• Member Since 13th Feb, 2016
  • offline last seen Tuesday

Shaded Changeling

If it was going to be perfect, I wouldn't be in charge.


The Artist class, a group of Changelings dedicated to the creation and preservation of art for the Hive, they planned the Hive's tunnels, the buildings, even the various small tweaks to the throne room. While they were a fairly small group, they were as important as any other.
At least until Chrysalis decides they are of no more use to the Hive, and begins hunting them down. The last survivor, a young Nymph named Spinnekop, is kept alive and given a very special task. She must gain as much information as possible from her target while trying to follow the commands of the Queen.
But when Chrysalis' plan comes together, and they attack the capital of Equestria, everything changes.

Chapters (17)
Comments ( 61 )

6932828 Sadly I have very little time to focus on the editing aspect of this story, I can work on it, however I plan to spend a bit more time on the other one. At least at the moment. To be completely honest, I may change my mind at any time. :pinkiecrazy: So don't think I won't keep working on it.


I think you mean rambled.

6974152 Indeed I did. Thank you. I post a lot of these late in the day, so my brain isn't working the best :twilightsheepish:

6974263 Working on it as I type this... I'm glad to here you like it.

6974287 Yay! More story!! And yes, I love this story. It's very unique and well-written. You did a good job with showing how Chrysalis' plan to focus solely on overwhelming power (soldiers) could affect the hive. Also the world-building!!:heart:

That pendant is a tracking spell for her mother. That's my theory.

So the Queen's are separated by country? That's pretty interesting. As is the Alicorn Emotion Control. Guaranteed to bug any changeling in the area. :trollestia:

Loooooving this story! (But then I do love a good changeling story teehee.) All the different castes and such are very interesting, characters are awesome, emotions are real! Heh not sure what else to say atm except keep going! Heh I can hardly wait to read more. :D

The fact that you did this during an all-nighter shows. There are so many tiny, consistent errors that pointing them out would be impractical. I will say that your biggest weakness is the overuse of capital letters and ellipses. My obsessive-compulsiveness got the better of me, so I copy-pasted the whole thing into Word and fixed it myself. If you want, I can send you the result via PM. At this point, though, I don't think I'll be doing this all the time.

7062680 Sure. I'd like to see what you did with it. Maybe it will help me out in the future. :twilightsheepish: Plus Personally, I'm using a version of word from 2008, so it is not the best thing... But it works. So I don't care. It tend to miss a lot of errors, and since I tend to only skim over it when I proofread it (I tend to find errors as I write) So any help would be appreciated.

The maids are to be feared. That outfit...*shudders*

7062688 Heh, the version I use is even older-- Office '07. I doubt I got everything, since nobody's perfect, but I'm pretty sure I got the vast majority of it.

Well, dang. Chrysy is playing hardball. Not that she wasn't before, but still.

Crysalis is a bitch, and in other news water's wet, ice is cold, and Twilight loves books.

Epic chapter! And now at least one of them knows Spinnekop is still alive! You do battle scenes well! ^..^ Keep up the great work, I look forward to more. :D

*Warning Spoilers ahead*

Hooray your longest chapter yet and what a thrilling one at that.

So lets get into the discussion of this new awesome chapter. Now I am not sure if I should chuck out spoilers in a chapters comment section but I guess you should have read the chapter before looking at the comments right? :applejackunsure:

Anyway I really liked the look we got into Cloaks character, she was one of the characters that I was really interested in but just did not have enough info on to make a super accurate depiction of. To be honest I had a sneaking suspicion that her friendly attitude was all some kind of sinister plot or that she was the one who saved Spinnekop in the beginning. Yeah Totally evil or Totally good, completely similar theories. :pinkiecrazy:
For me this chapter puts those whacked out theories to rest.

I also loved it how there was a moment when Cloak and Daggers personality swapped. That moment was instrumental (at least for me) in demonstrating that they really could have been part of an elite squadron, together, back in the day. This was just another moment out of many in this chapter alone where the “show not tell” principle shined through.:twilightsmile:

You know its funny for all of Chrysalis harshness I still cannot dislike her. For some reason I almost feel like her actions are warranted given the situation which is great because it makes her believable. Yay believable villain…? :yay: Yeah... good old blurring of lines.

In other news this sentence evaded my senses Storm twitched a bit.

Sir, are you sure that is a good idea. For all we know it maybe be used as a spy within out walls.”

I think what Storm / Cloak meant to say is “Sir, are you sure that is a good idea. For all we know it might be used as a spy within our walls”, The maybe and out confused me for a moment there.

Oh now I feel mean to Cloak, so for positives Cloak and I have the same problem of wanting to tell people “You should have said Sergeant Storm and Myself, Dagger.”. I loved that part.:raritystarry:

So from my response I hope you know that I am completely happy with looking into Cloaks perspective rather then Spins. Cloaks Cooooool.:rainbowdetermined2:

Thanks for this amazing chapter each one seems to be getting better and better and every time I read one I feel more and more involved in the story and consequently the world.

Till our writing meets again Cadence

Your Pen Pal,

P.S I really wonder what that unknown line on the Captured Changeling list means, and I am excited to find out. :trollestia:

P.P.S I noticed that you also do Destiny stories. That is so funny I was writing a Destiny / MLP story at some point for FimFiction until I decided that I did not want to do a story on any sort of franchise that I might not enjoy in the future. It would have sucked if I ditched a story because of that leaving my fans in the dust. I might read them too at some point. Your Converted story also seems worth a look, I do always enjoy a good Changeling story. The fact that it is completed also says great things about your 'real world' character.

P.P.S (I wonder how many P's you can add before it just gets silly). Is this new Hive Searching Project inspired by me or something because it seriously sounds like you responded straight to me with all of them crazy Changelings. Also if you would like my longish comments to move away from the comment section to somewhere else like your personal channel page or something feel free to tell me, I do not want to be in the way of anything.

7103609 I'm glad to hear that so many people are enjoying the chapter :pinkiehappy: I'm always nervous when I post action-packed chapters like it because I'm worried about certain small things. It makes me feel silly :twilightblush:
I'm thankful for the feedback within everyone's comments, helps me know if there is anything that I need to improve/focus/clear up/ Turnip/Slash, and I always strive to make my writing better. As for that little grammer issue... *Nervous chuckle* So... When I write scenes that have a lot going on, I often overlook a lot of basic details, and then sometimes my autocorrect decides to add another word in there without my say so. In fact, when I wrote that portion, I kept writing CLoak, Degger, and (One time) Fern. Don't ask, cause I'm not sure.
For Cloak, I always saw her as a natural speaker, who makes sure to get every facet of her disguises perfect, including how they talk. I thought it would be kind of funny since Dagger is more the 'Punch first, ask questions later' type.
As for your comments, I am perfectly okay with them being placed on the story pages, I don't mind that.

Shifting Gears to the Destiny story... I wrote it with Writer's block, and then by space magic it became popular. I am still trying to figure out how... But I have been focusing more on other stories and planning it out that I have honestly put it away to be revisited later. (And I've also only been making small tip-toes on the story recently, been trying to get everything sorted out with the Mythos and what not)

With the Hive Searching project, I had the idea when writing Converted as I started to wander into the daily lives of each Hive. Since they are all separate and have their own aesthetic, customs, and classes that all revolve around one another, I decided to actually write about them.

Until then Spindle,

P.S: I'm not sure how many P's until it sounds ridiculous, but I'm gonna say seven
P.P.P.P.P.P.P.S: Yup... definitely Seven

AAAHHHHHHHH Noooooo I neeed to knooooow! My insane amount of curiosity will drive me crazy until the next chapter! Loved the chapter though, glad to get another one as I have missed reading about our favorite little changeling.

Fun Fact: This is the portion of the story I wrote originally for the concept Idea, I was curious about how I would write the effects of the shield on a Changeling, and thus... Spinnekop was born.... :twilightsheepish: That's kind of messed up the more I think about it... :fluttershysad:

A character born of pain, sorrow, and regret. No wonder I have trouble putting this fic down. :pinkiesad2:

Looks like the Queen of the hive in the Gryphon Lands was making an alliance with the Gryphon King. One that Ol` Cheese Legs ****ed up with her distraction for Luna. And she is PISSED!

I assume the song was Giggle at the Ghosties? but that was four lyrics, not five.

7223333 Indeed it was. And it had a lot more than 4/5 lyrics. From my count it has 149 lyrics in it. :twistnerd: But it is whatever.


I won't lie... put this on my to-read list because of Spinnekops name being "spider" in Afrikaans/Dutch.
Just the idea of a changeling running around in my hometown of Cape Town, South Africa tickles my fancy. XD

Also, sounds like an interesting story too. :P

7249310 Aha! So you found the secret of the name, eh? Just wait till I get around to writing the events of the Discord incident :pinkiecrazy:

7249317 A short chapter is only a problem if it's a bad chapter, this was a good chapter.

“I am fluent in fourteen different languages and knowledgeable in thirty-six others, I know sign, flag, smoke signal, and Morse code.”

but can she I'a Cthulhu?


Of course,mthe usual, 'Planned' thing, leaving everyone in the dark.
Thats why its so great!
Unlike this comment.

Yay Chryssie! Squash all the opposition to your glorious plans!

Witness the boundless generosity of our glorious Queen, giving the worthless draw on resources a chance to live and prove herself.

Hopefully someone told Spinner that ponies don't wrap themselves in comfy spine cocoons when they go to sleep, or the letters would become rather awkward. :B

The dastardly fugitive contacts her daughter. And there's a traitor in the hive, relaying her letters. The plot thickens.

Yay, Chryssie has more info for her invasion. If only it wasn't doomed to be thwarted by an ass pull by the writers of the show.

Finally, thinking about her suffering under Dagger was painful. And she has an extra job, too. I see that not everyone agrees that artists are unnecessary.

I like the version of Chryssie in this, she's strict and ruthless, but does care about her people a lot. With how everything seems to be rationed, I imagine her decision to cull the artist caste was meant to lessen the strain on already scarce resources available.

That went quite well.

So, finally saw one of those robot changelings.

Yay, Cara's back!

Poor Spinnekop, so quick to put all her brothers and sisters in jeopardy due to the words of one pony with no proof. I guess she was born to be a traitor.

The most ironic thing would be if, as a result of her helping Cadance, Cara died or was severely wounded during the invasion.

So many traitors...

She should regret it. Only by sheer luck no other changeling was crushed like her. And many could've died upon landing. She betrayed her family and got insta-karma'd for it.

That pendant is an advanced Simon says game.

I like this Cadance, she seems very reasonable.

I bet Chryssie suspects that she is alive, but decided that it wouldn't be worth the resources spent.

That went better than expected.

Hmm, so in the original version she supposedly wasn't the only changeling who didn't make it over the wall.

From the point of view of the safety of the hive, Chryssie is doing the right thing. Needs of the many outweigh the need of the few and all that.

... So, not only Spinnekop betrayed her entire race, she's also indirectly responsible for their wounds and deaths. And she didn't even devote half a thought to that, only thinking of her closest friends and that she can't go back. Damn, that's cold.

I kinda hope that the nymph whose future boyfriend died will confront Spinnekop and tear her a new one.

More suffering all around, all thanks to Spinnekop deciding to betray her entire kind, indirectly killing some and wounding many in the process, in favour of someone she knew only from letters.

I really wanna see her face one she discovers all that blood on her hooves.

... So far it looks that Chryssie is the least cruel of the Queens. :twilightoops:

I imagined Spinnekop lying with her legs up and curled up, like a bug. :rainbowwild:

Poor Chryssie. At least she's alright.

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