• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago



Rainbow wants to penetrate things and Twilight teaches her how. A few problems become immediately apparent.

Too much power, too much depth, not enough material science.

Editing by Autarch Prime

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 117 )

My mind is so far in the gutter it is disturbing.
Funny as hell though.

I was actually enjoying the basic physics lol.

>inb4 this hits the featured box

Not gonna lie, the first thing that popped into my head upon reading the title was LOOKS LIKE THAT ONE WENT RIGHT THROUGH!

I read the title and thought: "is this clop?"

Then started reading...and the World of tanks voices began talking in my head...

Off to play WoT now!

Well. Twilight teaches Rainbow Dash how to get physical , and get inside her palatial abode. (It helps to speak Prench.) Applejack could have stated it much simpler though: "Sugarcube, it ain't the meat, it's the motion!"
And I guess she'll have to go to Big Mac to learn ballistics.

“Sticking a lance in somepony, huh? Well, that sounds violent, but it does present a much different challenge.”

Well this clearly isn't the girls from the Dreamsverse. Seriously though, good job

I keep looking for the blue portal.

Needs more double entendre.

What rainbow dash needs for maximum penetration is a small hard part of her body. Like a hoof.

Rainbow Dash needs to practice penetrating with her hoof.

Next morning we see Rainbow Dash wearing enchanted full-body armor joined solidly to a forward-pointing sharply-tapered helmet... With a lubricated penetration aid on the point. :rainbowwild:


That... was the raunchiest explication of terminal ballistics I have ever read...:rainbowlaugh:

I probably shouldn't, but I'm fav'ing this anyway.

“So on top of getting hard and going really fast, I need to go for double penetration.”

Goddamnit, Joe. Just, to hell with everything.

/secretly favorites

This entire story is made of innuendos. Or should I call them in-you-end-os.

“[Celestia]’s drilled quite a few things with that long horn of hers, a lot of them probably by accident.”

Rainbow snickered. “That must be embarrassing.”

“I can’t imagine. That’s probably why all the ceilings at Canterlot Castle are so high.”

I, I don't even, just, what, I don't, no, what?

This was brilliant.

Well this is much funnier than the first drafts you've let me checked. Penetration is one of the basics of materials engineering... only with less innuendos and more number crunching. Now that I think about it, alot of innuendos can be made from many of the engineering topics with the right word play.

7018991 Oh damn! Forgot about lubrications and those oils are called lubes for general engineering discussions.

The suggestiveness of the description was enhanced for me when I noticed this story had 69 likes.:twilightsmile:

take my like, fav, follow and money just take it

Well, unlike most stories centered around innuendo, this one is up front about what's actually going on, which is nice. On the other hand, it still feels forced and a little contrived. So, an innuendo story. Still one of the better ones I've read, though.

You're a dirty, dirty writer for creating a story about rainbow being taught by twilight how to penetrate things raw, and we have dirty, dirty minds for liking it so much! XD

:twilightsheepish: "I can give you a tip on how to penetrate better, or I can give you a 5-hour physics lecture."
:rainbowderp: "Just the tip."

I don't know what the rest of you folks found so funny, but I thought this was a very interesting lecture, do get your minds out the gutter.

That's sarcasm btw

Mind, meet gutter. Oh, what's that? You just went out for tea 2 minutes ago? Well, isn't that nice.

On a related note, this story is now in my Favourites because reasons.

Who knew you could put so many innuendos into just one aspect of physics? I used to not be able to pick up innuendos. FANFICTION HAS RUINED ME!!!!!:pinkiesad2::fluttercry::raritycry::raritydespair::raritycry:
Good story, by the way.

That was rather entertaining.

It was also so overloaded with 'I see what you did there...' that it's staggering! :rainbowlaugh:

“So on top of getting hard and going really fast, I need to go for double penetration.”

And I lost it. And it got even funnier.

“Then I’ll penetrate them too.”
“Rainbow! You can’t just go around sticking yourself in any pony that gets in your way!”
“Okay, jeeze. I’ll ask them first.”

Context is for the weak.

7019134 Likewise.

My favorite part (the instant like button) :

“Due to elastic properties, a high velocity impact with a soft target would create a hole artificially larger than the object penetrating it, like a bullet wound.”

“So you’re saying if I stuck myself in somepony hard enough, the hole would get bigger and make it easier?”

That, my friends, is what is known as a

This was just... This was perfection. My goodness, you are my hero for writing this.

Well that was something else. :derpytongue2: well written, short and aweet. :pinkiehappy:

Now that's what I call "double entendre"


I concurr, it's much easier to penetrate when you use some elbow grease and a limb

On spalling:

:rainbowhuh: So if I penetrate something just right, there'll be a little something inside it?

7020980 That's because we're so distracted with all the numbers, formulas and terms that innuendos are the last things our numb minds will make. Now imagine a science teacher saying all these with a straight face.

With Rainbow trying to penetrate it so often, Twilight should really look into reinforcing that castle of hers. Impregnating the walls with a resin of some kind should help reduce the number of penetrations for a while. Heck, by the time you're done with that process, you'd be looking at a whole new palace!
Yes, that is actually a term used in engineering, and no, I'm not sorry.
Nice work here, bud. Got me giggling.
- Headwind

7022547 Yeah that's in civil engineering and materials engineering.

7022814 I know. I'm a studying aerospace major. :rainbowdetermined2: Still got a hilarious reaction out of my family the first time I used that word in connection with a freshman project!
- Headwind

You're a horrible person.
Thumbs up.

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