• Published 18th Jan 2018
  • 1,266 Views, 5 Comments

Operation get Fluttershy a special somepony - Rubyfire377

Rarity is going to find Fluttershy a special somepony even do she already has a crush but won't say who it is.

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Chapter 1

It was another busy day at the Ponyville spa. As usual, two of their in-town regulars had come for their Wednesday treatment. The sun was high, and the sky was clear -- the perfect day for a visit. The visitors of course, well known for being members of the Elements of Harmony: Fluttershy and Rarity.

As Rarity and Fluttershy were relaxing in the hoofbath, Rarity was gushing over her drakefriend, Spike who she had been dating for three years, which she considered the most wonderful years ever.

“What did you two on your last date anyways? “ Fluttershy asked

“Weeeeellll” Rarity said fondly as she recalled the event..

Some weeks ago

Spike and Rarity are just sitting there and drinking their milkshakes and staring at each other lovingly, they were just staring at each other with hearts in their eyes, then a colt came out randomly “ Ok who put a love potion in their drink”

Then Pinkie said “ Oh that was me I wanted to try a new milk shake for Hearts and Hooves and Spike and Rarity were the best subjects”

Coming out of the reminiscing, Rarity saw her friend seemed to look uncomfortable.

“Is something wrong, Fluttershy?” she asked in a concerned manner.

“Ummm I’m okay,” Fluttershy said slowly, “It’s just...do you know that you’ve been talking about Spike for an hour?”

“Oh, I have been? I am sorry, darling,” Rarity said in an apologetic manner, “it’s just that I still can’t get over how much of a gentledrake he is.”

“Well, I’m glad that you’ve found somepony who treats you well, Rarity” Fluttershy said sincerely before letting out a small sigh that didn’t go unnoticed by Rarity.

“Is something the matter, dear?”

“Mmmm it’s nothing, I’m alright.” Fluttershy mumbled dismissively. However, Rarity wasn’t buying it.

“Please, tell me dear what has been troubling you dear, I can help you.”

Fluttershy sighed and then said, “Rarity, I don’t know if this is something you’re able to help me solve...”

I’ll be the judge of that, Fluttershy,” Rarity declared with finality. “Now, what is the problem?”

Fluttershy sighed in resignation before looking to her friend. “Well, hearing about you talk about how great things are with Spike so much has made me…” Fluttershy trailed off into silence.

“Yes?” Rarity prodded, wanting Fluttershy to continue her train of thought.

“...wish I had my own special somepony,” Fluttershy finished softly.

Rarity looked to her friend in silence for a moment, unsure of what to say.

“You want a special somepony?” Rarity finally said, a smile on her face.

“Why, Fluttershy, how could that be a problem? You’re one of the most beautiful mares in Ponyville, second only to moi, of course. How could you not get a special somepony?” Rarity continued.

Fluttershy sighed, “Rarity, you know how nervous I get when trying to talk to others. I’m too scared to ask out anypony.”

“Fluttershy, remember how I told you I could help you solve your problem?” Rarity said, leading
Fluttershy to nod. “Well, I can absolutely help you with this. There’s nopony in this town who’s a better matchmaker than yours truly!”

Fluttershy looked up with surprise, “oh, I wouldn’t want you to go through all that trouble, Rarity!”

“It’s no trouble at all, my dear,” Rarity said reassuringly. “It would be an honor to help one of my friends find the same true love and happiness that I’ve discovered with Spike.”

Fluttershy thought to herself for a short moment, wondering who Rarity might set her up with. A small part of her mind hoped that it would be with a certain pony she was rather intimately familiar with.

“Umm Rarity,” she finally spoke again, “that happiness you discovered, wasn’t it because you had an interest in dragons?”

Rarity blushed very hard, “well I doubt it would’ve happened if I hadn’t received that playdrakes magazine when I did. I had gone on countless dates with stallions, and each one ended in failure; you would think that there would be one that would like me. After the last one, I decided to try... well, mares, which ended just as badly.”

“Then in my hour of need, the craziest thing happened: Derpy brought me the wrong mail and I ended up with a drake’s magazine. Much to my surprise, I found out that dragons were more sexy than ponies, at least in my opinion.”

Fluttershy was amazed by this little rant that Rarity had, and so she let her continue her speech.

Following her little rant, the unicorn regained her composure before saying: “In any case, Fluttershy, I promise you that I will find the best pony for you, and I swear I will not be back until I do!” With that, Rarity rushed out of the spa to begin her search.

Standing in the hoofbath, Fluttershy lowered her head, wishing she hadn’t been too shy to tell Rarity the truth about who she wanted as a special somepony.

“Oh, I should’ve told her who I have a crush on! Why can’t I say anything! Now Rarity might set me up with anypony! Oh, I can only wonder who it’ll end up being. ”

With a sigh, Fluttershy thought about her crush, the one pony she wanted to go out with more than anypony, but the one Rarity obviously wouldn’t pick. In fact, knowing Rarity’s luck with guys and girls, there was no telling who she’d end up with. Maybe it was best for Fluttershy to give up now.

With a sigh, Fluttershy paid the spa ponies for the treatment before leaving the spa, dashing as fast as she could back to home. As she ran through Ponyville, she bumped headfirst into a pony with a brown coat and a brown mane.

“Oh!” Fluttershy cried frantically “I am SO sorry!”

Pausing, Fluttershy instantly recognized the pony before her. It was The Doctor, also known as Stone, a friend of her and her friends. The Doctor was different from other ponies in Ponyville. In fact, it was up to debate whether he was an actual pony. The Doctor claimed that he was a Time Pony, one of a strange pony race that was capable of traveling through time and space. In the past, the Doctor was a fun-loving adventurer. After meeting Fluttershy and the others, however, he settled down and became a neighbor in Ponyville who loved talking about time.

“Oh, hello Fluttershy.” The Doctor said in a british accent.

Nervously, Fluttershy turned away from him, “ ummm hiDoctor,” she muttered. She was still nervous when she talks with him. Mainly because he was a so-called Time Pony. At the same time, however, she was intrigued by him, as she found it strange how one who was an Earth Pony could travel through time without magic.“What are you doing?”

With a grin, Ston held up a bag, inside of which was a box,
“Buying my marefriend a gift,”. The label on the bag said muffins, a new muffins that had recently opened.

‘It seems like everypony has somepony,’ Fluttershy thought sadly. “Oh, that is very nice,” she said outloud, the sadness in her voice apparent.

Stone looked at her concern, “What’s wrong Flutters?”

“Nothing,” Fluttershy replied before leaving Doctor as fast as she could, a look of confusion on Doctor's face.

Fluttershy raced all the way back to her cottage before going inside and shutting the door. With a sigh, Fluttershy decided to consult her frog friend Billy for advice. Billy was one of the oldest, but wisest, of Fluttershy’s animal friends. It was thought that Billy was wise than even Zecora.

There were times where Fluttershy contemplated introducing the two.

With that, Fluttershy walked off to section of her house where she kept her reptiles. The room was much warmer than the rest of the the house due to the reptiles need for warmth. Along the walls were terrariums containing snakes, alligators, lizards, and turtles.

Coming to the end of the room, Fluttershy found Billy sitting on his favorite rock while catching bugs with his tongue. Due to the size of the rock, it made Billy seem like a wisepony. Catching sight of the pony, Billy stared down at Fluttershy with a very bored and lazy look.
“Ummm Billy I am here.” Fluttershy announced.

“Ribbit,” ( “I see that”) he replied with a bored yawn

“I am here to find your wisdom.”

With a very annoyed look, Billy ribbited (“you know I prefer peace and quiet so what do you want?”) He never liked it when every animal asks him for wisdom. It was always: “Help me, I don’t know what to do” and “What should I do with my life?”or “please help me open this pickle jar!”

Honestly, how could anyone not know how to open a pickle jar?

With a shy and nervous look, Fluttershy replied “I am sorry but I need help to get with Rainbow Dash”

Billy thought to himself with a groan, ‘Great it’s a lover's deal! I never want to get in anyone’s business and I don’t want anyone to brother me.’ To end the conversation really quickly, Billy said the same thing he normally said to get everyone off his back, (if he had one) “Ribbit.” (“Just go and talk with her; do or do not there, there is no try.”)

Fluttershy smiled, “ok I will go!” With that, she left, leaving Billy to return to enjoying his peace and quiet.

Fluttershy was going out with so much confidence but it suddenly deflated as she realized she did not know what she is going to say to Rainbow, “ohhhhh this is going to be harder than I thought!”

Comments ( 5 )

Once you try to get with a girl and you ultimately end up becoming best friends rather than boyfriend and girlfriend you already know that you've been friendzoned

Good opening

Good opening. I'm keen to see where this goes.

Love potions are for the desperate.

The narrative thread just kind of comes and goes in this chapter. It feels like the story keeps getting sidetracked before it suddenly moves on to a new point, rather than having a definite purpose and mood for each scene that flows smoothly from one to the next.

There's still potential here, but I do wonder if your story could use a little extra planning.

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