• Published 7th Feb 2016
  • 661 Views, 12 Comments

A chance to say goodbye - ShadowStar_IMHP

How many timelines did Twilight visit? Could there have been more than the ones we saw in the show? This is one possible timeline where Twilight could have visited.

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Unexpected visit.

Moondancer was walking along the halls of the new Crystal Palace with her faithful assistant Talon. “I can’t believe it Talon. All this for me?” she said as the two explored the castle.

“Well not quite, after all, there seem to be rooms for guests and other events. The ball room’s kitchen had Bon-bon drooling.” The red and yellow baby dragon said. He didn’t even come up to her shoulder.

Her wings fluttered a bit “So many changes, I just got used to being an Alicorn now this.” Looking at the crystal structure. Soon they opened the door to the throne room seven chairs even one besides her own for Talon.

“AHhhh” she gasped taking a step back as what she could only describe as a hole in the world opened up and out came two figures. One a purple and green baby dragon and the other...

“Twilight?” For a moment, hope blossomed in her. Her friend for almost all her life back. Then reality set in that friend was gone the hope replaced by anger. The magic grew as she started to cast a spell. The other Alicorn was a bit faster, and judging by her looks was already in the middle of a fight.

The purple Alicorn cast a shield spell just as her own spell fired. Then the purple mare seemed to take in who was in the room “Moon Dancer? Wait, you're an Alicorn?” Twilight sparkle said taking in the surroundings. “It appears right.. but.” The baby dragon beside her nodded “Yup still not home.”

“Okay hold up no spells or fighting till we figure things out,” Moondancer said. “First who are you? You look like Twilight Sparkle, but that’s impossible.”

“No, I am Twilight Sparkle. I’m fighting somepony named Starlight Glimmer using time travel magic to change the timeline. I have been trying to stop her.”

“You can’t be Twilight... she’s dead.”

“WHAT?” Came the shocked surprise from both Twilight and the dragon. “How... who... what?”

“Okay, lets think. You looked worn out how about we settle down and you tell me what’s going on in detail. Talon how about you making some tea. Peppermint to calm our guest nerves.”

“Sure thing Moon Dancer,” Talon said with a nod.

“I come help as well. I’m starving and I can make a nice salad. Got any Dandelions?” Spike said excitedly to join the other young dragon.

“Spike we need to stop Starlight,” Twilight said eying the scroll.

Sighing Moondancer raised her wing “Twilight no matter what world or time you always be the same it seems. Is it a Time travel spell, right? You can spend as much time as you need to recover and prepare.” Twilight looked at the cutie map then nodded.

“That does seem to be the case. Now that I think about it no matter how long I was in another timeline the spell sent me back to the same point.”

“It’s good to see you again Twilight, even if you aren’t my Twilight sparkle.” motivated by the sad tone in Moon Dancer’s voice twilight went over and hugged her.

“If I may ask. How did I.. she die?”

Breaking the hug, the two Alicorns headed to another room and moon dancer sat onto a couch. “It was during your brother’s and Princess Cadance’s wedding... um, that did happen in your timeline right?”

“Yes, the changelings invasion. I discovered that Queen Crystalis replaced Cadance and it was very close. Luckily with Cadence help, my brother was able to cast a new shield spell and blasted the Changelings out of Canterlot.”

Sighing “It didn’t go so well in this timeline. Yo.. the other you was worried about Cadance and I believed you so togeather we investigated. Being caught Crystalis locked us away where we found the real Princess. What it came to a battle Celestia was captured and locked away in some kind of cocoon.”

“That was mostly what happen to me. Thought I was the only one who found the real Cadance.”

“My guess those events diverge at the point where Cadence went to help Shining Armor. You went to distract Crystalis. I tried to stop you. It was the first time yo.. she let out her true power. It wasn’t enough you were blasted and then Crystalis saw what Cadence and shining were doing and she finished off Shining.” Twilight gasped covering her mouth with her hoofs.

“I wish that was the worst. Cadence... well she. Lets put it this way, Nightmare Moon was insane, mad, and focused. Cadence seeing both the mare saw as a sister, and her fiancee dead at her hooves. Snapped she drew on those same dark powers that Luna did.”

“You mean...”

“Cadance turned into the Dark Alicorn Shattered Heart. She was completely mad with grief she took out Crystalis and half the castle with her first blast. Then flew after the changelings with no regard for any collateral damage. Just a blind fury to kill each and every one of them. We still don’t know how many ponies died because of the changelings or because of Shattered Heart.”

“Oh, no.. poor Ccadence.” Twilight wiped tears from her cheeks imagining what her former foalsitter had turned into.

“We got Celestia free. She went to stop her. She did but... when we got to where the battle took place Cadance was back to normal crying over the body of..”

“NO!” Twilight jumped to her hooves. “Celestia dead? By Cadence.... How?”

“Settle down Twilight. The fight between Celestia and Crystalis was draining on Celestia. First she didn’t use her full power against Crystalis for fear of causing harm to anyone else. Then that cocoon thing drained her of magic. So she was weak and not wanting to harm Cadance she didn’t put her full power into fighting her either.”

The two dragons came running one had the tea the other a bowl of salad. “Twilight what’s the matter?” Spike asked setting the salad down.

“Oh Sspike... this world lost Celestia”

Spike blinked and looked to Talon “that’s true bro?”

“Yeah. Luna doing her best filling the void but.. it been a very sad time.”

Moondancer looked between the two dragons “Bro?”

Talon looked at the two Alicorns “Yeah we figured we came from the same egg nest. Different timeline but same situation. Heck, we might even be the same dragon just affected differently. In this timeline, Twilight didn’t hatch Spike’s egg. Where when it was your turn to try I was hatched.”

“Is Cadence alright Moondancer?” Twilight asked.

“Oh yes... more or less. Luna didn’t press the issue and covered things up so it believed that the Changeling Queen killed her. Cadence ruling the Crystal empire thought now it’s faded. She’s trying to keep up a brave face and keep joy alive there. Everyone still can tell she’s broken hearted and it reflected by the Crystal ponies.”

“Okay, change of subject. Seems this timeline more or less matches my own but for who are the elements of Harmony. I take it you are the element of magic, Applejack...”

“Applejack? You mean Big Mac’s sister. No, she lives in Manehatten I didn’t meet her until last year. Our Elements are Vinyl Scratch for Laughter, Octavia Melody for Loyalty, Bon-bon for kindness, Rarity for Generosity, Big Macintosh for Honesty.”

“Huh, the only one that matches our Elements is Rarity. Guess without the Sonic Rainboom the others didn’t come to Ponyville.”

“Sonic what boom?” Talon asked.

“The sonic rainboom it’s what Starlight Glimmer been... er has stopped. Rainbow Dash is a Pegasus who when just a filly went so fast she broke the sound barrier and released a blast of magic that swept over Equestria. It reached Canterlot at the same time I was trying to hatch Spikes egg. The radiant magic unleashed my magical talent and... well... I kind of turned my parents into plants. Among other things. At least in the original timeline.”

“Funny our Twilight always had a nightmare she lost control of her magic and did exactly that. Perhaps some residue awareness. Wish she was still around.”

“Yeah, we could have compared notes!”

“Twilight maybe you are going about stopping Starlight Glimmer the wrong way.”

“What do you mean Moondancer?”

“You don’t have to defeat her. Just stop her long enough for this Rainboom to happen. If our timelines are following the same pattern you fought foes that you had to face head on. Nightmare Moon, Discord, Sombra, Tirek. However, you just have to delay Starlight Glimmer long enough for the Rainboom to happen. Get her angry enough to chase you, talk to her, heck try to make friends with her. Find out why she doing it. Whatever it takes to delay her long enough to save the day.”

“you're right I don’t need to defeat her... just stop her.” Twilight sips the tea calming down trying to think of how to do just that.

Soon enough the four walked back to the Cutie Map chamber. “Well guess this is goodbye Moondancer.”

Moondancer hugged Twilight again “Thank you Twilight. Thanks for letting me say goodbye to my dearest friend one last time. Now go back, save Equestria you know once again. Go and save Celestia.”

“I can’t believe I let our friendship weakened in my timeline. I prom... no, I Pinkie promise to do better. Cross my Heart, hope to fly, Stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Both Moondancer and Talon tilted their heads at this. Somewhere on a rock farm, a pink pony lifted her head and looked around.

“Sorry, something our element of Laughter does. It a promise.” With that Spike and Twilight cast the spell and the portal into the past opened up.

Talon looked to Moondancer “What’s going to happen to us?”

“I don’t know Talon. Some think that when a new timeline is formed it will continue even if she fixes what was done in the past. Our reality will remain. Others believe that everything will reset.”

Talon looked down then tackled Moondancer in a hug “Just in case.” That was the last thing Twilight sparkle saw of Talon and the Alicorn Moondancer.

Author's Note:

Just a little story I thought up. Who was the other timeline Elements of Harmony? In this timeline after Twilight Sparkle failed hatching spikes egg, she broke down. Then went to work making sure her friend Moon Dancer wouldn't.

Note on spelling and grammar errors. I know I made some! First English isn't my friends I was born deaf and phonics don't work on me. Second I have Dyslexia so I got a double whammy. If you see any errors I am more than happy to edit and fix them. Just tell me where and how to fix it!

Comments ( 12 )


Great story overall

bravo to you on a very fine story. moondancer and twilight such a great pairing. nicely done!

There a few ideas I wanted to add to this story. Had the idea Vinyl Scratch would show up and that would lead to the talk of who the Elements were. I also had the idea that Moondancer would talk about how she defeated Tirek. In the end those ideas would have broken up the story flow.

One idea I might add in still is how Twilight Sparkle helped Moondancer hatch the egg. In this universe after twilight fails she becomes obsessed with figuring ut why and determined to make sure her only friend Moondancer won't. Typical twilight behavor her and Moondancer research the answer. it's during the library researching that this worlds Twilight would get her cutie mark and mark her as a Librarian/reasercher. There would be a few more info on how Twilights and Moondancer's friendship never faded in this timeline.

Perhaps I would write a sequal eventurally to add those ideas.

It's an easy bye resting idea that you should later turn into a full fledged story once you're a much better writer, the problem is, is that there are a ton of grammar mistakes and I guess it could've been done better. I see potential in you as a story teller.

REALLY emotional one-shot. The exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up were all well done in all the right places. And it was a good detail having Twilight helping out Moondancer to make sure her friend succeeded where SHE failed. And, yeah, I REALLY felt bad for Cadance considering what Chrysalis did to this timeline's Twilight and Shining and got EXTRA emotional when it was revealed Celestia sacrificed herself getting Cadance back to normal. The worst part is, as emotional as all of this sounds, it is still a much better world than the ones shown in "the Cutie Re-Mark", mainly because the ponies weren't in the middle of a fate-of-the-world crisis. The reveal of this timeline's Elements line-up sounds good too. And, glad Moondancer gave Twilight the idea of distracting Starlight long enough for the Rainboom to take place. Hopefully, this timeline will still be intact due to "Multiverse Theory" because this universe has a great deal of potential.

Thanks glad you like the one shot.

You're very welcome.

This was pretty interesting! I'm not sure if I would have ever considered any alternative timeline turning out so grim so fast, but the Battle of Canterlot was a very precarious situation. Everypony needs lots of therapy now lol.

I really like the idea of the dragon being hatched matching the pony who hatched him. Talon is super cute, and I enjoy Moondancer's characterization.

Over all a really interesting peek into an alternate universe!

10193130 Thanks I wanted to have a world were things were okay, just not as bright and happy as canon timeline. The fight at the Royal Wedding came to mind and the rest wrote itself.

I even had a similar thing happen in my Mother Moon, Causin Love story where Cadence almost lost control but was stopped thanks to Luna showing up and helping her calm down.

I do want to return to this universe and draw it out more. Perhaps once my other projects are done. I just don't want to it be the show with Moondancer and not Twilight I do want it to have its own variations. This was also before we found out Bon Bon was Agent Sweetie Drops of Smile so I would have to rethink that element. Hmm, perhaps Derpy as the element of Kindness!

Derpy as Kindness would honestly be extremely adorable. I would love to see a universe where that happens! I'm also always interested in seeing the many different interpretations of her character. I'm partial to the one where she's a humble marepony who loves her daughter Dinky Doo very much and just tries her best in general. But I've seen loads of interpretations that were way different and still very cool.

But yeah! I mean, a universe where Luna is in Celestia's place alone is extremely interesting. There's a lot to explore here.

Great now my muse is putting ideas in my head. “I know I don’t do very well. Kindness isn’t about doing well it about trying to help others. Sometimes we just need to know somepony cares.” Derpy says with a smile and holds out a muffin. “Muffin? It fresh from the Cakes oven.”

A thousand times Yes. That was genuinely heartwarming.

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