• Published 11th Feb 2016
  • 1,829 Views, 29 Comments

I Love Her - FelineFluff

Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are unhappy with the relationship they have been given. Soarin and Discord, however, are very happy. But they have to learn the hard way how to pay attention to their marefriends feelings.

  • ...

I Love Her

Rainbow Dash was seated at the dinner table in her cloud house floating above Ponyville. Clothes and books littered the floor. Rainbow wasn’t a very neat pony, but this mess was not of her making.

Soarin came through the front door, kissing her on the forehead on the way to the table. Rainbow Dash smiled, and immediately wiped his kiss off once he looked away. “How was weather duty, Soarin?” Rainbow asked, lifting her homemade hayburger up to her mouth.

“Weather was good. How were you while I was gone?” Soarin asked.

“Bored. But I won't be soon! Are you excited for tonight?” the pegasus mare said with a smile. Soarin looked at her in confusion.

He had a look of realization on his face and said with confidence, “I can’t believe I forgot! It’s our five month anniversary!” He went up to her to give her a hug, but he was interrupted.

Rainbow Dash banged her hooves on the table in anger. “Thats two weeks from now! Jeez, boys never remember anything, do they? I’ll be back at nightfall. You have an invitation too, you know.” With a whip of her rainbow tail, she zoomed out the door down to Ponyville leaving her half-eaten meal for the flies.

Soarin stood there, dazed, and thought, “An invitation?... Think, is there anypony we’re close to having a birthday?” He sat down at the table to eat the hayburger that Rainbow had so generously made for him, and he noticed a letter next to the plate. He opened it, and started to read:

“You are invited to the Birthday party of Fluttershy! Be at the Ponyville Hill at 4:00 pm and stay however long you like! Expect loads of fun games, and a tea-party with woodland creatures. Come for Fluttershy, stay for the animals! ~Pinkie Pie”

Soarin looked at his watch. 3:36 it read. He was confused of why Rainbow Dash was in such a hurry, but he was determined to be there on time.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was on her way to Fluttershy's cottage. When she arrived, Fluttershy was in the garden. She ran up to Rainbow, and greeted her with open hooves. “Yay! I'm so glad you could make it, Rainbow Dash! And early to! Say, why are you here so early?” Fluttershy asked, releasing the hug.

“Oh, I got a little mad at Soarin for forgetting your birthday, so I kinda left early. Boys can be such boneheads sometimes.” Rainbow laughed.

“Oh, I'm sorry for causing you to get in a fight with your special-somepony…” Fluttershy said silently.

“No, it’s not your fault.” Rainbow smiled, reassuringly. “Plus, I would much rather be with you.”

Fluttershy blushed, “What do you mean?” She asked shyly.

Rainbow caught on to what she had just non-intentionally said, and her whole face became red. “Um, ya… because you’re my best friend.” She quickly added, causing a few moments of awkward silence between the two mares. To loosen the tension, Rainbow Dash tried making conversation. “So, how’s Discord treating you?”

Fluttershy produced a fake smile, and said, “Oh, we’re great…”

Rainbow Dash, not buying it, put her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “What's going on, Shy? You know you can tell me anything.”

Her turquoise eyes began to fill with tears of shame. “I can’t. Not this time…” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Why?” Rainbow asked, while being stern but sensitive.

“You wouldn’t understand…” She started to cry.

Rainbow Dash pulled her in for a hug. She obviously had something going on that was affecting her deeply. “I will understand, no matter what it is.”

Fluttershy started crying harder. The words she said were barely audible.

“He bread your key?” Rainbow Dash asked confused.

He read my diary!” She said loudly. Then she burst into tears, and fell to the grass with her head in her hooves.

“That's terrible… but why does that affect your relationship?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“He knows I don’t lo- love him…” Fluttershy said weakly, lifting her head just a bit, crying harder than ever.

Rainbow Dash’s eyes grew wide with concern. “You don’t-”

“FLUTTERSHY!! WERE WAITING FOR YOU!!” They heard Pinkie Pie yell with delight from about 100 feet away from the cottage. Fluttershy, startled, quickly wiped her tears.

“Sorry Rainbow. I should have kept it to myself.” Fluttershy started trotting towards her pink friend. “COMING!”

Rainbow Dash had never felt so strange. How could Fluttershy not love Discord? Equestria would still be in total chaos if it wasn’t for their love for each other. Then she had another thought. What could possibly be in her diary that she hadn’t told him? She put the thoughts aside, and flew up the hill to catch up with the birthday party.

Rainbow made it just in time for everypony in Ponyville to start singing “Happy Birthday” to Fluttershy. Rainbow wanted to find out what was going on, and fast. She put her present on the table, and casually walked up to Discord.

He was sitting at a party table with some fruit punch. He was using his magic to make the berries do dives into his glass, making tiny splashes. As a raspberry took a dive, Rainbow Dash sat next to him at the table. “Hey Discord, what’s up?” She said in a casual voice. “Shouldn’t you be up with Fluttershy cutting the cake?”

“Oh dear, has the party started? She took so long with you at her cottage, I nearly forgot I was at a birthday party,” Discord said, obviously angry with Rainbow Dash. He sulked off towards the cake cutting.

Rainbow Dash was starting to understand what was going on, but she still didn’t have enough proof. She saw Soarin in the crowd of ponies now eating cake. She flew over to him. “Hey, sorry about my temper this morning. But you were being somewhat of a bonehead.” She laughed.

“Hey, a silly temper can’t get between us. I love you.” Soarin kissed her on the cheek.

Again, she wiped his kiss off. “Love you too. So, are you going to compete in the bachelor auction?” Rainbow asked. “I heard all the money goes to charity.”

“And break your heart? Yeah, right.” Soarin scoffed.

“It wouldn’t break my heart. Because I would be the one bidding on you!” She laughed.

Soarin caught on, and laughed too. “Oh, alright. As long as you win.” He winked.

“I’ll try.” She winked back.

It was 6:00 now, and everypony was getting ready for the bachelor auction. The tea party was lovely, and so was the games and dancing, but now it was time to do the event that happens at every Pinkie Pie party. Each single stallion got to be auctioned off to mares who donated the money towards charity.

“Okay, ponies! You know the rules! All the un-married stallions have a chance to go on a date! Who’s up first?” Pinkie Pie said into the microphone, standing on the small stage. Rainbow Dash was sitting at a table with Fluttershy, Twilight, and Soarin.

“Come on, Soarin! You go first!” Rainbow said enthusiastically. He smiled, and stood up.

Then they heard a different voice say “I’ll go.” From a couple tables down.

“Alright! Discord, come on up!” Pinkie said.

Twilight gave Fluttershy a confused look. “Aren’t you going to stop him?” she said to her.

As he stepped onto the stage, Fluttershy responded, “Rules say any unmarried stallion can compete.” Twilight lifted an eyebrow.

“First bidder please!” Pinkie Pie said to the crowd.

Rainbow Dash whispered in Fluttershy’s ear, “This is your chance to get him back! Bid something!”

“Who said I wanted him back?” Fluttershy said, on the verge of tears. Rainbow Dash put her foreleg around her.

“ONE BIT!” A voice from the crowd yelled after one whole minute of silence.

Blossomforth flew up to the stage, and handed Pinkie one bit. When she tried locking arms with Discord, he screamed “NO!” Blossomforth went tumbling to the floor as Discord raged off the stage, and towards Fluttershy.

Fluttershy began crying as she witnessed him coming closer. She could only imagine what would happen next. Rainbow Dash held her as to protect her from him, but no force in Equestria could keep Discord's magic contained. He used his powers to throw Rainbow Dash ten feet away, crashing into a table with ponies around it. Discord grabbed Fluttershy by the leg and they vanished. Just like that, they disappeared. Everypony was gasping, and some were crying. (Including poor Blossomforth.)

“Well that was unexpected…” Pinkie Pie said. “We must send some ponies out to search for them. Any volunteers? “

Rainbow Dash flew as fast as a bullet towards the stage “I will search for them and make sure Fluttershy is safe,” she said in an authoritative tone.

“I will too.” Soarin flew up behind Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow looked at him sternly. “No. I must go alone.”

“I can’t let you,” Soarin said sternly back.

“You are not the boss of me. I am an independent mare, and I wish to be treated as such.” She said, glaring at him. Soarin backed off, and put his ears back. Never has he been spoken to this way by her. “Pinkie Pie, I will find both of them and return them home safely. If they come separately, do not panic. It is only a precaution.” Rainbow Dash gave a salute and flew off into the trees.

Pinkie Pie ended the party, and ponies started to leave, as Rainbow Dash flew above the Everfree Forest.

She had so much adrenaline in her system, she could power a rocket to space. What could be happening to Fluttershy at this very moment? Where did Discord take her? Why did he take her? What did she not love him anymore? Questions, questions, questions. Rainbow Dash hated being left in suspense.

Then Rainbow thought, Why in Equestria would Discord have taken Fluttershy to the Everfree Forest? She must have not been thinking right to think that's where they would be! Obviously they would have gone somewhere more welcoming. Like maybe Fluttershy’s cottage? I mean, he’s chaotic and all, but he would never hurt Fluttershy, or want to make her feel scared. especially not on her birthday. So with this, Rainbow Dash turned around and flew towards her friend’s cottage.

As she flew over, she noticed that there was only a few ponies left, helping clean up. Of course Soarin wasn’t there helping. He’s probably being lazy and worthless like he always is, Rainbow thought to herself. But she still loved him. That’s at least what she was forced to believe. She was pressured into going out with him. Otherwise she wouldn’t have gotten into the Wonderbolts. That’s what she thought she wanted then, but now it didn’t seem to be getting her anywhere good. Now she has the burden of having to live with Soarin. As Rainbow Dash thought this, she realized that she wasn’t even overreacting. How could she not have realized that she wasn’t actually in love with Soarin? “Wow, I guess both Fluttershy and me are in the same situation.” Rainbow said aloud, laughing slightly.

When she arrived at the cottage, it didn’t seem promising. All the lights were off, and she heard no sounds coming from inside. Maybe they’re being quiet? She needed to find Fluttershy, and she was willing to break into her home to ensure that she was safe.

Rainbow cautiously walked to the front door. She was surprised to see that the door easily pushed open when she pressed her hoof against it. Maybe they were here after all.

Immediately after walking into the house, Rainbow Dash noticed an open book lying right in front of the door. She noticed pink ink on the page, and assumed it was Fluttershy’s diary. She picked up the book, and closed it, only to see three pink butterflies on the cover. She realized that in her hoof was all the answers she ever needed, but was she selfish enough to look inside her beloved friends diary?

No. She was too loyal to do this.

She set the book down exactly where she found it, and flew up the stairs to find nothing but Fluttershy’s pet bunny, Angel, sleeping on her bed. Rainbow Dash realized this was a lost cause, and flew out the window.

About to zoom away, she a heard familiar voice coming from below. There they were. Fluttershy was standing tall in front of Discord, who, unlike his manly personality, was crying like a baby. Rainbow Dash wanted to interrupt, but she also wanted to know what was going on without making her presence know.

Rainbow flew silently onto the roof, and watched from above.

“But I love you… You just can’t do this to me,” Discord blubbered.

“I’ve told you a million times, I’m not attracted to stallions,” Fluttershy said sternly to Discord.

“But I’m not a stallion, I’m a Draconequus,” he pleaded.

“Same thing.”

“But we have so much history, you can’t just throw away this relationship!” Discord yelled.

“We can still be friends, and Plus, I have way more history with her.” Fluttershy started walking up to the cottage front door.

Rainbow Dash was starting to get really curious. “Her?” She thought.

“What can Rainbow Dash give you that I can’t?” Discord screamed.

At that moment, Rainbow Dash understood everything. She immediately had a reaction that she knew she might regret. Rainbow flew straight down, and landed in front of Discord. “Everything!”

Discord jumped back. Rainbow Dash didn’t want to look back at Fluttershy, and admit to hearing their whole conversation. So she waited for somepony to respond.

“Oh, come on! You both are lesbians?” Discord put his arms up in rage.

Rainbow thought for a moment. “If loving Fluttershy makes me a lesbian, then… I guess I am.”

Discord mumbled, “But… What about Soarin?”

“What about me?” All of a sudden Soarin appeared above them, and flew down next to Rainbow Dash. He had a clueless smile on his face as he joined them.

Rainbow Dash blushed bright red with embarrassment as her partner put his hoof around her shoulders, and gave her a noogie. “Soarin,” Rainbow gently took his arm down with her hoof, “I have something to explain to you…”

“Umm, is everything okay, Dash?” Soarin asked, confused.

Discord immediately blurted out, “She’s a lesbian, in love with Fluttershy!”

“What? Is this true?” Soarin asked, raising his voice slightly.

“Discord, SHUT UP!” Rainbow shouted. “I want to explain!”

“Fine, have it your way.” Discord sat on a bench he created out of thin air.

“Soarin, remember when I was accepted into The Wonderbolts under one condition?” Rainbow looked at him in the eye.

“To go out with me. And you said yes.” he said suspiciously.

“Well, what I didn't know at the time, is that the bargain we made was completely unfair. Because I didn’t realize that I was being forced into a relationship. I just liked you because you were a Wonderbolt.” Rainbow Dash looked over to Fluttershy who was blushing wildly. “Now I realize that I don’t even want to be a Wonderbolt if it means I have to date a stallion. Because I'm attracted to other mares. But not just any other mare... Fluttershy.”

“So… you never loved me in the first place?” Soarin looked down, and his eyes began to fill up with tears.

“Of course I loved you, but not romantically.” Rainbow Dash lifted Soarin's head up with her hoof compassionately. “I haven't loved anypony romantically until now.” Rainbow Dash looked over to Fluttershy again. Even Rainbow was blushing like crazy now.

Rainbow Dash walked over to Fluttershy slowly. She put her hoof under Fluttershy's chin, and lifted the shy pony’s head to meet eye level with Rainbow. “Happy birthday.” Rainbow Dash closed her eyes, and pulled Fluttershy closer to meet their lips together. Soon they were kissing each other passionately.

“Would you ever have imagined this happening?” Soarin asked Discord sadly, as he sat on the bench next to him.

“Not in my life.” Discord made an ice cream container appear for each of the heartbroken stallions. As they watched their supposed love of their lives making out in front of them, they grabbed a spoon, and started eating the chocolate ice cream.

“Great, now I’m homeless,” Soarin said to himself, the depression worsening.

“I guess you can stay at my house,” Discord stated.

“Cool, thanks, bro.” Soarin looked at Discord, thankful..

“No problem,” Discord said, smiling weakly at Soarin.

Rainbow Dash slowly let go of the kiss, and opened her eyes. Fluttershy stared back at her, and bit her lip. “I love you,” Fluttershy said, finally speaking after what seemed like a whole minute of silence.

“I.. I love you too.” And this time, Rainbow Dash knew that what she spoke was pure truth.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading my Hearts and Hooves Day one-shot. Please only use constructive criticism in the comment section. If you don't agree with the ships encouraged in this fiction, please keep it to yourself. Thank you:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 28 )

Awww! I don't even like this ship but I love the story

Um, I'm not a fan of FlutterCord or SoarinDash, but that doesn't mean I'm into the couples breaking up so Fluttershy and Rainbow can be together. Sorry, but this doesn't sound like my thing.

There are problems with the writing, but I'm sorry to say that I don't know how you can correct them. I think it would require a completely different mind to change it. But, that doesn't subtract from the Flutterdash in and of itself. If it ends with Flutterdash, I am at ease.

Which is funny, because the ending, as far as writing is concerned, is actually better than the middle. I think you're like me, and probably like a majority of people. You know where you want things to go, and you know what you ultimately want to happen. It's just that getting there takes some work. Or I'm wrong, and don't know what the hell I'm talking about. Either way, decent job.

:rainbowhuh: / 10

6925010 Thanks fine. Thank you for reading, anyways:twilightsmile:

6925089 ya, i kinda just started writing. i didnt even know where i was going, but i think by the end it sorta worked out:derpytongue2: Thank you for the feedback:twilightsmile:

Uh, I didn't. I just caught sight of it when it appeared on my 'FlutterDash' group alert. I was just telling you why I decided to pass. Sorry for the confusion.

This was a cute story to edit. :raritywink:/10.

6925814 Thanks:pinkiehappy: And thank goodness you did, otherwise it would have sucked!:rainbowlaugh:

;:( soarindash :applecry:
Sorry but I have to say it for it is my destiny

As a constant FlutterDash reader and other stuff, which you do not have the right to ask, and you giving me, well us the freedom to criticize your fic. Like the people who commented before are right. There are problem in the fic that could be and can not be fixed. To me, this fic was more like a idea being forced to be written. Don't take this comment negative. Howe er you do got something going with this. I only got one option for you to make this fic better. Re-right it, by giving a little more details in the story. I know writing staying on character is difficult, it not easy I know. So yea, re-write the fic, give the character more emotion or some what, add more detail, don't force it, and...

Keep on writing.

6926707 Thank you so much for the tips. I realized that when I finished writing it, but I couldn't figure out what was wrong. I will go back and add details when I have time:twilightsmile:

6926653 :rainbowlaugh: sorry that we have different opinions

I can definitely see discord loving fluttershy but the feeling isn't mutual. I felt the pacing was a little off, but I still enjoyed it.

6969374 thank you. I know the pacing is off.:twilightsmile:

What a strange turn of events

7019366 indeed. Thank you for not leaving any hate, considering your passion for SoarinDash:twilightsmile:

FelineFluff SOARINDASH may be my favorite ship but I accept other ships like FLUTTERDASH :rainbowkiss::heart::yay:

7021468 good point:moustache: I'm glad you have good shipping sense:rainbowwild:

7047349 she did, but she was so shocked about everything going on she just cried in the corner instead:rainbowlaugh:

7062437 its alright! Your not offending me by accidentally putting random characters.:rainbowlaugh::derpytongue2::scootangel:

To be honest Kindda weird But still nice story

I hate SoarinDash but... The puppy eyes I imaged Soarin making were too much. And FlutterCord breaking off so painfully... Poor Discord and Soarin. :applecry: I like FlutterDash, but why did it have to happen this way?

Wait a minute... If Fluttershy and Dash are now together... Then their ex-boyfriends could be together too! SOARINCORD FOREVER!!!! YEEAAAAAHHH!!! :rainbowkiss: Or maybe not?... Na, it'll work.

Flutterdash for life this is on of the best short storys i ever read :fluttershysad: :heart: :rainbowdetermined2:

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