• Published 1st Mar 2016
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Skyrim: tales of the Equestrian hero - spawnzillafinalwars

Sahrot Strun, the Dragonborn and protector of Skyrim, has been sent on a mission to lift his curse. After saving his family from the Thalmor, he has been forced into a portal leading to a land known as Equestria. will he ever return home to Skyrim?

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Chapter 6: A Chat on History, Creation, and Magic

The group has just made it to the station when the train had arrived. Twilight sighed in relief, glad that they had made it to the station on time. she turned around to count heads, making sure that everypony was there. Sahrot flinched slightly at the sound of the hiss of the steam engines, not quite used to the contraption. the passage doors opened up, allowing the current passengers inside to exit. as the ponies exited out of the train, two ponies had caught Twilight's eye. she squinted eyes to see the two amidst the other ponies, and upon seeing who they were, smiled with excitement.

"MOM! DAD!" she called out. the two ponies looked in the direction where Twilight was, immediately spotting their daughter and her friends.

"TWILIGHT, THERE YOU ARE!" the mother said, as both of them were walking over to the group. they stopped just a few feet, however, when they saw the armor-clad argonian behind them.

"T-Twilight, what is that thing?" the father stammered, his eyes shrinking.

"Oh, right. mom, dad, this is Sahrot Strun. he's a friend of mine, and he's rather new to Equestria." Twilight replied.

"Greetings." Sahrot stated, bowing his head.

"Umm, hello, Sahrot. I am Twilight Velvet, and this is Night Light, my husband. we are the parents of Shining Armor, and princess Twilight Sparkle." Velvet responded.

"MOM! there's no need to refer to me as princess, I'm still your daughter." Twilight exclaimed.

"Oh, honey, there's no shame to it. you were always my little princess, so it's fitting that I would call you as such now." Velvet said reassuringly. Twilight's cheeks blushed slightly from embarrassment, averting her eyes from Sahrot as he looked at her.

"It is an honor to meet the parents of the royal princess." Sahrot said, bowing to them.

"Oh, of course." Velvet replied, bowing back. she looked away from Sahrot and at Cadence, noticing the baby that she held.

"So is this the new bundle of joy I've heard coming in?" Velvet stated, walking towards Cadence.

"Oh, yes, this is the one all right, mom." Shining said, tickling the infant.

"Aww, isn't she the most sweet and adorable thing you've ever seen, dear?" Velvet asked.

"Can't say that I've seen anything more cute than this, sweetie." Night Light said. the baby cooed in happiness, as Velvet gave her a kiss.

"So Cadence, are you going to give her a name, or are we just going to call her 'the baby'?" Velvet asked jokingly. Cadence thought about it for a moment, pondering on what would be a good name for the child.

"We were thinking...Flurry Heart." she stated decisively.

"You know, to remember the occasion." Shining added, nuzzling Cadence.

"Goodness, how could ANYPONY forget about that?" Rarity chimed in.

'Well, I think its a perfect name." Twilight said, kissing Flurry on the cheek. Sahrot stood by the train door, observing the family. he smiled behind his helm, glad that they are happy. their merriment reminded him of his own family. he recalled back to the time he and his family had cheerful times, like running with his younger sister through the marshes, playing tag with the other children, and sculpting houses out of mud. his mother would often bake them cakes and pies, while his father was out fishing and hunting, bringing back plentiful amounts of meat to eat. then, his baby brother, being only a year old after his hatching, would often crawl around the house, in every nook and cranny. Sahrot sighed as he remembered those days, feeling a sense of peace. that is, until the other memories crawled into his mind, memories he thought he had buried forever. memories of blood, fire, and screams of anguish flooded his senses, taking him back to a day, a day that changed his life forever. it was only for a moment, but it was enough to bring him to his knees. his heart was racing, and his arms and legs were shaking underneath his weight.

"S-Sahrot, are you okay?!" Twilight exclaimed, rushing over to him. his sudden collapse had caught the attention of the entire group, who watched over the argonian.

"I am fine, Twilight, I m-merely lost my footing. excuse me please, I-I will wait on the train." Sahrot stuttered, rising back on his feet, and rushed into the locomotive. he found himself an empty seat, where he sat down, and proceeded to cast a Calm spell on himself, bringing his heart to a steady pulse. he sighed heavily, resting himself into the seat, until felt a peculiar moisture beneath his eyes. he touched them through his sockets, and found that they were completely wet.

'Tears,' he thought to himself. 'It has been several years since I had ever shed a tear, I had forgotten how they felt.' he looked outside to see Twilight staring at him through the window, somewhat confused. Twilight, on the other hand, thought to herself about Sahrot's peculiar actions. she noticed a green glow emanating from Sahrots' right hand, and placed it at his chest, enveloping him in a green aura briefly. she turned her attention away from Sahrot to see Flurry start to sniffle, her eyes becoming watery.

"Oh, don't cry now, Flurry! there's nothing to be worried about." Cadence said, rocking her child to calm her down. the child stopped sniffling, but instead pointed somewhere at the ground with her tiny hoof. Cadence didn't pay it much heed, but Twilight followed with her eyes to where the child was pointing. the area she spotted had two small, but dark, moist spots in the pavement. she noted that it was also the area in which Sahrot had apparently lost his footing. she thought to herself of what this meant, and decided to go into the train to find out. she spotted Sahrot sitting alone in one of the seats, and walked to him.

"Is everything alright, Sahrot?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, of course. everything is fine, Twilight, there is no need to worry about me." Sahrot replied.

"Well, alright then." she said, taking a seat opposite him. she didn't really believe him. she knew there was something wrong with him, but she won't try to question him, as he will most likely not take it too kindly. she thought of how to approach the situation, when she saw Starlight chatting with Sunburst. they exchanged a few words, then hugged each other, and parted ways. Twilight felt somewhat hollow inside, thinking that she had somehow failed her pupil. she watched Starlight followed the rest of the group as they entered the train, each taking their seats. Spike sat beside Twilight, who sighed with a tinge of sadness.

"What's wrong, Twilight?" Spike asked.

"Oh, I really don't know, Spike, I guess that i have a lot to learn about being a teacher." Twilight stated.

"What are you talking about? your lesson went perfectly! Starlight and Sunburst got over their pasts, and rekindled their friendship." Spike said.

"No thanks to me, however. I know a lot happened, I just wished I could've given my pupil the attention she needed." Twilight replied, looking over to Starlight.

"Well, I know that she needed to be led to the right path, but giving her the space to make her own decisions went pretty well, after all, isn't that how Celestia taught YOU?" Spike stated, pointing at Twilight.

"...You know, I haven't really thought about that, but I guess it is." she responded, smiling.

"You know, I think you're a better teacher than you thought." Spike said.

"Thanks, Spike." Twilight replied. with the thought now cleared, she again thought about Sahrot's situation, wondering how to approach it. then an idea had come to her.

"Sahrot, I've been meaning to ask, how exactly did you stop Luna from entering your mind?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I honestly do not know, Twilight. I do believe that her magic simply has no effect on me. why do you ask?" Sahrot stated.

"Oh, well, I just wanted to figure out why it didn't work," Twilight replied. "Oh! that reminds me, I was just going to ask you if you could teach me to use your magic?"

"Well, I guess I could, but why are you so interested in learning Tamrielic magic? is you're own form just not enough for you?" Sahrot questioned.

"No, its not that, I just want to understand it. its just so...new. I've never seen this kind of magic before, and it seems to be fueled by a completely different source of energy. I know you explained that your magic comes from within you, but can you describe the nature of this energy?" Twilight asked.

"Hmmmm...well, I suppose I have not been thorough in explaining Magicka, so I will do so now. Magicka is the spiritual energy that resides in all of the living beings of Nirn. however, Magicka is merely stored within us, we do not generate it. the source of Magicka comes from a plane of existence, known as Aetherius, and flows out through our sun." Sahrot explained.

"Wait, your magical energy comes from another plane of existence, and travels into your world via the sun?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, for you see, the sun in my world is essentially a massive tear within time and space. the stars of my world are also torn holes, but they are much smaller." Sahrot answered.

"...Massive tears in time and space? really? please, tell me, what could possibly have caused those ruptures, because I very much want to know." Twilight asked, barely holding back the excitement in her voice. she quickly pulled out her notebook and quill, gesturing Sahrot to continue.

"Well, the tears were created when several of the Et'ada had escaped from Nirn." Sahrot stated.

"Et'ada?" Twilight said quizzically, scribbling down notes.

"Yes, the Et'ada, or 'Original Spirits', are the gods of my world. they originate from the plane of Aetherius, but after the creation of Mundus, the mortal plane, most of them had fled Mundus, tearing holes in the mortal plane. there were some who stayed behind, giving away a large sum of their power, to complete Mundus. these gods were the Divines, with Akatosh being the chief of the other gods. some of the ones who had fled still lost some of their power, and were not able to return to Aetherius. these gods are the Daedric princes that I had mentioned earlier." Sahrot responded.

"Wow, goodness gracious, your world is sounding more spectacular by the minute!" Twilight exclaimed, scribbling down notes. "So, how were these gods of yours created?"

"Hmm...well, according to some records, the Et'ada first came to be after the clash between Anu and Padomay. you see, Anu and Padomay were the two primordial gods in existence, and they predate the creation of the Et'ada, Aetherius, Nirn, everything. they lived in Aurbis, or the universe before the other planes, and were complete opposite forces. Anu represents all that is good; light, order, life, and stasis, while Padomay represents all that is evil; darkness, chaos, corruption, despair, death, and madness. the two beings clashed, and fought until they had drawn blood from one another. these droplets of blood would form Aetherius, and the Et'ada, the Aedra, or the Divines, were formed from the mixed blood of the two gods, except for Akatosh, while the Daedra, excluding Meridia, were formed from the pure blood of Padomay. after this, Anu had been reflecting his own existence, and decided to birth his own soul to better understand the nature of himself. this birth led to the creation of Anui-El, the avatar of Anu, and the soul of all living things. but just as Anu created Anui-El, Padomay had created an avatar of his own, named...Sithis." Sahrot said, muttering the name as if in disgust.

"Sahrot , is there something wrong? I noticed your change of tone when you mentioned this 'Sithis'. is there anything that I should know about him?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, no, there's nothing that you need to worry about, Twilight. anyways, Anui-El saw that all of Aurbis was filled with chaos and darkness, so in order to bring order and balance, he created Auri-El, or Akatosh, the god of time. with this, order had come, balanced by the power of time itself. with this, he helped some of the Et'ada find purpose in their existence, thus creating the other seven Divines. However, when Sithis had seen what has become of the universe, he wanted to eradicate it all, as he saw it as an affront to the 'truth' of what reality is. so he created a god himself, known as Lorkhan, to convince the Et'ada to create a new plane of existence, in order to weaken the spirits. they obliged, not knowing it would cost them most of their power. this plane is known today as Mundus, the mortal realm, as you already know. one of the Et'ada, Magnus, had set the plans to construct Nirn itself, but after some time, he realized what would happen if Nirn was created, and so he fled Mundus, tearing through the plane, thus creating the sun. soon after, most of the other Et'ada left as well, but some were too late, as a considerable amount of their power was given to Mundus, thus they were not able to return to Aetherius. instead, they were trapped in the void known as Oblivion. the rest of the Et'ada, the Aedra, or Divines, had stayed, however, and finished forming the Mundus plane. but, after seeing the treachery of Lorkhan, and losing most of their power, the Divines had punished Lorkhan by tearing him apart, and have used his pieces to mold the world of Nirn itself. since the Aedra had lost most of their power, they could not return to Aetherius, and were bound to Mundus. so, they decided that they shall be the gods of Mundus, and have created the mortal races. that, my friend, is how my world came to be." Sahrot finished.

Wow...I never thought that there would be so much detail and knowledge in just the creation of your world. that was such a fascinating and insightful story, Sahrot!" Twilight said cheerfully.

"So, tell me Twilight, how exactly was your world formed?" Sahrot asked.

"Oh, well...I'm not entirely sure about that. the topic of how my world was created has been a heated debate within the field of science and magic. some ponies believed that the world was created by mere chance, and their most common theory was that it was formed by large clumps of debris from asteroids, water from comets, and life from small, microscopic creatures. the ponies on the other side of the coin believed that it was created from some mystical being, which might explain how we can use magic, but has left the details of the formation rather obscure. then their are some that believed in an explanation that is quite similar to yours, Sahrot. all in all, nopony is sure how the world was made." Twilight answered, shrugging her shoulders.

"Hmmm...so you and your people are not sure of your worlds' creation? that is a rather strange thing to me. what of the princesses, do they know anything of this sort?" Sahrot questioned.

"I'm afraid not, Sahrot. even they don't know how the world really formed. like I said, nopony really knows." Twilight replied. Sahrot said nothing in response, only resting back into his seat, contemplating about why no one of this world would know of its creation.

'Its very clear that this world runs on some sort of magical power, though it is something that is unfamiliar to me. the people of Nirn uses Magicka, and that comes from Aetherius. could it be that this world is running on a similar source? well, there is no way of finding out, but hopefully they would discover it soon enough. I would surely love to learn how to harness this type of power, if I can. ' Sahrot thought to himself.

"So, Twilight, is it alright with you to explain to me how your magic works?" Sahrot asked politely.

"Oh, of course!" Twilight stated, beaming. "Where do I begin? well, Equestrian magic has been around for as long as anypony could remember.
its what allowed us to become prosperous and thriving, giving us the power to push back the strongest of storms, grow ripe and plentiful crops, and defeat the greatest of evils."

"Right, but at the same time, it can prove to be rather destructive when placed in the wrong hands?" Sahrot interjected.

"Well, of course it would be. that's why we have-HAD the Elements of Harmony, in order to fend off such beings who would be dangerous." Twilight stated.

"Is that so? hmm...well, if you are willing to explain to me, what are these so called 'Elements of Harmony, and what exactly happened to them?" Sahrot asked.

"Alright then. the Elements of Harmony are ancient relics of mystical and powerful magic. they were six Elements in all, each aspects in harmony and friendship: Honesty, Loyalty, Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, and Magic. they were first used by the princesses when they have done battle with Discord, the spirit of chaos. he was terrorizing the land of Equestria one thousand years ago, bending the laws of reality and manipulating the ponies under his rule, just for amusement. when princess Celestia and Luna had fought Discord, they used the power of the Elements to defeat him, and encase him in stone for over a thousand years. he is free now, and has actually become an ally to us. anyways, the second time they were used was when Celestia had to banish her sister to the moon for a thousand years, just like Discord. this was because Luna had been consumed by her jealousy towards her older sister at the time. as you have seen earlier, she has returned to us now, but not as she is now. she was able to escape from the moon, aided by the stars themselves. when she did, she was in the form of Nightmare Moon, which I can only assume is her alter ego born from her envy. I was a unicorn, still under the tutelage of Celestia at the time she arrived to Equestria. Nightmare Moon threatened to overthrow Celestia, and shroud the entire world in eternal night under her rule. me and my friends were there at the time, and we had taken it upon ourselves to stop Nightmare Moon, as Celestia was nowhere to be found. we figured that if we could obtain the Elements, we could defeat Nightmare Moon, and find Celestia. when we arrived at the location of the Elements, we split up in order to cover more ground. I was then confronted by Nightmare Moon, who had taken me to the location of the Elements. I was able to trick her for a short time , and tried to activate the Elements with my magic, but failed. however, when my friends had come to my side, I realized something. in order to activate the powers of the Elements, we had to embody the aspects that they represented. and so, we became one with the Elements. Applejack was the Element of Honesty, Rainbow was the Element of Loyalty, Pinkie was the Element of Laughter, Rarity was the Element of Generosity, Fluttershy was the Element of Kindness, and I, Magic. together, with the combined power of the Elements, we were able to banish the wicked Nightmare Moon, leaving behind princess Luna. Celestia returned shortly after to reunite with her long lost sister. many months after that, and just days after I became princess, an incident happened where several vine-like tendrils invaded Ponyville from the Everfree Forest. it wasn't long afterwards that we discovered the princesses had been captured. we were then able to find out what was going on: the Elements' source of power, the Tree of Harmony, was attacked by the vines. so, in order to save the tree, and Ponyville at large, we had to deliver the Elements back to the Tree of Harmony, giving it it's former strength, and destroyed the wicked vines that threatened us all beforehoof. Celestia and Luna were found yet again, but the Elements were lost to us, and instead replaced by a great power, granted to us by the tree itself. it also gave me the castle that you had seen earlier in Ponyville." Twilight explained.

"...So, let me just get this straight. the Elements of Harmony are magical relics of great power, each representing six aspects of 'friendship and harmony'?" Sahrot asked.

"Yep, pretty much." Twilight replied.

"...You know, I have heard many strange things regarding magic, but this is by far the strangest of all. magical items that are powered by a tree, each item with specific aspects. very much different to that of Tamrielic magic, let me tell you." Sahrot stated.

"Well, I'd imagine that would be the case. is it possible for you to demonstrate the magic you possess? if so, then perhaps you can do so when we reach the castle?" Twilight requested.

"I'm sorry, but that would have to wait until tomorrow, as night will be upon us when we return." Sahrot responded. Twilight was a little disdained by that, but agrees to it, as everypony would need some rest once they get home. they continued to talk as the train made its way back to Ponyville, and when they finally arrived, Twilight Sparkle had waved her friends goodbye as they departed to their homes. She, Spike, and Sahrot then strolled back to the castle. Sahrot made his way to his living quarters, with Twilight thanking him again for his help, and bidding him goodnight. he then unpacked his gear, setting them beside his bed, though he kept his armor on, and tried to lay onto the bed. he found the bed to be too small for his liking, and instead slept on the floor, using a bed roll he had always carried with him. He blew out the candle on his shelf, and before going to sleep, prayed to the Divines and Meridia to watch over Brelyna, Lucia, and Hroar, and to aid him in his quest to return to Tamriel.

Author's Note:

Apologies to any who may find this chapter rather dialogue heavy, but I decided that this would be a good place to explain some events in the Elder scrolls universe, as I felt it was a good way of building character for Sahrot, as well as build a strong friendship between him and Twilight. the idea behind Sahrot's personality is based upon that of the Storyteller from Shoddycasts' 'Fallout Lore Series' in the fact that he enjoys traveling and exploring, as well as talk about historic events, or adventures that he had made, but is tight-lipped about his personal life, even around close friends and family. his backstory was made to be loosely similar to Guts, from Berserk. I'll delve deeper into his character later on, but this is just a basic description.:twilightsmile: Oh! I nearly forgot. in my earlier note, I stated that Sahrot knows every spell in the game. well, that's not entirely true. Sahrot despises necromancy, and stays away any from any kind of spell associated with it (except for soul trap). :pinkiecrazy: