• Published 15th Feb 2016
  • 6,255 Views, 186 Comments

Painkiller - LightningBass94

Rainbow Dash sneaks into prison to visit an incarcerated Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Say It Ain't So

Alone. Twilight felt alone. There was an emptiness in her heart that she felt could never be filled, and that was all it took to leave her absolutely, hopelessly… alone.

”Please! Show mercy, Princess! I repent! I repent!! You can’t do this to me!”

“Did my brother beg similarly, Sombra? Did you show him mercy in his final moments?” Twilight spat the words, dark magic leaking from the corners of her eyes as she stared down at her prey and he scrambled upon the ground to get away from her. “You deserve this, Sombra. You deserve to have your pitiful existence removed from this earth.”

“No! Please! I’ll do anything!” Sombra begged. Absolute terror could be seen reflected in his eyes as he stared into the face of the alicorn that had twice bested him.

Twilight glowered at the fallen stallion. Her cheeks were blackened from the tears staining her cheeks… her jaw clenching in white hot rage.. “You’ve done enough already, Sombra. You’ll never harm another soul as long as you live.”

Sombra blinked in confusion. He was struck dumb for several seconds, but sense returned to him along with a flood of hope. “R-really?” he inquired.

Twilight grimaced in return. She could not believe his audacity. Sombra had no right to feel hope in his heart after all he had done, not at a moment like this, . “Yes, Really,” she growled. “I am a mare of my word, and you will never hurt anypony ever again.” Her horn glowed white-hot with magic, and she let loose a lance of energy, her aura intent on striking a killing blow.

The beam hit Sombra in the chest like a cannon, burning through to his core as the earth cracked around him. He coughed painfully, and his vision began to blur and darken. The last thing he saw was Twilight’s face, his own blood splattered all across it.

Twilight woke with a start and shot up to a sitting position. The rough, gray wool blanket landed about her frame. Her breaths came in quick, terrified pants, and her shaky hoof raised slowly to wipe away the cold sweat forming beads on her forehead. As it brushed across, it clinked against the inhibitor ring locked tightly around her horn. Its soft hum was a constant, cruel reminder that her freedom was a thing of the past.

She flared her unkempt wings and groaned as she flopped back onto her dingy spring cot, yellowed and flattened with age and overuse. The brick ceiling above her was a dull gray, and she watched as dust slowly fell from the cracks. She could hear the gentle clopping from above, and she surmised the stallion occupying the cell above hers was pacing again. For the love of Celestia, she thought, Can’t that guy keep himself occupied without making everyone around him anxious as well?

After a few minutes, Twilight gave up on trying to psychically communicate to the guy above her that he was being annoying, and turned her head to the opposite corner of the room. There on the ground was the moldy, foul-scented mound of hay that served as her lavatory. But her lavatory wasn’t what she was currently concerning herself with; just a meter above—pinned to her wall—was the only decoration she had been permitted: a plain, black-on-white calendar.

“One hundred and sixty five days,” she muttered aloud. “One hundred and sixty five days since he died, and I’m still so lonely.” She stared back up at the ceiling a moment before she closed her eyes again to picture her brother in her head. She found it harder and harder with each passing day to get the face right, and that bothered her a great deal. BBBFF, if only I could see you one more time…

She was particularly upset that she wasn’t allowed visitors. She would do anything to see her friends again, even just one more time. Most of all, she missed Rainbow Dash.

She drifted further away from reality as she looked back on their first couple of dates. It had happened unexpectedly. One minute they were screaming at each other about something petty, and the next minute they were—still screaming at one another—confessing their mutual crush. Just thinking back on the absurdity of the situation made Twilight giggle, but the happiness only lasted a moment as she came to the realization that she’d never see Rainbow Dash ever again. That life was over. She would be spending the rest of her days in a dirty cell, alone.

A snide voice brought Twilight crashing back to reality, and any thoughts of her friends—her brother—were gone. “Am I interrupting your beauty sleep, Princess?

For the first time since she’d woken up, Twilight turned her attention, and a glare that could give Fluttershy’s stare a run for it’s money, toward the iron bars of her cell. Standing there was her psychiatrist, accompanied by two heavily armored royal guards. “Don’t patronize me, you psycho.”

The doctor chuckled—it sounded more goading than sincere—as one of the guards unlocked the door to her cell. It swung open, and the significantly smaller stallion pushed past him to sneer at Twilight from within her cell. Originally, he’d not been accompanied by guards, but the two had accrued an extensive history of physical altercations. They were there for Twilight’s safety just as much as they were there to protect the doctor and prevent escape.

“Me? A psycho? Such harsh words from an insane murderer,” the doctor jeered. Though it had never been proven, he was a corrupt doctor. It was evident the stallion swiped meds from his patients’ daily dosages. A variety of psychedelics and sedatives had left him with a nasty demeanor and a fairly disturbing body… he was all skin and bones. Twilight had won every time he’d lashed out at her, and it surprised her he could even walk on his own. His messy mane had gone white prematurely, and his dark brown fur was peppered with gray, though Twilight had seen how much of his fur was falling out in clumps underneath the dingy white lab coat he wore.

Twilight seemed to take offense to that statement in general and shot up out of bed to stare down her doctor. “You know as well as I do that’s bull, Hip-bone!”

The doctor’s eye twitched in irritation. “For the last time, girl, it’s Hypnotic Tune, Hypno for short! Hyp. No.” Twilight had given him the nickname to poke fun of his gaunt features; she enjoyed how much he hated it. Time spent in her cell and away from her friends had given her quite the rebellious streak.

“Whatever, Hip-bone,” Twilight responded, completely ignoring Hypno. “You know as well as I do that I’m not crazy!”

“Of course you are! You had a mental breakdown when your brother lost his life, before you brutally murdered his killer. You’re bat-shit crazy, and that’s okay, because I’m here to help you.” Hypno grinned and puffed out his chest like some sort of scruffy skeleton with a god complex.

Twilight raised a brow with all the sass she could muster. “Oh yeah? If you’re here to help me, then why don’t I ever get my meds at dinner like I should?” One of the guards raised a brow and the other grunted a bit. Their stares began to bore holes in the back of Hypno’s head.

The doctor laughed nervously. “Heh heh heh, such a kidder. Obviously, you’d have gone on some sort of psychotic rampage by now without your sedatives.” That was enough to put the guards at ease for the time being, and Twilight rolled her eyes.

Those meat heads are useless without Shining Armor, she thought.

“Y’know, admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery, Princess. You’ll be in here forever with that attitude,” Hypno needled.

“The only problem I have is that you keep coming in here to bother me, and teasing me about the loss of my brother is doing nothing to help the situation along. Unless you have some form of literature for me to read, get out of my face, Hip-bone.” Twilight turned around with intent to climb back onto her cot.

“B-but, I-”

Hypno’s words sent Twilight reeling back around to face him. “No buts! I didn’t even plead insanity in court! I was guilty as sin, but Celestia refused to accept that I was capable of such a thing. There was no possible way I could be sane, right?” Twilight scoffed. “Oh no!” she mocked, “The poor mare went hysterical after the loss of her brother.”

“I know what I did was right, the law be damned! If killing that monster makes me a monster… then I’ll be that monster to protect those I love.”

“Well, I heard the rumors about you two, but I hoped that the aggression was more one-sided.” Celestia trotted around the corner. It was unclear just how long she’d been listening in. “I’m disappointed in your behavior, Twilight Sparkle.”

Hypno bowed, and the guards stood at attention as the princess waltzed into the tiny prison cell, but Twilight just stared her down the whole way.

“Yeah, well you’ve never been a good judge of character, have you?” Twilight hissed. Celestia was the last pony she’d wanted to see, but she had some choice words in stock for her former mentor.

Celestia frowned, though her eyes seemed more inquisitive than sad. “I only want what’s best for you, Twilight.”

“Oh please,” Twilight responded with a roll of her eyes. “If you really cared about what was best for me, I wouldn’t be trapped here like some rat in a cage, someplace due east of nowhere!” she spat. “This is about hiding your failings from the public! Why not just petrify me, put me on display in the Canterlot Gardens like all your other failures!?”

Celestia’s frown became a grimace. She’d never expected she would ever receive such harsh words from her former student. “I had to do something, Twilight. You killed somepony!”

Twilight’s anger began to manifest as a physical magic, and the inhibitor ring on her horn crackled with the strain of containing the magic of an alicorn. Twilight growled through clenched teeth. The hairs of her mane began to defy gravity as magic leaked from her body. Her hooves left black singe marks on the hard stone as she stomped up to Celestia, her eyes glowing a bright orange as she stared the taller mare down. “You dirty liar! You could have done nothing! After all, it’s what you did when it came to Sombra!”

“And I am no lunatic, killing for my own pleasure! He deserved it!” she spat.

“Vengeance is not justice, he should have been put on trial, Twili—”

“He had a trial!” Twilight interrupted. “You put him on trial and gave him a damn slap on the fetlock, so I took matters into my own hooves!”

Twilight could see through Celestia’s well practiced mask, small twitches revealed to her the older alicorn was clenching her teeth, trying to retain her composure. The pressure in the cell became heavy, stifling. This was the power of alicorn magic, even if one of them was stifled. Hypno slinked away in fear under the false pretense of tending to other patients, but the guards stood their ground, their stoicism unwavering. “That was my ruling as a princess of Equestria, Twilight Sparkle! Who are you to go over my head!?”

“And how many more deaths would have to be on his hooves, before you did something? How many more families would have to lose sons… brothers… husbands… fathers?” Despite her best efforts, Twilight was beginning to cry, and her voice elevated to a screech that made even the guards cringe with sympathy. “I did what you failed to do, and I am being punished! He was a terrible, vile creature, and I put an end to his evil so nopony would ever have to feel like I do ever again. It’s what you should have done in the first place!”

“You can’t take the law into your own hooves , Twilight!” Celestia screamed. “That’s not how justice works!” The building rumbled and shook with the thunderous anger of two powerful alicorns, and now even the guards were beginning to feel faint.

“That’s the most hypocritical thing you’ve ever said to me! Before I came along, you took care of all your problems with force, and you didn’t even bat an eyelash! You made a country disappear trying to take down Sombra! You sent your own sister to the moon! Every single mistake you ever made blew up in your face, so you had me do the dirty work and fix it all. That’s all fine and dandy, but then I get persecuted for doing the same once? One time!?”

Celestia ground her teeth together and bit back her anger. “Is that really how you feel, Twilight?” she asked, quiet and cold. With a nod from her former student, the princess turned and strode out of the cell, her guards following suit after locking the door once more. As she walked around the corner, Celestia added, “Then there’s nothing I can do for you.”

“Because you’re a coward, Celestia! You’re too scared, too proud to admit I’m right!”

Twilight slumped to the floor in the middle of her cell and hung her head. Heavy tear drops hit the dusty bricks. Alone. The emptiness in her heart only grew with each passing hour, with each encounter she was forced into. Celestia would never understand. Twilight had become a pariah among even the criminals she shared a prison with. They feared her power, despite her inhibitor ring, and kept their distance. Twilight wiped away her tears and sniffled. No, she thought. No matter the means, what I did was just. I’ll stand my ground here and forever!

She climbed onto her cot and rested her head atop her hooves. Ever so slowly, the emotional fatigue took over and she fell to sleep. For the most part, Twilight had avoided sleeping when unnecessary, because she’d been plagued with nightmares, but she actually began to have a pleasant nap for once. Unfortunately, it was all too soon interrupted as a guard came by and slid a tray underneath her bars, a bowl and spoon atop it. The thing was filled with a dark black green slop that Twilight had long since given up on identifying.

“Soup’s on!” The guard called out loudly. He didn’t even slow down as he passed. Twilight groaned and looked over to squint at the slop. She quickly decided she was nowhere near desperate enough to eat it yet, and so she resigned to saving it for later.

Twilight occupied the next couple of hours laying on her cot, doing what she’d made a bit of a game out of over the time she’d been incarcerated. She kept her eyes closed and listened carefully to the near inaudible sounds of the other prisoners. She listened to every hoofstep, every sigh, every scratch and whisper, and she determined from that exactly what each of them was doing, and where they were within their cells, assuming the other cells were like her own. She assumed some had to be at least a little different. There were cells not connected to an outside wall, and Twilight had a window.

Her ears perked up. She had a window! Twilight felt like slapping herself across the muzzle. All this time she had a window, and she’d never once thought of looking outside. At times, it seemed her intellect made her far denser than any dumb pony could ever be. It was a phenomenon Twilight had come to know as “eggheadedness,” though it was Rainbow Dash that had coined the phrase. Twilight sighed heavily. If there was anything at all she missed, it was her friends. She could only hope they missed her as well. For the most part, she had no idea what any of their opinions were on her actions.

Celestia knew it wouldn’t be much of a punishment for Twilight if she could have visitors or books, and so she’d banned her from both. For once, being so close to the princess had turned out to be more of a hindrance than anything else. She could have guessed as much. She remembered hearing rumor of Prince Blueblood getting locked up for a month for sexual harassment and public intoxication. For the first two weeks, he wasn’t allowed to brush his hair, and the general public was allowed to walk up to his cell during visiting hours like it was some sort of zoo exhibit. It seemed Celestia was particularly hard on those she knew well, and she had all the ammo in the world to make things worse for that pony specifically.

She realized that Celestia had done the same to her sister. Luna, feeling ostracized and unloved by her subjects and sister, was sent to the moon to be alone for one-thousand years and her legend became an iconic symbol of fear and hatred so that her sentence didn’t even quite end when she finally arrived home. Celestia could be extremely cruel. Twilight was realizing that more and more with each passing day. This was a side to Equestria not many had to see. Twilight decided then that when and if she got out, she’d do all she could to revolutionize Equestria’s prison systems.

For the time being, however, she resigned herself to simply checking out her window. She stood up on her cot and stretched, groaning in the sort of pleasure one can only feel when stretching after a good nap. The window was high, and so Twilight had to stand up on her hind legs to get her head up high enough to see through. The wave of fresh air that wafted toward her was refreshing, but she only got to enjoy the sight of Luna’s moon and stars for a few brief seconds before a grungy pegasus filled her field of vision with a goofy smile planted on her face.

Twilight was so surprised she nearly lost her balance and fell backwards onto the stone. “Hey there!” the pegasus greeted in an all too familiar, raspy voice.

“R-Rainbow Dash!?” Twilight asked incredulously.

“Ssshh,” Rainbow shushed, “Do you want to alert the entire royal guard?”

“What are you doing here?” Twilight asked, a lot quieter than she’d been a moment ago.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. “Isn’t that kinda’ obvious, Egghead? I came to see my marefriend. Give me a sec’, kay?” Rainbow Dash reached a hoof into her saddlebags and pulled out one of two scrolls that were protruding from the side, too large to fit all the way. The papyrus look weathered, much like the pegasus unrolling it in her hooves.

Rainbow brought the scroll up to her face and squinted as if she’d never read before. After a moment she began to mutter something in Latin, the universal language of magic, that she could just barely pronounce, and she did the most amusing thing Twilight had seen in a long while. She flew straight into the wall dividing them. “Ow! Dammit! I said it wrong. Hold on.”

Twilight giggled and waited patiently as Rainbow Dash read the incantation once more, audibly this time around. “Aether corporis, firmus animum,” Rainbow Dash chanted. This time her body shimmered with a soft violet light, and she tentatively touched a hoof to the wall, testing the waters more cautiously the second time around.

Her hoof passed through easily, and the rest of her body glided in after it. “Incantationis finitoque,” she muttered, and the light surrounding her body extinguished just before she touched her hooves gently to the ground with all the grace of a cat slinking toward her prey at night. She gave her wings a little shake before tucking them into her sides. With a toothy grin, she turned to face Twilight once more. “Ta-da!” she bragged.

To say the least, Twilight was surprised. “What did- How- When- What?” she planted down on the stone floor and stared slack-jawed at Rainbow Dash as she tucked the scroll back into her saddlebags.

“I convinced Luna to help me out, and she loaned me these awesome scrolls. They got spells that any species can cast. She tried to explain how they work, but I kinda’ tuned her out after that. Anyway, they helped me sneak in here to see you. Isn’t that awesome!?” Rainbow Dash explained.

“How did you manage that?” Twilight raised a brow, still absolutely confused by the situation. If she hadn’t just seen it with her own two eyes, she never would have believed such a thing possible.

“Well, Luna doesn’t agree with your sentence at all. None of us do. Any of us would’ve done the same, and Celestia’s just being stupid, y’know? So everyone’s been backing Luna as she testifies for you in cou-” Rainbow Dash cut herself off with a soft gasp as Twilight rushed at her and wrapped her hooves around her marefriend.

Twilight pressed her face firmly into the dirty fur of Rainbow Dash’s neck, and she couldn’t stop herself from cracking up. Rainbow Dash held Twilight tight as she shook with silent sobs, not minding at all that her fur was getting soaked with tears. She rubbed a hoof gently up and down Twilight’s back and soothingly whispered in her ear, “Shhh, it’s okay. Let it all out…”

After what seemed to be an eternity and altogether too short a length of time all in one, Twilight loosened her grip and leaned back far enough to give Rainbow Dash a gentle peck on the lips.

“Dash, why do you look so… unkempt?” She asked, finally noticing her marefriend’s muddy, matted fur.

Rainbow Dash raised a brow. “Hey, you’re not looking so hot either, bookworm.” Rainbow Dash grinned and pulled out the other scroll she was carrying in her saddlebags. “Yeah, Luna told me I’d need this one too. I didn’t understand right away, but it didn’t take long to figure it out.”

Twilight raised a brow, but before she could inquire further about the nature of the spell, Rainbow Dash had the scroll open and was reading the incantation inscribed on it. “Repecere corporis!”

With a hum, a white spiral of light slowly flowed around each of the mares, and their hooves were lifted off the ground by the force of the magic. As the magic lifted them higher and higher, Twilight could feel as it cleansed her form. Her wings, which she had long since forsaken, began to preen themselves, each and every feather shifting back into place. The grease and dust coating her mane and fur expunged itself from her form, and she couldn’t help but let out a little sigh of relief.

Ever so slowly, the magic carried them back to the ground, and Twilight turned to see Rainbow Dash grinning back at her, beautiful as ever. “Feel better, Twi?” the incredibly thoughtful pegasus asked.

Twilight nodded with a cute little smile that made Rainbow Dash grin even wider. “Grateful as I am for that, it still doesn’t exactly explain why you were so dirty.”

Rainbow chuckled nervously and scratched the back of her head with a hoof. “Yeah, about that… You see, when Luna gave me these spells, she gave me some rules to follow, and she told me she’d haunt my dreams for the rest of my life if I didn’t follow ‘em.”

Twilight’s brow raised almost on its own. “What sort of restrictions did she set that left you dirtier than I was?”

The pegasus still refused to make eye contact. “W-well, the first one was that I couldn’t use the ethereal spell on you and help you escape. She told me if you escaped it would cause all our hard work to disappear, and you’d be on the lam for good.”

Twilight nodded sadly. “As much as I’d love to get out of here and see the rest of our friends, I suppose that’s a sound decision. What else?”

“Well, I couldn’t just come see you whenever, she said. Made me Pinkie promise to this one. I had to wait ‘til you looked out your window. She told me that was to be sure you missed me too, then I could see you,” Rainbow Dash explained. She seemed upset about that particular rule and just how long she had to adhere to it. Twilight wrapped her hooves around her in another loving embrace.

“Oh Dash, of course I missed you. Every second of every day!” Twilight admitted.

Rainbow Dash just stepped away, out of Twilight’s range. “Yeah, well… it took awhile for you to look out the window, didn’t it?” She asked, sounding hurt now that her initial excitement had passed.

That made Twilight blush a bit, and she too looked toward the floor. Her hoof made little circles in the dust. “W-well… You see, it wasn’t that I didn’t miss you, or my other friends, or the fresh air… I just… forgot I had a window…”

Rainbow Dash looked up at Twilight again, cocking her head in confusion. She wasn’t sure she’d just heard what she thought she had. “I’m sorry, but can you repeat that?”

“I...,” Twilight’s blush grew darker, and she looked up at Rainbow Dash out of the top corner of her eyes. “I forgot I had a window… for half a year...”

Rainbow blinked. She blinked once more, silence thickening between them until it was finally cut by Rainbow’s raucous laughter. “Oh my gosh! No way!” Rainbow Dash teased, rolling on the floor in laughter. “You’re such an egghead! I was camping out there for two months!”

“Shh! Dash, be quieter,” Twilight pleaded, still blushing violently. There was a large bang at the end of the hall as a door slammed open.

“Oh crap!” Rainbow exclaimed and shot underneath Twilight’s cot. Thinking fast, Twilight stretched out alongside her cot on the floor so she blocked it from view.

As the massive night warden approached Twilight’s cell, he growled in annoyance. “What’s all the ruckus about?” he asked.

“Oh you know,” Twilight responded awkwardly, “Just talking to myself.

“I thought I heard laughter,” the guard further inquired.

Twilight just shrugged. “What can I say? I’m cuckoo as a coconut.”

The guard rolled his eyes. “Yeah, well be crazy quieter. The other inmates are sleeping, and my soap’s on,” he said, and he walked away with a grunt. Rainbow Dash couldn’t help but snort that such a huge guy watched soap operas in his freetime.

Twilight stepped away from the dingy little cot, and Rainbow Dash squeezed out from under it. “This place is so lame,” she complained.

“You have no idea. You’ve got to be quieter than that, okay?”

Rainbow nodded. “You got it. Look, this’ll be over soon. I promise.”

Twilight frowned and hung her head. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Dash.”

Rainbow raised Twilight’s chin with a hoof. She looked into Twilight’s eyes lovingly. “No, I’m serious, Twi. We’re so close to setting you free. Luna came by and told me last week. None of us believe you’re crazy, Twi. You’ll be home in no time.”

Twilight smiled at her marefriend’s words and nodded a little. “Thanks. Tell everypony I love them and give them all great big hugs from me, kay?”

Rainbow grinned and nodded, then got a mischievous glint in her eye. “When I get you home, I’m gonna’ do you so good, you won’t be able to get out of bed for a week.”

Twilight playfully pushed Rainbow’s shoulder away. “Oh my Celestia, Dash. Way to break the tension.”

Rainbow just winked in reply, but her gaze averted to the window. The moon was fairly low on the horizon, and Celestia would be raising her sun in just a few more hours. “I guess I should be going now, huh?” she asked sadly.

Twilight frowned as well, tears just barely kept under control. “D-do you have to? Can you stay a little longer and cuddle? Just until I fall asleep?”

The frown on Rainbow Dash’s face was replaced by her signature grin once more. “That sounds awesome, Twi.”

Further words were unnecessary as the couple climbed onto the cot and curled up next to each other. Once nestled in, Twilight sighed contentedly and mumbled, “I love you, Dash.”

Rainbow Dash smiled and whispered back, “I love you too, Egghead. Of all the days to remember you have a window... Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Twi.” Twilight didn’t respond, just enjoying the sensation of her marefriend pressed against her. Their fur intertwined, and their breathing synced together after a time. Her heart fluttered with every little brush of Rainbow’s tail. For the first time since her brother passed, she didn’t feel alone anymore.

Author's Note:

Happy Hearts and Hooves Day/ Valentine's Day everyone!

This is the two year anniversary of my first featured story, Be Mine, as well as the two year anniversary of the day I met a wonderful woman named Ava, whom I hope will be my "special somepony" this year. :heart:

I hope to make this story a testament to my exponential improvement as an author over the past two years, and I have all of you fantastic people to thank for that. :pinkiehappy:

Comments ( 178 )

The principal reminds me of when I was stuck in a solitary psychiatric ward in part for an addiction to painkillers.

Lol, but I know who this is for and that's really sweet man. She'll love it!

6936830 Thanks, man. :twilightsmile: I'm glad you liked it, and I can't wait until she can read it.

Inspired by "Painkiller" as made famous by Three Days Grace

I saw the title and thought, "If they don't say it's based off the song Painkiller by Three Days Grace, I'm going to 1) be very dissapointed, and 2) post the song here to show how dissapointed I really am. But you did, so I'm going to put the song here as a way to show my gratitude to find yet another Three Days Grace fan.

Now to reading the fic!

6936955 Lol. Well, I'm glad I'm not a disappointment. :rainbowlaugh:

6936969 So how long do you think it'll be before this story finds a spot in the featured section?

6937011 Y'know, I think it's a little too early to even tell if it will ever get there. Most of my stories do, but every time I write something like this... well, it doesn't usually do as well. :twilightsheepish:

I appreciate the vote of confidence though. :heart:

Definitely one of the more unique and interesting takes on Tyrant!Celestia I've read.

6938615 Thanks. :twilightsmile: She's too perfect in the show not to have any dark secrets. :ajsmug:

What? What.

you can't just

You can't just stop, I mean you have to keep going ;-;


6938919 Definitely agree with you on a sequel. I'd love to see what happens on all counts about things.

As for Spike, after what Celestia did to Twilight, I rather imagine that Rarity and the others refused to let him go back to Cantetlot (I also imagine that Spike himself refused to go, for the reason you stated), and he now lives with Rarity, or something.

I also bet that ol' Celly is pretty well hated in Ponyville for this nonsense of imprisoning Twi for what she was too danged cowardly and incompetent to do herself.

6940574 Totally agree with you on this.

If not by a few more chapters, then at least with a sequel or two.

Why would anyone care if somepony murdered Sombra? He's barely a character anyway! That's why they blew him up and had a party afterward in the show! :trollestia:

I mean, really, he was the ONLY VILLAIN to get destroyed! Not even the writers thought he was worth re-using!

Which is why I can't buy Celestia giving two shits that Twi snuffed him.

6940686 First of all, thank you all so very much. I love comments, whether they be praise or something completely different. First and foremost, it means I get to talk to someone. I love talking to people. Lol. As an added bonus, it lets me get good feedback, which helps me to grow as an author. For that, thank you again. :pinkiehappy:

That being said, sorry for not getting to it sooner. Fimfic decided to be an asshat and not notify me about it. :trixieshiftleft:

Anyway, about a sequel... I'm not sure. I definitely understand that I can build on this more in a lot of different ways, but it's not something I initially intended upon writing it. This is based on real life events, ones happening at this very point in time. While I went about it in a fictional way that warps things to degree, I stayed true to the story as I know it to be and described every detail of such in full. Any more I decided to build on would be completely fictitious. They're definitely brilliant points that I'd just love to start writing, but would that cheapen the original?

As for Spike, his part in all this would definitely be interesting, and I've got great ideas for it, but the dynamic of it is going to be different than you described because we have differing opinions of the dynamic shared between Spike, Twilight and Celestia.

The way I see it, and based on the sizes of ponies we've seen throughout the show, Twilight was about 5 when she hatched Spike. Personally, I believe that's far too young to be thrown into parenthood. For that reason, I doubt she raised Spike. I doubt Celestia raised either of them either, honestly. Ruling an entire country on your own is hard. (My country's ruler has 52 people to help him with the little stuff, and we still have problems. :raritywink:) I doubt she had time to raise a 5-year-old, a baby, run a country and oversee a private school. No, I think (knowing Twilight was raised in the castle) that Celestia handled her studies personally, but the staff were most likely the ones tasked with actually raising her. That being said, she grew up looking to Celestia like a rolemodel. There's nothing the staff could do to prevent that, and Twilight was close enough to Celestia that she saw how she never stopped working. She didn't stop until she dropped. Therefore, despite having plenty of freedom, she became obsessed with diligent and constant studying, because she wanted to be just like Celestia. (Not that she probably didn't already have a knack for that sort of thing anyway.) I don't even think Celestia took care of her early studies, because in this most recent season we saw she had classmates at one point or another.

As for Spike, we know he grew up with Twilight, but that might not have necessarily meant in the castle. Spike could easily have been raised by Twilight's parents. However, I believe that he most likely did get raised in the castle. Assuming that much, I have two theories concerning his education. He's got a fantastic vocabulary, smarts for days, can keep up with Twilight's nonsensical ramblings, and he's got the quickest wit in the whole damn show. There's no argument he has at least some education. The least likely of my theories is that he attended the same school as Twilight, the difference being that he continued on the set path like all those unicorns, while Twilight went on to be Celestia's protégé. I find this unlikely, because most parents probably wouldn't be fond of the idea that their children would be attending school with a fire breathing dragon. :twilightoops:

No, I think the more likely conclusion is that, much like women 200-300 years ago, he was both raised by the staff of the castle and taught by them to serve and assist royalty from a very young age... and he may have picked up that quick wit of theirs. :moustache:

With all this on mind, I can conclude two things.

1) Spike's relationship with Twilight is more akin to siblings than to mother and son.
2) Twilight's probably somewhere around 20 at the beginning of the series, and it's been roughly two-three years of their time, which puts Spike around 17-18. Nevertheless, his age is damn near irrelevant, because I think it's pretty clear he could take care of himself. He's been taking care of Twilight this whole series. :rainbowlaugh:

P.S.: Holy shit, it took me awhile to write all that! :rainbowderp:

6940917 I'd like to direct you to the giant ass comment I posted just before this one. :rainbowlaugh: It pretty much responds to yours as well... all of it. :twilightsheepish:

6937029 Look who's in the featured box XD

6936830 You'll probably want in on this discussion as well, so I'd like to direct you to the giant ass comment I made below. You'll know it when you see it. :rainbowwild:

6941197 Oh! :pinkiegasp: I am, sorta'! I was wondering why I was getting all this attention all of a sudden. Lol. I didn't see it, because if you view matured, which I do, it hasn't hit the box yet. :twilightblush:

First, I commend you for writing that behemoth of a reply, I appreciate it. Granted, my initial comment was more or less just me foaming at the mouth, but I've collected my thoughts and I more or less am prepared to respond.

If you've ever watched Digibro/Digibrony, you've probably seen his 'how old are the mane 6' video. It basically goes through some discussion that TL;DRs into the mane 6 being around 15-16 during the return of Nightmare Moon, and that's a theory I wholeheartedly believe in. Things like the Best Young Flyers competition being for ponies under 16, the Wonderbolts being 16+ so Rainbow can't join yet, several other things point to this theory.

Anyway, if twilight is like 5-7 around this time, and she's 15-16 around the time of the series, that puts Spike at like 10-11. Based on his emotional maturity, and the fact that he's still considered a baby dragon, works pretty well for me.

So, since twilight is learning in a boarding school, celestia is busy running said school, a country, mentoring twilight, and other things, she's probably not taking care of him. So I'd like to think twilight's parents raised spike, like you mentioned previously, until he was old enough to become twilight's assistant.

So this all sort of leads to me agreeing with your point about spike being more of a brother than a son. Their relationship is complicated, but it's probably a sort of blend, leaning towards siblinghood over mother/son.

That leads to what spike would be doing around the time of sombra's murder and twilight's incarceration. He'd probably take it pretty hard, probably worse than rainbow dash. I'd imagine he's at twilight's parents house, since he doesn't really have a home in ponyville anymore now that twilight doesn't live there. Either that, or he lives with pinkie/Fluttershy.

What do you think he'd be doing, where he'd be living, how he'd be reacting?

6941210 I didn't mean that to snub you off or anything. :twilightoops: It's just, I had just finished typing that big thing up when I saw your comment. Had I seen it sooner, you would have been tagged in it as well. :twilightsheepish:

6938620 Tarnishing the 'perfect' character with an irrational reaction is a reaaaaaaaally cheap way to go about giving a 'dark secret'. I get it, you hate Celestia because she's 'perfect'. You're just 'one of those people' in that respect. But this is just a lazy cheap-shot which makes no sense, and throws in a baseless romance to boot.

You leave out all manner of crucial backstory required to establish these radically different versions of the events and characters, and then make Celestia an irrational ruler who dumps her student into a corrupt loony bin... with no plausible build up or rationale, and solely to make Celestia look bad. Not to mention, portraying Celestia as being willing to do anything less than banish or destroy Sombra, which she and Luna had tried to do the first time, since you've apparently forgotten that little detail or were willing to overlook it due to bias.

It's exceedingly easy to write a character behaving badly for no good reason. It's shameful that it's received so favorably by supposed fans of the show.

6937011 It has a story that heaps blame and hatred on Celestia, while making Luna the understanding leader trying to make things right. I'm sure it'll end up exceedingly highly ranked by Luna and anti-Celestia fanatics. :ajbemused:

6941221 Oh, I never thought you did. I tend to get in on stuff later than you'd think, especially if I'm trying to do other stuff at the same time.
(Messing around on DA and Skype; etc.)
Thank you for that, though. I appreciate it.:twilightsmile:

6936955 I was hoping it was this (far superior) Painkiller :raritywink:

6941238 Look, I don't hate Celestia. I'm actually quite a big fan of her. The only character I really and truly hate is Twist. What I do hate is that in the show, she hasn't been given enough screen time or talking lines to really give us anything more than a one dimensional picture of some perfectly perfect princess that is so perfect that she's basically God. It pisses me off that this continues to be an issue, despite there already being multiple Luna episodes and Cadence episodes. She gets so little screen time, that we basically picked somebody's headcanon and made it extremely mainstream to feel like we had canon, just like we did with all the background ponies. Oh shit, they got an episode too! Well, imagine that.

That comment was more a sleight at the writers than Celestia. Also, I want you to know I'm not mad because you disliked my story. You made some good points, and I'm sure I can learn from them. What I'm mad about is that you did so angrily because you made an unfair assumption about me and decided to be rude about it.

And just a little bit of advice: there are two phrases that, when referring to a person or a group of people, shouldn't be used... "You people," and "One of those people." Why? Because it pisses everyone off.

6941354 Ah, 'tis most definitely the superior song, but sadly not the one in mind, no. Sorry to disappoint. :applejackunsure:

6941354 Oh, and... I can't tell you how absolutely stoked I am that you're reading a story of mine. Huge fan. I've had Flirt to the Finish on my "Some of the Best" section on my userpage almost as long as I've been on this site. It reads just like an episode. It's insanely good!

Simple I have but one word for you

MOARRRRR :flutterrage:

6941392 It provided an excuse for me to listen to some Priest, so all good. :pinkiecrazy: And thanks.

6941173 Spike is the smoothest motherfucker in Equestria. He's sexy af, funny, gets tons of pussy and is a mare slayer.

And I believe he was in a private school growing up, hence his outlandish education.

6941367 If you don't hate Celestia, why make a story bashing her so fiercely?

All that does is pander to the Celestia-haters who get off on all manner poorly-written schlock so long as Celestia is demonized and often slaughtered is some horrendous manner... frequently by Luna or Twilight.... who are also frequently lesbian lovers in those stories.

It's as bad as the Conversion Bureau crowd.

My current working theory is that Celly got so pissy because of her past romance with the alternate universe Sombra from the comics, and that maybe she was trying to recreate that... somehow.

Though a maniacal tyrant does not a good spouse make.

Also it'd be neat to hear Cadence's perspective on all this, given that she likely felt just as homicidal towards Sombra given that he killed her husband.

6941505 Maybe that was my plan all along. Make people listen to Priest. :trollestia:

6941623 See, and I think he's just incredibly bright and educated himself in non-servant-type subjects in his free time... Though it's evident he went out of his way to be social. :trollestia: After all, who remembered Moondancer's party? :moustache:

6942585 Unfortunately, I've only actually read a couple of the comics, and it's hard to determine what's canon and what's not. :applejackconfused:

I'm getting so many comments requesting more information, I very well might just write a few side stories following the others.... Maybe even a prequel describing Sombra's return and the death of Shining Armor... :duck:


Unfortunately, I've only actually read a couple of the comics, and it's hard to determine what's canon and what's not. :applejackconfused:

Well, both sets of the writers (show and comics) have stated that the comics are not canon to the show (except for Twi having wings and being a princess, of course), and vice verse for the show being canon to the comics.

On other words, what's in one (events, not characters) likely will never be in the other.

Hope that helps.

I'm getting so many comments requesting more information, I very well might just write a few side stories following the others.... Maybe even a prequel describing Sombra's return and the death of Shining Armor... :duck:

I really hope that you do, as I'd love to see what led up to all this, and the side stories about the reactions of the others.

Especially Cadance's, Rainbow's and Spike's.

aaaaawwww so cute. Twi gets to see her marefriend dash . .:pinkiehappy: And I agree with dash Celestia is an idiot .:pinkiesmile: is there a sequel or is there going to be one please respond.

6943215 Well, that does help, thanks. I'm seriously considering it, but it may be a bit. I need to start drawing up some storyboards and see if I like the direction I'd take things. :twilightsmile:

6943255 I always respond. Lol. I love comments... and talking to people. As for your question, I've been answering it for two straight days now, so I hope you don't mind a copy and pasted answer. :twilightsheepish:

I'm getting so many comments requesting more information, I very well might just write a few side stories following the others.... Maybe even a prequel describing Sombra's return and the death of Shining Armor... :duck:

I'm seriously considering it, but it may be a bit. I need to start drawing up some storyboards and see if I like the direction I'd take things. :twilightsmile:

If I do it, it has to be in a way that won't cheapen the original, y'know?

6943242 Thank you! :rainbowkiss: I write a lot of stuff in which Twilight plays a prevalent role. Please do check out some of my other work. :twilightsmile::heart:

6941217 I haven't forgotten about you, and I assure you, I do intend to respond accordingly, but I've been at work all day, and I'm getting a crazy amount of feedback. :twilightoops:

It's getting difficult to respond to everyone, but I'm catching up, I think. :twilightsheepish:

6943319 You're quite welcome; always glad to be of help.

And that's fine. I'd rather you take your time and some up with something worthy of the original, than rush into it and it just be... a muddled piece of... y' know.

I need to start drawing up some storyboards

And you can do storyboards for fics, as well as comics and such? I did not know that.

Might have to try that for my own stuff sometime.

6943330 ok thank you for telling me , I don't mind copy and past ,and yes sir I do know . It's just I am curious to find out what happens. It is in our nature to have something completed.

Goodness, you're under no obligation to respond to my tangents at all! Don't beat yourself up :twilightsheepish:

*Celestia enters Twilight's field of view*

I have no idea what the other two songs are, but I also like Three Days Grace. I know a couple more songs by them if you want to know:twilightsmile: Always willing to share!:pinkiehappy:

I feel guilty that I got an edit credit considering I didn't get back to it in time! Half-edit? Semi-edit?

And gratz on the featured, man!

This was playing in my head the whole time I was reading this:

Especially the beginning of the song.
Also, props for referencing "Behind Blue Eyes." Love that song.

You forgot to add the alternate universe tag. Sombra is thankfully dead. And if Twilight were to march into Celestia's throne room holding Sombra's severed head Celestia would give her a pat on the head, say "well done, my faithful student" and throw her a parade in her honor before giving her her own kingdom to rule as a reward. Celestia does everything she can to protect her little ponies and she's not above violence to accomplish that goal.

6943394 Well, every story has a basic structure, more or less...

Conflict (Internal or external. Every story has to have one of some sort. :raritywink:)
Rising action
Conflict Resolution

Of course, there are 100,000,000 different variations of this. :rainbowderp:

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