• Published 28th Nov 2015
  • 7,738 Views, 75 Comments

Re-Igniting Love - Loxart

A human who has been trapped in Equestria that ends up making the leader of the wonderbolts develope a crush on him

  • ...

Not the usual tablemate (Spitfire/Anon POV) (Part 1 of 3)

Author's Note:

Hello everybody,

I am sorry this took WAY to long but I was waiting to finish off my plans for it.
Anyways, I know the beginning spitfire POV was small, but she gets more in the chapter.
Now the way this chapter works is that the second one POV ends, time stops, switches POV's and continues at that exact pause moment (I.E 9:07, POV Changes from Anon to Spitfire, It would still be 9:07)


(Spitfire POV)


As soon as he finished that sentence, applaud and cheer erupted from withing the viewing area. Ponies never get enough of these shows. I wish that I could see how we preform, instead of being the one showing off with the team. But even though that wish would never come true, I am always glad to show my skills to everypony!


I watched as the team got ready to fly out that entrance and appear for the crowd. They all seemed more excited for some reason, like there was somepony special here today. Well, whatever has got them so happy is unimportant. What is important is putting on a performance that no one will ever forget!


As soon as he said the name, we all flew out into the center of the stadium, making the roars of the crown even louder than it was. We took a quick lap around to get a little bit more pumped. We took our usual root and made sure everyone got a good view. After we went around, we flew up to see who had the box seats. Oddly enough, there was no pony there at the moment. I looked around but could not find anyone heading towards the seats. I decided to wait till we flew by it again to see if anypony would be there.

After finishing up our quick lap, we took our positions and got ready to start the show.

(Anon's POV)

"Come on Anon, we're gonna miss the show!!!" Rainbow whined at me while tugging my arm.

"It's not my fault! You got sidetracked!" I complained.

"HEY! Stopping to show off my awesome moves does NOT count as getting sidetracked!" She glared at me.

"Sureee." I rolled my eyes, which earned me a punch in the arm.

We were currently rushing through the stadiums halls, trying to get to our seats. Apparently Dash got us box seats which take the longest to get to, which is why it says on the back of the ticket 'Make sure to arrive 5 minutes early to get to your seats on time'. But instead of doing that, Rainbow decided it would be a good idea to lose track of time by showing off her moves to me!

Faster and faster we ran (In her case flew) in order to reach our seats. Every step I took was soundless against the puffy white flooring, yet it felt tough as stone. And with every step, memories of my past life flooded through. Every moment of the heartbreaking day pierced my mind with pain and anger. I took it for a little bit but eventually, it broke me. I stopped mid run and just stood there.

"H-huh?" Rainbow was stopped with me as she was currently trying to pull me along with her so we'd go faster.

Funny. I spent so much time and effort on that relationship. Where did it get me? Absolutely nowhere!

"Anon? Come on, lets go!" Rainbow looked at me with anger.

All I did was treat her with respect and kindness and how did she repay me? SHE LEFT ME!

"A-anon, are you ok?" Rainbow's expression turned from rage to worry.



"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" I screamed at her.

Rainbow quickly backed off at the volume of my voice. After realizing what happen, I returned to my senses. I looked over at her and noticed her ears were down. I quickly wrapped her in a hug to calm her. I have never snapped at any of these ponies before. I guess she thought it would never happen.

"I'm sorry Rainbow, I just had a moment of..." I tried to explain, but gave up, "anyways, it's not your fault for me snapping. Come on, lets keep going."

She simply nodded her head as we continued forward.

After a few more minutes of running/flying, we managed to make it to our seats with little to no complications. As we sat down, I took in the view that we had. It seemed like an amazing place to sit for a show like this. Looking down into the center of the stadium, I saw what supposedly was the team in formation ready to take flight.

Finally relaxing after the whole 'scene' I made, I decided that it wouldn't bother me anymore. I wanted to enjoy this show and make sure that Rainbow's gesture didn't go to waste. So once more, I got comfy in my seat and got ready for a hopefully amazing performance.

(Spitfires POV)

"Ready team?" I announced to the pegasi behind me.

"AFFIRMATIVE!" They simultaneously answered.

"Ok. On my mark, we burst towards the first ring and start the twister spin. Continue with a backwards dive and return with a boom!"

I held my hoof up and looked around. Both the entire audience and my team stood motionless. Eager to begin, I prepared for takeoff. Slowly, I counted down in my head.

3... 2... 1...

The hoof was dropped. And with that, we headed towards the first ring at mach speed. Lining up in a V patterns, we started to rotate and enter into a parallel turn. It continued to get faster and narrower until everyone was much closer together. Eventually, we started to create a small twister that surrounded us while we flew. Taking this as an advantage, I gave the signal for the dive. Starting to slope, we gently went into a fall. It became steeper by the second which was a good sign, as it showed it was working.

We took this opportunity to set up the final move of the show-opener. Quickly, we made a U-turn and headed back upwards, making the distance between each other even smaller than before. And then, I felt it. The explosion was ready to happen. Everyone else behind me must have felt it to because the started spinning even faster. As we approached the stadiums mid-center once again, the twister rapidly vanished, and with that, came a burst of air from almost shattering the sound barrier, causing a lot of ponies to fall over off their seats.

After everypony settled back into their seats, they were booming with applaud and cheering. We took our bows and started to do laps around the stadium. Each time we circled, we got higher and higher. But once we hit the height of the VIP section, I felt time slow as we approached it. I looked in and I couldn't believe what I saw.

"Is that..?" My eyes widened in shock.

Sitting there, next to who I believe was rainbow dash, was the human. THE ONE AND ONLY HUMAN IN EQUESTRIA! What was he doing at one of our shows?! He's smiling, so he must be enjoying it. Wow, that is a nice smile. His teeth seem so different than ours. So do his eyes. They are much smaller than anything I've seen. Huh... he seems kinda cute now that I've got a close up of hi-

"LOOK OUT SPITFIRE!" Fleetfoot yelled, but it was too late.

I ended up running straight into the curved corner of the stadium... hard. I heard the crowd gasp as I impacted. After a brief moment, I fell off and started free falling. I couldn't feel anything after the impact, not even my wings. I fell for a few seconds before feeling the team bringing me back up to solid cloud. As I looked around, the team frowned upon me, striking me with a little guilt.

"Umm..." I started, "Yeah... I got nothing."

(2 Hours Later)
(Still Spitfires POV)

"What the heck is wrong with me?" I say, looking into my glass of whiskey.

I can't believe that happened. I have never messed up that badly in a live performance! I mean, sure, if it was in practice I would stumble a bit here and there, but this was in front of a FULL ARENA OF PONIES! Even Fleetfoot was disappointed in me. So much so that she didn't even join me for a drink.

So here I am... all alone. Fleetfoot and the team are probably talking about the colossal failure of a show we put on today. WHY DID I HAVE TO GET DISTRACTED BY THAT-

"One scotch on the rocks please..." A voice came from the stool. That voice belonged to none other than...

"The human..!" I whispered, looking at him.

What was he doing here? And why does he seem so depressed? I saw him smiling at the show. Is he upset that I screwed it up? Good job Spitfire, PERFECT first impressions! Maybe I could talk to him. I mean, he is alone. And much taller than I thought. And... still sorta cute, I guess... FOCUS SPITFIRE, just walk up to him and talk, it's simple.

"Um, hello?" A voice attempted to greet.

Maybe he hates me after today! Did I lose the chance to make a new friend?

"Hello??" A bit louder this time.

Why must today be full of bad luck an-


"W-wha?" I snap out of my thought train and see that the human is standing right in front of me, staring me in the eyes.

"Woah! Easy there. I was just saying hello!" He said, calmly and sweetly, "You're Spitfire, right?"

He knew my name? HOW?! Wait... didn't it say in the paper that he lived in Ponyville? Maybe that Rainbow Dash told him about me.

"Yeah, that's me. And you are?" I ask, trying to retake my first impressions.

"The names Anon." He said then chuckled, "I really enjoyed today's show!"

"R-really?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Yeah! I loved seeing you all fly around. You know, until the incident..."

"Oh... right..." My head fell at that comment.

"Hey, it's ok! I enjoyed the rest of it." He tried to cheer me up, "If it makes you feel any better, I've wanted to meet you all day!"

"Really?" I ask, astonished.

"Yeah, you seem cool." He smiled.

I can't believe it. The only human in all of Equestria wanted to meet me! If that doesn't make a mare feel special then I don't know what will. Maybe this is my chance...

"Well, Anon" I start, "Fleetfoot didn't join me today at the bar and I have an empty seat at my private table. Would you care to join me?"

"Hmm..." He rubbed his chin, "I would like that."

"Well come on then!" I lead the way back to my table.