• Published 1st Dec 2015
  • 757 Views, 10 Comments

The Shadow's Climax - PrinceUniversa

Witness the final battle foretold within the Shadow War, few will live to tell the tale, and many will fall in battle...

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From Beginning to End

Author's Note:

God damn it I forgot to put this little tidbit here! Anyway, to those wondering who some of the OCs in here are, they belong to an artist called Equestria-Prevails. Since technology exists in this timeline and the universe this artist made has shades of technology in it involved, I felt like using them to makes things interesting. The artist allows anyone to use her OCs so long as she is credited... Sorry for all this confusion if anyone was wondering where these characters came from :twilightsheepish:

From Beginning to End

War, war never changes no matter who ignites the flames of war. When the shadow from the north began to overtake Equestria and other countries, it did not take long for the ponies to take up the spear rather than the plowshare. With the Princesses leading the charge to war, the land soon took upon technology as their savior. Technology, once forbidden, now is used against the armies of Sombra.

Before the war came to be, Equestria has been known to stand up to their adversaries with a dignified goal of keeping the peace they struggled through so much to achieve. They have gone through many difficult challenges such as the return of Nightmare Moon, to Discord, and of the Changelings though not without a help of friends.

It would seem peace was finally at last within their grasp until the Crystal Empire has returned. Unlike the quick fights with the two, Sombra’s was almost like that of Chrysalis but instead of lack of oversight being his downfall like what befell of Chrysalis; he manages to keep a continuing war.

Every city was active in the war effort from Manehatten prepping the clothing for soldiers for the bitter cold, to the farmlands gathering material and food, rationing them, almost every city from all the corners of Equestria was into the war effort. Even a select few countries not cut off from contact with Equestria have joined in the war effort.

Away from mainland Equestria, armies charge forward to Sombra’s keep aiming for a final decisive victory. Countries from around the world join forces with Celestia and Luna willing to end the Shadow King’s tyranny.

Here we go into the middle of the battlefield witnessing a leader of the Wonderbolts leading an aerial attack force with both griffons and pegasi. A soldier known for her loyalty to the Princesses and of her injury to her right wing. With the loss of her wing, she gained a prosthetic wing as a result of advancing technology.

“Watch your backs everypony! We have to keep on pushing the offensive! Charge!” A roar as loud as the cracking thunder erupted as the ponies and griffons defend their base of operations. Soldiers from Sombra’s army continued to push the offensive as they ruthlessly mow down the charging army. The leader in question moved the battle to the ground.

Utilizing her speed she mows down many enslaved warriors as she tackled one after another. She pitied the crystal ponies for being pawns of the Shadow King and vowed to end his reign quickly and painfully as possible. A warrior from out of nowhere pounces on her as she crashes onto the ground. Fighting the enslaved off of her, she removes her helmet revealing herself.

A rainbow mane that has gone through a stage of priming for war, a scar on her right eye, a part of her right ear bitten off, and numerous scars from the battles she was in; all gives the tales of this soldier. The name of the warrior in question, her name was Rainbow Dash, “Come on you prancing show-ponies! Show me what you got!”

An armada of soldiers proceeded to charge at her. She lifts off into the air as they came for her. Armed with swords made from the Griffon Empire, she descended down slicing through their thick armor. She was not happy to kill innocent ponies but these ponies were not any normal ponies. Their skin made them extremely durable even without armor. The swords were to daze them as they cut through their armor.

Unbeknownst to her, a pair of ponies was pushing a rock above her. They push the rock and it begins to fall upon Rainbow. She heard the sound of the rock as she looks up to see it. From behind her, two sisters came forth and punched through the rock turning it into rubble. Rainbow looked up to see both Maud and Pinkie saluting her as they left. She flew up pass the two soldiers and charged at them, swords out.

From upon the snowy hilltop stood Celestia garnered in her armor alongside her halberd, Solianna. She was trudging past some of the soldiers around her as her magic itself handled the opposition quickly. She looked up to see Sombra on top of crystals gazing at her. She looked eyes on the Shadow King not wavering from him, “King Sombra, I applaud you for your effort but this war is pointless. Surrender and we can end this peacefully.”

A deep cackle came forth as he closed his eyes and raised his head in the air. After his laughter died down, he looked down at Celestia, “Celestia you fool… do you not remember that last time you asked someone to surrender?” Sombra saw her cringe from the question. It made him mile from seeing her reaction, “Ah you know it as well as I do that surrender is not our option…”

Celestia shifted her head to her left looking away from the Shadow King feigning ignorance to his question. She turned her attention to him as the battle still raged on around her “Then you will not surrender then?”

A lowly laugh elicited forth from Sombra, “What do you propose Sun Princess then? I should be asking the same to you Celestia.”

This time it was Celestia’s turn to laugh at such a request. Sombra took notice and found it odd for her to laugh, “I would not be surprised if you asked the same question to me then…” She lowered her hoof looking at Sombra with battle-readied eyes, “Seems we are at an impasse.” She raised her weapon in the air as she lunged forth. Sombra created a crystal in front of him as a barrier.

Her weapon got lodged in the crystal as she struggled to pull it out. Sombra gave a maniacal gleeful grin as he summoned his scythe to battle. From the shadows, the Night Princess came forth and attacked the Shadow King from behind. He shifted into the shadows and narrowly avoided Luna’s attack. Her sword cut through the black crystal releasing Celestia’s weapon. Sombra materialized behind Luna feigning surprise, “I saw your attack coming, Night Princess. Remember who you are going against…”

“Then congratulation Sombra for pointing out the obvious…” She cut off Sombra’s dialogue and turned around, attacking the tyrant. Sombra raised his scythe as Celestia came charging forth. He converted into the shadows again as he appeared behind Luna. Their weapons clashed with one another, as sparks flew from the collided weapons.

Away from the two fighting, an army of griffons joined in the cause as they roared with their pegasi friends. Leading the attack as a substitute for Celestia and Luna was the king of North Griffonia, King Rhosus and his family. His voice roars loudly as he commanded the charging griffon army.

The ponies came under the command of another royal figure as her Windigos came to assist the ponies. Dressed in a garb made for a royal, she commands the nature of Henosis. Princess Iridia was her name and she was long-standing rival of Rhosus as time can attest to, “Well Rhosus, I see that your griffons are pushing well so far, but can you keep up with my pack of Windigos?”

Rhosus scoffed at hearing his rival challenge him in such a time, yet he couldn’t but take it from her, “Well then, let us if your pack can keep up with my flock then Iridia!” He charged forwards brandishing his swords roaring. The griffons followed as they charged behind him.

Iridia smiled as she went on one of her pet Windigos. She looked over the army and smiled at them as she looked over the battlefield raising a hoof in the air. She lowered a hoof pointing to the keep as she taps into the Royal Canterlot Voice, CHARGE MY LITTLE PONIES!” They all yelled their battle cries as they charged with her pack.

Rainbow who was above the skies, noticed their surging army exceeded coming forth. She couldn’t help but smile seeing the griffons helping them out. It felt good to see the relationship growing strong; she just wished that her friendship with Gilda was as strong as what she was seeing. Returning her focus back into the battle, she descended on the battlefield swords at the ready.

On the ground, both Pinkie and Maud were soundly defeating many of their opponents. With the help of other allies, the army was beginning to push forward quickly. Both sisters watched each other’s back as enemies popped up from every direction. They felt the snow below them shift as eight soldiers came forth charging at them.

They reacted quickly and charged at them. Pinkie dodged each one of their attacks using feints as she countered back. Maud went straight for them crushing all opposition in the way. They managed to dispatch all of them when more came forth and charged at them.

They braced themselves when a pack of Windigos came forth. They looked to see Princess Iridia on one of her Windigos eyeing at them. They saluted to her in response; she nodded as she looked ahead into the battlefield, “Such a shame that we have to go against our own kind… don’t you agree you two?”

They fell silent as the sounds of battle continued around them drowning out every other sound. They looked at each other wondering on why the sudden question. A warrior popped up from behind but was quickly dispatched by Iridia. They turned around to see it frozen. They couldn’t help but laugh a bit from that, “Thank you Princess Iridia, and…” Pinkie let her stern expression soften for a while, “Yes, it is sad to go against them…”

“I see and what about you? You are her sister Maud correct?” She turned to see her sister.

Her stern expression was still worn as she answered, “Yes I am and I agree with my sister, I’d rather end this and work on my farm like I’ve always had…” A small smile formed on her face as she imagines the rock farm again.

A smile formed on the Princess of Henosis. Iridia would have been proud of Celestia and Luna being able to lead Equestria like their parents promised if this was to be their answer, “Very good answer you two, I am sorry for asking this rather suddenly.” They saluted back as their stern expression hardened and went back into the fight. She pets her Windigo as she moved forward, her pack not far from behind.

As much as he loathed the crystal ponies into being forced to fight against their liberators, Rhosus could not help but smile feeling the rush of battle again after sitting on the throne for far too long. He looked to see his children are fighting the good fight. His smile grew bigger hearing their children challenging each other, “I got twenty-five crystal ponies Cassandra! How many did you get?!”

The female griffon in question was firing arrows whenever she locked onto a target within her vision. She fired another arrow at a crystal pony drawing blood as it pierced its flesh. She too pitied them but she was lucky that she was maiming them, not killing them even with the sight of blood, “Twenty-six and counting brother! You’re getting slow Darius!”

The male griffon laughed out loudly hearing her sister’s challenge. He eyed her, a fire burning strong within his eyes, “Ha! As if I’ll ever lose to my own sister! Bring it on Cassandra!” He charged ahead slicing at each of the crystal ponies with his broadsword. Each slash drew blood from his adversaries as his adrenaline kept him going. He yearned for a good battle and now that the Shadow War was reaching its conclusion, he would make a fight to remember.

Rhosus parried a strike from a crystal pony as he was watching those two have at their way. For his own children, he couldn’t believe how much fun they were having just maiming the enemy forces. He chuckled to himself, “Guess my old competitive antics are within their blood…” He looked ahead to see Celestia and Luna fighting Sombra. The fight was nearing its conclusion; he can feel it in every part of his body. He looked to his fellow clansmen raising one of his swords high into the air as he roared.

All races both ponies and griffons saw that and gave their roar as Sombra’s forces were dwindling. Iridia was very much pleased to see Rhosus keeping the morale high. She looked to see the Sun rising from the sky. She looked to see Celestia still focused on fighting the Shadow King. If she was focusing on defeating him, then who was raising the Sun?

As the morning Sun rose, she saw a magic glow surrounding the Sun. On top of a cliffside, looking over the horizon of the Crystal Empire was Princess Rosetta who was doing the honors of raising the Sun. Garnered in her armor; she smiled seeing Iridia looking at her. She waved a hoof as pegasi from the country of Concordia came forth.

Leading the pegasi reinforcements was Rosetta’s pupil and General of the Army. Princess Stella or as the Concordian soldiers would call her by her alias, General Firefly. Firefly zoomed past Iridia and head for the battle. Her signatures hoofclaws were blazing with fire as descended on the battlefield cutting through the forces leaving a fiery trail in her wake.

A sound of a pop marked a teleport as Iridia looked to see Rosetta next to her side. Despite being a princess, she too wore armor like Celestia and Luna, “You always make a grand entrance of sorts don’t you Rosetta?”

Rosetta smiled as she looks overhead to see the pegasi bringing in the reinforcements, “Perhaps Iris, but so does my Firefly there…” They both look to see her laying waste to the opposition with flames as beautiful as the stars themselves. Her magic enveloped the Sun as it continued to rise.

Rainbow Dash saw Firefly waving a fiery trail as she led the reinforcements. She couldn’t but whistle seeing a pegasi with that much power. She felt the warm radiance of the Sun on her back as the fight looked to be reaching its conclusion. She couldn’t help but let herself bask in the warmth of the Sun. From the distance, a single arrow passes her head. She turned around to get the archers when a griffon already beat her to it.

She was glad for the assistance yet something about this griffon was familiar to her. A soldier hidden in the snow appeared besides the griffon ready to cut off her wings. Having already lost a wing, she did not want it to repeat to another flyer. She zoomed past all the opposition and crashed onto the soldier with her two hooves.

She hopped off the soldier looking at the griffon. The griffon looked at her and stood there for long before speaking, “Hey there Dash, long time no see eh?”

Rainbow’s ears perked from her name being called from a griffon. Her expression bore surprise as the griffon removed her helmet revealing herself. Time felt like it stopped as she looked at the eyes of her former friend and rival, “Gilda…” Her body was still tense seeing her on front of her. She was not one to forget everything that happened when she came to visit Ponyville, “What are you doing here?”

Gilda turned around and punched a soldier to unconsciousness. The soldier fell down as she returned her gaze to her friend, “What does it look like? I’ve joined in the war effort with King Rhosus…”

Dash looked at her surprised to hear that. She said it herself that she didn’t like these ponies so why join in the fight anyway? Her thought process was interrupted by hoofsteps coming from behind her. She delivered a solid buck behind her hitting steel. The recoil of the buck sent it flying backwards. She returned her gaze to Gilda who still had her eyes locked on her, “I thought you hated ponies Gilda…”

Gilda unsheathed her sword as she slashed at the opposition. Her wings were tucked in case she had to utilize her wingblades instead of her sword, “I did say that, before this whole war started that is…”

Dash mowed down a few warriors that surrounded her striking each one of them with precise sword strikes to open areas within the armor, “What? Did that change your opinion about us ponies?” She put out that word for emphasis hoping to understand why she joined.

Gilda couldn’t help but chuckle a bit from that. She tackled a crystal pony down into submission almost in the trail of fire that Firefly made. She had to admit, General Firefly was something she did not expect to exude power to command an army. For a pony too of all things, she was rather impressed, “Yep, especially that pegasi mowing down the competition.”

General Firefly looked like an exact copy of Rainbow Dash before she took a new mane-cut for the war ahead. She wondered whether that was a coincidence or not… She had to agree with Gilda though, Firefly was something a pegasi would only dream of accomplishing, “Yeah I do have to admit she is cool.” She took down a pony that was about to sneak up on Gilda.

She turned around seeing her friend react like that. She never did bother about thinking about Rainbow’s new look but now that the war was reaching its conclusion, she had to admit that Rainbow would fit in the griffons for battles, “Uh huh, but that’s not why I was here though…” Rainbow stopped and looked at her wondering what she was expecting. Gilda let out a small breath as she looked at her old friend, “I came because of what happened to you…”

Dash was hardly hiding her shock of finding out about this. The sounds of battle were drowned out as both stared at each other for as long as the battle continues. What felt like seconds became hours for these two. Finally Rainbow spoke hardly believing what she was hearing, “You… joined… because you were worried about me?”

Gilda scratched her while punching a pony that sneaked up behind her, “Yeah… I did, I heard about what happened while I was at the Griffon Empire.” Gilda walked forward eyeing the small yet numerous scars she gained during the fights but none got her attention the most than the prosthetic wing of Rainbow’s. Losing the ability to lose flight for even a second was a nightmare every griffon and pegasi can agree with.

She couldn’t believe that her own friend lost her right wing as a result of something tragic she could have prevented had she joined in before this occurred. Now seeing a prosthetic wing only made her feel guilty. She was hiding it well but it pained her heart to see her friend’s wing in this condition, “I heard that you lost this wing from a gnarly fight. Makes you feel like a griffon don’t you think?”

Rainbow couldn’t help but chuckle hearing her response of if only lightly. The pain of having a part of her gone in almost an instant and not being able to fly was traumatizing for her. She loved the feeling of the clouds and the freedom of flying.

To have her wing gone from the equation; it was something she will never forget, “Yeah, it does make me feel like a griffon with an injury like this…” She lifted her metallic wing moving like it was a regular wing. Gilda eyed the wing longer than usual. Rainbow noticed it quickly and closed her wing in response, “You’re feeling guilty about me losing my wing?”

Gilda looked away from the wing as her emotions boiled, “How can I not be?! I mean for crying out loud, you’re my most irreplaceable friend, just hearing the news about you losing a wing…” She was caught in her grief as she looked at her first then shifted to the metal wing. A small envoy used that opportunity to strike the griffon down. Rainbow saw the incoming ponies and moved Gilda out of the way; protecting her like she did before.

Gilda turned around quickly to see Rainbow blocking most of the attacks from the enemy forces. One of the blades looked to be ready to slash at Rainbow’s left wing. Seeing that caused her to react out of blind rage and attack the pony there.

Rainbow was dodging each strike from the enemy as they tried to get her. Even as she was utilizing her speed, she was vastly outnumbered. As she was about to fly away and to Gilda, the ponies piled on her immobilizing her left wing left taut.

One of the ponies looked upon the wing left out. Rainbow Dash looked upon the scene with abject horror seeing what they are trying to pull off, “No! Don’t take my other wing away from me!” A raised sword sent many alarms off in Rainbow’s as she struggled to get the three ponies piled on her. She looked at the blade looming over her wing as she desperately tried to get out.

Gilda was pummeling the pony that raised its sword. Their body and armor made them difficult to kill or even draw blood. In her blind rage, a voice broke through and it made her freeze in place, “Somebody help me!” She stopped attacking and looked at the direction of the voice. She saw Rainbow Dash unable to move with her left wing taut and under a sword.

She let go of the pony in her grip and charged for the pony ready to lower the blade onto Rainbow’s wing. Time felt like it slowed down as she saw the blade descend upon the cyan mare’s wing. Rainbow saw the weapon in the struggle. The blade puncture the skin of the joint of her wing as her face contorted in pain. Gilda let out a screaming NO as she tackled the pony down.

Rainbow saw and felt her wing still intact as she sees her friend mercilessly beating down the pony. The three on top of her got off of her as they tried to subdue the rampaging griffon. They were stopped by Pinkie as she threw rocks at their heads dazing them.

Gilda stopped punching the pony when she finally saw a drop of blood from within the armor and after hearing the sound or rocks hitting metal. She turned around to see Pinkie with Rainbow tending to her. She moved quickly seeing the extent of the damage done to her wing. She only saw a cut about skin deep. She let out a sigh she never noticed holding onto, “Thank goodness, you’re wings still attached…” She turned her head to Pinkie who admittedly impressed Gilda, “Hey there Pinks, you look rather ready for a fight…”

Pinkie’s expression softens seeing a friend of Rainbow’s saving her in time, “You too Gilda…” She saw an attacker behind Gilda and was about to move her out of the way only for her sister Maud to come and catch the attacker. Gilda saw her and was wondering who that was. Pinkie saw her eyeing her sister, “That’s my sister Maud…”

Gilda looked at Pinkie a bit surprised, “That’s your sister?” She looked back Maud then at Pinkie, then back and forth until she got the idea, “Wow, you know you could’ve told me that your family is good at fighting…”

Pinkie chuckled a bit hearing that, “Well, there are some things we like to keep secret…” She stood up looking over the battlefield, “Well, you want to join us Gilda?” She extended a hoof to assist her. Gilda looked at Rainbow who was smiling and nodded. She could smile as she took Pinkie’s hoof.

Maud returned from the attacks looking at the griffon, “You must be that griffon that Pinkie mentioned about…” Gilda looked at her scratching her head a little embarrassed about this. Maud was still stern yet she could not help but grin a little, “I’d like to see you catch up with us if you can.”

Gilda looked at Maud and gave a big grin of approval as she unsheathed her sword, “Just try me Maud… I bite hard…” Gilda shifted her attention seeing their forces retreating. Seeoing this action was baffling to her “Hey, what gives? Why are they retreating?” Rainbow looked around and noticed the Equestrian forces retreating.

She ascended to the sky looking ahead. Her mouth was gaping seeing what she was seeing, “Aw come on! You’ve got to be kidding me!” Gilda ascended upward as well seeing why she said that. Her reaction was the same as Rainbow’s. Sombra’s forces increased in number and completely outnumber the current force they had.

Gilda looked to Rain bow for advice, “Well? anything you got for keeping morale up here!?”

Rainbow looked to her and then to Maud and Pinkie. An idea clicked in her head as she looked to see the two princesses fighting against him, “I’ll go tell the news about this to the princesses. You three go back for now and try to stop the retreating forces!”

Before Gilda got the chance to disagree with her, she blew past her heading to Celestia and Luna. She did not like this one bit but she hoped this worked. She relayed the news to her allies and they too shared her agreements. However, with time not on their side, they went to enact the plan.

The princesses were struggling to defeat the Shadow King. Luna strikes Sombra from above as a sword made of hardened moonlight pierced him. Celestia attacked from the front hitting him as he recovers. Sombra casts dark magic on the both of them pushing them away from him. While Luna went in charging, Celestia stopped as soon as she heard Rainbow’s voice, “Princess Celestia!”

She turned around seeing a clearly panicked Rainbow Dash. Seeing her like that made her immediate worried, “Speak Rainbow and quickly, Luna is need of assistance…”

Rainbow let out one last deep breath as she delivered the news, “Princesses, we got big trouble! Our army is retreating right now! Sombra’s army exceeds ours by a large margin!”

Celestia looked at Rainbow in shock hearing this dreadful news. She looked at Sombra’s army seeing that Dash was not lying about their numbers. She looked at Rainbow Dash seeing that they have gone too far to retreat now, “Return back and try to stop the retreating forces. I will join you as well.” Rainbow saluted as she went back quickly as possible. She looked at Luna making telepathic contact with her, Luna, can you handle Sombra alone? I know you can but I don’t want history to repeat itself again…

Luna pushed Sombra enough for her to make a message back I heard the news, go Celestia! We have gotten too far to retreat from this battle! She yelled as she charged at the Shadow King.

Celestia smiled as she teleported to the center of the retreating forces. She saw Iridia carrying Rhosus on her back .The griffon king was heavily injured as Iridia looked upon the retreating forces, “Celestia! Our forces are retreating! Sombra’s army exceeds our number by a large margin, we must retreat!”

“No.” Every royalty who heard that were shocked to hear her saw that save for Rhosus and his family who were smiling hearing her say that simple word, “We have gotten too far to reach this moment. If we retreat now, all of our ponies and griffons sacrifices will be in vain.” She flew away from them heading to the front of the retreating forces.

Rosetta and Iridia were shocked to hear her say something like. Rhosus however, gave a simple laugh, “I knew she had it in her to say that.”

Both of them looked at the griffon king. They could not accept this idea for fear of losing more ponies. Iridia was the first to call out on him, “Rhosus, have you lost your mind, we are outnumbered! We cannot hope to best such a large army now!”

“To hell with your numbers Iris…” Iridia was quiet yet was seething with anger. Rhosus smiled seeing her anger being expressed, “Yes Iris, that’s the anger I’m looking for…” He struggled to get off of her back as he tries to roll off. Both of his children assisted him to get on the ground, “I have to agree with Celestia here, we have gotten too far to retreat…if I were to be her right now, I’d rather end the fight now and to the bitter end then retreat again…”

Rosetta was looking at the shining Sun seeing what Rhosus meant. She couldn’t help but not chuckle hearing him agree with the Sun Princess for once, “I agree Rhosus, perhaps we should end this now then retreat.”

Becoming pointless to even try when, silent for some time before sighing and reluctantly joining in, “Guess there’s no changing your thoughts then huh? I’ll join in as well…” They flew to where Celestia was as she was trying to stop the retreating griffons and ponies.

The four of them tried to stop them but it was pointless to stop them whe teir mind was set on retreating. A boom voice called them to stop as they turn around to see Princess Celestia in all her glory, “EVERYBODY! CEASE RETREATING AND LISTEN TO ME!” They whole army stopped for a moment looking at the Sun Princess, “FOR TOO LONG WE HAVE RETREATED FROM THE KEEP AND EVERY TIME WE DO SO, WE PUT THE LIVES OF PONIES AND GRIFFONS WHO SACRIFICED THEIR LIVES TO GAIN THE FREEDOM WE DESERVE IN VAIN!”

Celestia was happy to have gotten their attention at the very least. Behind her, the three, no… four royal members came forth. A sphere of magic was made as Luna teleported behind her with a smile, “Do not worry about Sombra for now, he cannot do anything as of yet for a certain amount of time.” She smiled to her and then to them for standing behind her, supporting in her cause. She returned her gaze to her army, “I ASK OF ALL OF YOU, WHAT DOES YOUR HEART SAY?”

The question was baffling to them as the forces murmured to one another wondering what her question meant. She continued her smile as Rosetta let the Sun rise higher gathering everyone’s attention “ALL I ASK OF EACH AND EVERY ONF OF YOU IS STAND AND CONTINUE THE FIGHT TO THE BITTER END, NO LONGER WILL WE RUN AWAY FROM THIS CONFLICT!” Despite the simple the sentence, it managed to boost the morale of the army as they raised their weapons high in the air.

The Sun was rising at its highest as the warmth of the star was felt by the whole army and its light shining on the Crystal Empire, “TOGETHER WE STAND TO END THIS CONFLICT ONCE AND FOR ALL! FROM BEGINNING TO END, LET US SETTLE THIS WAR NOW!” She raised her halberd high as all the whole army raised their weapons with her.

She looked at her royal members and then to the Crystal Empire with their vast army. She saw Sombra grinning as he was freed from Luna’s spell. Looking at the small army raising their weapons, he scoffed at their bravado. He gestured his army and they begin their charge.

Celestia pointed her halberd at the charging army as she was now in command of the army. Everybody turned around ready to face their death to the end, “FOR THE FATE OF THE WORLD! AND FOR THE SAKE OF ALL RACES! CHARGE!” She charged as everyone else followed her. Both sides were drawing near as the Sun rose to its highest peak. The light shined through the shadows bathing the battlefield in the sunlight.

Both Celestia and Luna teleported right in front of Sombra, their weapons drawn and ready to attack. Their eyes made contact with one another as the fight for Equestria reaches its resolution.

To be continued…

Comments ( 10 )

Darn it, I saw the title and thought it'd be an M rated clopfic about Luna or Nightmare Moon. Silly me.

6689029 I am about to slap you on the head for making me laugh with this comment :rainbowlaugh: In all fairness, I've never written a clopfic before so of course, I'm not starting on one at least until I'm decent in the knowledge of those... :derpytongue2:

6689041 Oh, okay then. I never would have known that.

6689048 Nobody would have in all honesty :moustache:

I dont know why but suddenly I see Rainbow doing her sonic rainboom and breaking the slave herlmets.

6689114 ...You know I can actually see that...

Well you have done it again, another good action story.

6690262 I think I'm getting the hand of action stories better than I had in mind...

This was written well. The action was easy to understand and the characters were fleshed out in the midst of battle. My most favorite were the interactions between Rainbow, Maud, Pinkie and Gilda. They were fun to read. And I loved the portrayal of the Griffins, especially their tough attitudes and competitive side.

I usually hate cliff-hanging endings, but I was not all that bothered here. I just wished this story was longer, rather than one chapter. It was great regardless. Thumbs up.

6897608 Thanks! I know, I honestly wanted to extend upon this one-shot but honestly, I probably would not be able to keep up the war effort despite how much fun I had when I wrote this :pinkiehappy:

As for the cliff-ending, I honestly left it there for the people to interpret how it ended for them. Maybe they indeed won but at the cost of so many warriors, maybe Sombra managed to win and enslave everybody, anything about that was left up to interpretation for the readers :twilightsmile: For me though, I'd imagine the former to sound right for me...

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