• Published 16th Dec 2015
  • 7,766 Views, 331 Comments

To Save a Life - Infernity Zero

Crushed after the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset Shimmer leaves CHS and ends up falling underground

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Twilight Sparkle had been through many adventures in her short life. She'd faced down crazy chaos spirits, armies of changelings, shadow monsters without much personality, magic-draining centaurs, and a whole bunch of other crazy creatures that had nearly killed or enslaved her countless times. But even among all of that, the Underground stood out as the strangest experience of her life.

After escaping Flowey and regaining her bearings, the first thing she noticed was the Barrier. It was always there at the edge of her senses pushing the Underground's magic back in on itself. She could still sense it no matter how deep she went, like an itch she couldn't scratch. Magic wasn't supposed to be restrained and limited. It was to be supposed to be as free, flowing, and available to everybody. No wonder the monsters wanted to be free so badly.

Hard to believe that the Human World did have magic after all. Or at least it used to. I wonder if there's a connection between this place and Equestria.

But her analysis would have to wait until she found her friends. Fortunately, after making her way through Snowdin, she'd gotten a ride from a friendly riverman. Or was it a riverwoman? Well, regardless, she'd taken a sail to Hotland, snuck her way through, and made it to the capital. Ideally, she'd find Sunset and the others waiting for her, or at least a way through the barrier. But for now, she just needed to keep moving.

Oh girls. I hope you're all okay.

The streets of the capital were strangely empty. She moved through them without a word until she arrived at a house that looked strangely familiar. After knocking and waiting for several minutes, she found that the door was unlocked. So, she headed inside.

The foyer of the house had a stairwell in front of her as well as two hallways that led off to the side. She headed right first. The first door in the hallway led to a room with two twin beds, each one with a book atop it.

Huh. I didn't know Mr. Dreemurr had kids.

She glanced at the first journal, which was labeled with the letters A. D.

Day 1:

I saw something strange today when I went for a walk in the Ruins. There was a human there! She was barely conscious from the fall. So I brought her to Mom, who fixed her right up. She took a shine to us monsters right away. I guess humans aren't so bad after all.

Day 3:

The human's name is Chara. I asked her about her life before she fell under the Underground, but she didn't want to talk about it. She doesn't seem to like humans very much. I don't understand how someone can hate something they are themselves.

Day 33:

I told Chara about the barrier. The power of seven human souls is required to break it. As much as we want to break it naturally, that's not possible. Every monster in the Underground combined is only as strong as a single human soul. We'd be able to get through the barrier with one soul, but we'd still have to kill six humans to free everyone else. Chara seemed a little too eager to help out with that, but I don't know. Even if the humans were mean to Chara, does that really justify killing them? But if we don't do anything, we'll be trapped down here forever. What a dilemma. But as the prince of this world's future, it's my duty to find a way to set us all free. Even if it kills me.

Twilight put the book down with a heavy sigh, unable to read more. What a dilemma indeed. She turned to the other book which was marked with the letters C.D.

Entry 1:

Met a cute family of goats today. They saved my life when I fell and healed me. Part of me wishes they hadn't. From what I read in school, the monsters lost the war with the humans all those years ago.. And I'm sure some of them would just love to get a little payback.

Entry 2:

Despite my best efforts to keep him away, Prince Asriel's grown rather attached to me. He told me all about the barrier trapping everyone underground. In order to pass through, the barrier needs a human soul and a monster soul. If I wanted to absorb a monster soul, I'd have to kill the king, the queen, or their son. Regicide wouldn't end well for humans or monsters, especially since they already hate me anyway. But...what if it was me?

Entry 3:

You know something? I really hate people. They're selfish, arrogant, greedy, lazy, obnoxious jerks that only care about getting ahead, no matter what. Why can't people be more like monsters? Sure, one or two of them attacked me at first, but most of them treat me like I'm family. But...I'm not. And I never will be. No matter how nice they are to me, I'll never be anything but a human. The cause of all their pain and grief even though they won't say it. Why can't I be a monster like them?

Twilight stopped reading for a moment. Were those tear stains on the paper?

Entry 4:

I can't do this! I can't live like this anymore! It doesn't matter how nice the Underground is. A golden cage is still a cage. Every single monster down here, no matter how old or young, just wants to be free. And now, they have the means to do it. So I'm going to help them, one way or another. And if a few humans have to die, then so be it. They probably deserve it anyway. Don't worry, Asriel. I promise that one day very soon, I'll help you set everyone free. Even if it kills me.

Twilight closed the book without reading any more entries. She felt her heart ache. Considering she hadn't met either of those two on her journey and the Barrier was still there, it was safe to assume that their plan hadn't worked. And something told her that she didn't want to know why. After returning the books to their original places, she exited the room.

Instead of going further down the hall, she returned to the foyer and headed down the stairwell. The instant she reached the bottom step, she had to stop and brace herself as a wave of emotion washed over her. Only the largest amount of willpower she could muster kept her from bursting into tears on the spot. But before she could do anything, the wave subsided as quickly as it had come, leaving her back to normal. She just stood there for a moment.

What was that just now?

She kept walking, going from the basement to a brightly lit cathedral. But it was empty too. Although, it was a little odd that it had so much light underground. It didn't feel like sunlight. Maybe it was light from the core. But either way, she continued, arriving in front of a door marked Throne Room. Instead of going inside, she walked past it and headed down the stairwell.

A room full of coffins lay in wait at the bottom floor. Knealing down, she examined the closest one.


Another wave of grief nearly knocked her all the way down as her heart sank into her throat.

I knew it. I knew it. Poor Chara. I'm sure the King and Queen were heartbroken. Not to mention the Prince.

The coffin's lid slowly slid open as she jolted in surprise. Apparently, she'd been leaning against it. She was fully prepared to see a dead body in front of her but some bandages were all that remained inside.

"Wait, where's the body? Why go through all the trouble of making a coffin without putting anything insi--Ouch!"

Something slammed into her back, catapulting her head-over-heels into the coffin. Then as she tried to right herself, another blow struck her exposed legs, knocking them into the coffin as well. Then, the lid began to close!

"Stop! Who are you? What are you doing?"

A face appeared in the small gap between the lid and side of her tomb. Twilight froze as she recognized its owner.

"Pinkie?! What in the world are you--"

Instead of answering, Pinkie pulled the lid closed, sealing it shut. "Don't worry. There's just enough space between those slats for you to keep breathing. I just need all of you in one place long enough to get my ultimate prize. Until then, sweet dreams."

Twilight banged her fists on the coffin lid, but she didn't have enough leverage to push it open. "Let me out! LET ME OUT!"

Pinkie walked away with a grin on her face. "Six down. And one to go."

Author's Note:

So here we have Twilight. Despite not having her horn anymore, her experience in magic would let her recognize the Underground's magic right away even if she can't necessarily use it.

In Asgore's house, a group of monsters tell you about Chara's arrival, death, and then Asriel's death as you walk through the house. This didn't really translate well into an actual description, so I had Twilight find Asriel and Chara's journals. Though she doesn't read the whole thing.

When it comes to Chara, fans are divided between Chara the genocidal monster who just wants to kill everything for funzies, and Chara the blameless victim of circumstance that did nothing wrong. But I wanted to take more of a middle-of-the-road approach. I do feel like there is a bit of self-loathing here too. Chara hates humans, she comes up with a plan involving suicide, and she chooses a rather painful way to die.

If you're wondering why Flowey doesn't just take all their souls immediately, it's because he doesn't want to arouse suspicion from the other monsters. Flowey implies if you talk to him long enough that Sans has beaten him several times and that he never would have gotten past Asgore to the Souls without the player's help. That would seem to imply that a not-holding-back Asgore, a motivated Sans, and possibly Undyne could at least give him a decent challenge. So getting spotted taking human souls and having to fight all of them one after the other would be a very bad idea for him. So he tries to do it on the sly instead.