• Published 8th Jun 2012
  • 3,023 Views, 78 Comments

Sight - Resurgent Wanderer

A sightless stallion finds his way trhoguh the world.

  • ...

Visions of the Past and Future

Tailwind and Dash were trotting off the field after another successful Wonderbolts show when it happened. Some older looking Pegasus came running up to him.

"Tailwind! I'm so proud of you. You have no id-*CRACK*"

The cheering audience went silent as Tailwind managed to score a perfect right hook into the stallions jaw. From the crowd's perspective, Tailwind had just assaulted another pony for no reason!

"You don't hold the right to be proud of me you bastard!" the now enraged Pegasus bellowed with blind fury.

The rest of the Wonderbolts quickly flew in to calm the situation that had just arisen, while the downed stallion immediately got back up and roared back. "You dare strike me? I guess I was wrong, you aren't the pony I thought you were."

After flailing around a bit more, Tailwind managed to get a second strike in, and the audible cracking noise made it quite clear he'd broken the his adversaries nose. After another bout of struggling, the 'Bolts' had managed to pull Tailwind into the locker rooms while the medical team hauled the other stallion off to the medical bay.


"The hay was that Tailwind?! Do you have any idea how bad that just looked? The press is going to be all over your plot!" Spitfire yelled.

Rainbow Dash, who'd remained silent for most of confrontation, suddenly spoke up. "I'm sure Tailwind wouldn't have done it without good reason, right?"

Tailwind merely sat there, barely suppressing tears from memories he'd wanted to stay buried.

Spitfire could tell something was up, "Alright. I've got a job for you Dash. You get Tailwind's side of things. I'll trust you to judge truthfully on whether or not his reasoning was sound . For now, I need to go check on the stallion he assaulted." With that Spitfire trotted out of the room, leaving Tailwind and Dash alone.

"You ok? I know that you wouldn't have done that if he hadn't deserved it, but I need to know why. It was just so unlike you!" Dash said.

Tailwind nodded slightly, "I know, I just never thought I'd hear his voice again. I'll tell you now though; it's not a good story." With that said Tailwind readied himself as he delved into the worst memories of his life.


"An 'A'?! Disgraceful! You're supposed to be top of your class!"

"I am top of my class! What does it matter if I didn't get an 'A+'?"

The younger Tailwind felt his father’s hoof connect with his cheek.

"What would your mother think? She was the best of the best. You disgrace her memory. Go to your room, and don't expect dinner tonight. And stop that damned crying. Only fillies cry!"

Tailwind rushed up to his room, barely holding back his tears. As soon as his bedroom door closed, tears poured from his eyes freely as he threw himself on his bed.
'Some twelfth birth day this was.'


7 years later a bold young stallion stood alone on a cloud. The wind whipped around him, but his mane, a silvery white colored thing tied back with a strap, stayed out of his face. His piercing emerald green eyes scanned the area for any stray clouds. Upon seeing one, he threw his bone-white body from the cloud he was standing and tore through the skies. Skillfully he turned his body at 90 degrees slicing the cloud cleanly in half with his wing. Coming around again he grabbed the two pieces, slamming them together causing them to erupt in a cloud of water particles.
Catching these on his body, he tore into the sky and started doing flips and barrel rolls. Any stunt there was and he could do it!

Tearing past the sun he left particles of water behind him. The sun's rays caused it to appear that there was a rainbow trail following after him.

After a few more stunts, he turned to head home eagerly, hoping that the results for the latest competition would be in.

Entering the house, he immediately found his father in front of him, and he was pissed.

"I can't believe you allowed some filly to beat you! You're a full grown stallion and you had a filly beat you! That's absolutely disgusting!"

Tailwind shook his head; he was getting really tired of his father. "I lost with a 99.867 to somepony who scored a 99.883 dad. That's not a big margin. Besides, I got second place and the third highest score was an 84.553!"

"Which just means you were the first loser? Celestia if your mother was here now!"

Tailwind snapped. "Well she's not! She's been dead for 11 years now dad. She died when I was 8 and you can't seem to get over it! I'm sorry I went out in that storm. I'm sorry she got hit by that lighting. I know you wish it'd been me instead, but it wasn't so start getting over it!"

Suddenly his father swept forward and started beating the crap out of him. His father rained blow after blow, each one bringing up memories of the past 11 years of verbal and physical
abuse. "You...lousy....ungrateful....excuse....for....a....stallion.....how....dare....you.....talk.....to.....me...that...way!" Each word was punctuated with a physical strike.

Finally, unable to take it, Tailwind struck back for the first time. His father froze in place, and the young stallion, scared out of his mind, tore out of the house.


'Why can't I be good enough? Why can't I be better? That damned mare that beat me. She only won because of that stupid sonic rainboom rumor. I hate her! This is all her fault!' Tailwind thought to himself as he laid on 'The Peak of the World'. It was actually an extremely old cloud that was on the cusp of the breathable area of the sky. It was also the highest known place in Equestria.
'Well I know I'm as good as she is! I'm better, and it's time to prove it! If she can pull a sonic rainboom then I sure as hay can too!'

With that Tailwind threw himself from 'The Peak of the World' and went straight into a dive.

He deftly manoeuvred around a stray cloud here or there as he built up speed. He could feel the pressure building all around him, trying to stop him or slow him down.
Building more and more speed, Tailwind felt the force suddenly all break away.....just as a cloud drifted into his path. The sudden burst of speed from breaking the barrier destroyed any chance of him moving out of the way. He smashed through the cloud and immediately blacked out.


"Garbage” Tailwind heard echo through his mind."Trash! Useless! Disgraceful!" The voices wouldn't stop, each one degrading as the next. Tailwind couldn't escape, but he had to. He'd done it! He knew these weren't true! He'd done a sonic rainboom!

Forcing these thoughts to the back of his head, he mustered the will to will to final wake up.
'C'mon, time to get up and celebrate! I rocked this shit and now it's time to let the whole world know it!'
Tailwind felt his eyelids spread open, but found he was still in the dark.

'What the...?'

He shifted, and felt something tug on his leg. Pulling loose, Tailwind got out of what he was sure was a bed as his hearing slowly returned. It was oddly filled with a droning high pitched whine that wouldn't stop.
'Celestia shut up! Now there must be a light switch somewhere.'
He carefully wandered about the room, but found that his legs were extremely weak.
'Bah, I'm a trained athlete. The hay is wrong with me. Why am I having so mu-*thunk*'
After shaking his head, he put a hoof up to feel that he'd hit a wall.
'Dammit, where's the light switch!'
Just then he heard a door open.

"Doctor! He's woken up!" a mare yelled.

"Duh, now turn on the lights so that I can see. I'm starting to get really annoyed here!" Tailwind grumbled.

"Ahh, I think you should sit down. The doctor needs to talk to you." the mare said calmly as she started to lead him back to the hospital bed.

Tailwind obliged, having nothing better to do.
The next hour was by far one of the worst experiences ever as the doctor explained that damage to his optical nerves had rendered him blind, and that he had spent the last year and a half in the hospital.

"On the plus side, your father is on his way up to collect you now."


His father hadn't said much. He'd trotted up, collected Tailwind, and led him down.

"So, how are you doing dad? I'm sorry about getting hurt. But I did perform a sonic rainboom just before I got hurt!" Tailwind said proudly, hoping to please his dad. He got no response.

After another hour of walking or so his dad finally spoke up.

"If you go right the path leads you to Stalliongrad. If you go left you'll hit Manehatten. Here's 20 bits if you need food. Celestia knows I need you burdening me any more than you already have." with that he turned and left his son standing in the path with no knowledge of his surroundings.


"That was that. I spent another two and a half years wandering around before coming across Ponyville last year. When I heard him talking, I just snapped." Tailwind finished.

Rainbow Dash sat there in shock at how any parent could be so cruel. "Well then Tailwind. I think that is perfect justification for decking him. Let's go talk to Spitfire!" Dash led Tailwind into the med bay to find Tailwind's father sitting with a ridiculous bandage on his nose arguing with Spitfire.

"He's a Wonderbolt because he's got skill you sod!" Spitfire shot back just as Dash entered.

"Skill my plot, look, he has to be led around by some nurse maid like a dog!"

With that last remark, Dash snapped. She shot forward at the injured pony, slapping the poor excuse for a father right across the face.
"You are despicable! Tailwind is 20 times the better flier and stallion than you'll ever be! You bastard! You abandoned him the day he woke from a coma just because he was blind! You don't even deserve to live! Tailwind is the strongest, toughest stallion I've ever met and a damn good flier! You have no right to say anything about him!"

"And what right do you have, what's your claim-to-fame?" Tailwind's father shot back.

"I'm the damn filly that beat him six years ago when I was 18! The one you beat him for losing to!" she screamed with blind rage, striking the stallion again.

Just then security showed up and broke up the fight.

"Spitfire would you like us to escort Rainbow Dash and Tailwind to the holding area?" one of the security guards asked.

"No, but get that wretch out of my arena. If you ever see him again, call to police!" Spitfire ordered, pointing at Tailwind's dad.


Three days later Dash was sulking in her room.
"What's up? You haven't said much since meeting my dad. Did he say something?" Tailwind comforted.

Dash shook her head. "No."

"Are you nervous about our wedding next month?"

Again Dash shook her head. "No."

"Then what's going on? I want to help." Tailwind said as he figured out Dash's location and hugged her.

"It's..... It’s about your story. What happened to you... I feel that it was my fault. Your dad got mad because I beat you at that competition. I mean how you could even stand being around me knowing that it was my fault you're blind." she admitted glumly.

"Your fault? Dash I don't think you understand. Sure, that night I thought it was your fault, but that's all. It's my dad's fault. If he wasn't such a pretentious ass it never would have happened. Besides, let me tell you something else. Where did being blind get me?"

"I don't know? it got you the fact that you lost your dad, or that you can't fly."

"I can fly Dash!"

"Only because I'm there with you” Dash said.

This brought a telling grin to Tailwind's face. "What was that?"

"I said you can only fly because I'm with you."

"Those last three words. That's what being blind got me. I saw it as a disability for those first 8 months after waking up. I was bitter. I blamed you, and dad, and everypony else. But I realized that the only one truly at fault was my dad. And now I have you!" Tailwind finished as he found Dash's face and drew her into a kiss.
"I love you Dash, and I wouldn't change it for the world."


"Gah! Stick me again Rarity and I'll be at the altar with a bare flank!" Tailwind joked.

"Oh come off it, I haven't stuck you once." Rarity replied. 'That wasn't on purpose.' she added as an afterthought. 'You just fidget too much.'

"And I better not look like some n'eighteen hundreds aristocrat either, frills are lame." Tailwind added.

Rarity rolled her eyes as she worked on a rich green vest that matched a color of Tailwind's eyes from when he was younger. She'd forgone sleeves due to Tailwind's need to 'feel around' to find things, meaning he had a habit of spilling his glass at meals if anypony moved it by accident.

"I don't see why we have to go about looking all fancy anyway. Besides Dash even said 'He can't see me, so why should I wear a big fancy dress?' and I have to agree." Tailwind moaned.

"Oh shush. You and Rainbow need to look nice for everypony else. It doesn't matter what you two think." she huffed.

"But doesn't that negate the fact that it's our wedding."

"Ok, then how's this. Rainbow's parents are showing up and you should probably make a good first impression."

"Fine, but I'm serious, don't stick me again."

"I wouldn't dream of it."

Five minutes later Tailwind let out another yelp as Rarity smiled innocently.


"Rainbow, stop hopping around, you're more fidgety than Pinkie on a sugar rush!" Twilight ordered.
Rainbow Dash was flying back and forth trying to release pent up nerves-induced energy. "I can't help it; it's all just so exciting! I mean, seriously, I thought I'd be the last of us girls to hook up, not the first, and I can't wait!"

"Twi, you want me to go fetch my lasso an' hogtie this girl?" Applejack offered.

Twilight laughed at the idea, but shook her head. "Rarity would destroy us if we hurt that dress she made for Dash."

The dress in question was a magenta ensemble that matched Dash's eyes. It also stuck out against her cyan fur perfectly. It was also incredibly simple, with no train. That had been Rainbow's doing. "Oh, yes great idea Rarity lets add a 15 hoof long train to my dress. That way when Tailwind trips on it and knocks himself out, I can still drag him around behind me!"

"You're going to wrinkle that dress if you keep flapping around. Now sit!" Twilight growled as she dragged the polychromatic mare out of the air.

Just then Rainbow's mother entered. "Oh my dear you look so beautiful Dashie." Hurricane Flare cried as she ran over to her daughter. "I can't believe my little filly is all grown up. And don't you just look the part. I love the dress to, not to girly, but still with a flare of elegance, it’s simply amazing!"

Twilight and Applejack stood off to the side snickering at Dash having her mother fret over her.


"Rarity, I know you're doing that on purpose, I'm serious, I will trot my bare flank up to the altar, so don't test me!" Tailwind growled, actually getting annoyed with the mare.

"Ah, but then my little Dashie wouldn't get to see you all trussed up there!" came a laugh from Tailwind's right.

"Hmm? Your little Dashie? You must be Typhoon Flash then! Nice to finally meet you sir." Tailwind said politely.

"Look, let’s just cut to the chase, you hurt my daughter in any way I will find you, and I will kill you. That being said, I'm sure you will treat my daughter with the utmost respect and be a perfect husband, just watch out for her. Okay?" Typhoon said.

"I will do everything in my power to be the best husband I can, but I may have trouble keeping watch over her Hahahaha."

Typhoon didn't even realize how he had verbalized his request until the blind stallion pointed it out. "I am terribly sorry for that Tailwind. It completely slipped my mind." he apologized.

"Oh don't even start. Why does everypony except Dash think I take offense to ponies off hoofedly mentioning sight? I get it, blind ponies aren't common, but sweet Celestia!"

"Yes Tailwind?"

Of course he had to have said that right when Celestia herself entered. Nearly jumping out of his skin, Tailwind quickly bowed down.

"Come now, I'm here as a friend of the family, not a princess, you don't need to bow to me. You don't need to bow to the mannequin in front of you either." Celestia joked causing Tailwind to blush slightly.

"So what do I owe the pleasure then?" Tailwind asked.

"I simply thought I'd come and meet the stallion that won over Rainbow Dash's heart. You'll make a fine husband, and I'm sure you'll make just as good a father too."

This comment made Typhoon Flash stiffen and narrow his eyes slightly at the thought, much to the amusement of Celestia.

"Oh come now Typhoon, you don't think that Tailwind and your daughter would play checkers on their honeymoon, did you?" she giggled, causing Tailwind to blush again.

"Well I must go see to everypony else. Enjoy the day."

"So, uh, Typhoon?"

"Yeah Tailwind?"

"I think we just found the first thing to agree on other than how I should treat Dash."

"What's that?"

"Celestia is a major troll." Tailwind explained busting out laughing as Typhoon joined in whole heartedly.


Some forty minutes later Tailwind and Dash were standing at the altar while Princess Cadence read the vows. After both ponies said yes, and Cadence announced the long awaited "You may now kiss the bride."

Princess Luna and Princess Celestia both released their magic for a surprise gift.

It allowed Tailwind to see what was happening from Cadence's view. She was now standing behind him on his right, giving him an odd over the shoulder third person view. Never the less it allowed him his first look at Rainbow Dash.
She had beautiful cyan coloured fur that caused her magenta hued eyes to stand out strikingly. She wore a dress that matched her eyes perfectly and had a tiara mounted with a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt coming out of it, which matched her necklace.

He leaned forward, and carefully brought his right fore hoof up to her cheek.

"You are by far the most beautiful mare in the world, and I am the luckiest stallion to have met you."

With that he pulled her into a passionate kiss as Luna and Celestia released their magic.


Dash and Tailwind broke the kiss they were having as Octavia and Vinyl trotted up.
"Rock on Tailwind! Who would have thought that tripping on me all that time ago would have led to this huh?" Vinyl joked while Octavia rolled her eyes.

Both Rainbow and Tailwind grinned at the two mares that they'd had plan the music for their reception.

"I think we made a great choice in musicians, no?" Tailwind laughed.

"Definitely! I have to admit, I like the way they mixed their genres together." Rainbow Dash replied, earning a nod from Tailwind.

Everything was running smoothly and perfectly, but that threatened to break when a certain griffon made her appearance.

"Gilda! What is she doing here?!" Rainbow Dash growled as she spotted the griffon walking her way.

"Is that the griffon that gave you trouble before?" Tailwind asked.

"Yeah” Dash said.

Gilda slowly walked up to Dash, and knew that the mare was not pleased to see her. "Hey Dash. I know I'm probably the last thing you wanted to see today, but I came for two reasons. First is that I'd like to apologize for what happened last time I saw you. Second, congratulations! I'll be honest though, I never thought you'd get married!"

Dash was about to pop off a snide remark about when Tailwind intervened. "Thank you Gilda, but if I heard the story correctly, there are two other ponies you still need to apologize to."

"You're right. Have you two seen Pinkie or Fluttershy?" Gilda responded kindly.

"Of course” Dash said. “Fluttershy is over at the garden and Pinkie is somewhere, sorry I don't have a clue to be honest." Rainbow Dash replied.

Gilda nodded her thanks and walked away.

"That was mature of you Dash." Tailwind complimented.

"Yeah, well, she seemed sincere. I guess. Hey do you think your dad has any chance?" Rainbow asked.

"Actually I wish my dad was here now. I would introduce him to your dad, and then tell him about when he called you a nurse maid. I would then enjoy the results." Tailwind replied seriously.

"That's kind of harsh."

"Yeah, well-"

"There you two are!" Twilight yelled, "You're going to miss your carriage if you wait any longer!"

With that Dash took Tailwind's wing and led him off. As they reached the carriage Tailwind was adamant that he find the door and open it and help Rainbow inside like a real gentlecolt.

"No....over here... or maybe....no, just give me a second...I can get this... just...give...me...a...second ....AHA!" Tailwind cried triumphantly as he found the latch for the door.

Dash merely shook her head smiling at his valiant efforts she allowed him to take her hoof in his and help her aboard.

"I told you I'd get it Rainbow." he said smugly.

"I knew you would, but next time try for a 5 minute head start." she smiled.


"So, are you nervous?" Tailwind asked Rainbow Dash.

"I'm Rainbow Dash. I don't get nervous."

"That didn't sound very convincing. Just saying" Tailwind said.

"Well are you nervous?” Replied Dash

"Only if you are” Tailwind told Dash.

"This definitely isn't as simple as I thought it'd be." Dash admitted, her weeks warm with an influx of blood as she stood next to the bed with Tailwind at her side.

"Well...you want to make the first move? Or do you want me to?" Tailwind asked meekly.

"You don't have a clue what to do you?"

"Uhm, high school sex ed class, You?" Tailwind admitted.

"Same." Dash agreed.

"Well it's certainly not as glamorous as they show it in the movies or books."

At this Dash nodded.

"Well, how about we just sleep in the same bed together for the first time. Nothing says we have to do it the first night."

"Sounds good, it’s funny though. We're the two bravest ponies in the world, and yet we flounder over the idea of having relations."

This got a laugh from both of them as they got into bed. As Tailwind got comfortable, he accidently bumped his hoof in between Rainbow's thighs, eliciting a gasp from her.

"Oh sorry! You ok?"

Dash murmured something, and then grabbed his hoof. "I, uh, feel weird saying this but. Well, can you rub here?" She asked as she led his hoof back in between her thighs.

As she did so, she reached out and moved her free hoof down Tailwind's stomach.

Turns out, things just work themselves out sometimes.

Author's Note:

And the redux, now I just need to finish up my alterations and additions to my last chapter!