• Published 18th Nov 2015
  • 9,363 Views, 144 Comments

Sunset Shimmer: Big Sis Best Friend Forever - smxsonic

In a world where Sunset Shimmer did not go through the mirror, she makes a connection with a young Twilight Sparkle

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Conversations with Princesses

Author's Note:

Ugh, So This chapter started of as sort of a vignette of different scenes from Season one from Canterlot's Perceptive and then it turned into this.

I want to thank Merrick from the Fimfic IRC for prereading, I was about to burn this chapter until you put in your wisdom.

Expect some Cute Filly Twilight in the next chapter.

When Sunset Shimmer wanted to be the Castle’s director of operations, everypony was surprised. It was a huge job, but still menial for a unicorn of her caliber. She had to sign papers, screen petitioners, and ‘misplace’ whatever ordinance Blue Blood had come up with. Special occasions like the Grand Galloping Gala gave her a headache because she was the one who headed up most of the operations or at least the paperwork came to her before Celestia . She was currently floating a large stack of invitations over to Celestia’s study.

“Here are the invitations, Princess,” Sunset announced as she plopped down the large stack of papers on Celestia’s desk.

“Thank you, Sunset,” Celestia said as she beheld the tower of invitations in front of her, “I remember when the Grand Galloping Gala was a meeting of great minds and heroes, but alas nowadays most ponies either buy or birth their way in,”

“At least you understand why I never go,” Sunset chuckled.

“Well, I was about to ask you if you wanted a ticket this year, I’m inviting Twilight and her friends.”

Sunset hummed thoughtfully while tapping her hoof on her chin, “Yeah, that could be a good time,”

Celestia scribbled Sunset’s name on the guest list.

“So you sent Twilight an invitation?” Sunset asked while getting

“Well, she is a hero now, It just seemed right,”

“Did you send an invitation to the rest of her friends?”

Celestia’s silence often spoke volume more than what she actually said. The Princess would not do well in poker.

“Well, you did at least send seven tickets right?”

Once again Celestia stayed silent.

Sunset facehooved, and shook her head. Business went on as usual for her. The next few months were going to be hectic with planning for the gala, but luckily the worst of it was done. Invitation were written out and sent and the noble ponies had a year to prepare.

Sunset’s day ended as usual, one last signature on one last document that was either to be sent to the princess or to parliament the next day. Sunset entered her room after a long day’s work, greeted by a glowing journal. Somehow, Sunset knew what Twilight had to say.

Big Sis!

Celestia had invited me plus one to go to the Grand Galloping Gala, which would be great and all but now my friends are fighting over my extra ticket! They’ve started doing favors for me and I can’t take it any more!

What should I do?

Very stressed,

Twilight Sparkle

Sunset rolled her eyes. She picked up a quill and dipped it in ink.

Hey Squirt,

Just ask Celestia for five more tickets (Spike is going too, isn’t he?) I don’t know why Celestia didn’t just do that in the first place.

With that crisis averted Sunset Closed the book and was about to get ready for bed when there was a knock at the door.

“Ms. Shimmer,” came a guard's voice.

Sunset opened her door and saw a black thestral stallion wearing purple armor. Like all royal guards he exuded an air of professional stoicism that could not be broken by anypony.

“I haven’t seen you around the castle,” Sunset said slowly.

“I’m from the Lunar Guard,” the guard said tersely, “Princess Luna has summoned you to her chambers.”

“What for?” Sunset asked, only to be met with silence. Guards were notorious for being as unhelpful as possible and this one was no different. She then sighed, “I’ll be right up.”

Luna’s wing of the castle was getting less creepy as Luna was settling in. While it certainly was darker than other parts of the castle, While there were still the flying buttresses and gargoyles, it felt protective rather than intimidating. Sunset walked up to Luna’s door which was being guarded by two Lunar Guards Ponies.

“Ms. Shimmer,” One of them said, “The Princess is expecting you!”

They opened the door and Sunset walked in only to see Luna looking out her huge gothicesque window her tail swishing. She was recovering well for the week that she had been there. Her mane was as ethereal as sunset’s was, but it was starting to twinkle a bit. She was starting to grow taller too, slowly but subtly, she was about an inch taller than Sunset and would continue to grow. She looked away from her window and saw Sunset.

“Sunset Shimmer, good to see you this night.” Luna said, “I trust you’ve been well.”

“Uh, Yeah, I’ve been doing well. I mean everything’s a little bit crazy because of the Gala preparations.”

“Ah, yes, The Grand Galloping Gala.” Luna sighed nostalgically, “ I Remember the first Gala, A meeting of some of the greatest minds and greatest heroes in all the land, unfortunately it was also my last.”

Sunset grimaced, it was sort of weird how casually Luna just referenced her banishment. Luna sat at a small table with a tea set and beckoned Sunset to join her. Sunset accepted the invitation and sat down.

“So….” Sunset said uncertainly, “Are you planning to go to the Gala this year?”

Luna shook her head, “I am in no shape to go into the public as of now.”

Sunset nodded and took a sip of tea. Luna wasn’t exactly as intimidating as she was now.

“Besides,” Luna continued, “Once noble ponies hear of a Second Princess, they will try to petition me in order to go behind my sister’s back, and that is a headache that I want to put off for a long as equinely possible”

Sunset chuckled. Luna’s voice was so childlike and while it still held the air of seasoned royalty, it just sounded so foalish at that statement.

“Actually, I kind of understand. I used to go to when Celestia was teaching me, but it turned to be filled with dullards that couldn’t help in any capacity. ”

Sunset then coughed, “Sorry, a bit of the old me slipped out there.”

Luna nodded sagely, “I understand, no matter how much we change for the better, there’s always a shadow of who we once were .”

“So, why did you call me here,” Sunset asked.

Luna was taken aback, “Well I wanted to chat”

“Chat?” Sunset cocked her eyebrow, it seemed too mundane a reason to use an official summons

“Is that not the word?” Luna asked , “You’ll have to forgive me, my usage of Modern Equestrian slang is still, er… A work in progress, I believe the phrase is?”

“No, I mean, yes. Chat is the correct word, but why did you summon me to do that?” Sunset started to ramble.

Luna raised her eyebrow, “I should think it obvious You are obviously close to my sister, and you are not a princess,” Sunset bristled at the comment but composed herself Luna meant no harm.

“You are a perfect candidate for my friendship.”

“Candidate? I’m not sure friendship works that way.” Sunset commented.

“Well, no…” Luna started nervously, her ears twitching , “ But I would a pony to talk to that’s not royalty.”

A long silence permeated the room as both ponies sat there. Both ponies took drinks from their cups as through it would cover the awkwardness.

“Sunset Shimmer, what are you thinking about?” Luna asked.

“First off,” Sunset said, “There’s no need to use my full name, please call me Sunset,”

“Very well, Sunset, does this mean you’re willing to accept my offer?”

“Are you going to summon me every night? I mean my schedual’s sporadic enought--”

“Oh, no,” Luna interrupted, “as my friend, my door will always be open to you as I hope your door will be open to me.”

“You know, I think I’d like that, I sort of need somepony to talk to now that Twilight’s away.” Sunset said.

“Ah, Celestia did say you were close with Twilight Sparkle, are you two of kin?”

It took Sunset a while to parse that sentence, “ Oh no, we’re not actually related, I mean she does call me “big sis” but that’s about it”

“ Big Sis?” Luna said confusedly

“Honestly, I don’t even remember why she calls me that, but she has spent most of her time around me”

“It must be an honor to have a powerful unicorn look up to you,” Luna commented.

“Well I did teach her everything I know,” Sunset said while drinking her tea.

“Oh?” Luna questioned playfully, “I had the understanding that Twilight Sparkle was my sister’s student.

“Yeah, well, she wrote the lesson plans, but I taught her the technique!” Sunset said indignantly

The two girls laughed at that, and continued to talk through the night. At least until Sunset passed out from exhaustion.

Sunset yawned as she went about, filing folders. Talking to Luna was nice, but Sunset still had work to do during the day. Being one of the most powerful mages in Equestria, she was usually pretty efficient at doing her various tasks. After spending last night talking to Princess Luna, through, she was a bit sluggish. Sunset even found herself falling asleep in the middle of moving files.


And then there was Cadance. Sunset didn’t really mind so much anymore that she was a princess. What Sunset did mind was that Cadance didn’t really seem to do anything except ogle the guards. Celestia at least ran the kingdom and Luna was recovering from being a dark goddess of destruction and nightmares, but Cadance didn’t seem to do anything. Sunset could forgive all of that however, if it weren’t for the fact that the pink alicorn would not stop flirting with her!

Cadance entered Sunset’s office, “Sunset, are you busy? Because I was thinking that you might want to….”

Cadance trailed off as she Looked at Sunset, barely awake and the files moving slowly above her head .

“Sunset, you look horrible! What happened”

“I was up all night with Luna.” Sunset groaned

“Ooh, Scandalous,” Cadance teased, “Up late with a princess”

“It’s not like that and you know it you perv,”

“It’s been a while,” Cadance commented, her wry smirk only managing to sour Sunset's mood , “ Hey, you want to take a break and go get coffee?”

Sunset and Cadance sat out side of the Donut Joe’s donut Shop, Sunset was a bit more awake now due to having a combination of caffeine and sugar in her system. The atmosphere would be a perfect pick-me-up, except Cadance would not stop staring at her.

“What?” Sunset yelled

“Oh, don’t mind me, I’m just thinking about how cute you and Luna would be as a couple,” Cadance said.

“I said it’s not like that!” Sunset exclaimed, her ears twitching in anxiousness.

“Well, what is it like, then?”

“She… just wanted a friend… Somepony that’s not a princess, you know?”

Cadance leaned back from the table, “Yeah, I guess I can see that, Auntie Celestia seems to be doting over her a lot lately.”

Sunset bristled slightly at the mention of ‘Auntie Celestia’, but she had trained herself not to let it affect her. Somepony would have to tell Donut Joe about the burned seat though.

“So,” Sunset started, trying to divert the conversation, “ What are you doing for the Grand Galloping Gala?”

“I’m not going,” Cadance answered, “I think I’ll just spend some alone time in the chamber of passion.”

“I really wish you wouldn’t call your room that,” Sunset droned.

“Who knows, I might even invite a lucky Stallion to join me, or a Mare if I’m in the mood.”

Sunset just groaned. One other thing about Cadance was her openness about her more … intimate matters.

“What about you, Sunset, are you going to lock yourself away in your room like you always do?

“Actually, I’m going to attend this year, If nothing else but to visit Twilight and meet her friends” Sunset said

“Aw, that’s cute!” Cadance gushed.

Sunset blushed a little bit while she rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof. She was starting to think that maybe she also needed non-princess friends, albeit for very different reasons.