• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 7,259 Views, 159 Comments

Dragon Tales - chief maximus

A mysterious black dragon is caught illegally crossing the Equestrian border, on a mission.

  • ...

Chapter 1 F.A.Q.

Chapter 1- F.A.Q.

I couldn't believe it! I'd be living with a dragon! A magic dragon!

"I won't take up much space, and I promise I won't stay long," Cynder added, seeing the discomfort on Twilight's face at the idea of a stranger living with us.

Twilight sighed. It was becoming a habit for her by now. "Okay, let's go."

She turned to the Princess, "It was lovely seeing you, as always."

Celestia nodded, as I put my hand on Twilight's shoulder, getting ready for her to teleport us back to Ponyville. I held my other hand out towards Cynder. She kind of just stared at it.

"You have to be touching me for the spell to work," I explained.

"The spell?" For a dragon who uses magic, she sure wasn't familiar with how it worked.

"The teleportation spell to take us to where we live," I said in as comforting a tone as I could manage. I was still pretty excited about the whole idea.

She stepped forward and put her claw in mine.

"Ready?" Twilight asked.

Cynder and I nodded.

"You might want to close your eyes. I always get sick if I try to keep them open," I whispered.

"Thanks for the tip," she whispered back, shutting her eyes tightly.

The smell of singed scales and just a bit of burnt mane greeted us both as we ended up back in the library, next to the wagon of books I'd been hauling.

I looked to her as soon as I felt the wooden floor beneath my feet. She wore the same expression she had when admiring Canterlot castle.

"This place... it's like the Chronicler's chambers!" she whispered to herself, taking in the wrap around shelves full of volumes upon volumes of books; most of which I had put there.

"Spike and I have to arrange these books," Twilight explained, motioning towards the wagon, "But you're more than welcome to check out the library, or take a walk through Ponyville."

Cynder snapped out of her admiration of our house and replied, "Oh, uhm... that's okay, I'd rather not cause a stir around town."

"Don't worry, I'm the only other dragon in town. If you're with me, ponies will know you're okay!" I insisted. I had a lot of questions to ask her, but I didn't want to seem nosy. Taking her for a walk would give me the chance to learn a bit more about her, and maybe even get the chance to ask her what that place she's from is like.

"Well... I suppose I could."

"Great! We can leave as soon as we're done," I chimed happily. I knew this was going to be a good day! She wasn't at all like the other dragons I'd met. Mainly because she wasn't trying to eat me, or smash an innocent creature's eggs for fun.

"Actually Spike, I can handle this by myself, why don't you show her around?"

I made sure to make Twilight her favorite breakfast the next morning for that one!

"Really? Awesome!" I turned back to Cynder, who looked a bit nervous about going out in public. I thought it was kind of weird for her to be so shy. Most dragons I'd met were just that: dragons. But she was different... somehow. "Ready?"

"Lead the way."

I opened the door and took a step outside. The weather hadn't changed since Canterlot, but we probably had Rainbow Dash to thank for that. The sky was clear, and the warm spring air carried with it all the scents of blossoming trees and flowers. Cynder followed me out, shielding her eyes from the sun with her wings. I have to admit I was jealous. Wings are part of what makes a dragon fierce! I didn't have anything even resembling wings...

"I've missed this..." she said softly. For a dragon, she was definitely soft spoken. It was like I was talking to Fluttershy in a dragon costume.

"Missed what?"

"Oh, just... the sun, the springtime," she mused, inhaling deeply, "where I'm from, chances to simply enjoy the day are rare."

We began walking down the street towards the center of town, catching a few stares, but nothing out of the ordinary. Dragons in Ponyville were kind of an oddity. Heck, I was probably the only one these country folk had ever seen until now.

"If you don't mind... what's it like where you're from?" I asked. I hoped she'd answer, but I was ready in case she didn't want to talk about it. The quiet ones are always the hardest to get to open up.

She sighed. Not a good sign.

"Well, my home is pretty far away. It took a lot of magic to get me here in the first place," She surprised me. Maybe it was because I was purple, that she found me so easy to open up to. Maybe it was because I reminded her of her other purple friend. I still don't know for sure. "For a long time, our land was ravaged by a great war."

"A war? Against what?"

"Not what," she explained, "Whom. A powerful dragon, who betrayed the secret of our race's magic to the apes in order to set them against us. One whose only goal was to kill the rest of his kind, and spread his darkness as far as he possibly could. It was the purple dragon I mentioned who was destined to defeat him. With my help, we actually did." She smiled as she recalled this. "But now, he's sick. No one could figure out what was wrong with him at first, then we realized he'd been cursed somehow, a dark energy slowly corrupting his mind."

"Dark energy?" I asked. I knew Princess Luna had been involved in some kind of dark energy when she was Nightmare Moon, but I didn't think it was the same one. Then again, studying with Twilight taught me to make connections, so I couldn't help but wonder.

"Yes, the curse sapped his strength and began to change who he was, until the Elders were able to cast a spell of holding over him. Right now, he's frozen in time, not getting any worse, but not getting any better, either."

"So that's why you came here? To help the other purple dragon?"

"Well, I'm just passing through. I'm on my way to a cave, high in a distant mountain range, where a special crystal is rumored to grow. Without it, without him, my homeland is doomed," she admitted as we arrived at SugarCube Corner. I wasn't really sure where to take her, so I figured Pinkie's place would be a good spot to show her she'd be accepted here.

"What is this building?" Cynder asked, staring at the strange, food themed design of the shop.

"It's a bakery. One of my friends works here, and she loves to meet all the new ponie—I mean dragons that come to town," I said, opening the door for her.

"Ba-kery?" she repeated slowly, as if the word was in another language.

"Yeah, do they not have those where you're from?"

She sighed again. I really needed to watch what I said around her. "Maybe, at one time, but there is a lot we've lost where I'm from."

"I'm sorry—"

"No, I didn't mean to bring you down with my problems. Let's see what this 'bakery' is all about," she interrupted, seeming to forget her gloom and putting on a gentle smile. Something I honestly thought no dragons besides myself were capable of.

"Hiya, Spike!" Pinkie cheered from behind the counter, her white apron and chef's had smeared with bits of dough and flour.

"It smells wonderful in here!" Cynder gasped, only making it a few steps into the room before stopping to breathe the delicious air.

"Who's your friend?" Pinkie asked, bounding from behind the counter.

"Pinkie, this is Cynder. She's going to be staying with us for a few days while on her way to... where were you going, again?"

"The Varcuda mountain range."

Pinkie tilted her head at the mention of her destination. "Varcuda, huh? Never heard of it!" she smiled, "Glad to meet ya all the same!" she said, extending a hoof. Cynder stared at it vacantly, unsure of what that gesture meant.

"You're supposed to shake it," I whispered.

"Oh!" she blushed. I guess there wasn't much need to be friendly in her homeland either. She happily shook Pinkie's hoof, side to side, and not up and down like ponies normally do. I guess our culture might take a bit of getting used to.

"So Spike, your usual?" Pinkie asked, reclaiming her hoof and bouncing back behind the counter.

"Make that two," I said. I knew she may have been from a far off place, but I knew that cupcakes are universally delicious. Doesn't matter where you're from or where you're going, a good cupcake is a good cupcake.

I motioned her to follow me to my favorite table. I pulled out her chair, and again she met me with her confused stare. She walked on four legs, like most ponies, and she just couldn't figure out how a chair was supposed to be used. It was honestly kind of funny to watch her put her rump on the chair, while her forelegs rested on the ground, hind legs splayed awkwardly from either side.

"I'll just stand, if that's okay."

"Sure," I said as I hopped into mine. In no time, Pinkie brought us our food. A perfectly frosted cupcake with gems embedded in the frosting. My favorite!

"I don't have to explain how this part works, do I?" I asked, trying to get a smile out of her. It worked!

"No, I think I can handle this," she giggled.

After our first few bites, I still had more questions, so I decided to start with something simple.

"I'm sorry to hear about your home." I thought maybe starting with a bit of empathy would loosen her up some.

"It's okay. With any luck, this gem will put everything back to normal."

I nodded, taking another bite.

"So what are dragons like where you're from?"

She shifted uncomfortably on her claws. I was batting a thousand as far as awkward questions were concerned.

"There aren't that many left, but the ones still alive are the most courageous, loyal dragons I've ever met."

"Really? That's great! Most of the dragons I've met here are jerks..." she perked up as soon as I mentioned other dragons.

"There are more dragons here, besides yourself?"

"Well... yeah," I admitted hesitantly. I didn't really want her to get involved with those dumb jocks if I could help it. "But all they care about is hurting other creatures, and having fun at the expense of others," I replied quickly. Her expression dropped.

"They aren't really like me."

That brought her smile back.

"Well then I'm glad I met you, and not them."

This time it was my turn to blush. I wasn't really used to the whole compliment thing, but I could tell she was beginning to take a shine to me. Or at least, I hoped she was.

"Yeah... they can't use magic like you can, though," I replied, finishing the last bite of my cupcake.

"You can breathe fire, right?" she asked, finishing hers too.

"Well, kind of. It's not very impressive... mostly I just use it to send Twilight's letters to the Princess."

"So your gift is fire, then?"

"Uh... I guess."

"Then you are a true dragon, Spike," she smiled, "Would you mind showing me your fire?"

Now I was the one getting uncomfortable. I tried to practice making my fire breath stronger, in case the Diamond Dogs were ever up to their old tricks again, but I just couldn't get the flame any larger, no matter how hard I tried! I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of someone I just met, but she insisted.

"I... I guess not," I added reluctantly, "See ya later Pinkie!"

"Bye Spike, Bye Cynder!"

We walked back toward the library when she stopped me.

"Aren't you going to show me your fire breath?"

"Uh... I would, but we have to be outside the town limits. The last time I tried... well, see how all the roofs around here are made of straw?"

She put two and two together pretty quickly.

"Oh, I guess that would be a bit dangerous."

Once we were back at the library, I had no excuse. We stopped just outside as she waited expectantly.

Okay, just like you practiced. I thought, taking a calming breath before I began. I blew as hard as I could, making only a little bit of fire come out of my mouth. Heck, bigger flames shot out of my nose when I sneezed! I was so embarrassed.

"I think I see your problem," she walked closer to me, and bent me over on all fours. "No self-respecting dragon can breathe fire properly on two legs. You must be on all fours, and draw the flame from within," she explained. "Watch me."

I took a step back as she targeted a bush across the street. She planted her claws, took a deep breath and arched her back. In one quick exhale, a jet of purple fire shot out of her mouth and reduced the once green plant to ashes in seconds! Now that was how you breathe fire!

"Whoa! That was amazing!" I cheered. "How did you make yours purple like that?"

"Uhm... we'll get to that later," she squeaked, almost embarrassed that she'd shown me what a real fire attack looked like. I still don't know why she'd be embarrassed about something so awesome! "Now you try."

I tried to remember what she'd done.

Okay, claws on the ground, breathe deep, find the flame from within myself. I thought.

I took a deep breath, and sure enough, a bolt of fire longer than I was shot out of my throat! I'd never felt more dragon-like! I knew having her stay with us was a good idea!

"Spike, that was great!" she congratulated me. Once again, a familiar blush came over my scales.

"Thanks! I've never done that so well before!" I was over the moon! I'd read every book on dragons I could get my claws on to try and learn how to be a better dragon, but nothing compared to being coached by the real thing! I love Twilight, and I know she tried to help me when she could, but she just isn't a dragon, and it was then that I began to realize, that another dragon was exactly what I needed.

"Let's head inside, we still need to figure out where you're going to be sleeping," I said happily. I opened the door, and the library was dark. Like, totally dark.

"That's weird, usually Twilight—"


The lights came on, and all of Twilight's friends jumped out of their hiding places. Apparently, Pinkie had set up and decorated the library for a party in the short time it took for us to walk from Sugarcube Corner to here. I swear she is magic too! Unfortunately, wherever Cynder had come from didn't have surprise parties either. In fact, she thought it was something else entirely...

"An ambush! I'll take care of this!" she commanded, flaring herself in a position I'd recognized from earlier.

She took a deep breath, ready to roast all of my friends alive if I didn't do something. With no time to explain what was really going on, I did the only thing I could think to do. I put both hands over her mouth as the purple flames she'd used before sprayed to the sides of her muzzle, instead of lighting the entire treehouse on fire.

I mentioned earlier that her fire turned a sizable bush into a pile of ashes right? Well if it weren't for Twilight's healing spells, I wouldn't even be writing this right now. My hands were burned black. Luckily for me, dragons of any kind are the most flameproof animals in all of Equestria.

After I explained it was just a surprise party to welcome her to town, she was mortified. She must have apologized a hundred times before the party could actually begin in earnest. Once my hands were taken care of, I introduced her to the rest of Twilight's friends.

"Girls, this is Cynder. She's from a place really far away, and she's very sorry she tried to burn you all."

She could barely stand to show her face after that little incident, but everypony was pretty understanding. Except for the one pony I'd thought would be the most relieved that I'd found a female dragon to pal around with.

Rarity was none too impressed with her, and it took me a while to realize why. When I did, I almost couldn't believe it. She was jealous! She was jealous of the fact that I didn't have to endlessly pine over her like she'd become used to. That I wasn't her little errand boy anymore, which was dumb. I still liked Rarity! Can't a guy have two women in his life? She certainly didn't think so. Even Fluttershy had put aside her fear (after we pried her out of hiding in the closet) and managed to greet Cynder respectfully.

"I'm Rarity, premier fashion supplier for Ponyville," she introduced, but I could tell she was looking down her nose at her. You don't spend a lot of your free time around a pony you've had a crush on for years without picking up on a few of her queues.

"Nice to meet you." Cynder shook her hoof in the same silly way she'd shaken Pinkie's. Rarity simply raised an eyebrow before turning away. Whatever. It was her loss anyway. I was honestly kind of shocked that some pony I held in such high regard could act so... well, childish.

"Those are some pretty impressive wings. You any good with them?" Rainbow Dash asked, hovering above the party as usual.

"Well, I can fly with them, if that's what you mean."

"Well duh, but how fast are you?"

"Rainbow, don't be rude! Ah'm sorry 'bout her Cynder, she thinks speed is everything," Applejack apologized.

"Yeah, AJ's the fastest mare I know. And I'm not talking about running," Rainbow smirked. Applejack was redder than I've ever seen her. I wonder what she meant by that? How can you be fast, but not be talking about running? She sure as heck can't fly! Anyway, the rest of the party went pretty well, and all of Twilight's friends seemed to like Cynder. Well, almost all of them. Rarity faked it well, but I knew it was just an act.

After everypony left, Twilight wanted to get to know Cynder a bit better. I couldn't blame her, she'd let her friends talk to her guest for most of the party. Once everything had quieted down, Twilight began her analysis.

"So Cynder, what kind of magic do you use, exactly? I've never heard of dragons being able to use it like unicorns can."

"Well, it's... kind of a sensitive subject," she admitted sheepishly.

"Oh! I didn't mean to—I mean, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," she stammered, not meaning to cross the line.

"No, you're letting me stay in your home, and you barely know me. It's the least I could do," she admitted, Twilight grabbed a large pillow in her magic and set it on the living room floor, while she hopped on the couch. Cynder crawled onto the plush cushion and made herself comfortable, tucking her tail (which had a really sharp point on the end, by the way) neatly around her before she began.

"Our species has always been able to use one of four magical elements. Either fire, ice, electricity, or the earth itself," she began, as I hopped on the couch next to Twilight, leaning against her side as she continued. She took a deep breath. This was the part she was concerned about, and I soon figured out why.

"While I was still an egg, the ape King Gaul stole me from my parents. He took me to an evil dragon, one who used his dark power to change me into a monster. For years, I was under his spell... I committed terrible crimes against my own kind, and had no remorse for my actions. But, the purple dragon I mentioned... he saved me. He freed me from the darkness implanted in my heart from birth, and I owe him everything for that."

Twilight was just as dumbstruck as I was. I was expecting an interesting story, not the recollections of a war criminal. Still, ever scientific Twilight needed to know more.

"That's... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you relive something so terrible on our account."

"No, it's okay. With Spyro's help, I've made peace with my past... that's part of the reason I'm on this mission. So that in some small way, I can repay him for all he's done for me," she sighed. Something still bugged me about Cynder's powers. Mainly, the color of the fire she breathed. Ordinarily, I'd never be this curious, but this may be the only chance I get to talk to another dragon.

"Cynder... you said there were only four elements dragons can control. How come your fire was purple?"

She was getting quite flustered now. I withdrew my question immediately and apologized.

"It's okay Spike, but if it's all the same to you, I'd like to get some sleep."

"Of course. C'mon Spike, it's past your bedtime." Twilight got off the couch and I followed her, but not before I asked one more question.

"You aren't leaving tomorrow, are you?" I gave her the best pleading eyes I could manage. I had no idea if they'd work on a dragon, I'd only ever tried them on Twilight, and even then, it was about a fifty-fifty shot.

After seeing my expression, I'd like to think I changed her mind, but I'll probably never know for sure.

"No, I'll use tomorrow to buy what I can afford, and be off first thing the next morning, maybe even that night."

I smiled. It was a small victory, but at least I had an honest-to-goodness dragon around for another day. I was hoping she could teach me more dragon stuff before she left. I followed Twilight up the stairs as she blew out the candles lighting the room.

I crawled into my basket, as Twilight settled into her sheets.


"Yes, Spike?" she yawned.

"Would it be okay if I spent the day with Cynder tomorrow. You know, before she leaves?"

"Well... I suppose it has been a while since you've had a day off. Okay."

I love Twilight. That's why sneaking out like this was such a tough decision. She didn't deserve the stress I was putting on her by running away with Cynder, but neither of them had much choice in the matter. I thanked Twilight and settled in for the night. Tomorrow would be a great day! The start of a new adventure, my first adventure on my own!

I could hardly sleep.