• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 9,530 Views, 156 Comments

The Fox and the Filly - FrostTheWolf

[Displaced][Digimon Crossover] Sweetie Belle one day comes across a strange looking watch and decides to keep it on her, only for her to form a bond with a strange fox creature that knew her mother. Now the fox has become her partner and protector.

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14- Catching Up

Author's Note:

Alright, so with this chapter, I decided to try and make it to where there's a bit more development in some of the characters this time around. Including a bit more on how Monodramon, or as I like to call him 'Dekumon', does when it comes to combat. I wanted to add a little more personal backstory to him for some of the things that occur in this chapter, but I figured it would be best to leave that alone for the moment.

As always, I want to thank everyone for showing their support on this story and all my other ones so far. Feel free to comment on it and tell me what you guys like. It helps with the motivation.

As always, thank you to Solphestus for the crazy antics that is Leona xP

The Fox and the Filly- Catching Up

It had only been a few minutes since Leona had activated the Digital Field and to Scootaloo, she already was trying to contemplate everything going on so far. It was one thing for her to find out that some of her friends and classmates had the same kind of device as her, but she didn’t quite think that they would also have these digimon partners too. Or for that matter, have a partner that actually knew hers too. But that was not the point of this meeting. The point of the meeting was for her answers to try and answer her questions to the best of her ability.

“So,” Sweetie Belle’s partner, Rena, was the first one to break the silence as she looked towards Scootaloo and her partner, Monodramon. Keeping her arms to the side and lifting up a paw like she was offering something to them. “I’m sure that the two of you might have some questions for us.” Both the pegasus and the digimon that was her companion looked to each other first, before nodding their heads in unison in response to the renamon’s question. Yet, it was Scootaloo who was the first one who spoke up.

“How… long has this been going on for?” The question was simple, but it took a bit for an answer to be said. Mostly because it was unknown if this was a question that was directed at Sweetie Belle and the Tamers or if it was directed at their partners instead.

Yet, the first one to respond to that was actually Button as Lyall took a seat on the ground and folded his legs. “I think we’ve been doing this for… two months? Does that seem right?”

Sweetie Belle nodded at that, before adding on to it. “Kind of. But remember, Spike and Apple Bloom came along after we found our digivices. So their time as tamers was shorter.”

“As for both Leona and I, we’ve only been here roughly the same amount of time,” Lyall then added on, choosing his words carefully so he did not incite the wrath of the Coronamon that was only a few feet away from him. “That is taking into consideration the fact that Rena, Guilmon and Monodramon were here well before us and who their original partners were.”

“Why don’t we just set the complex details aside for the moment and try to focus on providing the main points?” Rena then suggested to the Strabimon that was her brother, “It would be much simpler than trying to give too much information to process at one given time.”

“Fair enough.”

“Okay, so… let me get see if I can get this straight,” Scootaloo then interjected. “If this has been going on for the last two months, then how are you able to keep all of this a secret? How exactly do you hide something like this from that of Rarity or Twilight for that matter?”

“Oh they know about this,” Sweetie Belle immediately answered that question. “However, aside from them, we try our best to keep the amount of ponies who do know about this to a bare minimum. Not all Digimon are necessarily good, and we don’t want anypony close to us getting hurt again-”

Upon hearing this, that was when Scootaloo’s partner soon spoke up. His tone changing a bit from earlier when he first spoke. “Wait… again? Did something happen?”

Everypony looked at one another for a moment, not sure as to what to say before Rena began to speak once more. “Two weeks ago, Rarity was attacked by a evil digimon called Sangloupmon and ended up in the hospital. She’s fine now, but given the circumstances, we wouldn’t want anypony else getting hurt like that again.”

Scootaloo herself was a bit caught off guard like this. Especially when she personally thought about how Rainbow Dash could be in harm's way. Sure, she didn’t seem to be the kind of pony that would go down without a fight, but the thought of her getting severely injured just startled her.

There was a bit of a pause, but not until one other pony spoke up. That being Applebloom, who was sitting by her partner as Guilmon looked to have been eating what looked like a freshly baked loaf of bread. “Um… perhaps we should have them ask a new question? Something less scary?”

“How about I ask something instead?” Spike then offered as Leona was sitting in between him and Rena. “This one’s for Monodramon. Rena mentioned that you, her and Guilmon used to fight together right? What was that like?”

“Um…” Monodramon first scratched his head, before looking back at the dragon. “W-well, we would do whatever we could back then to protect our tamers and their families. Rena was kind of the leader and role model for the group while we were doing what we could to help her out. Though, a lot of the stuff from then is still a bit foggy and doesn’t add up, like how Guilmon lost his memory or-”

“Mondy, I think that’s a bit much.” Rena insisted, using her paw and lowering it as a visual cue for the Monodramon to take a breath as he looked back at her.

“To be honest, it’s been a bit long since I can remember that… I mean…” The dragon digimon paused, before looking back at everyone else as he tried to come up with a proper way to describe what he was trying to say without putting in too much details. “When I first came here, I was alone. I had no parents and I was scared. Then Rena found me and… well, she was like the ‘big sister’ kind of character that would push others to chase dreams no matter how impossible they might seem.”

“Big sister eh~?” Leona smirked, a ominus chuckle coming from her as she glanced at Rena.

“If I may explain,” The renamon spoke up, noticing that Lyall was looking a bit uncomfortable when Monodramon first said that. “At the time I first came here, I felt as if I was separated from Lyall and in turn, I felt like I failed him since I wasn’t there and that I let him down. After first meeting Monodramon, I felt that if I were able to help him, part of me could forgive myself for letting him down.”

“And just when I thought that you said not to go too much into details.” Lyall replied back. “Besides, what reminded him of me?”

“Both of you were into comics and video games, you were both the same age and had no parents.” Rena summarized.

“Isn't Rena just adorable?” Leona snickered, winking at Rena’s explanation and then turning to Lyall with a disturbingly friendly smile.

“Oh yeah? Look who’s talking-”

“AnyWAYS!!” The dragon that was Leona’s partner interjected, grabbing hold of the Coronamon before she could attempt to charge at the Strabimon. “Scootaloo, I think that there’s a couple of things that I should ask. To start, where did you find Monodramon’s digivice?”

“In a cardboard box that was in my closet,” The pegasus replied back. “Honestly, I thought it was one of those handheld gaming devices like the one Button would play with after school… Though, come to think of it.”

“What is it?” Spike asked.

“Well, now that I’m thinking about it a bit more, some of the things that were in that box once belonged to my mom, Sky Drifter,” There was a bit of silence in the room as she looked back towards Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, before asking a question to both of her friends. “Is that… some kind of coincidence or what?”

For a moment, things stayed silent. But not before Rena spoke once more. “Scootaloo… My partner was Pearl Belle. Her two closest friends were our allies. And one of them was your mother,” The Renamon’s words were a bit of a shock to the pegasus as she looked back at her, before she turned to Apple Bloom. “The same can be said for Apple Bloom’s mother too.”

“Guilmon misses Buttercup…” They now heard Apple Bloom’s partner say, sounding rather sad after hearing that.

“You three are the children of the first tamers of Equestria. And to me, they were the bravest ponies that I knew,” Rena told Scootaloo in response. “Especially your mother. She was the bravest of them all.”

Shortly after Scootaloo said that, there were a lot of things that were going through her head. A lot of it involved trying to picture her mother and Monodramon like they were some kind of comic book duo, like Batmare and Robin. But another thought soon dawned on her. It was now on her to carry the weight of the responsibility that her mother left behind. Yet, even though this sounded rather daunting, she was more than willing to do it.

She did want to be just like her mother after all. “Can you teach me how to be like her? I want to help all of you, and now that I found out that I have a partner like you guys, I feel like I’m part of something amazing.”

Rena looked back at every one of the digimon in the room, before looking back to Leona again as she was still trying to go after her brother for what he said earlier. “Well, I’m glad that you think that way. Yet… being a digimon tamer is not easy. Are you sure you’re up for it?”

“Um, Rena… if Scootaloo embodies anything from Rainbow Dash, its her confidence,” Spike now spoke up. “She just basically told you that she’s up for anything.”

“Okay, but it’s not just me that we need to ask,” She replied, looking back at a particular Coronamon as she spoke up. “Leona’s the one who made the digital field. I think it would be best to ask her whether or not she’s okay with us doing anything in here so that way we don’t make a mess of anything.”

“Hmm? Oh, go ahead. It's not my house the field is in, so feel free… And Spike, the sooner you let go, the less your going to hurt in five minutes.” Leona said as she stopped struggling.

“Only if you don’t try to go after Lyall and give Scootaloo the wrong impression of you,” The dragon retorted. “We’re trying to give a positive impression and I don’t think what you were going to do counts.”

“Heh, she reminds me of Endeavor.” Monodramon chuckled. Something that went unnoticed by Leona as she was primarily focused on Spike in that moment.

“Spike, need I remind you I used to be a being that could take control of the sun from my Celestia at a whim? You are only my partner because this universe decided to hijack control of my Digivice and give it, and thus my soul, to your tiny claws...” Leona said with a warning smile, the flames on her body seeming to absorb heat rather than create it.

“Just please take a breath and sit down-” The moment that those words were said, Leona immediately dropped to the floor. Face planting into the ground as he looked back at her. “Not what I meant, but… Wait, how did that just happen?”

All Rena did was give off a shrug as she looked back to Scootaloo and her partner now. Shortly before Sweetie Belle joined them as she carried her digivice around her neck. “Anyways… How about we get started? Monodramon, I know that Scootaloo has her digivice, but does she have the Digimodify cards that Sky used to have?”

At first, hearing Rena say that just puzzled the pegasus filly as she looked back at her. “Wait, cards? Since when was part of this some kind of children’s card game?”

“That’s the first thing I asked!” Sweetie Belle spoke up.

“I do have them,” Monodramon spoke up, before what looked like a deck holster materialized as he handed them to Scootaloo. “And don’t shrug this off. These are actually important.”

“Yeah, these cards, if you use them with your digivice at the right time, can modify and strengthen your partner,” Sweetie Belle then replied back, before finding a card and giving a demonstration, sliding a digimodify card along the side of her device. Activating the ‘Twin Sickles’ card before Rena was seen holding a pair of scythes that resembled the sickles of a Snimon. “Some can even have your partner digivolve into much stronger forms with enough practice. Heck, Spike’s even done it before-”

The moment that they turned to look at Spike, that was when Leona groaned as she pulled her face out of the floor. “Spike, I am going to give you five seconds to escape or apologize…”

“Um… I’m sorry?” Spike said, confused as to why he needed to apologize while also trying to pay attention to Monodramon and Rena.

“Leona, don’t try to chew him out. He’s just as confused as the rest of us are,” Rena told her in response. “Besides, we’re trying to help Scootaloo here. Not scold Spike.”

“But my face hurts!” Leona mewled, visibly upset. “And I am tired of being his pet…”

“You’re my partner. I don’t see you as a pet,” Spike replied back, before rubbing the top of her head. “Your someone who doesn’t let anypony hold you back. Though, it doesn’t give you the right to immediately get angry with them just because they said something you didn’t like.”

Around this time, Rena decided to turn her attention back to Scootaloo. “In any case, we should start by letting you test your standard abilities and skills in your rookie form before trying anything else.”

“Alright! I like the sound of that!” Monodramon replied back, before looking back at Rena as he scratched his head. “So… Am I doing a practice match with you or someone else? Because its been a while since we’ve last done something like this, you have more combat experience, I haven’t had the chance to practice in such a long time…” All of these things began to come off as a constant state of mumbling as everyone just watched him speak out loud. This happened to go on for a few moments, with no interruptions whatsoever as they all just watched him mumble like crazy.

That was, before someone else interject. “I’ll do it.” That had everyone else turn to Lyall, who was stretching out his arms and legs before walking over. “Rena’s been doing a lot recently, so I’ll go ahead and give it a try.”

“Okay, but how-?”

“Let’s make this simple,” He said, before looking back at his partner as Button now stood in front of where Sweetie Belle was. “You against me, no cards or digivolutions, just everything you know in your rookie form. Sound okay to you?”

Of course, hearing that had Monodramon’s look of uncertainty quickly change to one of eagerness and determination. “Alright. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Straight out the gate, Monodramon charged at Lyall to the point that he barely enough time in order to protect himself from the incoming attack. Knocking the Strabimon back a few feet as he looked up towards his opponent and attempted to counter his next attack as the two of them began to trade blows with one another. Lyall with his paws and feet while Monodramon attacked with his claws, wings, head and fire breath.

As the fight was going on though, Leona sat nearby where Rena was and also was quite curious about something that the Renamon happened to say in that moment. “Oh Lyall. You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into.”

“I’m confused, what is Mono talking about? Aside from the obvious speed advantage due to being a wind dragon.” Leona asked Rena curiously.

The fox digimon looked back at the coronamon for a small moment, before looking back at Monodramon as he looked back at him. “It’s not just being a wind dragon. When he trained with Sky, he primarily focused his abilities on speed and strength. Not to mention that he’s not like most Monodramon,” Rena explained. “He has a certain gimmick. He can still pull off skills like the rest of us can, but for him, if he’s able to hit his opponent a few times first, his next skill would deal more damage than normal. That and he sometimes limits how much power he has overall. Just guess how much percent he’s using right now. You’ll be surprised.”

“Do I look like a scouter to you? How am I supposed to guess that?” Leona asked with a deadpan. “Just tell me.”

All Rena did was lift her paw and held it open. Stretching out her fingers to see if Leona could get what she was trying to say. “Five percent.”

That had Sweetie Belle, who was not far from the two of them, turn around as she looked back at Rena. “Wait… he’s only using five percent of his overall strength? Why?”

“Monodramon has learned that if he goes all out immediately, he would just end up hurting himself and draw backlash. So, he starts small and then gradually increases his power over the course of a fight. And this is only in his rookie form,” Rena told the two of them. “If Lyall is barely holding his ground now… then he’s not going to last another few minutes when Monodramon decides to use more of his power. But he can’t go over ten percent without using a digimodify card-”

“Licht Bein!” Both of them turned their attention back to the fight at hand as Lyall attempted to attack his opponent with a crescent kick. One that had pure light channeled into it as he went directly for Monodramon’s head. Much to his surprise though, he was caught off guard when the Monodramon sidestepped to the right and avoided his opponent altogether. Which was followed by the dragon digimon’s claws curling into a fist as he punched Lyall with an uppercut with enough power to send him into the air.

But Monodramon was not done. Not yet. Using his wings, he quickly took flight. Reaching to the same altitude as his opponent before going into a forward somersault. “Canterlot…” As the back of his body circled around, Rena and the others watched as he channeled his energy from his attacks into his tail as it slammed over Lyall’s head. “SMASH!!”

The attack connected against the Strabimon and with it, sent him plummeting into the ground. Causing a crater to form where it landed and the shockwave from it to almost blow Leona off of the floor alongside some of the other Tamers. All of them were shocked by the brief amount of power that he displayed, but Rena kind of expected this. She remembered him doing the same move to her in a sparring match that they had when Pearl Belle and Sky Drifter were still their partners. So to her, she was quite impressed. It may had been several years since they last met, but his skill did not falter. If anything, Rena thought it actually improved.

“What just happened?” Leona asked, using one of her fingers to scrub the inside of her ears to try and get the ringing to stop.

“Remember when I said that after hitting his opponent more than once, his next attack or skill becomes stronger?” Rena then asked, to which Spike and Sweetie Belle nodded even though Leona was confused. “Well, that was a demonstration. Monodramon calls these attacks ‘Smashes’ and… it's a quirk of his to have different smash attacks named after different cities. He told me he got the idea from a manga where a couple of the main characters did the same thing.”

“So you can say that he… smashed his face in?” Spike asked, only for the others to look at him with a few deadpan expressions as the dragon facepalmed himself. “Oh come on you guys, that wasn’t supposed to be funny.”

Of course, the one person who would not consider that as funny… was the one on the receiving end of Monodramon’s attack as Lyall just lied there in the crater. Pain beginning to surge through him now. “Ow, MY EVERYTHING!!!”

Leona slowly burst into maniacal laughter, enjoying the pun that her partner made. That as well as Lyall’s combined suffering. “Ha! Enjoying your daily dose of karma, kiddo~?” She then called out to him. Which was only met by another painful groan as Monodramon began to scratch the back of his head. Looking at Leona and the others, along with Scootaloo, like he did something wrong.

“I… might have overdone it just a little.” He admitted, before looking towards Leona and Rena now. “Sorry about the crater… and him.”

“Don’t mind my brother. He’s a lot like you, but always kinds of gets himself in bad situations based on his actions,” Rena insisted, before pointing to the ground. “And I think the crater should repair itself rather quickly. Unlike my brother’s self esteem, that might take a bit more time.”

“Oh come on, Rena! Seriously?!”

“Think of it this way,” Rena looked to her side to see that the Coronamon was speaking up now. “You take the smack talk or I remind you how I, a girl who is half your size, in my weakened state, has repeatedly beaten you to a pulp~” Leona smirked before walking over and patting Monodramon on the head. “And you’re fine kiddo, mind your manners and I will gladly treat you better than I treat him.”

Monodramon just nodded his head briefly, before going as far as to hug Leona as a way to say ‘thank you’ before returning back to Scootaloo’s side. As for Lyall, Rena had Button activate one of the digimodify cards called ‘Heaven’s Charm’. It was based on a move that the ultimate digimon called AngeWomon would have where it would wrap its allies in holy light and not only restore stamina, but also heal abnormal conditions. In the context of the card, it would heal part of Lyall’s injuries while also restoring some of the stamina that got knocked out of him earlier.

Of course, it didn’t mean that Lyall’s injuries were fully healed. Just enough for him to stand up before asking Button to let him back in the digivice so he could recover some more. Which left only four digimon now as Leona was now with Guilmon, Monodramon and Rena as well. Of course, to Leona, the one thing that was still stuck in her head was how Monodramon showed his thanks just a few moments ago. Yet, that was only minor in comparison.

“I… uh… wha…” Leona sputtered standing where Monodramon had hugged her, visibly confused and unable to process what just happened.

“S-sorry. I just… was told that actions speak louder than words and…” At that moment, Monodramon was fidgeting a bit with his claws as he looked back at her. “I just wanted to show how much I appreciated what you said.”

“Not how I would’ve done it, but I think we can pass on that,” Rena replied back, touching Leona’s shoulder to get her to snap back to reality before looking back to Scootaloo. “So, now that that’s done, what should we move onto next?”

“Well, perhaps you can tell me more about what’s going on? Monodramon already covered some things like what the digital world is and you showed me how fighting between digimon happens and what not. That and I know that we can’t exactly cover everything right now,” Scootaloo took a pause for a moment, before looking back at Rena and Sweetie Belle now. “But why did you guys decide to talk about it in here instead of in some place like the clubhouse?”

That question even had Sweetie Belle look up at her partner as well. She was curious as to what was the reason for going as far as to have them meet in here in the first place, all things considered. As for Rena, it felt like the right time in order to be able to explain everything. “Remember when I mentioned that there was a Digimon that attacked Rarity and sent her to the hospital? Well, even though we beat him, before he disappeared, he said a few words that have been stuck in my head ever since then.”

“Sangloupmon said something?” Sweetie now asked, looking back at her partner with a raised eyebrow.

“He said ‘the phantom comes for you now’ just as he became nothing more than data. But I’m now beginning to think that it's more than just a vague threat,” The Renamon explained to everypony and every digimon that was in the room with her right now. “I’m beginning to think that he’s referring to someone that he was working for. And with Sangloupmon gone, they might be focusing more of their efforts to attacking us in retaliation.”

“So you… used the field…” Apple Bloom now spoke up, trying to see if she could figure out why she had Leona put up the digital field in the first place.

“Because it would be the safest way for us in order to be able to help Scootaloo and talk about this without having to worry about any digimon trying to spy on us and tell them where we are.” The Renamon replied back.

“Well, it's certainly one of the most probable methods. Aim for when your enemy has their guard down and they feel safe before attacking them. I had used that method myself back in my golden days. War is never pretty but you get used to it after time…” Leona rambled as she tapped her chin.

All of that lead to Rena letting out a sigh as she looked back at her. “Yeah, but there’s one problem with that. We’re up against someone or some digimon that we don’t even know much about, but they only know about us. So we’re at a bit of a disadvantage here.”

“Good thing we have my Daughter then.” Leona chuckled as she rubbed her paws together. “They think they can hide in the shadows unnoticed~? Well not for long, because we're going to smoke them out~”

“You’re being way too optimistic about this,” Rena replied back as she looked back at Leona. “You do realize that we can only digivolve to our champion levels right? What would happen if we try to ‘smoke them out’ and we realize that they are an ultimate level digimon? Or Mega for that matter.” Around now, Leona noticed that Monodramon was shaking a bit. Almost as if he was scared of something.

“Hey Mono, you ok? Your shaking quite a bit over there.” Leona commented, avoiding Rena’s question for now.

“Oh uh…” Monodramon looked back at her, before looking away nervously. “W-when Rena said ultimate, I just… uh…”

Before he could answer more, Rena just tapped Leona on the shoulder and looked back at her. “Hey, it might be possible that he’s not exactly comfortable with the last time he was in his Ultimate stage. Let’s not try to push him on the subject. It’s kind of… personal.” She whispered.

“If that is the case then its fine. I won’t pry, though given how things look from where I am standing, I have an idea of what he might be afraid of.” Leona stated, matter of factly. “So, do you have any other questions… what was your name again?” She then said while turning to the pegasus that was next to Monodramon.

“Scootaloo.” She replied back. “Though, I have two questions. One… If our lives are possibly in danger, and we know that they could go after family because this other guy did so with Rarity, shouldn’t we do something to keep the others safe. And Two, though this might be a bit of a personal question… why do you somehow remind me of Diamond Tiara?”

“I think I forgot, but was that the pink filly with the hat that matches her name?” Leona asked. “If so, then I have no clue why. I'm just a former ruler of an alternate world reduced to a child like state and taking refuge in this world after my own had been destroyed.” she stated with a oddly disinterested shrug.

“Well, she does kind of have a bad habit for stating things like she’s a know-it-all-”

“And let’s just stop right there,” Spike interjected. “Perhaps we should answer that other question instead? You know, about how we’re going to make sure that nopony else gets hurt and ends up in the hospital like with Rarity?” His question was followed by silence and Leona just staring blankly into space as they waited for her to say something. But after a few moments, the dragon that was her partner just let out a deep sigh. “You don’t have a plan, do you?”

“W-what are you talking about?! Of course I have… well… part of a plan…” Leona said, trying to shrink away from everyone’s gazes. Of course, despite her best efforts to do so, her response to Spike’s question soon had another question surface. This time it was from Rena as she and Sweetie Belle approached her.”

“How much is ‘part’ of a plan?” Rena then asked her. Curious to see how the Coronamon could act under pressure.

“Uh… about twelve percent I think?”

All her answer did was cause everypony to stare at her for a moment… all before two of them broke out in laughter. Those two being both Guilmon and Apple Bloom. “T-that’s not a plan at all!!”

“It’s barely even a concept.” Scootaloo added on, while Monodramon just looked a bit puzzled as the Coronamon was beginning to look kind of nervous.

“H-hey! Age and wisdom aren't the same thing you know!” Leona whined, her body becoming multiple shades redder as she gave a pouty face. “And on that aspect, you all should show respect to your elders!”

“Who said that they were trying to disrespect you?” Button said, before looking back at his digivice as it chirped for a small moment, before looking at it. “And Lyall says that its at least better than eleven percent.”

“Well, at least we have something to go off of,” Rena replied back, before looking at Leona. “Right now, it's all we got. It’s a rough draft, but I’m sure that if we put some more thought into it, we’ll have all of a plan ready for the next time we encounter another digimon.” Though, around the time that she finished that sentence, Rena began to notice that Leona was just standing in place. Almost like she was frozen there.

“Um… is this normal for her, Spike?” Scootaloo now asked, sounding a bit concerned as the dragon looked back at his partner. Waving a claw to try and see if she would react, but nothing happened.

“Is she buffering or something?” Monodramon now asked, thinking that she was acting slow like a computer that had a rather bad internet connection.

“I think she’s having trouble comprehending the fact that my brother actually supported what she was saying,” Rena now sighed, shortly before walking towards the Coronamon and getting down to her level. “With how much she despises Lyall, she probably sees him actually agreeing with something she said as a foreign concept.”

“But it’s not from outside Equestria though…” Sweetie Belle then said, which, had Rena briefly turn around for a moment as she looked back at her.

“Sweetie Belle… Have you and your friends been taught in class about words that have more than one meaning?” All that did was have the filly nod her head, before she looked back at both Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. After a short while, all three of them collectively began to realize what Rena meant by that. “Foreign may mean from another country, but it also means anything that’s strange and unfamiliar.”

“So… she’s unfamiliar with praise from Lyall?” Button then asked, before looking back at Spike and the others. “Okay, but if she’s frozen like that, how are we supposed to get out of here? Mom wants me to be back home by dinner.”

Rena sighed, putting a paw close to Leona’s head and snapping her fingers. Hoping that the sound of it would snap the Coronamon back to reality.

“Huh, wha? Where am I?” Leona asked as she looked around blinking, visibly confused.

“Still in the digital field with us,” The renamon told her, letting out a small sigh of relief. “We were going to ask if you could lower the field so we could return to Ponyville, but you spaced out on us.”

“Oh, uh, sorry…” Leona muttered embarrassed as she collapsed the digital field around them. “Anything else I can do for you?”

“Well, for the most part, I think we got everything that we needed to do out of the way,” Rena replied back as Monodramon and Guilmon returned back to their digivices, just before Sweetie Belle and her friends began to go back into town. “What about you? You did change a few shades while we were in the field.”

“I…” Leona started to talk before taking on a thinking pose. “I am not sure what is going on, just been feeling funny lately i guess.” she then replied with a shrug.

“Define ‘funny’. Because that could mean a few things and I want to make sure you’re doing okay,” Rena then said out of concern. Leona merely shrugged, not sure how to explain. All Rena took that for was just that she was unsure what it was, so instead, she had Leona jump onto her shoulder as she looked back at her. “You know what? Let’s not worry about it right now. If you feel anything else though, let me know and we’ll do what we can to help, okay?”

“Alright.” Leona replied as she hugged Rena. The renamon, in turn, hugged back as she kept Leona on her shoulder and began to walk back over to Carousel Boutique.


For the digimon named Witchmon, she felt that she was in a rather tight spot. Originally, she and her servant, Tsukaimon, were doing reconnaissance on a filly who just happened to know the tamers who were able to take down Sangloupmon. But just before they could make their move, they were called back by their boss to return to the base in the digital world. Something that Witchmon was not entirely too thrilled about.

Their bosses hideout was in an abandoned castle, one that was an exact replica of the ruined castle of the twin sisters in the Everfree Forest. Originally, their whole group was set up in a underground city. But as of a few months ago, when a massive hive of what looked to be changeling-digimon hybrids lead by one that looked to be part cannonbeemon just showed up and took over the place, they were forced to relocate and take everything that they could with them. Destroying any evidence of their presence there before disappearing.

Of course, this also meant that Witchmon’s boss had become rather irritated over the last few months. And as both her and Tsukaimon entered their bosses quarters, they could see him floating over by an opening in the wall as he looked out into the forest. He had already acknowledged their presence, but instead of addressing her, he just spoke as a few rays of light reflected of the blade of his scythe.

“You know, Witchmon… I’m beginning to believe that those who serve me don’t understand what I pay them for.”

Tsukaimon, upon hearing this, just tilted its head. “But, you don’t pay-”

“Allow them to live for,” He corrected, turning around as he began to lower himself down to the ground. “First, we were forced to abandon our old base of operations when it was taken over by those… what were they called again?”

“You mean the hybrids?”

“Yes, those,” Their boss nodded. “Then we find out that from these new tamers, two of them are the children of the ponies who were the original tamers several years ago. And not to mention the fact that Sangloupmon’s dead,” As he approached Witchmon, the light in the room now revealed the digimon that was speaking to her was Phantomon. The same one who she had talked about with Tsukaimon earlier in the day. “I’m sorry if I sound blunt and vulgar, but if this shit keeps on going any further south, we’re going to end up hitting digi-mexicolt.”

That was definitely not what Witchmon expected. Phantomon was not normally known for losing his composure or referring to vulgarity in tense situations. But with all the developments that have been happening in the last few weeks, it was no wonder that he was angry right now. “Well, what would you like us to do then?”

“Well, what I would like for you to do is to straighten up your hat, tighten the grip on your broom and stop flying around the place like a timid coward not doing anything,” He ordered, glaring back at the Witchmon that served him. “Every moment that you are just floating around and doing nothing is another wasted opportunity. I want for you and that fluffy slipper that you call a companion to actually take action. We are long overdue on retaliating against those tamers for what they have done to our operations. Now, it's time we give them a dose of payback. Do I make myself clear?”

All Witchmon and Tsukaimon did was just stare blankly for a moment. Before both of them soon nodded their heads. “Yes, sir.”

“Excellent,” The reaper digimon replied back.“Now, out of everything that we know so far, our scouts have only reported on finding four tamers so far. Two of them being the children of the original tamers that defeated my master a long time ago. If they are strong enough to the point that they were able to take down Sangloupmon so easily, then that’s a problem for us. I want you to deal with them however you see fit.”

All that did was have Witchmon grin menacingly as she nodded her head. “With pleasure~”

End Chapter 14