• Published 17th Nov 2016
  • 6,248 Views, 39 Comments

Stupid, Stupid Dress - Wandering Pigeon

Rainbow Dash agrees to help Rarity and winds up stuck outside in the absolute worst possible outfit.

  • ...

A Tight Spot

"Please, Rainbow," Rarity looked at her friend, eyes as big as dinner saucers. "You're the only pony who can help me!"

Rainbow Dash--fastest pegasus in Equestria, future Wonderbolt, and definitely not a model--shook her head. "I already said no, Rarity. I'm not wearing any dresses just so you could fiddle around with it for two hours."

Rarity--acclaimed fashionista, boutique owner, and definitely not somepony who took no for an answer--let out a huff. "And I already told you I don't need you to wear it for me to 'fiddle around with' as you so aptly put it. I need you for reference and that's it."

Her eyebrow rose dubiously. Last time she was in a dress 'for reference' was around the same time as the parasprite invasion a little over a year ago. That hot, stuffy dress had stayed on her for hours, and she did not want a repeat of that.

She shifted on her cloud, finding a very comfortable spot to lie in. Just another reason to say no, really. She looked down at the unicorn below her and shook her head defiantly.

Rarity huffed again. "I'm not trying to deceive you, Rainbow, I really just need a quick reference fitting and nothing more. All I’m doing is making sure the dress looks the way I need it to be when it’s on a pony."

Rainbow winced. She didn't really have much of an excuse not to help if that was the case, but she still would rather not. "Well can't you just get one of the girls to do it?"

"Out of the question," Rarity replied. "You're the only pony I know close enough in measurements and coat color for the reference to be complete. Besides, everypony else it too busy anyway. Pinkie Pie is helping Twilight practice some magic, Applejack is neck deep in harvest season, and Fluttershy is helping some of her animal friends prepare for hibernation. I'd ask my client to model this herself, but she resides in Canterlot and I couldn't ask her to come down all this way just for this."

Rainbow pinched her lips together, still unsure if she would agree.

"Please, darling. This is a really urgent, custom order that I must have done as soon as possible. I wouldn't ask this of you if it were not so important."

Rainbow's eyes darted to the side. Rarity was really up playing this whole ordeal, which wasn't entirely unusual for her, but still…

Sighing, Rarity looked at her. "I suppose I'll have to resort to my trump card then."

Trump card? Rainbow raised her eyebrow. "What are you talking about?"

Rarity smiled now that she had Dash's attention. "Well, Rainbow, if you help me out, I promise to make it worth your while."

"How worth it?"

The corners of Rarity's lips turned upward even higher. "I might just so happen to have an extra gallon of apple cider lying around that I'd be willing to part with."

Rainbow blinked, her mouth involuntarily watering at the mention of cider. "O-Oh yeah?"

Rarity nodded, smirk on full display. She knew she won this time; all that it would take were the finishing words. "Try on the dress for me, and it's yours."

That's a pretty good trump card. Rainbow swallowed, knowing she'd have to give in now. After all, it was just one outfit. An entire gallon of cider was definitely worth it. "Okay, okay. I'll try on the stupid dress."

Rarity clapped her hooves in delight. "Oh, thank you, Rainbow. This means a lot."

"Yeah, yeah." Rainbow hopped from her cloud, crunching the grass below as she landed. "It just better be quick, all right?"

"Of course, darling. It will be the least amount of time you’ll ever spend in a dress. I promise."

The Boutique was pretty quiet when they walked in. Rainbow was a little surprised to find the closed sign in place when they walked in. She turned to Rarity, who seemed to sense the question.

"I've been closed all day to work on the dress," she explained.

"Really?" That was a little unusual. If Rarity was going to close up for a whole day, usually if was for something bigger than just one dress. "It must be pretty important then."

"It is," Rarity said. "The client... well, I shouldn't really give out the details, but let's just say she has a bit of an... embarrassing issue. I've had to design the dress to function to the issue's benefit, while also keeping it hidden and that has taken all of my concentration today."

"O-kay..." Dash was a little curious after such a vague answer, but knew it would be rude to press for more personal information. Besides, her mind was much more focused on all the cider she was about to receive. While guzzling it down in the course of a single afternoon was her first instinct, she was actually considering saving as much as possible. Cider season was still months away and her own reserves were long since depleted.

As they made their way up the stairs to the workshop, Rarity turned her head back for a moment. "Do be quiet as we go by Sweetie's room. She's working on her homework."

"Sure thing," Rainbow said.

They cleared the top of the stairs, and Rainbow saw the door to Rarity's workshop slightly ajar at the end of the hall. As they approached, Rarity lit up her horn and nudged the door the rest of the way open. When Rainbow saw what was on the other side, she did a double take.

On a mannequin in the center of the room, was possibly the girliest dress Rainbow had ever laid eyes on. It was pink, top to bottom, with a massive bow on the back, puffed and ruffled sleeves, and more frills and lace than she had ever thought could possibly fit on one garment. It wasn't a dress, it was the epitome of lameness.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Rainbow said as Rarity strolled into the room. "That's the dress you want me to try on?"

Rarity sighed, undoubtedly having expected such a reaction. "Yes, it is."

"Heck no!" Rainbow yelled. "I'm not putting that thing on! I'll look like... like a... like a sissy!"

"Rainbow please keep your voice down. Sweetie is in the other room."

Rainbow Dash quieted down, but her rage did not. "Seriously Rarity, how could you think I'd ever wear something like that?"

Rarity sighed. "Well, I figured a gallon of cider would be all the convincing you needed."

Rainbow paused. Usually she'd do anything for cider, but this was really pushing her limits. She quickly weighed her options against each other: wear the girliest dress in the world for a few seconds, or spend the next few months ciderless. "I don't know..."

"Well there isn't much I can do to sweeten the deal right now, Rainbow," Rarity admitted. "But I will remind you that you did already agree."

Rainbow gritted her teeth, staring down the dress. "Yeah..."

"And it is a gallon of cider I'm offering you."


Rarity gestured hopefully to the dress. "So, will you?"

Rainbow sighed. Curse this Element of Loyalty stuff. "Okay. I guess."

Rarity clapped her hooves in delight. "Oh, thank you, Rainbow. I promise, this will be over before you know it."

Rolling her eyes, Rainbow reluctantly walked in. "Yeah, yeah. Just be sure to have that cider ready."
"Cross my heart, darling." With her magic, Rarity levitated the dress off of the mannequin. Dash clenched her jaw at the sight of that heap of prissiness floating her way, but she could only sigh.

Just think of the cider.

The buzzing sound of a zipper ripping open hit her ears and she watched as Rarity levitated the prepped dress behind her body. Rainbow arched an eyebrow; she didn't know much about dress but weren't they supposed to go on over your head? She glanced to Rarity, positing the question with her look.

"Like I said, it's custom made. You'll have to get in this way because of the d- erhem." Rarity coughed into her hoof. "Because of the additions. Anyway, just step back into it."

Rainbow furrowed her brow. Rarity was acting kinda weird about this whole thing, but whatever. Cider on the brain, Rainbow started backing up. She felt Rarity contort the dress to accommodate her hooves, before feeling something weird. On of her hind legs passed through a hole of some kind, causing a distinct crinkling noise. When that leg came down and the next went back the same thing happened.

Rainbow felt a tug on her tail and realized that Rarity was pulling it through a third hole. As the dress lifted up over her body, Rainbow's rear end hit a wall of crinkling plush that wrapped around her waist. Standing now felt weird. Whatever was in the back of her dress spread her legs apart awkwardly. If she had to walk, it may come off as a waddle.

Furrowing her brows more, she stepped into the sleeves and let girliness incarnate slip over her entire body. She heard the zipper slip closed and felt the fabric of the dress tighten over her wings. She winced, but didn't complain; it would be over soon enough.

As Rarity's aura finally dissipated, she took a step back. "Hmm..."

"Hmm?" Rainbow asked.

Rarity motioned with a twirling hoof. "Turn around please, I need to see the back.."

Rainbow rolled her eyes, wanting the dress to be off. Her body felt way too cramped. "Why doesn't this thing have any wing holes?" She asked, turning around.

"My client is a unicorn; wing holes would be pointless for her."

Rainbow only partially heard Rarity's excuse. As she finished her 180, her eyes caught sight of the full body mirror at the back of the room and she finally witnessed the full horrors of what Rarity had subjected her too.

She looked like a dork.

The puffy, frilled sleeves of the dress really stuck out, even amongst all the pink and magenta. The sash across her midsection was tied off in a huge bow at the back, which was partially visible, even with her head in the way. The ribbons and lace that dotted the hem of the dress, as well as the chest looked extra goofy too. In short, Rainbow looked like she was some filly's dress-up doll.

Embarrassment hit her, and she blushed, lowering her head. She took solace in the fact that only Rarity was seeing her like this, and not anypony else. She would never hear the end of it if it got out that she was wearing something like this. Nopony would take her seriously again.

"I look stupid," she grumbled.

"You look fine, Rainbow," Rarity assured as she poked around at the skirt in the back.

"Why does your client even want a dress like this? It's so dumb!"

"It's lolita fashion. Apparently it's what's 'in' at the moment in Canterlot. In fact, it's so popular I was thinking of making our next Gala dresses this style."

"Well you can count me out if you do." Rainbow shifted, trying to move her wings in vain. They were squeezed in place tight. She wiggled her butt too; if felt so weird, like a pillow was smothering it. "Am I almost done?"

"Almost." Rarity poked at Rainbow's rear, pushing in the crinkly pillow-like underwear of the dress. "Hmm, this will simply not do. It's more exposed than hidden. Perhaps the padding is too large?"

"Padding?" Rainbow's curiosity got the better of her. "Just what am I wearing exactly, Rarity?" She turned back around to face her friend, shuffling goofily.

"I suppose there's no harm in telling you now," Rarity bit the inside of her cheek. "My client has been struck with a bit of incontinence, and requested I make a dress that could accommodate her diapers."

"DIAP-" Rainbow caught herself, remembering Sweetie Belle might very well hear her shouting. "Diapers! You mean I'm wearing a diaper?"

Rarity winced slightly. "Yes..."

"Are you kidding me?" Rainbow grabbed at the collar of the dress, trying to yank it off. The comfort provided by the padding now tainted with the knowledge of its true nature. Before, wearing this thing had been humiliating, but now it was degrading. Rainbow wanted it off. Now.

"Rainbow please, you'll stretch the fabric." Rarity swatted her hooves away. Dash groaned, but relented. Tt wasn't like that was doing any good, anway. The dress was on tight.

"Just get this thing off me!" Rainbow insisted.

Rarity held up a hoof, silently demanding her to calm down. "Alright Rainbow, alright. I've seen all I need anyway."

Rainbow grunted as Rarity trotted around her to see the zipper. "You could have at least told me I was going to be wearing a diaper sewed to a dress."

"The diaper isn't sewed to the dress, that would be horribly inefficient. It's completely removable to allow for changes." Rarity tugged at the zipper. "Besides... I was worried you wouldn't put it on if you knew."

Rainbow huffed. A gallon of cider probably wouldn't have been enough to convince her even if she knew. That didn't make it right for Rarity to trick her. She felt a tug at the back of her neck some more and grew annoyed. "Just get it off me already!"

"I'm trying," Rarity gritted her teeth. After a bit more ineffectual yanking at the zipper, Rarity huffed. "It... It's stuck."

"WHAT?" That was not the news Dash wanted to hear.

Rarity put a hoof on her shoulder. "Calm down, Rainbow. I can get this off of you, just let me find my scissors and I can cut the zipper free.”

Rainbow grumbled to herself as Rarity broke away and began poking through her drawers. Tugging a little at the dress, Rainbow became certain that she wouldn’t get it off alone. That zipper had her locked in! Stupid thing.

“Oh, you know.” Rarity shut the drawer. “I left the scissors downstairs. Hang on, I’ll be right back.”

“Just hurry,” Rainbow muttered. She did not want to have to stay in this dress any longer than she had too. “And you better have that cider ready!” she called out as Rarity shut the door behind her.

Sighing, Rainbow paced the room. Or rather, she tried to pace. The diaper was thick enough to force her to waddle, eliciting adorably annoying crinkles from her backside with each step she took. Growing tired of it, Rainbow abandoned pacing altogether and just stood angrily. She would’ve sat, but she had a feeling the diaper would make that feel weird to, if not slightly comfortable given all its padding.

Knock knock knock.

Rainbow looked up at the door to Rarity’s workshop. She was back already? But then why would she--

“Rarity?” Sweetie Belle’s squeaky voice filled the room. “I finished my homework. Can Apple Bloom and Scootaloo come over now?”

Rainbow’s eyes widened and panic suddenly gripped her. What should she do? If she didn’t answer, Sweetie Belle might walk in to try and find Rarity and see her! But if she did, Sweetie might just come in anyway to say hi! Both results would be disastrous.

Knock knock knock.

“Hey Rarity, did you hear me?”

Rainbow bit her lip. Not good, it sounded like Sweetie Belle might walk inside soon. Her eyes darted around, choosing her third option: hide.

Unfortunately, Rarity’s workshop wasn’t built for hiding. There was the table under her sewing machine, but too small and too open for Rainbow. There was the closet by the window, but it was overflowing with dresses from the look of it; there was no way she would fi--

The window!

Rainbow laser-focused on it. If she opened it and dangled out, Sweetie wouldn’t see her. And since they were facing back it wasn’t likely any towns ponies walking by the Boutique would see her.

But should she take the risk?

Knock knock.


Rainbow chomped on her lip. Sweetie was about to open the door, for sure. She threw open the window and grabbed onto the edge. Hesitation still had a hold on her though, and she paused.


The doorknob had turned!

Throwing her hesitation out the window, Rainbow soon followed it. She grabbed the windowsill with all her might as she dropped, and managed to hang on just as the door opened.

“Rari-- oh, nevermind.” The soft sound of tiny hooves walking off was all Rainbow needed to know Sweetie was gone in search of her sister elsewhere.

She breathed a sigh of relief; her plan had worked. Grunting, she started to hoist herself up and back inside.

And then her hoof slipped.

Rainbow didn’t even realize it at first, but when wind started rushing past her hair she knew she was falling. Not so much as a yelp managed to escape her lips before she landed on the grass below.

Luckily, she landed on her butt. Her diaper ended up taking the brunt of the fall, crinkling noisily as it flattened against the ground.

Blinking in surprise, Rainbow stood and looked up. Two stories was all it would take for her to get back and she just about breathed a sigh of relief.

Her wings instinctively opened, but jutted to a stop against the dress. “What the…?” Rainbow bit her lip and looked around, then up again.

The open window above her seemed almost mockingly cruel with how close it was.

Well, guess I have to go around. Rainbow bit her lip, realizing there wasn’t another option. She slunk around the side of the Boutique, aiming for the front door. It’s not so bad. I’m sure there aren’t a lot of ponies out toda--

She rounded the corner, and froze in horror at how wrong she was. The business district was flooded with a rainbow of ponies, each bustling about from shop to shop.

Rainbow flailed, blushing in humiliation, praying that nopony had seen her, and hyperventilating all at once.

Without thinking, she propelled herself sideways, aiming for cover. As she looked around, she saw the building off to the left looked like a good hiding spot and bolted for it. Her awkward waddle-run made a good deal of noise thanks to the diaper, but she managed to hide behind the building before attracting any attention.

Breathing heavily, Rainbow waited to make sure nopony had seen her scamper and decided to check and see what it was.

Then, she looked over at the Boutique and nearly smacked herself. She should’ve run behind Rarity’s place!

“Idiot!” she hissed at herself. Her stupidity brought her further away from help and closer to humiliation.

Until less ponies were around, she was stuck outside. In a girly as hell dress that exposed that large diaper between her legs.

Rainbow gulped.

...That cider is definitely not worth it now.