• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 514 Views, 18 Comments

The Prelude, Illuminate the Shadows Book 1 - SaphireTsuki

Her only hope was the young one would be safe here. All she could wish for was a dream. All that was needed was a single home, filled with love, and a way for their people to move forward, out of those shadows.

  • ...

15 Finale

Portals. Araus-Lof in Ar Sphilar. These are tools used for long distance travel. Changelings prefer to use portals for travel from place to place, but a portal can only be created where one has been before. It is more stable than teleportation, using the ground or floor beneath the caster in order to ground the spell, lessening the burden on the caster. Unlike teleportation, however, the space a portal can transport is set.

There are two different kinds of portals, the first are free portals, created by a castor in the moment. Such portals can only ever transport one or two creatures at a time, but are otherwise the most flexible. They need no outside components, and are just a spell. The second are permanent portals, created using a variety of materials. These can be subdivided into fixed and free, but generally speaking at least one edge of the portal must be anchored to one single location, must be activated from an anchored point, and must be regularly charged with magic to remain functional.

SE 1015

"Watch your steps, please," the first to break the hours long silence was one of the guard, trotting in front. He pointed with one foreleg, "There are stones strewn around." Princess Luna had been growing antsy, what had happened to the fort? They should have, to her knowledge, reached it already. The wall, a wonder of construction for the time using carefully cut stones to eliminate the need for any sort of silt between and allowing for relatively easy repair, was missing. Or, so she thought, until the guard had said that. On looking around closer, she realized that they were actually standing in the remains of said wall. To her left was a crumbled watchtower, just barely visible underneath the foliage of the mountain forest they were trekking through.

This forest was the third, and final, leg of their journey. The Fort, formerly known as Fort Saddleback, was named such for it's position right between two mountains, as though it were sitting on the back of a pony. The forest itself had not changed much, even as winter had begun to thaw for them. The snow was melting slowly, the leaves of the trees, mostly evergreens such as pine trees, dropped down from time to time. Her sister's Sun warmed the forest, so despite the ice of the snow it was plenty warm for the ponies themselves. It had been slow going, the path that had been so carefully cared for a thousand years ago had been all but swallowed, leaving only an animal trail that they likely would have missed were it not for Fluttershy's talents.

Less than ten minutes later, they came across a wood wall, one with vines growing upon it. "Tell me, has this fort not been kept up?" Luna asked the guards. She and her sister had been in agreement that expanding in this direction would be a good goal...

"We have tried. However, as you have seen in our trip, there are many dangers." The guard didn't salute, too busy ducking under a branch at the moment. "Only the best are sent here, and since supplies are hard to get over here, they mostly are expected to handle themselves. After your return, the Solar Guard were given charge of the fort, if I'm remembering correctly, my Sovereign." He moved carefully, leading the train to the gate. "We can only afford to send one set of supplies every few months, and usually suffer heavy losses. Just the three we lost earlier was, to put it mildly, a miracle." Twilight grimaced, not wanting to think about the guards that they had never managed to find, even after dispelling the fog field.

A second guard walked up to the gate, and the two of them called out to the guards within. After a short discussion, and introduction of those present, they were let into the fort proper. Within the wooden walls, which one could now see were almost completely ivy-covered on the sides, were three main sections. To their right was a training ground, and to the left a small field which was, at the moment, empty. Like Equestria, Winter had been wrapped up, so there was no snow in the center, but the sides had snow from where the plants had built it up dropped some. Directly in front of them lay the fort itself, an impressive hodge-podge of stone bones, wooden scaffolding here and there, and vines holding it all together. The group was led inside by a silent Solar Guard, white coated and green eyed, in full armor.

Upon entering the building the wooden scaffolding was lost, replaced instead by the remarkably intact stone interior, with only the outer walls having some parts supported by wood. The guard moved towards someone in armor similar to that of a captain. A short discussion later and he bowed to Princesses Luna and Twilight, and by proximity the rest of the bearers and train. "Your Highnesses," he, nay she for her voice was feminine, began, "Lieutenant Snowshoe, at your service. How might Fort Saddleback serve?"

The princesses shared a look, before Twilight began speaking. "At ease, soldier." The Lieutenant stood, "We need a place to rest and store our things, while we prepare for a diplomatic meeting. You needn't give us any special treatment beyond that."

"Yes Your Highness." She looked over the group, thinking on how many store rooms would have to be cleared out, before pausing on seeing the undisguised child changeling. "Forgive me for speaking out of turn, Your Highness, but are you aware of the changeling in your midst?" It wasn't the first time that undisguised, unchanged changelings had gone through the fort, though the rest of the guard was never present, so she was not too alarmed, but... To her knowledge, the Princesses had never had good interactions, save for King Thorax, whom she noted was also part of the party. For a king he really has a weak presence, doesn't he?

"We are well aware of her presence." This time Luna spoke, taking a step forward to subtly draw attention to her, allowing the changeling princess who had been gaping at the fort wide-eyed (she had never seen such artificial constructs with so little plants!) to scoot behind Silent Gaze. Pure curiosity or not, she wasn't comfortable having that level of scrutiny on her, even if she had started to get used to it on the trip. "Indeed, this diplomatic trip has to do with her presence." A part of her considered keeping it quiet, but she dismissed that thought out of hoof. No, she would not play the cryptic like her sister. "We are present partially to return young Princess Moonlight," The guard gulped, another princess! "To her people as per a treaty with the Thestrals."

"I see." She looked to the side, before asking, "Err, why here, Your Highness? If I may ask."

Luna liked this solar guard, and so let out a small chuckle, "This fort used to double as the main embassy to the changelings. I was close friends with one of the Queens, you see, and she allowed for us to meet at this location with their council. Within a few days we will be escorted to their council. Ah, coincidentally, I must ask... what day is it?"

"W-what day, Your Highness?" That was a strange question, but it was worth asking. They must have lost track in the trip over,"It is March second."

"I see..." That meant they only needed the one day. It had taken longer than expected to arrive here. "We will be travelling tomorrow, in most likelihood." It was likely the changelings already knew they were there." A few seconds of thought, "Prepare semi-permanent rooms for the platoon with us. It is uncertain how long we shall be in changeling lands."

"Yes, Princess." Well, there were some beds that had just opened up... "If you will excuse me," She turned to the one who had brought them up. "Grasshoof! Prepare..." One last double check, "Two rooms in the barracks, two guest rooms, and four suites! Get as much help as you think you need, the forest has been quiet lately so we should be fine for an hour or two." Grasshoof saluted before trotting off. Returning to the Princess, "Our facilities are humble, but please make yourselves at home."

The next day, at breakfast, in the middle of the large room which doubled as the mess hall, a green ring appeared on the floor. It glowed brightly for a few moments, before flames shot up around it, spreading inward quickly. Thirty seconds later, the flames died down, returning to their position at the edge of the ring, banking to the point where they were mere flickers above the ground. In the center of the ring stood several changelings, four standard drones and two of middling height. The drones appeared to be soldiers, with spears sitting on their backs between extended wings, while the two tall ones looked to be older versions of Moonlight, each just a few inches taller than the average pony, with slitted eyes and long manes. Both wore the same outfit, a simple mantle made of large flower petals in different colors, matching their coloring.

The one to the right had a silver straight, fluffy mane with vines and flower buds in it. She spoke first, her echoing voice was carefully measured to minimise discomfort, sounding more like a quiet chorus than anything else, "Greetings. I am Princess Iasien, of the Springsky Hive. u, This," She gestured to the second princess, her coloring was a deep purple bordering on navy, with her mane in a light braid. "Is Princess Lyuma of the Duskshade Hive. We have arrived to collect the Moonsong Hive's Princess, and her party on behalf of the Royal Conclave. My apologies for interrupting your meals."

The guards had, before she so calmly spoke, been scrambling to grab weapons, but went no further than grabbing them before Princess Luna stood, her food held in her magic, and asked... "May we finish our meals before we proceed, or is time of the essence?"

"e, It was our mistake. Please, finish your meals." Lyuma's voice was not so well tuned, closer to what Queen Chrysalis had felt, but without her mocking tone.

"Thank you." Well, Pinkie hadn't stopped eating, but Luna didn't know when that was going to end and she would attempt to make friends with all six of the new ponies she had just met. It was likely only a matter of time. With a simple gesture, the guards who had finished eating hurried off to get the last of their things. Luna took the time to carefully finish her food, and partially to buy time asked, "My sister and I, that is to say the Diarchs of Equestria, would like to renegotiate my thestral's treaty with your conclave. Would you be willing to help us find an ally to introduce our goals."

"You are Princess Luna, of the Lunar Empire, yes?" A nod from Luna and Iasien smiled, "My mother has shown some concern for the treatment of our little Maen, if she can attest to your sincerity, we would be glad to reintroduce you to the conclave. I make no promises as to the results, however."


"I am referring to the young princess changeling we are here to collect." She gestured towards Moonlight, "It is a pleasure to meet you, heir to Moonsong Hive." Moonlight hurried to swallow and return the greeting, only to start coughing and have her father pat her gently on her back. Iasien hid a laugh behind one hoof, before turning towards King Thorax. "Our information suggests that you are the current leader of the Badlands Hive, correct? King Thorax, did you call yourself."

"A-ah, yes. I would like to introduce myself to the rest of the Hives." Hives he hadn't known of.

"Very well. I'll see what we can do."

"Araus-Lof...?" What did- oh, she supposed that that was actually quite understandable.

"Ah, yes. Why don't we run the calculations?" She paused, her magic about to grab a few of the empty tables, "May we use more space? The portal will not be large enough for your group at this rate."

"Yes, please do so." In less than an hour there were bags, not many, just a suitcase a person, and the entire nine pony party stood in the center of a far larger ring of flames. The changelings stood outside. Luna, having done this several times before, felt much calmer than the rest of the group. Moonlight, however, was extremely restless. She had never been so close to actual other changelings before. There was a strange buzzing in her mind, and she wanted to think about it more because it didn't feel bad, it felt kind of right. She couldn't think about that right now, though.

The flames rose, and when they lowered... there was nothing. Not even scorch marks, the stone was completely unharmed. They were off, to the land of the changelings.

Finale -Movement or passage that concludes the musical composition.

Author's Note:

Finale. This is the end of the pony arc. Yes, I will be addressing the needs of the ponies that have travelled, but no longer is this a tale of Equestria. Now, it is the tale of Moonlight in the changeling lands. First sign of this, I'm changing my chapter naming convention. Now, I'll be using terms in Hymmnos for the chapter names, so it'll be fun to find the right word!

As always, thanks go to my editor: The wonderfully patient Everfree Pony.

Translation Notes:
Iasien- morning dew.
Lyuma- Star or planet.
Araus-Lof, literally change place. The term for portals in Ar Sphilar.