• Published 25th Nov 2015
  • 2,150 Views, 48 Comments

A New Road - Sipioc

Winding Roads is a rough and tough mare who has a problem... his name is Ranger.

  • ...

Chapter 3

We pull into Appleloosa's main drag a little after 9 o'clock that night. The sun having gone down about an hour ago the town was bathed in the blue light of Princess Luna's moon, shining like a street light over the small desert oasis of civilization. The town is new, a little less than five years old, and boasting a growing population of only around a hundred residents, which is expected to steadily grow now with further expansion and the growing Apple Orchard from my relations. As such a few lights are still on in the windows of the Inn and Saloon, ready to welcome the new comers we brought with us.

As per the usual, the wagons branch off to their various destinations in town, each throwing us a grateful wave as they depart. Number four in particular, gives an energetic wave as they pass us.

"T'anks again, son." The white earth pony in a floral tropical shirt calls in his thick north Hoofdale accent, doffing his gawdy wicker hat in salute as he passes by my more than usual red faced brother.

"And we will be sure to tell our daughter all about you." His pink unicorn wife exclaims with a toothy smile before snapping another shot with her camera. The resulting flash makes me see spots for a while thereafter.

Knowing well that he needs to be polite to customers, Cross forces a smile and waves back. "Sounds lovely, ma'am. You two have a good rest of your trip." He says through clenched teeth.

When they are out of sight, Cross finally breaks down. "Oh thank Faust, they're gone."

"They seemed nice to me," I said, being honest, but more trying to be a smart Alec, "and they were gonna hook you up with their daughter?" I said enthusiastically, nudging him with my foreleg.

"Forget it!" He says pushing my hoof away and turning up his nose at the thought. "She a seamstress in Ponyville. Ah don't need some nutty unicorn potion maker bangin' on my door." He says with a shiver.

"...A 'seamstress' is somepony who makes clothes, dummy." I say flatly.

"Whatever." He says dismissively with a yawn and a stretch of his limbs. "Ah'm headin' home, night y'all." With that, he kicks off and I can make out his outline heading toward the direction of our family ranch, just a stone's throw outside of town.

As the last wagon passes, I lean off the Roadster and take a peek into the back. Glory lay there, curled up and passed out not twenty minutes before we pulled into town.

"She was so proud that her route worked." I hear Momma say coming up behind me.

"Yeah." I smile, love in my heart for my baby as I pull a blanket over her to keep out the desert chill for the short ride home.

"Ah can take her home, darlin'" Momma says softly, before she narrows her eyes at me with a mischievous smirk. "Word on the line was you 'lost a tussle' and owe a certain coworker dinner?"

I tense up and feel my face go red, and even in the dim light I know my mother can tell. I open my mouth to try and deny or even defend my honor but she beats me to it.

"Well it weren't the way ah'd do it, but you did finally ask him out." She says with a girlish giggle, bumping her wither against mine, a Cheshire grin distinctly visible in the moonlight.

"IT'S NOT- HOW DID!?" I try to start but then realize what's the point? "...maybe..." I finally admit slumping a bit.

Momma smiles wider, if that's possible, then her expression softens. "It's been ten years, baby. Ah know that sleaze ball hurt you when he ran off," her expression darkens at the mention of Glory's father, but instantly melts back to tenderness, 'but you got a beautiful lil filly out of it." She adds running a hoof gently through Glory's orange mane, a hum of contentment escapes the little dreaming mare's lips as she leans into the familiar caress. "Take a shot. I think you'll find that it's not as big of a gamble as you might guess." She then uses a hoof and tips my eyes so I am looking right into hers. "And don't you ever be ashamed 'bout your feelings."

I inhale sharply as I look into her honest and loving eyes. I can't help but be a little choked up. Momma is so tough and she rarely shows a tender side like this, but when she does, it's real, and completely from her heart.

In fear I might start to blubber a bit, I utter what I can. "...'kay." It comes out a hair above a whisper, but it's loud enough and speaks volumes between the two of us.

The mare who raised me pulls me into a warm hug, which I gladly return. She then moves back to the hitch of the family wagon and latches herself in.

Before she pulls off, I hook my forelegs over the side of the Roadster and lean in to my daughter.

"Traitor." I whisper down to her and smile. It doesn't take a detective to figure out she had blabbed to Momma that I lost that wrestling match to Ranger, and his price to let me out of one his painless, but immobilizing holds, was dinner at his favorite greasy spoon when we got back, and I had to treat. I lean down and she smiles in her sleep as I kiss her on the forehead goodnight.

"Just one question, Winding." Momma says as she sured up the hitch.

"Yeah, Momma?"

"Did you throw the fight or did he really have you kissin' the canvas?"

She doesn't wait for answer, instead she just chuckles a bit at my mute indignation and rolls on out of town. The truth was the latter but the idea that she thought the former was just as bad. Instead, I just kick at the dirt and stomp off.

"Why is everypony naggin' on me today?" I growl to myself.

"I told you, you make it so easy." A familiar voice comes from above. I look up to see Ranger peering down at me from the top of the Appleloosa water tower. How he managed to squirrel up there without anypony noticing was beyond me, but the fact that he heard me muttering to myself all the way down here was something I had grown accustomed to. That stallion has 'rabbit ears', that's the only explanation for it.

"So," I say arching my neck up to meet his gaze, "shall we get going?"

"In a minute." He says casually, before pulling his head back from the edge. After a moment of silence I spread my wings and ascend to the top with a series of light flaps and leaps. I come to the top of the red wood tower to find him sitting on his haunches, and its no surprise to me that he is staring up at the stars.

This was a usual tradition for him. Whether on the trail or back on the homestead, I would find him outside just staring off into Luna's painted night sky. Those first few weeks it was a manic, frantic affair. His eyes would be desperately searching for something, anything familiar. As the months past, it became more subdued, until eventually it just became a quiet pastime before he turned in for the night.

I remember the first night I sat out with him. At first it was just another silent affair. We didn't speak of why we were out there, even though I knew it wasn't the view, not entirely. Eventually I got to telling him all about the constellations and the stories behind them; the ones Daddy told me. Then he got to telling me about the things he and his father did together, and that bled into things he did with his family, his children, and his...wife.

I come up quietly from behind, trying not disturb my friend. On my approach I take a moment and regard the stallion before me. He was a strong, certainly tough, and about as brave as they come, but against the backdrop of the vastness of the sky he looked so small and unassuming. Insignificant. Above all else though, he looked so...lost.

"Princess Luna is spoiling us tonight." He says, not taking his eyes off the canvas that was dotted with millions of sparkling stars only partially dimmed by the bright third quarter moon.

"Yeah, Princess Celestia may have painted the night for the last thousand years," I come to a seat next to the big guy, "but her sister does have more of a flare for what she does best."

He gives a quiet affirmation before we drift back into a companionable silence.

After a few minutes he speaks up, "You don't really have to take me out." His voice level and reverent in the hallowed silence of the night.

"A deal is a deal." I insist proudly. "B'sides I am a bit hungry." I admit, feeling the ache for something substantial to eat apart from the beans, apples, dry grass, and hard tack we had got the last four days on the trail. "And your not the worst company to have." I hope he didn't notice me blush when I said that.

Either way, Ranger chuckles lightly as he looks down to the horizon. The barren landscape is basked in a blanket of muted blue; a stark contrast to the copper red it has during the day. A small desert wind whips past and causes me to shudder a bit, as the chill cuts through me. I look down and close up my jacket and roll the collar up. It helps, but a sudden shift in the roof of the water tower startles me for a moment...and then wind is no longer a problem.

I look up to find that Ranger has scooted closer to me and is now gently pressing his side against mine to help keep me warm and block the wind. Its by no means a lewd, nor overly forward gesture; ponies after all are social creatures and contact helps us bond as friends. However, he didn't always share that understanding or belief, making this moment something of no minor significance. I look over to see he isn't looking at me, in fact he is doing his best to hide his eyes with his cap tilted down, and I swear I can detect the hint of his own blush beneath the shade of the brim. Doing what feels right, I press back against him, savoring the feeling as the warmth of bodies feed into one another.

It's quiet for the longest time, all I can hear is his steady breath and my heart pounding in my chest like a sledgehammer.

Momma's words echo in my mind, so 'I take a shot'. I slowly turn my head and gently press the brim of my hat against his chin allowing it to push off my head and fall back onto my neck. The stampede strap goes taught and I find myself in the very comfortable but VERY forward position of being snugly pressed against his neck. My head tucked beneath his chin, and now my heart is beating louder then a locomotive.

I half expect him to shuffle back confused or repulsed. But neither happens. Instead he seems to lean back into me, letting out a heavy breath as I feel him relax into my affection.

'Oh sweet Luna, please don't let this be a dream.' I beg to the Princess whose night sky made this moment happen, and whose world of dreams could make it all a cruel fantasy.

"This is a big step." His voice comes quietly above me.

Confused, I reluctantly tilt my head back to face him, but leave my body pressed to him. His face has a tender smile on it. "For... ponies. Isn't it?"

At that moment, I slowly feel my resolve buckle. "A-ah ain't tryin' to be...pushy, or forward. Ah'd understand...if you don't feel ready...to...move on." All of the sudden, this seems like the worst idea I ever had and I can feel panic start to creep through my mind. I pull away as I feel my heart sink and my courage utterly abandons me.

"Ah'm sorry, Ah shouldn't of done that." I take a step back, and flare my wings. I want to bolt, I want to fly away, far away from my mistake and never look back. I feel so bad that I can't look at him, and feel tears come to my eyes.

"Ah-ah was only t-thinking of what ah wanted. I didn't even consider...how different....this would be for you." Tears begin to fall freely as my legs begin to buckle.

Just as I feel my world is about to break, I feel a pair of grey hooves wrap around me and pulls me close once more. The action eases my anxiety but only just so.

"It's okay, Windy." He coos softly into my ear. "Please...don't leave." With those words I fall limp into his embrace and bury my head into his chest. We stay like that for a time, he cradles me in his forelegs as the last of my bottled up fear and doubt ebb away with each dwindling sob that escapes me. All that I feel now is the warm embrace of the pony I came to care so deeply for....
the pony who I selfishly wanted for myself...the pony who could never go home again.