• Published 8th Jun 2012
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Krizak's Compendium of Concise Chronicles - Krizak

A collection of Krizak's categorically concise contributions to the cosmos.

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Consort - Romance

Pinkie sighed into her covers, trying hard not to pay any attention to the setting sun visible through the crystalline doors. She instead looked over at Gummy, splashing merrily away in the miniature water park she had gotten from… no, no, she wasn’t going to think about her! Thinking about her made Pinkie start blaming her, and Pinkie didn’t want to blame her for this! She was very busy, it was all very understandable, it was… Pinkie sighed again.


Only one pony in the palace insisted on calling Pinkie by her full first name, and Pinkie raised her head to see the Princess of the Night standing in the doorway to her chambers, a concerned look on her face. She managed a weak smile for Luna’s sake. “Hi, Luna!” she said with as much cheer as she could muster. “You’re up pretty early tonight. Did you have some sort of special plan for tonight?” She propped herself up with her front hooves, her face suddenly splitting into a wide grin. “Oh, can I help? I promise it won’t end up like last time!”

Luna quickly shook her head. “Nay, Pinkamena, I do not have any special plans of note. May I enter?”

Pinkie giggled, even as she wondered if she might be trying a little too hard to be herself. “It’s your palace, silly! Of course you can come in!”

“It is not my palace alone,” Luna observed as she entered the room, idly glancing about at the predominantly pink furnishings. “As in all things, my sister and I share it equally, and she granted you this room to do with as you see fit.”

From Luna’s raised eyebrow, Pinkie realized that she had failed to hide the pain on her face when the other Princess had been mentioned. “Oh, well, in that case, I’m feeling tired rather early—” The earth pony faked a ridiculously huge yawn. “—so I should actually turn in early. The early pony catches the quartz, my father used to say.”

A look from Luna was all she needed to tell Pinkie that she wasn’t falling for such an obvious ploy. “You’ll find that once permission is granted, Pinkamena, it is not so easily revoked.” The alicorn sat down beside the grand bed Pinkie occupied, bringing her head to the earth pony’s level. “Besides, I think you could use a friendly ear,” she added with a wiggle of said appendage, making Pinkie giggle despite herself. “Tell me what troubles you.”

Pinkie’s giggles faded away quickly, leaving a frown in their place as she contemplated whether or not to tell Luna about her little problem. After a moment, she finally sighed and said, “It’s my birthday today.”

“It is? A grand and joyous event this is!” Luna quickly paused to get her voice under control, the windows of the room having begun to shake in her excitement. “But should you not be out celebrating with my sister and your friends?”

“That’s the problem!” Pinkie suddenly blurted out, and once the dam was broken, she couldn’t stop. “I told Tia about my birthday when she asked after I finally managed to get her to break down and tell me her real birthday, not just the holiday, and so I know she knows it’s my birthday but she didn’t mention it at breakfast and she’s been busy all day and I know she has so many responsibilities and duties and I understand but I don’t want to understand! I want to be selfish and have her all to myself today! I want Tia to remember…”

Luna gently lifted a hoof to Pinkie’s face and wiped away the tears that had begun to flow. “We cannot help but have that core of selfishness in our hearts, Pinkamena, and it’s important that we indulge it on occasion, lest it build up until we do something we regret forever…” The alicorn looked out at the setting sun as she said this, her features wistful and thoughtful. “Come, Pinkamena. I have decided that there is something I could use your help with after all.”

Pinkie blinked away the rest of her tears as she quickly stood up and followed after the departing alicorn. The two walked silently through the halls of the palace, servants and guards giving respectful nods to Luna and even occasionally to Pinkie, so accustomed they were at this point to Princess Celestia’s consort.

The two mares made their way out to the main level and out into the gardens, Pinkie giving the statue of Discord a silly face like she always did when she passed by him; she always felt he’d appreciate the token gesture.

Luna finally came to a halt near a building Pinkie was vaguely familiar with, the place where Twilight had had her birthday party that one year in Canterlot. “We have arrived, Pinkamena,” she said as she turned to the smaller pony, “and the task I have for you is to be the first to enter the Royal Ballroom.” At Pinkie’s skeptical eyebrow, she hastily added, “Do not worry. There is a threat in there, but only to me, and only if I enter first. You shall be safe, I promise you.”

“I dunno…” Pinkie said hesitantly, only to be met by the most terrible weapon in Luna’s arsenal: a set of adorable eyes that a pony that towered over most should not have been able to use effectively but that Luna somehow still managed to pull off. With a sigh, Pinkie relented. “Okie dokie loki…” She turned and walked over to the doors of the ballroom, pushing them open and walking inside. She only had a moment to realize that a room with so many windows shouldn’t be completely dark when…


Suddenly, light returned to Pinkie’s world as the magical darkness was lifted, revealing itself to be the work of one Twilight Sparkle, who stood among her other bestest friends, the closest of a massive crowd of close to a hundred of Pinkie’s friends. The light revealed games, buffet tables, a polka band that struck up one of Pinkie’s favourite tunes immediately, and most importantly, the love of Pinkie’s life, standing there right behind her friends, a knowing smile on her immortal features.

As Pinkie’s friends moved to embrace her, each one given their own birthday wishes to the birthday filly, Pinkie struggled to stop herself from leaping from their grasp and embracing Tia, but she could wait.

Tia had remembered, after all, and that was good enough for Pinkie.

Author's Note:

This story was for Prompt #41: "Memories of the Sun." This prompt was for Celestia to remember. I took this as an opportunity to go with my most loved of the ships that practically don't exist, CelestiaPie.

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