• Published 22nd Jan 2016
  • 6,485 Views, 1,038 Comments

Aporia - Oliver

Once upon a time, if the term even applies, two young ladies decided to visit an Equestria, selected seemingly at random. Which would be nothing special, despite their attitudes towards ponies being so different, if one hadn't mentioned sandwiches...

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Conversation 38: Spike

One reason I so rarely get to eat fire rubies is that they can keep me awake for hours past my bedtime. Oh, and they’re rare and expensive. There’s always that. This one wasn’t very ripe, but it was so tasty…

“Sorry!” a guard shouted, rushing out of the doors and pushing Mary out of the way. “Sir! I think we spotted—”

“Let me guess. Tirek,” Shining Armor interrupted him.

“…Yes, sir,” the guard replied.

“Evacuate the citizens to the castle, assemble on the main street, defensive formation. We must get this done before they knock down the shield,” Shining announced his orders. He grabbed me off his back with his magic, and, after some looking around, set me gently on the floor next to Cadance. “Twilight, wake the rest of your friends up. Use the Elements the first chance you get,” he said, before turning to move.

“Wait!” Twilight yelled after him. “Use the Elements to do what?

“No time. Cadance will fill you in,” he tossed back at us.

“Shining!” Cadance yelled. “Don’t you dare die out there, you hear me?”

He just turned back, smiled, adjusted the scarf Cadance tied on him yesterday morning, and then galloped out towards the entrance archway of the city. Twilight might be the strongest unicorn there is, but one thing Shining has on her, he’s the coolest one.

Twilight sighed. “So who, or what, is Tirek?” she asked with resigned dread in her voice.

“I only know what Celestia told us,” Cadance replied. “Some prince from an ancient kingdom of centaurs, recently escaped from Tartarus.”

“I thought the last centaur kingdom collapsed sometime in the IX century,” Moondancer commented. “Could a single centaur even live that long?”

“Celestia said that Tirek was why it collapsed, so make your guesses,” Cadance replied. “I had the wedding on my mind and didn’t feel like prying, I was afraid she might answer.

“So how exactly was he involved?” Mary wondered, brandishing a tiny telescope and looking in the direction of the archway with her pony eye. The dragon eye kept staring at Cadance instead. “You don’t just dump every threatening foreigner into Tartarus, as far as I’m aware.”

“Of course not. Tirek can steal magic. Nopony knows exactly how,” Cadance explained. “He took all the magic the centaurs had, and then he came to Equestria. The more he steals, the more powerful he gets, the bigger he gets, the more magic he can steal. First the unicorn magic, then earth pony and pegasi magic… Celestia said that potentially, he could eat the Moon itself. They only defeated him the first time because they had early warning, and they had to use the Elements to do it.”

Wow. That’s kind of awesome in a scary way.

“Was that the ‘threat’ they got before the wedding?” Twilight asked.

“Yes,” Cadance nodded. “An anonymous letter came in, describing how somepony found Tirek hiding in a cave in the Foal Mountains, took pity on him, befriended him by bringing him food and heard of his plan to attack Canterlot. They tried to talk him out of it, but failed. The letter urged us to be merciful, intercept him before he can do any real harm and show him the error of his ways.”

Twilight smiled. “If somepony wrote that, maybe there’s still a chance.”

“That’s why Luna thought the letter might be genuine,” Cadance agreed. “It was what a decent pony would write.”

“Or a changeling queen,” Mary commented.

Twilight narrowed her eyes at her. “Are you sure?

“I don’t have proof, but it fits my theory,” Mary replied. “That letter certainly served them as an effective distraction, didn’t it?”

“It could simply be a coincidence,” Rarity objected. “Why do you always have to presume the worst, darling?!”

“Because it keeps me alive,” Mary countered. “Not much chance of a coincidence, if he shows up here among a swarm of changelings, is there?”

Twilight sighed, folding her ears. “So what was the plan for dealing with Tirek?”

“Luna’s plan was to send the army to search for him, then teleport you in with the Elements,” Cadance replied. “Celestia’s plan was to put up a shield and invite you all to help with the wedding. If Tirek didn’t show up, at least you would get a prestigious business opportunity out of it, instead of just sitting around biting your hooves. They ended up doing both.”

“I have to admit that even though neither plan worked out, I like Princess Celestia’s plan better,” Rarity said.

“Without Luna’s plan, the airborne rangers would not be mobilized now,” Cadance replied, and unfurled her wings to greet the first sleepy crystal ponies guided by the guards.

✶                ✶                ✶

Twilight wanted me to stay with Cadance, but eventually, the chamber under the castle became way too crowded, because no matter what, the crystal ponies refused to enter the doors and hide inside, making up all kinds of excuses, and Cadance didn’t insist. Instead, they bunched around her so tightly, that there was no place for an apple to drop. I’m not sure if they were trying to shield her with their bodies or hide under her wings, really, but I can’t blame them. Cadance talked to each and every single one. I think she even remembers all the names we spent so much time trying to guess yesterday.

Something tells me there were more crystal ponies around, once…

Instead of standing there with them, we were hiding behind a corner of one of those tasty-looking crystal houses and watching Twilight and company, who were anxiously dithering – yeah, I think that’s a word – on a tiny hill, as frantic guards and crystal ponies ran past us in all directions, dimly lit by crystal streetlights.

Kinda brings me back. Not a memory I particularly wanted to bring back, really.

“Is this really a good idea?” Moondancer wondered, looking in the direction of the crystal archway. “Wouldn’t we be safer in the castle?”

We would be, I think. But that’s not where a brave dragon would go.

“Not particularly,” Mary replied. “Hooves stepping on feet hurt. Besides, I thought you’d jump at the chance to see the Elements activated up close one more time, this doesn’t come up often. And when the changelings get here… We’re exactly as useful against them as all the other civilians, that is, not very. But I think I might give them some pause.”

Her death ray sure gives me pause. At least she’s always sure to point the thing straight up.

“Um… I do know a few shield spells,” Moondancer objected. “Force Conjuration was one of my favorite disciplines.”

“Good,” Mary stated. “The Elements are definitely going to be a priority target.”

Suddenly, I heard a boom from the direction of the archway. It was Pinkie’s party cannon, which sent a whole bouquet of flares high up into the sky. Instead of burning out and sputtering in a cloud of sparkles like the usual fireworks, they scattered and started floating down on tiny parachutes, lighting everything like daylight and casting a hundred of sharp shadows all over.

The gasp of the crystal ponies could be heard all the way out here.

“They’re almost through…” Moondancer whispered, looking at the glittering cracks in the shield spell above our heads.

“Cover your ears,” Mary said, and we just had the time to do that, when the gigantic shield bubble over the city shattered, raining down blue shards of solid magic.

But instead of falling straight down, I saw them float towards the archway, like flakes in a snowglobe someone tilted to the side and just left to sit like that. Once I took the claws off my ears, I heard a hissing, sucking sound.

The dark figure on the other side of the archway, the weird silhouette of a pony with arms growing out of their neck, wrapped in something that resembled the fur of Fluttershy’s bear friend, was eating the shards, breathing them in, and growing just a little with each one. After a few pieces, he was so tall that his – I was now pretty sure it was a he, at least, he had a beard – horns bounced on the floating crystals on top of the archway. The fur ripped off him, revealing his own, deep red skin, and huge, bulging muscles. Some of the pieces of the shield fell nearby and vanished, melted into the ground, but there were still enough that made it all the way to him.

“Indeed, a perfect place for the next step,” I heard him say, in a voice that was calm and soft, and yet so loud, that you couldn’t help but hear it all the way here.

“FORMATION, NOW!” Twilight yelled, and they all floated up into the air, blazing with the magic of friendship. A wide sheet of rainbow unfurled, speeding towards Tirek in a curve. The giant centaur grinned briefly, and opened his mouth. The rainbow flooded the view, and then…

“What the flaming hell?” I heard Mary whisper. Moondancer just gasped, unable to say anything.

“I am insulted,” the centaur said in the same calm voice, which was now so much deeper and louder, utterly booming in my ears, “that even someone as weak-minded as an equine would dare to try the same magic on me a second time and expect it to work.

It was booming, because he was now at least a third as tall as the castle, towering over the city in the fading light of Pinkie’s flares, his head lost somewhere among the floating, glowing blue eyes of the changeling swarm.

Twilight turned around to glance at the castle, and I only needed one look at her shocked face to know that if I’m going to do something, anything, I should start right now. Immediately. Yesterday, even. I turned around and grabbed at Mary’s skirt. “Mary, do something!”

Hey, I figure that’s my best chance of getting something done. When in trouble, ask an adult. We’re in some very big trouble here, so, prefer the biggest adult. She’s the tallest one nearby, that has to count for something.

“Like what?…” she muttered, ignoring my attempts to climb her dress, still staring at the giant monster. Mustn’t tear the dress, or Rarity will be mad at me.

“No idea. I know you told Twilight where Cadance was. Nopony knew, but you did!” I exclaimed. “It was your friend Rika who gave Lyra that crystal, and I know it was you who asked her to do it, I saw it! Call her again, I know you can!”

That actually got her attention. “If I ask Rika to interfere, I know exactly what she will do this time,” she replied, staring at me, the dragon eye swirling with shades of gold. “This place will be called the Molten North once she’s done. I don’t think we’re past the Godzilla thre–”

She suddenly froze in place.

Far out on the tiny hill, Twilight said something.

Lord Tirek,” the giant hissed, drowning everything out. “And I have come to take what should have been mine long ago. Your attempts to stop me are, at best, amusing.”

But I wasn’t watching him, I was looking at Mary’s face, and the absolutely insane grin spreading slowly across it. That’s okay. We could do with some insane right now. It just needs to work once, and then it doesn’t matter if it was insane.

“I can’t do it in six words…” she mumbled, “But I can do it in thirty five.”

And suddenly, she ran towards the nearest hill, and I ran after her, still holding the hem of her dress, as fast as I even could. Whatever she has in mind, we don’t have the time to do anything else. “Moondancer, cast your shield!” she cried.

As we were enveloped in the milky shield bubble, Mary crouched before me and turned me around to face the monster, his silhouette hovering above her head.

“Look into my eyes, not at him,” she whispered.

“Which one?”

“Either. Both. Doesn’t matter, just look!” she hissed. “Repeat after me. My family is my treasure.”

“My family is my treasure,” I repeated uncertainly. Is this magic? She doesn’t know any magic, Twilight is pretty certain of it. It doesn’t feel like magic, but… it feels weird. Like the word “treasure” is scratching at the back of my head, from the inside.

“My friends are my treasure.”

“My friends are my treasure,” I repeated again. I’m not so sure about friends. I’m not sure if I really know how to make friends, but… Lots of ponies tried their best to be good friends to me, and I tried to do as they do. I don’t always succeed, but they say I’m doing alright. And you don’t spend so much time around Twilight without all her lessons rubbing off on you.

“Ponies are their magic.”

“Ponies are their magic,” I repeated. Twilight definitely is, in every sense of every word. Rarity… She’d be devastated if she somehow lost her spells and her cutie mark. I wouldn’t want that to happen.

“This monster came for their magic. This monster came for my treasure.”

“This monster came for their magic. This monster came for my treasure,” I repeated, feeling something slowly change within me. Like lava bubbling somewhere deep in my stomach, right below my heart, heating it up. He dares. They’re my friends, they’re my family! They’re my treasure!

“I need to be stronger. I need to be bigger.”

“I need to be stronger. I need to be…”

I suddenly realized I don’t see her anymore. Only the face of that centaur, that red face with that stupid ring in his nose, the face of the one who came for my hoard, right in front of mine.

I tried to speak, but only a roar came out of my mouth. It’s so hard to think…

I don’t need to think.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the long wait, but I hope it was worth it anyway. I told you Spike gets to be a hero. Well, in this Equestria, Secret of My Excess hasn’t happened yet, and now, it’s not going to.

Next chapter, Shining Armor gets to do something awesome.

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