• Published 23rd Apr 2016
  • 2,646 Views, 152 Comments

Tales From Day Court - Blade Star

Celestia's newly employed legal advisor tells a few of his more interesting stories. A sequel/spin-off to 'My Family and Other Equestrians.

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Prologue - Finding Gainful Employment

My name is Roger. I’m a human. I’ve lived here in Equestria for the better part of two years now. Not by my choice of course. Hell, I hadn’t even thought this place real until I found myself waking up in the Everfree Forest alongside my wife and children. Through some random act of chance, good, or bad fortune, the four of us were inadvertently propelled through a sort of rift; a tear in the fabric of space time. I don’t exactly remember where I was when it happened, though I presume I must have been at home, but whatever it was sent us here, to Equestria.

We struck lucky landing in this world. Equestria is a peaceful nation, and we were fortunate enough to land not too far from a nearby town; Ponyville. My son knew a fair bit about this place from watching a cartoon show based on it. Don’t ask me whether or not we are still real or not though, the idea of being in a fictional world plays havoc with your head.

Anyway, he led us out of the forest, more or less; the bugger was having a whale of a time whilst the rest of us were quietly panicking. Luckily, our arrival did not go unnoticed, a few ponies from the nearby town, including a certain young princess, were sent out to investigate the phenomenon that had brought us here; as I later learned, when it discharged, the phenomenon created a sizeable bang.

I suppose I should point out the one crucial detail that helped in that first meeting; you see, for reason still unknown, my son was turned into a pony, a unicorn to be precise. Me, the wife, and my daughter remained human, but he was turned into the four foot tall, magical equine. Anyway, regardless, Twilight and her friends helped us out of the forest and took us to their town. We were holed up there for a few days until Princess Celestia; the head honcho, could see us.

We then travelled to Canterlot, the capital, to try and see about getting us all home. While this whole thing hadn’t been overly unpleasant, I was still looking forward to getting back. Sadly, neither the princess, nor her younger sister, was able to do anything there and then, since the rift was not something they knew much about.

So, the four of us were left to, for the time at least, make do and mend. We did our best to adapt to our new circumstances. The wife and I lived with Twilight for a little while, though eventually, with some financial aid from the princesses, we found our own house. My son settled in with the Apple family on their farm, and proceeded to live out his frontier ranch fantasy. And my daughter, who had been living with Fluttershy since day one, moved in with her permanently, helping out looking after the menagerie of animals that the pegasus cares for.

We all also did our best to find gainful employment. While the princesses had provided us with a small sum to help us onto our feet, neither my wife nor I were going to simply wait for a way home to appear. As a retired teacher, my wife managed to get herself a job at the local school with Cheerilee, and she teaches a class of around twenty students. I, however, had a more interesting gig.

Before I ended up in Equestria, I was a semi-successful solicitor. I worked in criminal law mind you, not one of those ambulance chasing leaches. I was the senior partner in my own firm and had been for nearly twenty years. As such, you might expect that I had a harder time finding a job, what with Equestria’s crime rate being what it is. However, in the event, I was the second one of my family to find a job; my son having been working for Applejack at Sweet Apple Acres since we arrived.

You see, Princess Celestia holds court each day, meeting with everypony from foreign dignitaries, right down to private citizens. And, while she may be over a thousand years my senior, she still calls on advisors to help her. When we were first introduced by Twilight Sparkle, I remarked to her on my interest in the court she held. As a result, Celestia allowed me to attend court full time whilst we were in Canterlot. My knowledge of the law, combined with my less naïve attitude to legal matters, convinced Celestia to take me on as her legal advisor.

I don’t think it was merely an act of kindness, although I’m sure her famous maternal affection played a part in her decision. In any case, I found myself employed again. I spent several weeks sitting in on court full time, learning the ropes and adjusting to this new world. Before long, I was made a permanent advisor to Celestia, effectively making me a government minister. Quite an advancement for a small time solicitor that used to work the magistrate court.

And so, my life settled into a routine again. I am stuck here, that is for sure. We were given an opportunity to return to Earth when the rift opened again not long after Christmas. But due to the dangers posed to all by a crossing attempt, it was decided that it ought to be sealed. After all, by that point we had built quite a life here, and it seemed foolish to give it all up.

By this point, having worked in the castle for around a year and a half, I’m something of an institution. I’m well respected, have lots of friends, including princesses, guards, and one almost certainly insane draconequus, and I still have my family with me. Still, life in Equestria is rarely dull. And my job has seen me go on a fair few little adventures. I’ve made case law, pursued fugitives, visited other nations, interviewed hardened criminals, and even seen the odd villain try to take over, or even destroy Equestria.

What follows is just a few of the more notable incidents. These are my tales from Day Court.

Author's Note:

Proofread by The Batmane of equestria.

Well, here we are; the first of three spin off stories to 'My Family and Other Equestrians'. I figured that since the story was quite long, a brief short summary might be a good idea just to refresh everypony's memory.