• Published 20th Nov 2015
  • 860 Views, 4 Comments

Futures - HauntingSpiritRisingMoon

Let's take a peek in to the future of Equestria, and all the love that comes with it.

  • ...

By the Light of the Candle

The home of the three most party loving ponies was quiet. That was quite the surprise, already, but this place was full of surprises. But, what made it surprising, was that one of these ponies was awake, during the night.

It was the youngest member, Candle Light. She loved the peacefulness of the night. She loved being loud and crazy, sure, and she loved giving parties.

But, the softness of the night delighted her. The sparkling stars. The creamy white moon. The silence. If she loved anything about the night, though, it was it's mysteries. During the night, Santa Hooves came. During the night, Luna visited dreams. During the night, the tooth fairy came. It fascinated her.

And that was why the young white filly sat on her windowsill gazing in to the sky.

"It's so peaceful..." She murmured. A soft smile played at her lips.

"It really is..." Candle jumped as a voice spoke below her.

The yellow-maned filly was shocked to see Princess Luna.

"P-Princess Luna!? What are you doing here!?" She gaped at the dark alicorn.

Luna smiled softly at her. "You know why I was initially banished, correct?"

Candle nodded, her eyes still wide. "Yeah.... You were angry that no pony looked at your night."

Luna looked at her. "Yes. I have gotten over that, in my reformation. Yet, you still gaze at the sky, when you should be resting."

Candle shook her head, a soft smile on her muzzle. "I couldn't do that. Your nights are beautiful, and it just felt wrong that no pony gazed at them."

Luna looked surprised. "W-What? Ponies do look at them. I can sense it." She shook her head sadly. "You should worry about your energy. You need to sleep."

"No can do, Princess. I want you to know how much I appreciate your nights, sleepy or not."

The once wicked pony looked at her, a small tear in her eye. She softly flew up to Candle Light. "You are so generous, Candle. I sincerely do appreciate your concern. Now, appreciate my concern, and sleep..." She lowered her horn to the filly's head, and her eyes drooped. Candle floated to sleep, a lullaby accompanying her.

Hush now.....

Close your eyes.....

Do not worry....

For a bad surprise....

Let the calm of sleep enfold....

And your limits be untold....

For you are special, little one.....

With your heart, of gold.....

With that, she fell asleep. Luna reached in to the room, and blew out a small candle, lit on Candle's desk.

"Good night, Candle Light. And let your heart and soul be at rest...." With a small smile, she flew to her castle, ready to venture through ponies dreams.


Celestia watched as her sister entered the castle. She had seen her fly off, and had gotten worried, so she had decided to wait for a while before searching for her. There was a soft smile on Luna's muzzle, and there seemed to be a light sparkle in her eye, like a tear.

Celestia straightened as her sister landed. "Hello Luna, where have you been?"

Luna jumped a little, but regained her composure and looked softly at her sister. "Meeting a pony with a heart of gold."


Pinkie smiled at her daughter as she appeared at the door to her room. "Morning sleepy head!" She waited for a response, but none came. She looked at Candle worriedly. "Why are you so quiet?"

Candle's smile shone brighter. "I just thought that the sweet silence of the night might want to visit the day."

Pinkie's frown soon dissipated, and her smile was soft. "And who taught you that?"

Candle winked at her, as if the two had a private joke. "A friend."

Pinkie nodding in understanding before heading to the kitchen, her husband at the kitchen table. "Mornin', Cheesy!" She took a whiff of the air. "Ooooo! Pancakes with chocalate chips and sprinkles for me, a cheese stuffed waffle for you, and french toast with a lit candle for Candle Light!"

Cheese grinned. "Yup!"

As the two started chowing down, they barely noticed as Candle walked in and devoured her own.

Cheese grinned at her. "Good morning sweetie!"

"Morning daddy!" The young Earth pony grinned, a candle stuck to her chin. It was also somehow still lit.

"Got any parties today?" Her mother asked excitedly. Parties WAS her favorite topic, after all.

The filly put a hoof to her chin. "Hm..... I don't think so. I did the 'First Day of School' party, the 'Arrow Coming Out' party, the-"

Cheese stared at her. "Wait, what was that last one?"

Candle blinked, and realized what she had said. "Oh! Uh..... He, uh...." She suddenly looked at a watch on her wrist that was not there before. "Oops, sorry to cut this short, but I have to go to school! Love you! BYE!" She rushed out the door, saddlebags suddenly on, candle hovering where the two party loving ponies' daughter had just sat.

Pinkie blinked. "Did she just say what I think she said?"

Cheese blinked. "Did you hear her say 'Arrow Coming Out' party..?"

"Yes I did."




"How'd she figure it out is what I'm wondering." Cheese muttered.


Arrow Feather walked up to Candle Light as she entered the school yard. "How did you find out? During the party, you were too busy for me to ask."

"Your 5th birthday. You blew on the candles and wished 'I wish it was easier to tell ponies I like colts.'" She answered as if it were obvious.

Arrow blinked at her. "How'd you hear that!?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. I can just hear the wishes of ponies when they blow out candles." She sat on the ground and put her hoof to her chin in thought. "Sadly, not all of them can be bought." She rubbed her ear. "Like this one. This filly named Star Shine wishes that her parents stopped fighting."

Arrow held up a hoof to stop her. "Stop. How do you stand hearing these sad wishes?"

Candle grew a sad smile. "I never said I did." She turned towards the schoolhouse and walked in.

Arrow rubbed his chin in thought. "She's strange, that filly. Strange indeed..."

Author's Note:

Tell me, what did you think on Candle and Luna's encounter?

Comments ( 3 )

6651355 Thank you! Let me know if you have any suggestions!

Why was it Cancelled?

AND YOUR OCS! That's right, I will accept OCs for my 'futures' fanfiction!

is it too late ?

fell free to ask any questions about my O.C.s

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