• Published 4th Feb 2016
  • 4,173 Views, 87 Comments

Never Be Alone - New Canterlot

When there's a friend in need of cheering up, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom prove that being their friend means you never have to be alone again. Join Scootaloo on her journey of self-discovery, love, and the true meaning of friendship.

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Chapter 2: ...Love Heals the Pain

Author's Note:

I hope everypony had an awesome weekend, and thank you all for liking and commenting. I honestly didn't expect so many positive reactions so quickly! Scootaloo must be quite the girl!

>>sonicfan05: :fluttercry: I promise things will get better for her.
>>Applespice03: Thanks! Update is here, so I hope you didn't have to wait too long.
>>SuchAChlorbag: You keep coming back, huh? :heart: Thanks for sticking with me through it all.
>>Shutup868: I hope XCOM is treating you well. I'd love to see you make a blog to review it or something.
>>Isseus: Yeah, the whole "no flying" thing is really overplayed. And yes! Sweetie Belle is cuter than cute! They all are!
>>EpicLightning: What song are you talking about?
>>Harmony Pie: I think it'll make sense soon.
>>ajvasquezbrony28: If you really wanna read them, the stories can be found on my page.
>>AutumnGold: I promise I will finish this. If you're a big OctiScratch fan (judging by your chosen pic), I have something for that in mind for later too if you're interested.
>>Daxtero: Thanks so much! I really like to hear that.

Although it was a school day, Scootaloo had no intention of getting out of bed any time soon. She had cried in the middle of the night after having gotten up to go pee, and right now, she was in no such mood to leave the small comfort of her blankets. Her face was blotchy and her eyes puffy after some intermittent crying spasms, and regardless of the text messages she received from her friends, not once did she bother to reach for her phone.

Her adopted mother came by her room to check up on her. Scootaloo had been pretty convincing when she told her she was sick. She said she was feeling terrible, and she had slept horribly. All of this was completely true, and just by Scootaloo’s complexion, Blue Aura was quick to surmise as much and call the school to inform them of her daughter’s absence. However, there were two girls in particular that never got the memo, and because of this, the text messages kept on buzzing Scootaloo’s phone well into the late morning.

With her TV on, Scootaloo sat with her head propped up against her pillows, her blankets having been kicked onto the floor. After taking a wiz, Scootaloo never bothered to get fully dressed before getting back in bed. With her short purple hair in a complete mess, Scootaloo sported nothing more than a black pair of panties and her black skull t-shirt that she knew she would eventually need to wash.

The only saving grace about today was the opportunity to not fake her way through anything. The last thing she felt like doing was force a smile and try to get through the day like nothing was bothering her. Sure, from someone else’s perspective, her little issue would probably sound silly and insignificant, but Rainbow Dash had been her first real and serious crush. She was the first girl that ever took her breath away. Rainbow Dash was everything she wanted to be; cool, exciting, outgoing, pretty, everything!

Now, someone else had her, and she would be destined to sulk and feel broken from an immovable distance.

Scootaloo felt like crying again, so she forced herself to avoid thinking about what was bothering her. Well, she was trying to, but it wasn’t working. Maybe the TV wasn’t loud enough. Maybe if she played a game that might help. Hell, anything might help as long as it would put her out of her misery. A big beer would do the trick, just like the ones her first adopted mother would bring home. Most of the time she was too drunk to notice one or two missing from the fridge every week.

With a sour grumble, Scootaloo hoisted herself out of bed and slipped into the nearest pair of sweatpants on the floor. They were tattered and very faded from countless washes, but it had been a couple years since Scootaloo had made any significant physical growth so they fit well enough. She was a tad shorter than her two friends, with a very noticeable deficit when it came to her womanly assets. By the time she faced herself in her bathroom mirror, she asked herself another usual question; was she destined to be boyish forever?

Her sexuality might argue that it wasn’t that big of a deal, but if Rainbow Dash’s new girlfriend was any indication, being cute and girly could go a long way. With a heavy sigh, Scootaloo marched out of the bathroom, refusing to look at herself any further for fear that she might cry again. Why couldn’t she be cute like her friends? Why couldn’t she have well defined hips like Applebloom or bright pink lips like Sweetie Belle? Was she going to be an ugly, good for no one girl for the rest of her life?

Maybe that’s why all her other adopted families gave her up. Maybe they all wanted a sweet, pretty little girl that she couldn’t be.

Scootaloo flopped down on her bed and grabbed her pillow to scream as loud as she could with her face buried in the soft material. It was nice having something to vent her anger out on, but her pillow probably didn’t appreciate being kicked across the room like a soccer ball. Whoops.

With a heavy sigh, Scootaloo laid her head down and closed her eyes. If anything, taking a nap would probably help her feel better. Putting as much time between herself and her bad memories might help her move forward in her life, although, moving to a new town would definitely fix everything. It worked before, so one more time couldn’t hurt. It was too bad though… Her new adopted mother actually wanted to hang on to her.

The time going by seemed almost nonexistent to her as Scootaloo lazily stared at the TV. The usual early morning to midday programming was filled with lackluster infomercials and bad TV sitcoms which must have been funny at some point thirty years ago. Although she felt incredibly bored, Scootaloo never bothered to change the channel or even move except to kick her stupid sweatpants off. If she was going to lay around in bed all day, at the very least she was going to be comfortable. If she got up to get some water, she might have to pee again later. If she got up to eat, she might need to brush her teeth. Neither of those options sounded very appealing right now. Just rotting away half naked with puffy eyes on her bed was the best option for her at the moment.

That was until she heard a knock at her door which stirred her out of her sulking and into a mild state or curiosity. Who in the world was knocking on her door at whatever o’clock in the morning? With a groan, Scootaloo swung her legs over the side of her bed and began walking towards the front door, giving her butt a little scratch along the way. When she looked through the peek-hole, her eyes widened with surprise. She opened the door very slowly in order to keep herself from becoming completely blinded by the sun.

Applebloom quickly pulled the door the rest of the way open before shouting, “Scoots! Where the hay have ya’ll been all day?!” Her voice was full of genuine indignation. “We’ve been tryin’ to text ya all day!”

“You look terrible!” Sweetie Belle announced. “Are you sick or something? Were you in bed all day?”

“All…day?” Scootaloo asked. By her accounts, it was still morning. Had she been lounging around like a zombie the entire day? It might have helped to check the time at some point, but it was too late for that now.

“Yeah! All day!” Applebloom put her hands on her hips much like her older sister. “Me ‘n Sweetie Belle been tryin’ to reach ya since gym class! Almost got ‘n trouble fer havin’ my phone out, ‘n we had to eat lunch by ourselves!”

“Some of the wrestlers stole our table that YOU were supposed to save for us, thank you.” Sweetie Belle crossed her arms.

“Plus, ya’ll missed out ‘n Taco Tuesday! How in the heck does a body miss Taco Tuesday?” Applebloom shook her head.

“What happened to you?” Sweetie Belle nearly cringed when she gave Scootaloo the once-over, fully appraising her disheveled appearance and lack of any pants. “Did you lose all your clothes in the washer or something? You look really silly without any pants on.”

Scootaloo’s face slowly morphed into an appreciative smile. This relieved her friends a little, but as soon as they saw the tears trickling down her cheeks, their anger melted into concern. “You…g-girls…came all the way out here…to see me?”

“Well…” Applebloom cleared her throat. “…Ya’ll don’t live too far away, ‘n it ain’t like we’re just not gonna see ya…”

“Are…you crying?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Oh geez…you’re crying!” She approached Scootaloo and put an arm around her shoulder. “What happened to you?!”

Applebloom approached from the other side and did the same. “Aw, shucks…yer really cryin’, huh?”

Scootaloo began sobbing loudly, burying her face into Applebloom’s flannel clad shoulder. Her shoulders heaved up and down as her arms wrapped around her waist. Sweetie Belle began patting her shoulder while glancing outside from the threshold of the door. “Heyyy…don’t cry. You’re ok…” She looked up at Applebloom and nodded her head to the side to signal her friend further into the home. “Let’s get you inside.”

Applebloom lead her to the couch while Sweetie Belle closed the door. “Aw, Scoots…Ah’m so sorry Ah yelled at ya..”

“Me too…We’re really sorry. We didn’t know you were having a bad day.” Sweetie Belle sat on the couch next to Scootaloo and put a hand on her bare thigh.

It was true, Scootaloo was having a horrible day, but for some inexplicable reason, she felt a thousand times better the moment she saw her friends at the door. It was almost as if they cared about her enough to make the trip to see her, and she had to admit that it was a new experience. Scootaloo never had friends before, let alone friends who would come knocking even if she never bothered to return their messages. “…Y-You…girls…came…” She choked out, her face pressed against Applebloom’s shoulders.

“Well, ‘course we came! Ain’t ya’ll our friend?” Applebloom gave her a friendly little peck on the cheek. “We can’t help it if we’re a tad worried ‘bout ya.”

“You didn’t reply to our texts…so…we thought something bad happened to you. Like…you died or something.” Sweetie Belle palmed her face and sighed. “Sorry…not helping. But seriously, you made us super worried!” Her voice squeaked.

Scootaloo released her hold on Applebloom and quickly turned to Sweetie Belle to hug her as well. Her arms circled her waist, and Scootaloo squeezed very tightly. “I am the worst friend in the whole world!” She shouted into her shoulder.

“No, ya’ll ain’t that bad.” Applebloom shook her head. “Honestly, ya’ll ain’t been the greatest friend today, but Ah’m just glad to see ya…” She put a hand on Scootaloo’s shoulder and squeezed gently.

“It’s ok, it’s ok.” Sweetie Belle tilted her face up to wipe the remaining tears from her face after the sobbing had subsided. “Just tell us what’s wrong.”

Scootaloo took a deep breath and released her hold on Sweetie Belle before folding her hands in her lap to look down at the floor. “I’m sorry, girls…It’s…so stupid…I am so stupid.”

“No, you’re not.” Sweetie Belle shook her head. “If anyone’s stupid, it’s Applebloom. She dropped her backpack on her foot during English and bumped into the teacher’s desk.”

Applebloom scowled at her. “Hush up, Sweetie Belle. Ya’ll ain’t helpin’.”

“Sorry.” Sweetie Belle put her hands up and nodded.

Scootaloo giggled very hoarsely and wiped her face with the back of her wrist. “I wish I could’ve seen that.”

“Well, if ya’ll came to school, this wouldn’t a been a problem.” Applebloom began rubbing her back gently with the tips of her fingers. “So…why ya’ll holed up at home cryin’ all day?”

Scootaloo looked up at her with a little smile. Whatever she was doing with her fingertips felt very nice, and it seemed to be calming her down very well. “I…I guess it’s…well…”

Sweetie Belle began patting her thigh. “It’s ok. Don’t feel like we’re rushing you or anything. Take as much time as you need.”

“Sure…” Scootaloo closed her eyes to take a long sigh. Having her friends dote on her like this felt better than a confetti cake on her birthday. “…It’s really silly though…I feel really dumb…”

“Nothin’s too silly if it makes my Scoots cry.” Applebloom circled her arm around her shoulder and rested her forehead against Scootaloo’s temple. “Did somebody beat ya’ll up? Ah know karate. Ah’ll kick their asses. Ah don’t care WHO it is!”

“No, no…” Scootaloo laughed softly. “…It’s nothing like that.”

“Ok.” Sweetie Belle squeezed her thigh a bit harder. “So? What happened?”

Scootaloo turned to face her and immediately sighed. “It’s…Rain…bow…”

“Rainbow?” Applebloom asked with an inquisitive look. “Rainbow Dash?”

“What about Rainbow Dash?” Sweetie Belle asked. “Did she say something mean? If she did, I’ll tell my sister, and I KNOW Rarity will knock some sense into her.”

“No, she didn’t say anything mean.” Scootaloo ran a hand through her short, messy hair. “She’s…She’s…with someone.”

“With…someone?” It took Applebloom a second to understand. “…Like, datin’ someone?”

“Yeah.” Scootaloo nodded. “She’s dating someone…I think.”

“You think?” Sweetie Belle traded confused expressions with Applebloom. “I don’t get it. What’s the big deal with Rainbow Dash dating someone?”

“Oh…” Applebloom finally realized what was happening, and a million little pangs of guilt stabbed at her gut. “Oh, shucks! Ya’ll got the hots for Rainbow Dash!”

“Whoa!” Sweetie Belle’s voice crackled. “Seriously?”

“Y-Yeah…” Scootaloo shrugged and shook her head. “It’s whatever…I like her…no big deal…just some dumb jock chick…who cares.”

Applebloom laid her head on Scootaloo’s shoulder and gave her another little peck on the cheek. “H-Hey…it ain’t ‘whatever’, Scoots. It’s a big deal.”

“Yeah.” Sweetie Belle squeezed her hand on Scootaloo’s thigh and pecked her on the shoulder. “Having a crush is SUPER big deal. You shouldn’t feel bad for having a crush.”

“A crush…” Scootaloo repeated. Maybe that was all this was…a crush. “Yeah…I guess I do have a crush…” She swallowed hard. “…Well, it doesn’t really matter now anyway… She’s dating someone else.”

There was a moment of silence before Sweetie Belle asked, “Who?” Apparently, a love of gossip hadn’t fallen far from her family tree.

“Sweetie Belle!” Applebloom hissed before mouthing the words, “Not now!”

“That yellow chick…” Scootaloo sighed.

“Yellow…chick?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I…don’t really know who you’re talking about.”

Applebloom began pulling up everyone in her memory who was somehow yellow. There were a lot of people like that, including herself. It might be that Sunset girl Rainbow Dash was always hanging out with on the team. Or… “Are ya’ll talkin’ ‘bout that girl she was with yesterday?”

“Oh, that quiet girl? The one with the long pink hair?” Sweetie Belle asked. “What was her name again?”

“I don’t know…” Scootaloo shrugged. “She’s one of Rainbow Dash’s friends, I know that. I’ve seen them hanging out together at lunch.”

“Oh, right. Fluttershy.” Sweetie Belle put her finger to her chin. “Rarity said she’s made a couple dresses for her.”

“Right, Fluttershee…whatever.” Scootaloo shook her head and leaned back on the couch. “Doesn’t matter to me. I don’t care what her name is…” She angrily spat, quickly wiping her face in the anticipation of fresh tears.

“Scoots…” Applebloom exchanged worried looks with Sweetie Belle before pulling Scootaloo’s head down onto her chest. “Shush…it’s alright now. Ya’ll don’t gotta say nothin’ right now.”

Sweetie Belle leaned back and scooped Scootaloo’s legs up, resting them on her lap. “Just lay down, ok? We don’t have to talk anymore if you don’t want to.”

“Thanks, you guys….” Scootaloo sniffled and nodded a bit before laying her head down on Applebloom’s thighs. “…Can…would it be ok…is it cool if I just lay here for a while?”

“Course it is, Scoots.” Applebloom began combing her wild purple hair back with her fingers. “If yer tired, go ahead ‘n take a nap.”

“Really?” Scootaloo rolled onto her back with her feet and head resting on her friends. “Are you sure? I’m pretty sure we look dumb...”

“We don’t care, silly.” Sweetie Belle gently squeezed her fingers around Scootaloo’s toes. “But it might be a good idea to put some pants on. You look really funny walking around the house in panties.”

“Oh…right.” Scootaloo self-consciously covered herself with her hands and blushed hard. “…I am such a slob…”

“Real cute slob.” Applebloom giggled and wiggled her finger against Scootaloo’s chin. “Ain’t she, Sweets?”

“She sure is!” Sweetie Belle giggled back and wiggled a finger between Scootaloo’s toes. “Who’s a cute slob? Are you? Are you?”

Scootaloo laughed very hard and began kicking her feet up and down. “Stooooop! That really tickles!!!”

“Hold ‘er down!” Applebloom commanded, pulling Scootaloo back towards her so her back rested against her lap. Sweetie Belle did as commanded, holding her feet down with both hands.

“N-NO! W-WAIT NONONO-” Her protests were cut off when Applebloom leaned down, pulling her skull print t-shirt up to begin blowing powerful raspberries on her tummy. Scootaloo began squealing in a fit of giggles, her body writhing side to side in a desperate attempt to escape. Sweetie Belle had a good hold around her ankles, but it was really Applebloom’s surprising strength that baffled the little daredevil. Not only had years of farm work been good for her busting assets like her sister, but she was definitely becoming stronger for it.

Sweetie Belle began wiggling the tips of her fingers up her ankles to her exposed thighs. The tickling sensation Scootaloo was feeling against her tummy began radiating across her whole body now that her two friends were coordinating their efforts. Scootaloo had one moment to breathe as Applebloom raised her head to suck in a big gasp of air before diving right back into the fray. During that moment, Scootaloo caught a good glimpse of Sweetie Belle’s infectious, gorgeous smile. What other girls may have in assets she had in raw loveliness, much like her older sister, and Scootaloo felt very blessed in that moment to be surrounded by beautiful people.

Up until her friend’s arrival, she had been feeling vulnerable and lonely, so if she wasn’t too busy fighting off her attackers, she might have been inclined to kiss one of them in the heat of the moment. Unfortunately, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle seemed to be more preoccupied with torturing her than kissing her.


She might be new to the whole ‘mom’ thing, but Blue Aura wasn’t ignorant to a young girl’s emotions. Her new daughter was definitely distraught that morning, and although she played it off as being sick, she allowed her to stay home from school anyway. Having been a teenage girl herself, Aura knew what a broken heart looked like. A couple times in her life, she had experienced the same thing, and it was best to give her daughter some space to work it out.

After work, Blue Aura drove home with a small gift of pizza and wings. Fatty foods always worked for her at times like this, so it was only natural for her to think of the same solution for Scootaloo. She knew it wouldn’t be the perfect fix, but for now, it would help. Aura opened the front door and smiled at the sight of three girls flopped out on the couch with the TV on in the living room.

It was obvious that Scootaloo hadn’t bathed or even bothered getting dressed. One of these days, she would need to have a talk with her about hanging around the house half naked when company came over. However, her two friends didn’t seem to care. Scootaloo had her head resting on the farm girl’s lap who she knew as Applebloom. The other girl, Sweetie something, was curled up on Scootaloo’s feet. All three girls appeared to be asleep, and it was nice to see Scootaloo looking so comfortable, regardless of her attire.

Aura placed the box of pizza and wings on the small table in front of the couch with a note written on the box before retreating to the kitchen for a cold sparkling water. Up until she made the decision to become a foster mom, Aura had often indulged herself with alcohol after work. Now that she had a daughter, she would probably have to wait until Scootaloo was of age until she could keep alcohol in the house. The tallest, biggest girl with fiery red hair began to stir. Applebloom opened her eyes with a soft smile, gently moving a hand through Scootaloo’s hair. “Aw…just too cute…ya silly ‘lil punk.”

With a smile, Aura tiptoed her way to her room down the hall. With any luck, the pizza and wings would be gone in the morning, although she might need to set some ground rules for friends spending the night. She didn’t have any problems with it, but Aura really didn’t want to worry any of the girl’s parents. For now, it was a welcome relief to know that Scootaloo had such good friends. Maybe now she could relax more and stop worrying so much about her daughter. She may not be the friendliest or the most outgoing girl, but Aura did have to admit that Scootaloo was pretty independent. She would probably be just fine as long as she had her friends.

A little love always goes a long way.


The next day at school, Scootaloo was welcomed with open arms. Applebloom had lifted her off the ground to hug her, and Sweetie Belle had bit her shoulder the moment she arrived that morning. It was both heartwarming and annoyingly painful, but Scootaloo was very glad to be the center of lots of hugs. She knew today would definitely be a better day than the one before, but there was still a tiny thing bothering her. There was a good chance that, at some point somewhere on campus, she might bump into Rainbow Dash. Normally, this would’ve made her very excited, but for now, she really just wanted to avoid her until she knew what to say.

Scootaloo walked side by side with her two besties into the girls locker rooms adjacent to the gymnasium. Gym class had always been her favorite, and sharing it with friends made the experience that much better. An added plus was getting to see Applebloom and Sweetie Belle change, although there wasn’t much time to admire the view since everyone crowding into the locker rooms all needed to get to their teachers before the last lunch bell rang out.

During today’s gym class, the crusaders found themselves walking circles around the track that surrounded the football field. While the rest of the class threw dodgeballs at each other on the field, anyone who chose not to play had the option of walking. Normally, the crusaders would’ve jumped on the chance to engage in mild violence, but today was different. Scootaloo needed to talk about something important.

“So, Ah’m guessin’ ya’ll don’t really know what to say, huh?” Applebloom asked, her hands shoved deep down the waistband of her gym shorts due to a lack of pockets.

Sweetie Belle stood on the other side of Scootaloo with her arms swinging freely. “I don’t think Rainbow Dash is mean or anything. If you asked her, she’ll probably be ok with talking to you about stuff.”

“Yeah, I know that…” Scootaloo sighed, intertwining her fingers behind her head. “But…I feel like it would be super weird. Plus, Applebloom’s right. I don’t know what to say to her.”

“Ah know it don’t feel like the best thing, but ya’ll might wanna tell her how ya feel.” Applebloom put a finger to her chin.

“Really?” Scootaloo raised an eyebrow at her. “Even if she’s already dating someone?”

“Well…sure. Why not?” Applebloom shrugged. “Ain’t like it’s gonna hurt none. ‘Sides, it’ll do ya’ll some good to get it all out there.”

“You…really think so?” Scootaloo took a deep breath and cast a glance towards the soccer fields. “Do you think…she’ll hate me for saying that I…you know.”

“Like her?” Sweetie Belle asked. “I don’t think so.” She shook her head and wrapped her arm around Scootaloo’s elbow. “Guys always tell my sister they like her, and she doesn’t hate them. They just move on.”

“A real grownup thing to do.” Applebloom nodded in agreement. “Ah think Rainbow Dash’s a big gal. She ain’t gonna give ya no trouble. If she does, me ‘n Sweetie’ll go ‘n put Nair ‘n her shampoo.”

Scootaloo giggled. “I don’t think it’ll come to that.”

“Just sayin, Scoots. Me ‘n Sweetie Belle got yer back. If ya want, we can come with ya’ll ‘n watch from a distance.” Applebloom put a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

“R-Really?” Scootaloo looked up at her appreciatively. “Wow…y-yeah. That would help…That would totally help.”

“See? Everything’s going to work out.” Sweetie Belle giggled, dropping her arm. “Just think of us as your backup.” She brought a hand up to her mouth and made a fake radio crackling noise. “Breaker breaker one-niner, we have a suspect in custody.” She stepped behind Scootaloo and grabbed her wrists.

Scootaloo nearly lurched forward in surprise as she felt her hands become pinned against her toosh. “Hey!”

“Miss, Ah’m a need ya’ll to calm yer horses there.” Applebloom waved an accusing finger at her. “Just cooperate, ‘n don’t give us no trouble.”

“Am I supposed to be under arrest?” Scootaloo giggled. “You two make really terrible cops.”

“Ah’m a need ya’ll to get ‘n the ground over there.” Applebloom pointed to the grass.

“Just take it easy, miss.” Sweetie Belle said through a snicker. “We just have a few questions for you.”

Scootaloo rolled her eyes and yanked her hands free. “You’ll never take me alive, coppers!” She bolted down the track away from her pursuers. Being the fastest of her group, Scootaloo had no problem creating distance between herself and the law. Alas, the law was more resourceful than she realized. Instead of fully chasing her down the track, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle cut across the grass to corner her, effectively interrupting the game of dodgeball on the grass long enough to make the other students a bit miffed.

“Resitin’ arrest!” Applebloom nearly shrieked as she closed in on Scootaloo’s left. Sweetie Belle came in on her right, both girls closing in inch by inch, their hands outstretched for yet another tickle attack that Scootaloo knew was coming. Using her lightning speed, Scootaloo made a mad dash towards the grass. The explosiveness in her movements surprised her two hunters, but they kept right on her tail.

Many of the dodgeballs had scattered across the grass from the game, giving Scootaloo much needed ammunition to fend off her attackers. They came closing in, and Scootaloo stopped mid-stride to retrieve a couple rounds from the ground. She threw them as hard and as fast as possible, one after the other. The first shot completely missed, sailing right over their heads. The second shot was, in hindsight, only rivaled by the infamous magic bullet. The dodgeball smacked Applebloom in the ribs, leveling her tall frame to the ground. The ball then changed directions, landing squaring against Sweetie Belle’s head. Both girls, now sprawled on the ground, squirmed in what appeared to be pain.

“Oh crap!!!” Scootaloo quickly hurried to her nearest friend. “Sweetie Belle? Are you ok? Oh my gosh I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to throw it that hard!”

Sweetie Belle rubbed her head with both hands, still giggling despite the pain. Instead of reassuring her friend that she was indeed fine, she grabbed Scootaloo’s ankles firmly. Applebloom had just picked herself up off the grass long enough to lazily tackle the dare devil to the ground, effectively knocking the wind out of her. “Gotcha!” She exclaimed with a pained smile.

“Owowowowow you’re too heavyyyyy!” Scootaloo shrieked as she felt Applebloom sit on her tummy. The little farm girl wasn’t so little anymore, making it nearly impossible to breathe. “H-HEL-LP!”

Sweetie Belle pulled Scootaloo’s ankles harder, flattening her body out. “Stop struggling you criminal!”

“I didn’t do anythin-” Scootaloo’s eyes widened as her vision went black. Although she could breathe a bit better, she felt soft, warm flesh against her face with the familiar scent of apples and sweat. It took her a moment to realize that Applebloom had lifted up the front of her shirt and pulled it over her head.

It was hard to know how to feel in that moment. On one hand, she was in pain, unable to freely move. On the other hand, she was now at second base with one of her best friends without even using her arms. Another cry for help tried to escape her lips, but it was muffled by the soft flesh of Applebloom’s budding front. Her hands grabbed Applebloom’s surprisingly strong hips as she desperately pushed with all her might. At least, she thought she was pushing with all her might. A part of her wasn’t yet ready to end whatever was happening, so her struggles were less forceful than usual.

“Gotcha now, ya varmint!” Applebloom pulled her shirt back up to let Scootaloo breathe and flop onto her back. “Ya’ll have the right to remain silent!”

Scootaloo looked up at the sky, a mad blush across her face, still feeling those soft pillows against her cheeks. After a moment to collect herself, she slowly sat up with an angry yet amused smile. “I give up, I give up! Can you get off me now?”

Applebloom shook her head and crossed her arms, taking a solid position atop Scootaloo’s lap to further keep her in custody. “No way, no how.”

Sweetie Belle let go of her ankles and sat right behind Applebloom, her arms wrapped around the little farm gal’s waist. “You have to buy us candy after school.”

“What???” Scootaloo shook her head definitely. “You dirty cops. I’m not buying anyone candy!”

“Looks like we got ourselves a real troublemaker.” Applebloom giggled mischievously. She reached down and began tickling Scootaloo in the ribs. “Buy us candy!”

“Ahahahahaha nooooooahahahaha nooOOO!!!” Scootaloo fought with all her might to get free, this time putting everything she had into her struggling. It was no use. The combined weight of both her friends on her lap made any movement pointless.

“I want Milk Duds!” Sweetie Belle shouted.

“Candy canes!” Applebloom added.

“It’s not even Christmas!” Scootaloo swallowed hard, gulping down air she had lost from the laughter. Now, having no other option, she grabbed Applebloom’s hands, pulling them down onto the grass while sitting up to bite the collar of her gym shirt. With a hard yank with her whole body, she brought the two girls down onto the grass before scrambling up onto her feet.

Sweetie Belle was the first to get back onto her feet. “Milk Duds!” She ran towards Scootaloo, latching onto her arm to scream into her ear. “MILK DUDS!”

Applebloom was taken by surprise by her captor’s resourcefulness, but she was never one to give up. She got back up and swung her arms around Scootaloo’s waist. “Candy canes!”

“OK OK OK!!!” Scootaloo yelled loudly before taking a big sigh. “Fine! I’ll buy you guys candy!”

“Hooray!” Applebloom lifted Scootaloo off her feet before tipping her onto her side, making her fall back down on the ground.

“Seriously?!” Scootaloo shouted in exasperation. “Come on!”