• Published 12th Jun 2012
  • 947 Views, 2 Comments

Charity - CeresBane

The new element bearer of generosity

  • ...

Filly Foal

The library like all things within the churches of the order were underground and made of white marble. They glowed with supposed holy power, illuminating the dark passages with light. Even the shelves of the library were made of the stuff, sticking out the floor and sculpted out in the single piece of marble that made the whole building.

Charity sat at the order's library perusing through atlases and maps of Equestria. Guide books piled on high beside her and a still uneaten daffodil sandwich. Once again to the local librarian's ire Charity has raided the archives and most certainly be leaving a mess when she's done. The pony can't complain outrightly however, organising books were better suited to him than facing the horrors of war, despite the tedium it could present. But it just never ends! Passing Charity's table every so often a nagging feeling built up inside. Clopping his hoofs noisily as he crossed the white marble floor the temptation to peek grew beyond control, as clearly little Charity was up to something the church didn't like.

The city of Celestia is the gem of the Solar empire. It is the centre of government, military, commerce, education and culture. As such, it is often said that all roads lead to Celestia. The Librarian read in his head, distancing himself from the table he read from afar as to not seem obvious about his nosing about.

"Everypony who's anypony lives there. Somewhere in this city, Twilight Sparkle is out there. As the only living element bearer, only she knows what happened to the others." Charity mumbled absent-mindedly as she took a bite of her sandwich letting crumbs fall on ancient parchment over thousands of years old.

One morning like many mornings before, Charity had awoke to terrible dreams. Visions of the demon mare making threats, tempting promises and seductive lies. But within these were messages, the truth was there to be found. Ironically the demon mare's efforts to deter were only horrifying encouragement for the filly.

The church was wrong. Prophecy does not merely happen, Pinkie showed her that. Waiting for the miracle of harmony would not save the world. It needed to be searched out and found. If she stayed any longer spending these idle nightmare filled days, the demon of laughs would eventually succeed in breaking her. Three years of nothing was the proof she needed.

She needed to go to Celestia, her doubts of that were banished with that vision of that pink room. The church's good intentions be damned, she would not suffer years of house arrest any longer. She was grateful for their education and generosity in raising her, a dirty half breed orphan. But ignoring the call to action has come to its limit. It was time she followed, the saint's beckoning to quest for her friends.

If the church wanted to follow her, then she would have them do so if she wished. But no longer would she let them make her follow their overprotective decree of imprisoning her for her protection.


The Cathedral of Saint Rarity was relatively close to the capital of the Solar empire. With only a day's walk away Charity had finally found herself before the majestic city in all it's glory. Over the surrounding city walls, crystal spires rose to twinkle in the sunlight. From her viewpoint on the outside, she dared to suspect the whole city was just one big giant pincushion of buildings rising up to meet the sky. But before she could to find out...

...she had to deal with these two.

"Hello there Charity." A pair of unicorns chimed in unison. One orange mare held a chipper expression on her face and said her piece with an enthused fiery, sickeningly happy, charge. While the white one beside spoke with indifference and monotone interest.

THAT SON OF A MARE! He spoke, that stupid librarian spoke. There she was out in the wilds taking the long trek to Celestia and right at the gates, who else should welcome her but Sugar and Spice! Two of the agents charged to foal sit everything she attempts. She could never make any progress with these two around. She had hoped she would escape fairly far from them before she was caught because they were on a mission.

"He talked didn't he." That cursed librarian. That nosey colt of a son of a mare!

"Oh no, true to his word he kept quiet about your little trip." said Sugar. The monotone of her voice broke into something vaguely like amusement.

"But we were eavesdropping the whole time and you leaving a pile of books and maps pointing to the city of Celestia... kind of made it obvious." Spice chimed in after Sugar.

"Just stay out of my way." Charity through gritted teeth spoke out. Trying for the life of her to salvage some form of dignity.

"For now... we will do as you say little madam" The two unicorns spoke in unison and parted way in unison so she had free passage to the city gates.

Purposely Charity walked towards it. It was still a long walk towards it as it loomed with it's enormity in the distance. Indeed they were right, She had been a foal. She had made herself easy to track and left herself too exposed, but they didn't have to rub it in. She was perfectly capable of doing things on her own. And she was gonna prove it!

Just as she was about to reach for the knocker on the gates she was barred by two overlapping halberds.

"Halt! State your business, mongrel!" Charity looked back to the two unicorns giggling in the distance and she grimaced. After they were done with their laughs they cantered over to the guards and winked at one.

"You didn't think they'd just let you into the city, right?" Spice smirked as the gate guard blushed at her gesture.

"I wager she also thought she could just waltz right into the palace to talk to Twilight Sparkle." Sugar took a hoof to Charity's mane and nuggied it.

Exasperated Charity gave in.

"You win... I admit I will need your help."

"Well, it doesn't seem like we'll be able to convince you to go back." Started Sugar.

"And we can't leave you alone so easily." Chirped Spice.

"So we'll just have to help you until you're satisfied." Both said in unison.

Charity wasn't listening however. Once the guards knew who she was associated with they didn't dare stop her entering into the city.


High in the greatest tower of the school of magic, Twilight Sparkle sat in her chambers looking out onto the city. Everypony buzzed with activity as they went about their business. It was market day, so the city square held a plethora of stands of which merchants from across the land shouted across the city to advertise their wares. Pegusii flew across the skies, darting in and out of her vision, kicking up a light breeze that could be felt from the highest tower to the lowest common. Battle was coming and word from the city of Flare, had confirmed enemy forces were campaigning across the empire. Pretty soon the army of the capital would be marching and depending on the severity of the threat, she might have to join them.

And so the cycle continues

"I hear there is a new mare in the city." A voice in the room said giggling as if the mare were a school filly just begging to blurt out a secret she was meant to keep.

"What of it? There are always new ponies in the city." Twilight spoke with as much disinterest she could muster. But she knew better than to doubt just how much her friend knew her.

"But no pony of white coat and purple manes I wager." The voice said, but there was no one in the room, Twilight knew that. No one had any ability to be in the room unless they knew the enchantments. Those who didn't tended to stop being so... meddlesome.

It can't be... Rarity? Twilight thought.

"Nay." said Pinkie pie in response

"This is one of your sick jokes." It always was, she only ever came to put a damper on her days.

"Nay" This was a lie, surely.

"Just another way for you to torture me of my sin." It had to be. White coat and purple mane is a rarely heard of breeding. Even amongst the mongrels of Equestria.

"Nay" Pinkie said in a very horse-like manner and giggled. This did nothing but make a vein pulse with hate at the sound.

"I was angry. I... she was a traitor. She was helping the enemy." Twilight couldn't help but have the memory play in her mind. She had found the medical tent Rarity had worked. Filled to the brim with the injured and dying of the republic.

"You killed a saint Twilight Sparkle. A pony who had thrown her life away so that she could help ponies in need." The voice conjured that image in her mind. Each tiny moment in sickening detail as the life of that mare vanished from her eyes. The pain that mare felt too gruesome for her mind to handle, until finally her body had gone limp. Dying from the shock of such horrid sadistic torture.

"WHY DO YOU TORMENT ME LIKE THIS!? Why do you make me so miserable? You use to work so hard to bring a smile to everypony's faces" Twilight was striking out at the whatever she could. Crushing whatever she could underhoof in some vague hope that somewhere Pinkie would be crushed where she hid.

"But no one was there to make Pinkie smile. You left me, all of you, all alone. While you had the time of your lives. partying without me." Pinkie's tone was uncharacteristically sombre. It left Twilight a cold feeling in her heart. A certain dread that just wouldn't leave.

"I know you all call it a war. But with that smile on your face as you kill pony after pony... Pinkie thinks you protest too much." In her mind Twilight could feel Pinkie's smile than see it, conjuring those memories of the battlefield, that euphoric orgasmic feeling as she fought armies upon armies of ponies.

"You have fun out there. You are having a ball in this... eternal party." Pinkie giggled but there was an edge to it that could easily be mistaken for distraught sobbing.

"Pinkie knows. Pinkie sees." Pinkie whispered seemingly into Twilight's ear.

"I am great and powerful. I am Twilight Sparkle the greatest unicorn that ever lived." Pinkie said in a high pitched impression of her closest of friends.

"Stop talking like that mare." Twilight spoke as calmly as she could. There was a gravelly tone to her voice, growling with hate.

"Stop pretending like you're still a pony. You evil monster!" She shouted out at the walls around her.

"No matter what you might think. Pinkie will always be there."

"For you... For everypony Pinkie will be there to be your friend."

"And then... I will bring a smile your face."

"We are still friends. Right Twilight?"

Twilight's lip quivered, scared to speak. Pinkie was a monster and yet, she had to admit Pinkie Pie was indeed Pinkie Pie. They were friends. Nothing would change that.

"You have to decide soon Twilight. Your people or your friends." With those words Twilight felt a shadow escape her and as if a great burden had lifted she fell kneeling to the floor. Holding back the need to sob.

Then a knock came to the door.

"Lady Twilight. We have brought you a visitor."

Author's Note:

Charity is clueless, lucky she's surrounded by competent supporting cast. If you call a naive little girl, a mary sue. I'm calling bollocks on you.