• Published 24th May 2020
  • 2,350 Views, 185 Comments

Up to Fate - Onomonopia

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The train came to a stop at the Stalliongrad station the next day, like it was supposed to. The doors slid open, the ponies and other beings got off, and the next group got on like they were supposed to. Everything was running as it was supposed to. But for one pink pony who stepped off the train, she couldn't look at the train without seeing the flaming wreckage. She couldn't look at the passengers without seeing the bodies.

And she couldn't look at the helmet without seeing her own reflection.

"Are you sure you're okay, honey bun?" Cheese asked. His voice snapped Pinkie out of her thoughts and she shook her head, giving him a weak smile.

"I'm...I'm fine," she managed to say.

"No you're not. I know you and you are as far from fine as possible," Cheese said. He placed a hoof on his sons head to keep him from wandering off before moving his face close to Pinkie's. "I don't know what happened, but I know that Nabu had something to do with it. Please, tell me."

Pinkie opened her mouth to. See wanted to tell him, she really did. But she couldn't. Not yet.

"Give me a minute," she whispered. "I just...need a moment."

Before Cheese could respond Pinkie took off, racing from the station and into the city. She didn't see where she was going, for she was only looking for someplace quiet. Somewhere she could speak with the god. An empty alley off the main street fit her needs and she raced into the back alley. The moment she was out of sight she ripped the helmet from the bag and hurled it into the side of a building, where it cracked the stone before falling to the ground.

'Rude,' Nabu said.

"Shut up," Pinkie panted. She collapsed against the opposite wall and slid down, glaring at the helmet as she fought back tears. "You...killed him. You killed that creature."

'Are you refering to Jack? I did not kill him. I erased him from existence. There is a difference.'

"How? How could you say that so....casually? You just ended another being. And yet...you don't sound any different. You don't sound...like you did anything wrong."

'Because I did not. Jack was never supposed to exist, so erasing him from reality did not upset the order of the world. Or if you are referring to the why, he killed numerous ponies and was using your family as hostages. And do not try to take the high road with me, Pinkie. You wanted him dead. I witnessed what you had created. And had I not stepped in, many more than Jack would have died. Maybe your whole world...well, there is no maybe. It would have been your whole world. I saved your family, revived those that had died and ended the threat that was facing you. I restored order. And yet you are angry at me for taking actions that you would have taken. I fail to understand why.'

Pinkie lowered her head for a moment and Nabu noticed a few tears streak from her eyes. But when she lifted her head, her eyes were strong.

"Yes, I did want to kill him. When I saw my family in danger, I wanted him dead. I will admit that. But you did something worse. You took the choice from me. Maybe I would have killed him. Or maybe I wouldn't have. I don't know. In the heat of the moment...But I never got to make that choice. You made the choice without me. You...erased...another being with my body without my permission. And that, Nabu, is why I am so angry. You used me...to kill another. You used me..."

'I am far superior in magical control. I took control of the situation and reconciled it. No damage. No death. One lost life that was never supposed to be. It was the most effective way to-'

"So you just needed a body. You didn't need me. You needed a puppet."

Nabu ceased speaking for a moment to look over at Pinkie, who was glaring daggers at him. "When we first met you said that you chose me because my heart was pure, because I was who I was supposed to be. That I was the only one you could trust with your power. That we were...partners, more or less. And yet that twice now you've controlled my body when it was easier for you."

'Pinkie, that was not my-'

"So what if we ran into another pony that wasn't supposed to be that was being a problem? Would you erase them without a second thought? Would you so quickly end somepony's life as quickly as you blink?" Pinkie spat. "Because if that's the case, then enjoy this back alley. I'll leave you here, find my family and never give you a second thought."

'Yes. To maintain order.'

"Your order sounds an awful lot like evil," Pinkie snarled. "Maybe I was wrong and you're actually an evil god."

'I am a god, Pinkamina Diane Pie. You dare to question me?' Nabu snarled. Pinkie's response was to stand up and glare down at the helmet.

"I. Dare," Pinkie whispered.

'Hmm...good. Your heart is a strong as I believed,' Nabu muttered. The helmet then floated up on it's own accord, reaching eye level with Pinkie. 'You wish for this to be a partnership? Very well. Name your terms and I will name mine.'

"When I put the helmet on, I remain in full control," Pinkie started. "No taking over me when it's convenient or when the task is hard. You want me to have your powers? Then you're going to have to trust me. You can counsel me, but do not, ever again, take control of me without my permission. Okay?"

'That is...acceptable,' Nabu replied.

"Good, cause I'm not done," Pinkie said with a smirk. "I want you word, your word as a god, that you will not erase, kill or end any other creature that we come across. I was going to say unless there is no choice, but with how powerful you are, I can't really see a situation where we would need to use lethal force."

'As you were willing to against Jack.'

"And that's the final part of my terms. Should I give in to my anger...stop me. Make sure I don't do something I'll regret. Something that will hurt not only me...but my family," Pinkie whispered. When Nabu said nothing, Pinkie continued. "I've always had a bit of a temper. Normally I can keep it under control but...when I saw my family in danger..."

'You have my word as a Lord of Order,' Nabu cut her off. 'I agree to your terms. Now here are mine. You will heed my advice when I give it. I have not only been alive since the beginning of time, but I have fought evil for almost as along. You may have one of the strongest and kindest hearts in the world, but you are not the fighter of evil that the real you is supposed to be. You have no experience. That I can make up for.'

"That all makes sense," Pinkie agreed.

'Second, there is one being I will kill without hesitation,' Nabu said. Pinkie's eyes widened in shock, but Nabu shook his helmet before Pinkie could speak. 'The being responsible for altering your world. This is not the only world he has altered and, unless I stop him here, it will not be the last. Wonder Woman informed me of another world before she went off to track him down. I have not heard from her since.'


'There are some evils that must be slain, Pinkie. You may not believe it, but there are some beings that cannot be saved,' Nabu said. There was no malice or resentment in his voice. Only fact. Fact that came from a long line of experience. 'And this is one of them. He must be slain. It is the only way.'

Pinkie didn't reply.

'Finally...I ask that you trust me,' Nabu ended. 'I do things differently than mortals can comprehend. What I do may not always make sense, but rest assured, all of my actions are to restore the natural order of your world. I am on your side.'

Pinkie narrowed her eyes for a second, before a small smile crossed her face. "Alright, but on one condition. You have to trust me as well. And I also do things differently in a way gods can't comprehend. But trust me, I'm doing what I do to help others. It might be chaotic, but trust me. I know what I'm doing."

Now it was Nabu's turn to go quiet. For a long moment, both Pinkie and the god stared at each other. Then Nabu let out a sigh and nodded.

'Very well. We have an accord.'

"Glad to hear it," Pinkie smiled. She plucked the helmet out of the air and placed it back into her bag, before she turned and started to walk towards where she had left her family. "So if you were born at the beginning of time, does that mean your bday falls on New Years or how does that work?"


Tirek sat alone on his throne, in total darkness. He hadn't moved in hours, hadn't spoken to anypony or left his throne room. He sat and stared at the floor, still trying to wrap his head around what he had just seen. He had been on his balcony, sensing the battle between Jack and the strange magic. For about a minutes, the two seemed to be evenly matched.

Then Tirek had looked up and laid eyes upon a golden cannon that was far larger than the planet. And held within more magical power than he had ever sensed in his life. And in that moment, he had sensed a taste of the power that this being held.

It had been gone a moment later. And so to had his memory of it. Or at least, he sensed that was what the spell that he felt attack his mind was suppose to do. Erase his memories of the battle and the giant spell. Yet even as a bitter smirk crossed his face, Tirek knew that the reason he had been allowed to keep his memories was because he had been chosen by an even higher power. Somepony who wanted him to witness this world and everything that happened within it. He would not be allowed to forget. He couldn't forget any of it.

"But I must find a way to stop this being," Tirek muttered. He placed a hand under his chin and cycled through his forces, his special task force, all of it. And nothing came to him. No plan he thought of could match this magical being. But he couldn't ask for help. Not from him.

Tirek spied something out of the corner of his eye and whipped his head around to see that it was only one of his mirrors. Cracked and shattered, but other than that, only showed his reflection. But for a moment he had thought...

Tirek sighed and slumped into his throne, rubbing his hands on his temples. He needed to do something. Before everything came undone. Then, finally, an idea came to him.

"Anansi, find me the source of this magic," Tirek said into the darkness. "Do not engage. This being killed Jack. It will kill you. Study and learn."

There was no response, but Tirek sensed that a being had left the room. Now that somepony was learning about this magic, he could start to plan how to counter it. But he would need magic. More magic than he had ever drained before. Tirek looked down at the Elements in his throne, knowing they might be the key. But how to unlock their power...?

"Perhaps I will need the princesses," Tirek grumbled. "But how to convince them...of course. Twilight."