• Member Since 25th Oct, 2012
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"Every story ever told actually happened. Stories are where memories go when they're forgotten." - Dr. Who.


This story is a sequel to The Second Nice Thing

Takes place a month or two after 'The Lost Treasure of Griffinstone'
Gilda's scone selling business is booming, and is being credited with jump starting the run-down village into a semblance of order. As her business becomes both increasingly popular and important to the town, the griffoness finds life becoming actually easy. With this newfound freedom, Gilda has to tackle another issue, which continues to rear its ugly head. When your only interactions are that of how Griffinstone used to be, harsh, gritty, dismissive, and uncaring, it changes griffins.
Gilda is no exception, and she knows it.
But how do you nurse a heart that has fallen ill due to malnutrition of a different sort?

That's a difficult question on its own, and getting stuck in an old abandoned mining project won't help sort out any of these problems....or could it?

Art used with permission; thank you Kristkc!

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 38 )

I love this. The fatal flaw is that there isn't a second chapter up yet D:

Hehe, well I did just publish it an hour ago =P
This fic and my Sombra one are my focus, so don't you worry. Things will pick up. Glad you like it!

Looks like Gilda has developed a taste for social contact

Heh, indeed. Hopefully I'm portraying the awkwardness well enough. We've seen she's got a shy and very nice/caring side.....but under a rough exterior. Trying to find a balance.

Heh, I had to look up that word actually....and it fits perfectly! I'm trying to achieve a balance of a slow process, rather than BOOM now she's nice.

Interesting beginning. Let's see how it goes.

I prefer the spelling gryphon because it is easier to spell and I like the way it looks.

Perhaps I'll change it to that.....very well put, and thank you for the feedback. I'm finding I prefer that spelling as well, but it depends on the sentence structure.

Where were the other griffons?

Yes! Gryphon fighting action. I love it.

I may want to clarify; they were off searching the other areas; Gilda and Gelvin were the only two who went to the restricted place first, rather than second.

A couple times, you dropped into third person (using "her" instead of "I"), and there was one time:

Now I was getting a bt peeved. Thoughts were harder to deal with than idiots or bullies. I knew how to deal with physical threats….or annoyances. Thoughts, not so much.

I think you can see what's wrong there.
Other than that, on to Chapter II!

Same note as last chapter. Other than that, I'm excited!

Oh! I need to fix that then, thank you! It actually started out as a third person fic; so had to transition over. Thank you again!

Gelvin is so adorable with those ears and fluff. :yay:

:rainbowlaugh: He's adorable. Gilda will have some fun with that.

Whelp. That's one way to get a second date on the same day.

I see this an appropriate ending. It is cute and leave thing open ended.

I have to ask, this doesn't have a "redeemed" Gilda who says she was the bad guy qnd everyone else is blameless, does it?

Because the Gryphonstone episode seemed stupid to me. Pinkie drove them apart, and RD threw away a longtime friend, so them bith getting to waltz into Griffonstone and act like they're all great friends there "Fix" a problem is rediculous. They treated her like shit, that they can just have everything go back to normal and act like they have moral superiority when they aren't sorry at all for what they did is where most fics with Gilda fall apart in my view.

Not really. Gilda recognizes she was a bit abrasive, but hardly the 'bad' guy.

Okay, good. I hate it when Gilda is shoehorned as a "villian".
*begins reading eagerly*

Oh yeah, she's not the villain by far.

I realized I was simply staring, and so waved a set of claws dismissively. “Eh. That makes sense. Best friends are ponies, so all cool.”

I'd have to call bullshit on that, and say Greta has that spot. Less history together sure, but their relationship is certainly better than with those two. If anything saving them should have proven they were wrong, and that the one they wronged was taking the high ground despite their actions.

I'd say the actions canceled each other out. No matter who was at fault at first, Gilda still considers them her friends; perhaps could be rephrased from BEST friends (or simply friends who are ponies.)

They're cute together. I like it.

Though it angers me that it looks like she is, in fact, saying she is the villian at fault for everything and she shoukd be thankful the ponies who cast her out are her friends despite them not actually caring or doing anything for her. Even though she saved their lives.

Eh, I wouldn't say she's seeing herself as a villain- that was not my intention at all, more that she slightly over-reacted/had a grudge. There's also the recognition that ponies are a bit 'softer' than gryphons, so a mild gesture to a gryphon would be a 'GASP' moment for a pony.

Honestly it looks like she believes the opposite. Constantly on about her pony "friends" and how great they are to her, how bad she was, I hate it. Probably not your intention, but the latter half of the story just keeps bringing them up and how they showed her the right thing to do. It gets in the way of the romance, which is the best part of this fic.

A very good start, but ultimately dissapointing.

hmmm. I'll see about modifying that- it certainly wasn't the intention. Moreso that she held onto a grudge, not that she's a villain. In this case, it's the recognition that there are aspects of gryphon culture that are inherently harmful- not that SHE did something horrible.

That was quite good. Haven’t read many other quality fits that portray Gilda so well. Gruff, but begrudgingly kind. Nice OC too. You’ve got a good premise of world-building. Thanks for the read!

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