and began to slow down. She looked up to see Blitz’s face coming closer and closer until she was right up to his muzzle. “Uh oh.” she said as she realized what was happening. Rainbow quivered, seeing Blitz open his mouth wide enough to see all of Blitz’s teeth, along with his spongy tongue and his cavernous throat that drew closer and closer.


Blitz placed the chip into his mouth, closed his mouth around it and started chewing on it, crunching it up and swallowing. He brought a few chips into his mouth and quickly chewed them up and swallowed them down. Blitz munched up all the chips in the bowl. Swallowing down his last one, he relaxed on the couch. Patting his belly, Blitz smiled but then felt a strange feeling like, something was buzzing around in his stomach.

"Uh oh." was all he could say than quickly ran back into the bathroom.


“Blitz! Blitz wake up!” Rainbow Dash tapped Blitz on the head, waking him up. Blitz lazily rose up from his comfy pillow, scratching his messy mane.

“What is it Dash?” he yawned.

“AJ called, she wants us to help on the farm.” Rainbow Dash said, walking out of Blitz’s room. The tired stallion pushed the covers off him, leaving his bed a mess and trotting out of the room behind Rainbow Dash.

“Why does she want us to help?”

“Well she says it’s because Big Mac was having some stomach cramps and he’s staying in bed.”

The End

Comments ( 9 )
Comment posted by stipejones deleted Mar 25th, 2019

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