• Published 21st Dec 2015
  • 286 Views, 0 Comments

Haunting of the Slender Mane - HauntingSpiritRisingMoon

Hear the story of a creature that haunts the night...

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Tail of the Night

"Gather 'round! Gather 'round! Yes, you! Come here my little pony. Have you ever heard of the tale of Slender Mane? No? Well then, I believe it is time you heard this dark tale... What? You don't want to hear it? Well, I'm afraid.... YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOICE! There, now you're listening. Let's get started, shall we? This tale begins long ago, in the far off city of Loncolt......."

There once was a small foal named Tiny. As his name described, he was indeed small. He also was cursed with a terrible sickness, witch made all the hairs on his mane and tail fall out. This made him a perfect teasing target for the other foals.

There were so many demeaning names. "Shorty," being the most harmless, to "Monster."

Tiny didn't see himself as a monster. He saw himself as a freak. But, this word spread like wildfire, until Tiny thought, 'Am I a monster?'

"No!" His parents would quickly reply, but he saw their hesitant glances at each other. To any other, they would have known these glances were based off of concern for their child. In Tiny's already broken mind however, these glances shown that his parents were lying.

He started spending more time by his self, manifesting his anger. His time in his room grew longer. His parents got worried. So one day, his father and mother into the young foal's room, hoping to find a way to help their son. They were horrified though, when they saw what was on his wall.

Photos of all the foals in his school were tacked to the wall. Some had circles around them, while other were blank. The parents had no idea what to do. "What is he doing!?" His father asked worriedly.

Suddenly, a voice behind them sent chills down their spines. "Get out, of my room."

The power and fury in their son's voice made then run out of his room in a panic. They never went in his room again.

Soon, Tiny started coming home later and later. His parents didn't dare ask, afraid of their son with his cruel voice. He started speaking less and less. The light in his room stayed off when he was home.

Then, the news reported missing foals. When they showed the pictures, the parents were startled to see they were the same ones that were circled on their son's wall.

The two looked at each other alarmed. They jumped up. "We have to tell somepony!" The mother shouted!

"You will not." They turned towards their son's voice in total fear, saw a flash of silver, red, white, and black, before everything went DARK.

It was a tragedy. All the parents felt bad for the poor orphaned foal, and the children aimed to be nicer.

It was already too late.

They were in high school now. Tiny and the others. He sat in the back of class, dead silent. If a teacher called on them, he would give them a clod glare, and they chose another student. When he did speak, it was full of hatred and dark, dark magic.

However, only one unicorn recognized this. He tried to think of a way to cure Tiny, sure there was a possible spell to save him. This unicorn's name was Bright Light.

Tiny had grown, these years. He was slender now in these years, tall and thin. He inspired fear in those who had never feared him before. Then, it all went downhill.

One pony, one mare, caused so much destruction. She thought she was high and mighty. So, one day, she saw him in the halls. She scoffed and stamped her hoof, "Get out of the way, monster."

The next day was terrible for the school. One of the mares had been found dead inside one of the lockers, a silver knife in her throat.

Tiny started wearing suits. No one knew what he was trying to hide, though ponies guessed his Cutie Mark. He had been one of the latest bloomers in history.

No one could track who killed the teenage mare. Tiny's face was as serious and quiet as ever. Bright Light had suspicions though. And then, that day happened.

Days after the first murder had settled down, there was screaming in the halls. Tiny stood, blocking the entrance to the school, as black shadowy tentacles grew from under his suit.

He stood there, quiet and silent as ever as he lifted a mare in his shadowy grasp. She screamed and screamed, but he wouldn't let go. Sharp objects were held by the other tentacles. A knife. A switchblade. A fire poker.

As all the students and teachers watched in horrified awe, he turned towards them. Unlike the others, Bright Light could move, and he ran. He heard shouts and screams behind them, some cut off and then slumping to the floor.

He could sense the tentacle racing after him. He could feel the dark magic and hate so present in it. Bright Light narrowed his eyes as he kept running. He knew what he had to do.

He u-turned, confusing the tentacle for a moment before it resumed chasing him. Bright ran back, and soon got back to the front of the school. He almost stopped in horror, but forced himself to keep running.

Bodies littered the floor, blood pooling. However, Tiny's suit was impeccably clean. Bright Light could see a mark on the outside of his suit, a white circle with an x going through it.

Bright Light finally let himself be caught. The tentacle caught up to him and picked him up. All of the sharp weapons were aimed at him. Bright Light knew this was his chance. He had to offer himself as sacrifice. So as Tiny raised his sharp objects to stab Bright, he whispered a final curse.

"I name thee Slender Mane, and I curse thee to the shadows forever!" He opened his eyes, and before a final spurt of blood led to the eternal darkness, he saw 'Slender Mane's' mouth and ruby eyes gone from his white face, and his flank pulling into the shadows, as Bright Light's light was extinguished.


"I think that was a lovely story, don't you? No? What, you're startled as you see I look similar to the pony of this story? Good. Now now, don'r tun. If we play together now, we can have so much FUN!






Author's Note:

I hope you all had fun listening to my story! Tuck your foals in tight, because Slander Mane is hungry tonight!

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