• Published 13th Dec 2015
  • 877 Views, 305 Comments

Corrupted Lands - Nameless Narrator

Two centuries after Twilight Sparkle's ascension, the pony races are nearly gone. The ancient kingdom of Equestria cannot be traversed safely, and deadly beasts roam the land. Will ponies recover from this horror, or is the time of their rule over?

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We Are the Land: Mrrr... (Lonely Hunter)

Nightshade walks through Ponyville, accompanied by the farmers still queezy from the events with the bandits. Her pony form is gone, replaced by black, sleek body of a Corrupted toned to perfection. She wants the stallions to look at her with fear and barely contained lust. She wants mares to be jealous as well as drooling on the inside at the idea of her growing a second set of genitals and putting them to good use. She wants to let every single being in her vicinity know that the ultimate power, beauty, and desirability is walking by.

And she knows that is exactly what is happening. Even the terrified farmers surrounded from all sides by Hunters are watching her. She can smell the stallions' arousal as their eyes are glued to every hypnotic movement of her behind, and not only that of stallions. Nightshade is on top of the world. Sadly, from up high she cannot see the worried white Hunter prowling by her side and wondering about what has happened to the amicable pegasus mare he saved not even two months ago. When the rescued farmers trot down the enclave tunnels, Nightshade leads chilly through Ponyville to where the past Queen's seat of power was.

It is a simple circular park, not more than an area of grass with several trees surrounded by buildings in various state of ruin and reconstruction.

"This place will do," Nightshade smiles and focuses the power she has been denying until now. Tree after black tree sprout from the soft ground, encircling the entire park and leaving only one entrance, "Now, my little Chilly. Let us celebrate our successful mission."

The white Hunter turns his head in confusion when Nightshade pushes him down on the shimmering black grass, and whines uncertainly.

"Don't worry," she bites down on his neck hard enough to make him yelp but not enough to draw blood, "Just do what I say and we'll both enjoy this. I've wanted this for SO loooong."

The little voice inside Nightshade's head telling her that her Chilly needs caring approach rather than forceful is brutally silenced by the intoxicating power she feels flowing through her veins.

"Now, I know you want this. I have seen the inside of your head. You haven't mated with any pony or Corrupted while by my side. It is time to finally cut loose," she bends her back, presenting her dripping marehood to him, "MOUNT ME!"

The order is a mental command as well as a scream, and Chilly's body moves on its own. Not for long, though.

"You just needs a little persuasion," she channels her inner Breeder, releasing pheromones made to drive him crazy while beating with her mind against his defenses. Ignoring the complete chaos of his psyche interwoven only with sheer horror, she breaks his will and takes direct control over his body, "Just a few thrusts, and then you will catch on quickly. I know you want me."

Like a rubber band tested bayond its limits, something snaps between them, and Chilly collapses on the grass, breathing heavily, looking up at her with teary eyes, and trying to push himself away. The sorry sight makes Nightshade burn with molten fury.

"SO THIS IS IT? YOU DON'T TRUST ME! TWILIGHT DOESN'T TRUST ME! NOPONY TRUSTS ME! ALL OF YOU LOOK AT ME AS IF I WAS A MONSTER!" she kicks the cowering Hunter so hard he hits the trees on the other side of the circle, and growls, "Well, I don't need you. I don't need any of you. I survived. You are better off now than you were when living in your frozen cage. My hive is getting more and more powerful, and so are Twilight's ponies. I will make the bitch eat her words when I rise as the protector against forces that make her stain her purple behind. If you can't even satisfy me when I want- no NEED IT, then you can go rot in Tartarus, coward! Useless, limp dicked, whiny coward!" she howls, calling for Corrupted to come to her, "I can choose the best of the best to make me cry in pleasure! What use do I have for... you? I thought you would want this because I meant something for you, but now I know better!"

A big, muscular Protector comes through the gap in the trees, loins at attention and about as much free will as a potato dropping from a cliff. His nostrils flare, and he immediately jumps at Nightshade, mounting her without hesitation. She laughs triumphantly, screaming more into the air than at Chilly.


And she is right. By the time her angry yelling punctuated by loud moans and heavy breathing subsides, the white Hunter has already crawled away, whining and whimpering with every step.

He is not necessary anymore. He has fulfilled his duty and allowed ponies to recover at least a tiny bit of their domain. It is time for him to hide away until he is needed again. Nopony wants him.

He feels cold, so freezing cold, so... alone.

The biting wind of approaching winter coming from the north answers the ice growing inside him and leads his way. When Nightshade regains her senses, she gallops through the enclave to the frozen room Chilly had taken for himself after their first arrival, but there is nothing there. No berries, no glassy trees, just a simple guest room with clean sheets covering an unused bed.

The Ponyville Queen panics now, sending her mind as far as she can, forcing Hunters to find any trace of him, and scanning their senses and memories. However, the simple Corrupted cannot find anything, and the link between the Queen and her favourite Hunter is long gone. With the dying remains of the equinity inside her making her recall everything she had gone through, Nightshade lies down on the grass of her new "throne room" and buries her head into her talons, mumbling:

"What have I done?"

Days and nights pass as the white Hunter travels without a direction, driven only by the lowering temperatures. The frost feels fitting, and he leaves glassy hoofsteps behind him, sapping the grass and other vegetation of life. He does not look at the sky, light and darkness being the same to his excellent eyes, and thus he does not count how much time has passed since he has left Ponyville. Cold and exhausted, he keeps on walking.

Chilly stops looking at the ground only when the cold eases up slightly, curious what caused the change. A wooden cabin is stading nearby, flickering orange glow coming through the window. He senses only a single being inside, weak, fragile, and non-threatening - a pony. However, as he reaches the forest clearing where the cabin sits, he notices hair-thin reflections of moonlight in the grass. A curious examination of one reveals it to be a wire leading to a strange contraption resembling a heavy hanging spike hidden in the leaves of a nearby tree. Taking several steps back, Chilly focuses his mind, and a crystalline blade of grass grows underneath the wire, sending the sharpened log right through where an unfortunate victim would set the trap off.

He shrugs. All he has to do is be careful, and then he can finally be a little warmer. The cold beckons him, but a little hidden voice tells him that he has to seek warmth, otherwise the frozen rain drenching his coat would eventually take him away. Chilly wouldn't really mind.

Stepping over holes with spikes covered by leaves and branches, avoiding more tripwires and strange clicking things smelling of gunpowder and sulfur, the white Hunter reaches the cabin's door, locked door. The pony inside has not moved, and he has no desire to change that, so he allows one of his hooves to melt and presses it into the keyhole. The biomass flows through every crevice of the lock, moving any movable pieces, filling and exploring. The key inside falls out, the mechanism clicks, and Chilly creeps inside. The place is warm, well-isolated from the wet cold outside, and after he shuts the door behind him even the cold air stops its intrusion. He doesn't make a sound and, prowling on his softened hooves until he reaches the happily crackling fireplace, shoves his muzzle as close to it as he can, and curls up into a tight little ball...

...much to the complete confusion of an earthpony mare sitting on the bed and grasping a large, spiked club in her hooves, mouth agape.

The sound of something hard hitting wood wakes Chilly up. He moves his legs to stretch and touches something heavy, which makes him freeze and look around, fully awake. He is surrounded by a dome made of sharp wires, and behind it there are sawtoothed pieces of metal like the ones ponies in Ponyville used against Corrupted. He also knows stepping onto those can make them snap even a Protector's bone. Granted, they are mostly only an inconveniece from a long-term perspective, but still.

A red-maned brown mare is pressing her back against the cabin door which are shaking with impact after impact. Luckily, Chilly is not stupid, and instead of flailing like an animal or wild Corrupted would do, he simply picks the weights on one side of the razor wire net up, and lifts them over his head. Jumping over the circle of bear traps is just a formality, and he is free.

"Oh for Cadence's sake! Are you serious? What did I do to come upon the only smart Corrupted in recorded history? OOF!" the mare curses and shakes with another blow to the door. As Chilly walks towards her, she mumbles quickly, "Hey, if you want somepony to eat, there's a bunch of assholes right behind this door. Ponies, chewy."

"Mrmmmr?" Chilly grumbles, tilting his head.

"Okay, come oooon," she grins, "I know you want to jump at me. Just give me enough warning to open this door... in... TIME! HA!"

She jumps away from the door when Chilly takes his next step, and the door shoots open. Unfortunately for her plan to confront whoever is behind the door with a wild Hunter, he doesn't jump. An earthpony with clear signs of Corruption and a battering ram hanging on a harness around his neck barges in.

"Got you, little mare! Time to join our- WHATTHECRAP?!"

He dies two seconds later after Chilly charges him head on and, completely on accident, pushes him into one of the now uncovered holes with spikes.

"She's got a Corrupted with her!" another pony yells, "Burn them both!"

Thrown bottles of oil break against the cabin walls and immediately catch on fire. The mare curses, runs back inside, and returns with her spiked club held firmly in her mouth. An explosive bottle hits Chilly who screeches and rolls on the ground.

"Good, now get the chick! We could use some fresh meat-" spikes of ice break the ground underneath him and pierce his skull. The thick icicle drags the body upwards, making it just a macabre decoration.

"Grwrrr!" Chilly snarls, snow white coat glittering with teal rime. Several more firebombs hit him but merely hiss out into vapor. The bandits, in utter disbelief that their attacks aren't working, flee, leaving broken branches and the smoldering cabin the only trace of their presence.

"Dammit!" the mare curses again at the sight of the fire spreading along the wall, "Whare did I put the bucket?" she tries to get inside, but the the doorway bursts into flames.

Chilly watches the panicking mare beating the fire with leafy branches to douse it, but the oil simply spreads onto her makeshift dousing implement. He likes this place, it is warm and sheltered from rain. Plus, the mare does not seem to mind him too much, and he can sense no organized Corrupted anywhere nearby. Thus, he decides to mark this territory as his.

The ground around him freezes over, ice spreading further and further, turning the moldy black trees into a glassy white forest. Grass and bushes crunch as rime takes them, and the wooden logs of the front facade of the cabin creak when they freeze over, ending the reign of fire instantly.

The mare stares, paralyzed, at her cabin partially turned into Hearth's Warming decoration and at the frozen forest everywhere the eye can see. In the middle of it stands Chilly, wobbling unsteadily on his legs after such expenditure of power. The smaller mare walks over, picking her club again and gripping it in her mouth.

"What the-?!" she jumps away when Chilly's muzzle softly touches hers.

"Mrrmr?" he tilts his head. When he gets no answer from the lightly blushing mare, he limps back into the cabin, closing the broken door as tightly as possible. It is not as warm as it was before, so he crawls even closer to the fireplace and lets his mind wander through his new forest. A minute later he is poked by a long spear held by the mare.

"You don't look like the others, I wonder why..."

"Mmmmrmmm..." he just grumbles, one eye open to observe her putting away all the previously armed bear traps.

"Thanks, by the way, for messing with my traps and letting the bastards in."


"You look like you can understand me, but you have no clue, right?"


"Thought so. Meh, I'd still prefer to have you around rather than them. You are just animals, but they chose to live out here just so that they didn't have to live under the Empire's law. This way they can abduct ponies and either hold them for ransom, use them as slaves, or as bait to draw Corrupted away from their hideout," she continues to examine if any damage was done to the inside of the cabin. Luckily, no thrown explosive hit a window.

"Mrrwrm!" Chilly senses hoofsteps from outside.

"THAT'S FOR CONSORTING WITH ONE OF THEM, BITCH!" an angry voice is followed by a window shattering and an inferno of flames. The explosion throws Chilly into the fireplace, confusing him more than anything, but the sickening crunch of the mare hitting a sturdy wardrobe makes him recover almost instantly. He roars, ready to hunt the bandit down.

"Argh!" the mare groans, coughing blood, as her coat is singed by the rapidly spreading fire. She cannot see much through the smoke, until a sharp stab of pain nearly makes her pass out. A moment later she is back outside in the fresh air, enveloped by tentacles holding her tight on Chilly's back.

"My... stuff..." she coughs again, wrecked by pain of doubtlessly broken ribs and at least one leg, "Okay... screw stuff..."

"Mrmrm?" Chilly whines, looking from side to side for something, anything to help with the bone of one of the mare's front legs peeking through skin and coat. She is too hurt for him to heal without turning her completely into a Corrupted, but with seconds ticking it seems to be the only option.

"Crystal... Empire..." she mumbles, her eyes closing on their own.

"MMRMRM?!" he whines again, this time louder. The mare's healthy, well - only badly bruised and burned, front leg points in a direction.

"That... way..."

Her broken leg freezes over as Chilly drains power from his recently transformed environment, turning his hind legs into clawed paws and his coat into almost liquid substance. He needs anything that could help him move fast and without irritating the mare's wounds. Slowly accelerating, he eventually becomes no more than a white blur jumping and galloping through the forest. Half a day's worth of dangerous trip for a pony becomes less than an hour, and with the still breathing mare on his back, Chilly starts beating against the pink barrier in the middle of tundra.

A bunch of armored ponies arrive soon after, horns glowing, spears ready.

"MMRMMMRM!" Chilly turns his side to them to show them the mare on his back, and unwraps his tentacles from her.

"Is that a pony?" one of the guards asks, "What is this, a Corrupted rescue service?"


"Okay, this is some serious bullshit. This does NOT happen. It has to be a trick."

"Trick or not," a unicorn mare in the back wearing a white cap with horn peeking through objects, "if she is a pony then the shield will let her in."

"That thing looks powerful, taking a step outside is beyond stupid."

"Oh hey, a stallion with no balls," the mare comments sarcastically, "Glad the Crystal Guard gets better and better with each year," she pushes past the stallion and through the pink shield. Giving Chilly a careful look, she says, "For some reason you are here with her. Now, let me take her and don't make me cum my horn off, please."

Blue aura envelops the mare on Chilly's back, and she freezes under the effect of a stasis spell. The medic levitates the mare with her through the shield much to the shocked looks of the other guards. Everypony leaves, and Chilly is left alone yet again, this time without ice flowing through his veins.

The remains of the burned cabin make him growl to himself. His senses flow through the frozen soil of his new territory, locking on the heat of underhooves, sound and tremors of hoofsteps, and anything else he can find. Five minutes of standing with talons stabbed deep into the ground later, Chilly knows exactly where the bandits are. A replica of an ancient full plate armor made of ice envelops him, and a nearly forgotten saying rings through his mind: "A pony is a wolf to other ponies."

A memory surfaces. He is not supposed to protect, but to hunt down those who have fallen into darkness.

The bandits have no chance. The whirlwind of freezing magic, tentacles, razor-sharp talons, teeth firm enough to bite through chainmail, and excellent, although just a little rusty, combat training are simply too much to handle. He may have found the bandits with the intent to drive them out of his territory, but after seeing a female Breeder beaten up and transformed into an abomination of orifices able to service at least ten ponies at once, he cut loose.

He knows the fall of these ponies happened most likely due to the Breeder, confusing them with her scent, but there was no ill intent in it whereas their abuse...

The more he thinks about it the less he regrets the mess of organs and limbs strewn everywhere around. He made sure no one escaped, but he feels sick.

A second mind taps into his, relieving his pressure and anger a little. The Breeder, once again a small mare with wide hips, hanging teats, and inviting fragrance wiggles her behind in front of his face. She senses his distress and tries to help in the only way she knows how. Chilly, however, has no interest, especially after a quick memory of Nightshade trying to rape him flickers through his mind. With his territory clear, he simply lies down to finally have a rest.

"Mrmmr?" he looks up as the Breeder drapes over him like a short blanket and licks his ear.

Perhaps just needing somepony close is more of an instinct than mating is.

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