• Published 8th Jan 2016
  • 447 Views, 0 Comments

Toola Rome - Phoxjes Rome

Sometimes the greatest Miracles are located in the more unexpected locations. This story is of no exception. This was the time I met a group of very interesting young ponies. One in particular.

  • ...

Where I met her

Toola Rome

Chapter 1

Where I met her.

"Wowee!" The young pink pony gazed at the newly opened art gallery. Pinkie pie was doing the one thing that she did best again: smiling at the surroundings.

"Look at all the colours and texture! They're everywhere!" She laughed as she took a look around everywhere.

"Oh my!" Rainbow dash awed as she walked in. "Everything here looks so darling, darlings. "

"Hahahaha!" Sweetie belle giggled walking in after her. "I think that Toola is gonna love it here! This could be her own little paradise!"

"Isn't that her?" Cheerilee asked as she pointed a hoof at the front door. The six of them turned to see their pale-skinned multicoloured friend enter.

"Wow..." She gasped. "This place is amazing! It all looks so alive and new! I love it!" She skipped through towards her friends. "Thank you guys so much for coming with me to look at this!"

"Aw, it's nothing." Scootaloo commented. "I mean, what else are friends for, right?"

"Come on darlings." Rainbow dash commanded. "We simply must take a look at more of this gallery."

"Cool beans!"

They cantered through more and more of the newly opened art museum checking out the biggest and most creative and colourful paintings.

"Look at this one: 'Passion in a bowl'." It was a picture of a fruit bowl basked in a glowing light.

"Here's another one: 'Miracle's wakes'." This one showed a tiny Pegasus on the ground, with their wings spread out far enough that a rainbow stretched out from one of them to the other, at both ends of the paintings

"Hey girls!" Pinkie called out. "Look at this! It's a wedding!" They all turned their attention to the one Pinkie was near.

"It's called 'In celebration of Mi Amore Cadanza and Shining Armor'." The entire picture was hard to make out as it was shaded and disoriented.

"Who's it by?"

"Um... I think it says 'Discord 'Ha ha Phoxy, looks like I made it into your story after alll' Tiamat'."

"Well, that's a very odd name." Cheerilee looked over Pinkie's shoulder.

"And a pretty long one as well." Pinkie added on.

They core 7 looked around the gallery for a fair few hours for all the work that they could take in, until...

"Woah!" Across the room, the girls heard the art fanatic's shout of amazement. The other six walked over to her and saw what it was that made her scream.

"That's the biggest easel I've ever seen!" Toola Roola stared magnificently at the 20 hoof long wooden equipment.

"It must be for something important." Cheerilee remarked.

"Ooo, what could it be!? Maybe a cupcake? Or a balloon? Or something pink? Or possibly a pink cupcake holding a balloon! Oh, what could it be!?" Pinkie wondered.

"I'm not sure it will be something we'd expect, seeing how big it is." Starsong replied, gazing at the painting tool.

"Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it is going to be simply dashing." Rainbow looked.

"Yeah, and filled with awesome sauce!" Scootaloo commented.

"Hey girls it's getting pretty late out." Sweetie belle announced as she looked out from the window outside.

"Huh? You're not STILL scared of the dark, are ya Sweetie belle?" Starsong looked in concern of her friend.

"Um... Well, I... I'm..." She stuttered out.

"It's alright if you are Belle. I mean I still am." Toola Roola comforted. "But maybe we should be getting back."


"Goodnight girls!" Toola Roola waved to her friends as she trotted back inside of her house. She went inside of the kitchen and turned the kettle on, grabbed her multi-coloured mug, put the teabag and sugar inside of it, and got the milk out the fridge, before leaving for her living room.

She looked over the large quantity of books on the shelf, and picked out one of her favourites from the shelf. It was a novel about art, obviously, and it looked as though Toola had already read it a few times before.

When she heard the kettle click, she took the book with her and headed back into the kitchen. The book was put on the side, and the cup of tea was made in a matter of seconds.

With the tea and book in one leg and hoof, she turned off the light and walked up to bed. The tea was put on her nightstand, the book on her bed, and she made her way over to the bathroom.

When she was finished in there, she removed the covers and got into bed, sitting upright and began reading the book she took with her. A few hours passed, and more information was processed into her head.

As she lied down on her mattress and held her quilts over her body, she continued to wonder about the marvellous easel.

"*sigh* I can't wait to see what it is that's gonna be put there. Or who's it gonna be by. And why it's so special."

These were her final thoughts before drifting of to sleep.


Her dreams always consisted of paintings and her friends. This one was no exception, as she found herself with her friends in the same gallery, all of them gazing at something that truly appealed to them.

What would normally be considered weird is that the gallery's interior, for the most part, looked nothing like that which they saw earlier in the day; the walls looked more gothic, and the decorations looked more majestic and bright.

Each one of them picturing something different.

"It's almost like it's coming to life. It's so beautiful." Toola Roola stared almost romantically.

"Don't ya think girls?"



She was snapped out of her gaze when she turned around and saw that she was the only one left still there.

"Life is a privilege..." A male voice called right behind her. She looked around, but found no pony. Now she was starting to get scared.

"...Beauty, however..." She looked round again, still nothing.

"...Is an opinion!" This time it was a centimeter behind her, and she jumped and turned quickly, when she felt something new.

While she was still in shock of the whisper, she came across a certain warm embrace. There was something that felt like a snout right in front of her. It was red, slightly cut, aspects of it bruised, and the strangest thing was that it was TOUCHING hers.

She felt her lips being pressed into by something almost as soft as them, which clearly had something coated over them. Her eyes continued to widen as she came to a realization of the new experience.

There was some pony KISSING her, right on the lips, completely out of the blue, without her permission. She could feel the lipstick force into her, and she wasn't sure how to feel about it.

Eventually, after about 6 seconds, the goth released the painter.

As very very slowly began to open his eyes, he whispered her name.

"Toola Roola..."

She tried to picture him, but his facial features weren't clear to begin with, and began to become more and more blurry and fade away.

"Toola Roola."

He called again, but this time sounding slightly familiar and more feminine.

"Toola Roola!"

This time, his face, as well as the dream, were gone entirely, and the voice that she heard was clearly her friend's. As she got up front he bed, she looked out the window.

"Hi Toola! What on earth are ya still doing in bed?" Pinkie pie asked as she and the other 5 looked up.

"Oh girls, I- wait. What do you mean 'still'?" She asked tiredly.

"I mean it's nearly midday." Pinkie confirmed.

"Oh sorry. I'll be right down." With that she trotted to the front door, until the memories returned to her.

Who was that guy? Why did he show up and do that? Where was he from? How did he know her? And, even though it was a dream, why did it feel so...real?

Author's Note:

During a chapter of Marks Of Babylon, which I have yet to publish, this story takes place when Phoxjes is accidentally sent to another point in time.

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