• Published 18th Mar 2016
  • 441 Views, 1 Comments

Flames of desire and MoonFyre pawprints - RustyKat

How do you explain your feelings when the other one ignores you from the start? .....or maybe she likes you back?

  • ...

Commander RustyAce





Morningstar sat down for a bit after his wing-ups, before he went to strengthening his muscles with a bit of pull-ups on the high hanging branch of a nearby tree. To Morningstar, a fit guard was a strong guard, and that type always got their job done right.
He managed to get to 25 before he jumped down, softly landing on his armored hooves.

"If you're done there being macho, you should get back to work."
The voice caught him off guard..... Yet again. Morningstar noted this was the third time today this had happened.
The voice belonged to a purple pegasus with a pink mane. She wore armor just like Morningstar's, although it was diffrent. From the standard night guard armor of violet purple, there were parts of equally gold armor from the Solar guard. Which to Morningstar confused him more. Exactly what job did she have?.... other than finding well off guard.
He couldn't help but notice her strange bi-colored eyes. One was blood red, the other sapphire blue.... with an old scar over it. She didn't seem to hide the fact one of her front hooves was robotic, or her strange red hourglass cutie mark..... Something about her uniqueness made her quite interesting. He sensed there was something different about her, although he couldn't quite put a hoof on it.
"Are you going to get back to work or continue to stare at me?" The mare's expression was unamused.

"I...oh! S-sorry.... kinda spaced out there." He replied sheepishly.

"If you're in space, you cannot do your job properly." Her voice was cold and razor sharp. "Royal guards must ALWAYS be on guard. You may never know what will happen....."
Morningstar couldn't help but notice how the faint breeze blew the mare's mane just so. He began to wonder exactly how she got her scar, and how she would look like without her armor.....

Morningstar broken out of his thoughts with suprise.
"I see... you're not paying attention. Is something on your mind?"

"I....uh... no Commander...."

"That's Commander Rusty to you Morningstar. See to it that your wings behave themselves. And I don't want to see you messing around again. For what is a guard if they cannot do their job properly? The mind must be focused on the task at hand, not some frivolous thoughts that send your wings flaring."
Her words stung to Morningstar, and he flattened his ears.
"I promise it won't happen again."
He watched as she walked away, getting back to her patrol, and decided to show her exactly what kind of guard he could really be. Dammit, that was embarssing. Sometimes I do hate being a Pegasus.
As night rose to day, and the night guards changed their shifts to the Solar guards, Morningstar noticed that Rusty was still working.
Loyal to both princessess? That's quite odd indeed....
A royal guard that worked both shifts was commonly known as a Twilight Dusk guard. Usually they would work both shifts, but one wouldn't know if these guards ever slept. And there was only one of these guards on the force.... Commander RustyAce. Usually never seen without her armor, one could pass her as an unusually adept pegasus.... one with a robotic limb.
Morningstar let his thoughts run in his head as he headed home to sleep until his next shift.
He flattened his ears as he got home and fell asleep.
He imagined himself running a hoof through her long slightly curled pink mane, asking about the scar on her face. Imagining the texture of her short fur......But he imagined how she would respond back, given her emotionless responses in the workplace.

The next morning, Morningstar awoke, and got himself ready for his job. Putting on his helmet last, he headed out for his job. But as he neared where he was supposed to be, there was a small comotion.
He saw 2 royal guards talking in a low tone. One was from the Lunar guard, the other from the Solar guard.
"I can't believe it.... she was our best soldier." The tone from the Solar guard was defiantly female.
"Well..... she'll be back in a few minutes. It would appear she had fainted." The alicorn stallion replied. "But from what?"
Morningstar couldn't hide his curiosity any longer.
"Turtle shell... Commander LightArrow.... who are you guys talking about?"
"We're talking about Commander RustyAce.... she fainted but we do not know why. However..."
"I am fine Turtle shell..." suddenly came a voice. "One does not have to assume I've fallen over dead from over working."
Turtle Shell turned around to face RustyAce, and gave a sheepish expression. "My apppologies."
LightArrow raised an eyebrow.
"It would be in everyone's best intrest if you took it just a tad bit easier on yourself today."
RustyAce's eyes narrowed, and LightArrow figited uneasily under her hard gaze.
"Are you telling me how to do my job LightArrow?"
LightArrow flattened his ears. "No mam. Was just conserned about your health mam."
"You don't need to worry about me LightArrow.... That isn't in your job discription. Now stop staring at me and get back to your job before I find somepony who can do it better."
LightArrow went to respond, but stopped himself, and went back to his post, ears flattened. Oh, if only she wasn't higher rank than me.... I'd give her a piece of my mind.
Morningstar chose his words carefully.
"Are you okay Commander?" He offered a hoof, helping her fully to her armored paws.
"This is of no concern to you Morningstar. You would never understand...." She flattened her ears halfway.
For what do ponies know about wolves..... Much less yoshi wolves?

Comments ( 1 )

This is cool, why is there only one chapter though, nonetheless, I shall track it, hoping for more to come out

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