• Published 27th Dec 2015
  • 14,493 Views, 310 Comments

The Sunlight Project - Space Jazz

Sci-Twi is determined to get a girlfriend... using the scientific method.

  • ...

Step Two: Conduct Research

Okay, so I'm really doing this?

The first part of my plan, although not fully fleshed out, was centered around one thing: gathering information.

The intel could be anything as long as it pertained to Sunset Shimmer. It was a lot less creepy than it sounded. I just needed to know a few things... like whether or not she likes girls. You know, the foundation of my entire project depended on that. A simple yes or no, but the question framed around it wasn't easy to ask.

Hey, are you gay? Short and to the point, but way too direct. No one would ever ask that out of the blue, especially without an ulterior motive.

Girls are cute. Am I right, Sunset? Nope.

So I have this friend who's wondering about your sexuality...

"Thanks for helping set up, Twilight." Pinkie Pie said, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah, no problem."

I didn’t really know how I got to Pinkie’s house. One minute I was at CHS, the next I was helping the party girl decorate her backyard, carefully setting rock shaped centerpieces on each table.

"Pinkie, the helium tank ran out," Sunset called, carrying a heavy looking green canister with both her arms. "I think it might have a leak 'cause it ran out pretty quick."

Oh yeah, that's why.

"Oh, that’s weird!” Pinkie responded in between fits of giggles, her voice high-pitched—well, suspiciously higher pitched than usual. “Just go into my room. I have a ton more in there. You never know when a tank just randomly runs out." Following the bouncy girl's instruction, Sunset disappeared behind the back door.

Now that I thought about it, this was probably the first time I was alone with any of Sunset’s friends. And aside from the music playing from a small radio, it was quiet. I also definitely didn’t know Pinkie long enough to carry a conversation.

I could ask Pinkie Pie, I thought. It would definitely help to get it off my chest at the very least. I didn’t even necessarily have to tell her that I like Sunset. I also didn’t even have to tell her that I like girls. Just a simple “I like someone” would be enough.

As far as I knew, she was a kind enough person. It seemed unlikely that she would just run off and tell everyone who I liked. Besides, when was I going to get another chance to talk privately with someone I knew? If anything I heard from the girls was true, the place would be swarming with people in about an hour or two.

But what if Sunset comes back? What if she overhears me?

Nevermind that. Just get it out there.

All this debating was going to tear my brain apart. Yes, it would’ve been much easier to just talk to someone about it, but I still had trouble bringing myself to say anything. I glanced around the backyard, searching for the party girl who seemed to move at a mile a minute.

After a few seconds of scanning, I finally caught her standing by the cooler, helping herself to a bottle of cider Applejack had donated for the party.

Whelp, here goes nothing.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie," I swallowed the nervous lump forming in my throat. "I need your help with something."

"Sure thing, Twilight."

As fast as a slinky rolling down stairs, Pinkie made her way towards me, carried by a small armada of balloons. Smiling, she floated down from her half-foot gap and took a seat next to me on a white folding chair.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked, my voice a low whisper even though Sunset Shimmer was a good fifty feet away and behind by a wall. Instead of answering, Pinkie nodded vigorously, literally zipping her mouth shut with metal teeth. How? Don't ask.

I swallowed again, feeling the dryness set in as if my body refused to admit that I was crushing on Sunset.

"I, uh, I really like this girl. Like, like like, but I don't know if she... you know? Like, likes girls."

What am I even saying? It was probably just pure gibberish to her, straight from the foreign land of Gibber, located smack dab in the center of the continent of Incoherence, floating in the sea of Ambiguity.

"Uh, huh," Pinkie droned, nodding her head slowly. "So this girl you, like, like like."

"You're mocking me, aren't you?" I groaned, nearly planting my head into the table. If it wasn’t for a compassionate hand patting my back, I would have just given up asking her for help.

"I'm not!" She defended, holding back a warm giggle. "I'm just making sure that you actually have a crush."

"Gah! Don't call it that!"

"What? A crush?"

"Yeah that. Just don't... say it out loud."


"Because a crush has a real possibility of..." I paused, not wanting to finish the thought.

"Leaving you crushed," Pinkie finished.

"Yes, that exactly."

Pinkie racked her brain, or at least that's what I assumed since I literally heard gears turning in her head. About a second or two later, the colliding metal clicked knowingly before an idea sparked in her mind, full light bulb and all.

"Ooh, I know how about we ask Suns—"

"No! Not her!" I gasped, grabbing Pinkie's arm and keeping her from rushing out into the house.

A sly, almost entertained grin began to form on Pinkie's face, slowly getting wider as the realization hit.

"Ohhh," Pinkie hummed. "You've got a crush on Suuuuun~set."

"Not so loud, Pinkie!" I yelped, releasing her arm. I couldn't really blame her for the teasing. It was just something teenagers did when they discovered their friend's developing love life. Mock endlessly and ruthlessly.

"Sorry, Twilight, I just thought it was cute hearing you get all flustered over her."

"Gee, thanks."

"Hey, Pinkie!" Sunset yelled as she stuck her head out from a second story window.”I couldn't find any in your room."

"Check Marble's room maybe I left one there!" Pinkie suggested before turning back to me. "That bought us about a minute."

I paused in thought, not really knowing what to do next. Alright, so Pinkie now knows that I like Sunset. What now?

"You wouldn't know about Sunset's... preferences, would you?"

"She did have a boyfriend one time."

"A boyfriend?" I repeated, my voice faltering in disappointment.

"Although knowing where she's from, I'm surprised she found anyone attractive."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh, nothing," Pinkie brushed off, refusing to explain when I asked her again.

"Found it!" Sunset announced as she walked out of the house, carrying an identical looking tank. "You'd think they'd be lighter when they're full."

The party girl ran over to Sunset's side and helped her place the tank next to the balloon station. I couldn't help but feel the slightest twinge of jealousy. It should have been me helping her out, but Pinkie Pie was much faster than I was. Plus, I was always a poor runner and an asthmatic, so a brisk walk was the most I could handle.

Not knowing what else to do, I stopped by the coolers and grabbed large bottles of soda, dropping two on each table. I did the same with bowls of rock candy, sneaking samples after I had set the last of the tables. Yep. It was sugar.

Afterwards, I wandered around the backyard, admiring the decorations. On the center table there was a cake that read, "Go Get That Rocktorate, Maud!" It was cute enough to earn an entertained giggle, but that was really about it.

Still, I couldn’t help but admire the commitment to the theme. Only Pinkie Pie could actually get a rock-themed party off the ground.

The rest of the backyard was littered with the same caliber of jokes which I personally didn't mind, but there are only so many rock puns a person can take. I leaned against the side of the bounce house (complete with rock climbing wall) took a sip of the bubbly soda, watching Pinkie and Sunset fill up balloons. If I could, I would have helped, but it was clearly a two-person job. Pinkie would fill up each balloon and Sunset tied it, strung it, and fastened it to a chair or fence post. They worked efficiently without me; I would just get in the way.

After we were finished, all we had to do was wait for the guests to arrive. Maud wouldn't be back for another hour; Pinkie's other sisters volunteered to keep her out of the house until the party started. Anything to avoid setting up a party for the who knows the how many-eth time. Something also told me that Pinkie threw parties for even more trivial reasons.

Sunset and I slumped down on Pinkie's couch, leaning back and collecting our breaths. The hostess was off in the kitchen grabbing a pair of root beers, which I respectfully declined once she came back. One soda was enough for me—two would be pushing it.

"I'm gonna take a shower," Pinkie announced. "I've got glitter in my bra."

"What else is new?" Sunset joked, kicking her feet up onto Pinkie's coffee table.

"Touché," Pinkie shot back as she playfully jumped up the stairs. "Money's on the table if the pizza guy swings by!"

About a minute later, a soft cascade of water sounded in the distance, leaving me alone with Sunset Shimmer. We sat in an interminable silence, and I hoped that the pizza would show up just to have something to do. But of course, the “half hour or it’s free” guarantee didn’t apply for an order of two dozen pizzas.

Almost hearing my internal pleas, Sunset reached for the remote and switched on the TV, saving us both from any real social interaction.

The room was filled with the sounds of a national talent show. Several acts passed, ranging from dancers and singers to even stage magicians. Sunset would always point out the secrets behind each magic trick. It took until the third magician before I even bothered to ask how she knew how every illusion worked.

"I read a lot of magic books when I first got here," she explained after debunking a teleportation magic trick. "Obviously, it wasn't the same as the kind of magic at CHS. All those hours wasted."

It wasn't until the show focused on a singer when I got my first taste of hope.

"She's cute," Sunset mused casually before taking another swig of root beer.

Unable to stop myself, I blurted, "Would you date her—I mean someone like her?"

She shrugged. "I don't see why not."

Possibly the best news I could have heard all day.

"Though," Sunset retracted, "I could do without her stuffing her bra. A little bit of confidence goes a long way."

It took every bit of self control not to squeal in delight at her answer. I had a chance. A small chance, but at the very least, I wouldn’t be shot down by a simple, "I don't like girls like that."

I leaned back into Pinkie's recliner, at ease at the information I just got. Of course, I still had a lot more work to do before I could even consider asking Sunset Shimmer out on a date yet.