• Published 15th Dec 2015
  • 484 Views, 39 Comments

Madness - Mochas Dungeon

Interviews with inpatients at Broadhoof mental asylum seemed like another task. With a few words from a patient, his entire life is brought into question.

  • ...

Session notes

“...and that concludes my report on Light.”

Star looked around the large oak table to the panel of leading onsite therapists and psychologists as he reported his findings.

“Well done, Doctor Star. You’ve enlightened us and we agree to your request to lower her from class five to class three. Under observation and regular therapy she may actually be out in the next year.

“Now, about Crystal.”

“Ah, yes. I had my session with her right before this meeting. She’s a major case of shell shock. The horrors she’d endured during her time under Sombra has left her so scared and damaged that I recommend permanent placement in level five. Under no circumstances is she to be reintegrated into pony society.

“If it becomes necessary I recommend she be released to a more violent culture such as the minotaurs. They, actually, may be more able to help her than we are, given her current mindset.”

“Thank you, we’ll take that under advisement,” a doctor said as the sound of papers shuffling resounded through the room, “next is Lilli. What’s your report on her?”

“Ah, classic nymphomaniac with shell shock. She was born to slave parents under the centaurs. She was used as a prostitute to pay off debts between houses and watched centaurs perform their sacrificial ceremonies, which occur very often.

“As a pony, seeing death is enough to break the most stalwart mind; watching it for every full moon, holiday, and personal celebration was enough to send her into a displaced mindset.

“She was traded to a house that took her to the Equestrian border and let her go without any hope of normal reintegration into our society. As a result, all she knew and knows is sex and death. I recommend permanent placement in level five for at least ten years, however she needs to know how our society works.

“So, I advise you to, under extreme care and with all caution, allow her to visit a park or some other locale where she can watch ponies interact with each other as well as read a book or several while out. I strongly advise at least two royal guards and several orderlies to be placed around her at all times.

“In the unlikely event she escapes she will vanish into the shadows.”

“So, even though she may be the most dangerous pony we have in the building, you suggest we let her out into public? Thank you, we’ll think about taking it under advisement.”

A couple snickers could be heard.

“That concludes this meeting until next friday; thank you all for coming and to Doctor Star, for giving us your recommendations. Next week I hope to hear more progress.”

With a nod Star gathered his papers with the other ponies and left the room.

“Wow, that was effective,” Mind said as she sided with Star as they walked down the second floor hallway toward the stairs.

“Yeah, now I have a session with Toffee and then I’ll be all yours,” Star winked to Mind.

“One task as a time, and I know those pills you took are going to keep you out of the game for a few more hours.”

“Hey, I don’t want a nymphomaniac to see my genitals, only you.”

“And any pony around when it happens in public?” she giggled.

“Well, that I can’t help,” he said looking to the floor and blushing slightly.

“I know, silly colt. Let’s just worry about Toffee and talk about us later.”

“Now that’s just like you.”


Star winked. “Something I can get behind. Ouch,” he yelped as he was poked, hard, in the ribs, “that might leave a mark,” he scowled looking to where she’s hit him.

“Then I’ll have to play medical doctor tonight.”

“Clever girl, very clever.”

“Enter,” the light pink stallion whispered to Star from inside the room. Entering, Star stood idly waiting for the mare he was now faced with, again, to give him clearance to go further into the room.

With a nod she allowed him to enter. He smiled to see Toffee, tightly bound, sitting on a cushion and looking at the far wall.

“Toffee, it’s nice to see you again,” Star started, “and it’s not in a commons room,” he joked.

“What do you sleep with, Star?”

He stopped and stumbled from his momentum as he looked at her. “M-my pillow.”

“What’s her name?”

“Who said it’s a her?”

“You’re lying,” Toffee said still staring at the wall, unblinking.

“Yes, I am. Sorry, it’s just,” he said taking to a quick trot to lay close to her, “I don’t know,” he said quietly, “I don’t sleep with anything but I’ve never noticed. Why’d you say that? What are you playing?” he asked harshly.

She kept her gaze ahead of her and smirked. “I’m just observing a truth that you aren’t being allowed to see. Let me out and I’ll show you what the truth.”

“You know I can’t do that, I’m worried for you and-”

She turned her head to him quickly, stopping him with a warm smile. “If you don’t want to know, just say so. What I did to myself was stupid and wrong, and I apologize for what I might have said to upset you was wrong. Let’s have a normal hour and just talk, okay?”

He cleared his throat and nodded, smiling weakly. “So, how’ve you been these past few days…”

“So, that’s my whole life in an apple skin,” Toffee said laying her head down on her forelegs as best she could with the restraints. She sighed heavily and the corners of her mouth were tugging down slightly.

“Toffee, it’s okay to feel sad right now. What you’ve just told me would bring any adult to tears, the fact you’re handling it so well is very reassuring,” Star said placing a hood on Toffee’s head.

“Thanks you, Doctor Star,” she sniffled. He let a sigh out.

“You’re so welcome. Our time is up, but I like how much progress you’ve made and I look forward to our next session. Please, stay safe until then, okay?”

“Oh, thanks to you and the fact you actually listen I love myself more. I may not love my mark, but I don’t want to hurt myself anymore.”

Star grinned and stood up. “Fantastic to hear that, I’ll see you in a few days.”

She waved as he left the room and he noticed the area felt brighter as he was around her.

“Well, Star? Conclusion?” Mind asked, siding with him as they trotted down the hall.

“It was a nice session and a lot was covered. Her missing mothers were helping her to know her cutie mark and when they vanished she lost her mind for a while. She took it really hard since her herd was shrunk without warning and without answer. I think it’s safe to say she’s not the genius sociopath I made her out to be earlier.”

“Oh, wait. Let me go to the mares room so you can scream that to me there,” she joked and bumed him.

“Yeah, yeah. Toes, back there, won’t ever forget that either. Right?” he asked the pony that was smiling between the two.

”Oh yea, that’s already in the mill.”

“Great,” Star frowned and looked to Mind, “rumor mill… wait!” he snapped his head back to Toes who widened his eyes and shook his head vigorously.

“What? ‘Wait’ what?!” Mind asked stopping abruptly.

“Nothing,” both stallions said in unison, “just a joke we shared,” Toes finished, “one that shouldn’t be shared!”

Mind sighed and looked between the two. “Ah, I was worried it was about our sex life. I’d hate for everypony to know after only a day,” she said starting to walk ahead before stopping to look back at the slack jawed stallions behind her. “Don’t think me a fool, silly colts,” she quipped, “I know how you talk about your emotions.”

“Y-yeah, I forgot she was one of the best in the field,” Toes said.

“For a second, so did I. A mistake we shan’t make again, right?”

“Right,” he agreed. With a hoof bump then took pace to rejoin Mind on her journey out of the heavy security floor.