• Published 23rd Jan 2016
  • 2,700 Views, 126 Comments

Ponyville Fire Department - Rescue Sunstreak

A story of Rescue Sunstreak and the PVFD, and the honor, duty, and sacrifice all first responders give.

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52 - Hearth's Warming eve (Part 1)

Hearth's Warming Eve. The snow was thick on the ground, and in the air. The wind kicked up even harder as she flew, pushing her to work harder to keep her speed steady, knowing she had to get through to Ponyville, get this package to its recipient. Her blue outfit didn’t hold in much heat, and even as a pegasus, it was cold. She could feel the ice starting to build up along her wings, and yet still she flew swiftly. The weight of the small package was nothing to her, but its meaning to somepony was heavy.

There, in the distance, she could see the outline of the Friendship Castle, the lights festive and bright, even through the blinding storm. Streaking in, she struck the ground, but her strength was at an end. Her hooves slipped and she tumbled end over end, thudding into the door hard. She thought she could hear a few voices cry out as the darkness closed in and took her.


A worried voice faded in as she took stock of where she was. Something warm was packed around her, and she felt padding under her. She slowly tried to focus on the voice, because trying to open her eyes hurt.

“You sure she will be okay, Chief?” the familiar voice said. Why couldn’t she place it?

A deeper voice spoke. “She won’t be flying for a few days. The frostbite was light, she lost a few primary feathers, and that left hoof is strained, but nothing is broken. She will be just fine, Rainbow”

Rainbow! That was the voice’s owner. Slowly, she groaned and started to open her eyes. Many worried faces came into focus. She seemed to be lying down on a pile of pillows next to a huge fireplace, but she needed to focus on who not what. A cough rumbled up her throat as she pressed her face into the blanket to cover her muzzle.

“W... ah... the... the package! I-is it okay?”

A hoof of purple touched her lightly through the blanket. “The package is safe, Lightning Dust,” a bit of amusement in the tone. “Your record remains intact, but, you are getting such a lecture after you rest some. What were you think—”

A pink hoof in the mouth of the purple alicorn giving the speed-delivery mare a dressing down. “TwiTwi, not right now!” Pinkie Pie smiled.

Lightning Dust looked up, to focus on a large, muscular stallion, dark brown in color, pressing his hoof edge to her neck lightly. He seemed to be counting softly before he gave a nod. His voice deep, that must be the one she heard talk about her condition. Taking in the uniform, the badge, it hit her, she had delivered to this one before, mostly just paperwork that was needed faster than the normal mail could bring it.

“You will be okay, Miss Dust. Just relax some,” a smile grew on his muzzle. “I took the liberty of signing your delivery paper, and filling it in already. However...”

The big stallion grew a bit more serious. “You will not be going out again, you are here for the duration of the night and this storm. You are far too weak and injured right now to fly, and the train back to Manehattan won’t be running until the tracks are cleared in the morning.”

It was the Princess of Friendship who spoke up next. “Welcome to our party, Lightning. When you are up for it, somepony will bring you some warm cider, and you are quite welcome to join us all.”

She looked up at the stallion again, then around at all the others. Many here were in uniform just like his, others not. It was like almost all of Ponyville and their families were packed into the huge room.

“Chief, m—” she was cut off by a few more coughs, “May I ask... what was in the package that had to be here tonight, no matter what?”

He just smiled “Tradition Miss Dust, tradition,” he answered. Everypony around him other than a few of the older pony, had a very perplexed face that matched hers. However, he offered no more to the answer as he turned, pressing close to a pegasus of gold and green.

She guessed by how close she watched them walk away. His special somepony, perhaps?


Rescue glanced over at the down flyer, just checking on her visually. He was not on duty, but she was still his patient for the night. He gave a smile as he noted Rainbow Dash and Soarin sitting with her talking. Joining them and carrying hot cider drinks on a tray on her back was Scootaloo, Rumble, and not really much of a surprise, Ponyville’s mail carrier. Mrs. Hooves had been rather motherly to the special delivery Pegasus, doting over her state much to the amusement of many of the flock.

“Y’all never do quite switch off do ya, Res?"

Turning his head to look at Applejack, he chuckled. He then glanced to see what his husband was doing, making note of him currently conversing with Lyra and Bon Bon. He shifted his focus back at the Apple matriarch with a shrug of his shoulders.

“In the same way you never pass your farm without checking every tree over,” he then switched subjects. “So?”

Applejack tilted her head then glanced over to where her brother stood next to a rather gravid looking dark pink mare with a light pink mane. She gave a bit of a smile at that and looked back at the stallion next to her.

“Any day now, Mercy says. Gonna be strange having a foal on the farm after so long,” her smile faded just a touch. “Ah sure wish Granny had been able to see it.”

In a rare display for him, Rescue hooked his leg around Applejack’s neck and gave her a light hug. Breaking it almost as fast, she was, perhaps, his best friend, and one of the few he dropped his stoic nature around.

“She knows, I am sure of it.”

AJ gave a bit of a nod at that and just stood with her friend watching ponies talk and laugh.

“Who is on duty?” She looked around at the crowd and noting no one missing.

Rescue gestured. “Ice, Bull, Thunderlane, Jim, Hondo,” he paused. “Scoot is on deck for standby, and the rigs are outside under tarps. Been having some of the Explorers go out and shovel a path and knock the snow off them once a hour.”

Applejack glanced over at the big dark stallion, then gestured with her muzzle to where the group of pegasi were staying close to the injured flyer. “How is she doing, by the way?”

Rescue peered over at the tangerine filly laying with the others around Lightning. “She has a knack for triage, AJ. She is going to make a hell of a paramedic. I admit, I am proud of her, she has not once complained or freaked out.”

“Who are we talking about? Oh and happy Hearth's Warming to you, Applejack.”

Rescue turned his head to find himself flanked by his father. Giving a soft smile to the older faded mint pegasus.

“Scootaloo, and thank ya, Firehook, happy Hearth's Warming to you, too. So, what is that ah see around yer neck?” she poked at it.

Rescue gave a nod and stayed quiet. The older pegasus’ smile grew warmer still.

“This, well... this is a knit scarf given to me by a thoughtful grandson, and knitted by my son in law.”

Applejack gave a chuckle then looked around again. “Say, Res, where is yer brother?”

Rescue glanced at his father then back to Applejack. “He switched duty with a stallion at Canterlot Station Three so the guy could spend tonight with his family. It is a kind of unwritten rule some of the command will do so the rank and file don’t miss out.”

Quiet settled in with the three as they just observed the room and the joy being shared by all.


The five Explorers were slightly confused as they were escorted to a room down the hall from the big main party going on. The Friendship Guard, a mare named Swift Lance, gave a smile and opened the door, standing back to a place of attention next to it.

Stepping inside, they took note of others here. Rescue and Ailan, Firehook, but then there was Lily’s father, Soarin, Mr. Rich, and last but not least, Thunderlane. Diamond looked around slowly and back at the gathered ponies. They each had such a serious look. Over to the side, quiet and clearly asked to remain so, sat Rainbow Dash and Lightning Dust, observing.

“Come over Explorers, and stand before your fathers.”

Each did as bid, Diamond facing her father. She glanced over to see Scootaloo take a spot in front of Soarin, looking to her other side to see each had done as bid.
“Chief, what is—”

The big dark brown draft stallion held up a hoof to silence her.

“The five of you have embarked on a path,” his voice deep, a bit more serious than they were use to hearing him be outside a call.

“A path that, if you work hard and dedicate yourself to, will mean a life of service to others. You all know the story of how the firefighter tradition was born. Now, tonight, you will learn of one of our deepest and most secret traditions. The ones here before you have all been sworn to keep what they see and hear this night secret, and so they are allowed to observe.”

He looked down at Pipsqueak as he spoke but his voice carried so all in the room could hear him clear.

“Our kind does not seek glory or fame. We do not do what we do for money, or power. We watch the night for the glow of flame, because our princess bid us to,” there was a gravity to his words as he continued.

“Make no mistake, we do not worship her. She is our patron saint, pointing the way that we take in duty and honor and watching over our fallen as she does the dreams of everypony.”

Clearing his throat he looked down the line of stallions and back to his son before him. “Long ago, a father gave his life this night saving a family from the beast, his last breath spent giving his son a gift. In that tradition, on this night, we remember him and what his sacrifice meant.”

Rescue exhaled and gave a nod. Glancing down as five hooves drew out a small black velvet case and held it, still closed.

“Take this,” looking into Pip’s eyes. He could see Pip was bewildered, proud, and a little scared.

“Wear it with the honor it carries. A symbol to all who share our fate that you are one of us in spirit, and that you remember the cost we pay to keep others safe.”

Each of the young ponies reached out and took the case offered to them by the stallion before them. Opening them almost in sync, and as one taking a sharp breath in. Laying there in the velvet sat a small silver medallion on a thin silver chain, the very cutie mark of the Lunar princess etched into the small metal item.

Firehook spoke up. “We do not wear them to show off, we do not wear them where others can see them. However, we do not lie if asked about them. You will each be talked to by your fathers in private here in a bit. Tonight, however, is rare.”

He gestured over to the two pegasi watching.

“We have allowed two guests, one who risked her life to bring the packages you hold, and one who has risked life time and time again to escort her.”

In a tiny and very soft voice Lighting whispered. “I... if I had known what was in the packages, I would have flown through the Windigo lands to get them here if I had to,” having picked up on the solemn and powerful moment. Rainbow hooked a wing over the other mare and hugged her softly.

The young Explorers had not taken their eyes off the medallions they held, then exchanged looks between each other, they all nodded once to one another. Almost as one sliding them out of the cases, they slid them on, each tucking the medallion into the back of the small badge case they wore around their necks. They did just as they had seen the firefighters do.

Diamond looked up at her father, but spoke in a voice that was clearly aimed at all. “Why us tonight? We have not graduated from the Academy yet.”

Filthy Rich looked down at his daughter and gave a nod, glancing over to Rescue who gestured for him to explain just as it had been explained to him less than a hour ago.

“Because, my Diamond, soon you will be going off on the path you have chosen to take. The five of you have shown the dedication and values that others only dream of. You have each faced fire and come out on the other side stronger for it. Now, I don’t pretend to understand for a instant what that feels like. However, I want you to know one thing.”

He glanced at all the other fathers, and soon back to his daughter. “I am proud of you, Diamond Tiara. You have shed so much as you have grown up. You think of others not yourself, and I am proud to be part of this ceremony to show you just how I feel.”

Diamond hitched, gave a little noise then leapt forward and wrapped her forelegs around her father's neck tight, hugging him with all her might as she started to cry. “I love you, daddy!”

Taking the pink pony's lead, the others grabbed their fathers and hugged tight. A few shed tears, one such was Scootaloo hearing the words of the off white Wonderbolt that was her father.

“You are not born of my blood, Scoots, but I could not love you more, or be more proud of you,” as he held the smaller than average filly who cried into his shoulder.

Thunderlane looked into his brother's eyes and spoke very softly. A hitch in his throat telling he was holding back a lot of emotions.

“Mom and Dad would have been proud of you, Rumble. I know I am not your father, but, I think tonight, more than ever before, I get it.”

Rumble like the others were already doing, grabbed his brother's neck and hugged tighter than ever.

“I love you so much, Thunder.”

Rescue gave a soft nod to himself, as he held a paint pony close, and felt the wings of his husband wrap around them both. A soft whisper from him, almost a prayer of sorts.

“Watch over them please, as you do us, Luna. Welcome a new generation of your night watchers.”

Author's Note:

Well all, that is 52 chapters in one year. I made my goal!!! :pinkiehappy:

Of note, the version of Lightning Dust in this story is based on a story written by Unicorncob with his permission. It is the future (around 8 years) version of the LD from this story The Dusty Trail. Please give it a read, it really is a great story.

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