• Member Since 27th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago



Ever since she's made the trip to an alternate Equestria multiple times, twilight has begun to think heavily about the portal. Is it just a connection between the two dimensions or are there more connection to more worlds that can be made. After a long time of theorizing and discussing it with Sunset Shimmer she decided to set up an experiment to test her hypothesis. In the presence of her friends, her brother, Discord, and fellow princesses she begins the experiment which in the end has dazzling and explosive results. In the aftermath they discover that beings have made their way through the portal and that they are just a bit different from the norm that they know. They're a bit more defensive, more fight-y, more...quirky? With the portal being in need of repair they can't immediately send them back and so hopefully the new arrivals will be able to wait patiently while it's being fixed. And maybe in that time they can show Equestria just exactly who they are and what they stand for while they watch over and protect creatures of a world not their own from a dangerous force using something they might recognize

Written because like many other people i ahven't gotten into the damned awesome Overwatch BETA ...plz blizzard?

the games out now i'll be fine....


Chapters (10)
Comments ( 288 )

I'm intrigued by your attempt and so far I like it. However, one thing to point out is that there are a lot of points where the I in a sentence or the name of someone isn't capitalized. Also... more of a personal note but... WHY HASN'T ANYPONY MADE AN OVERWATCH GROUP YET!?! :flutterrage:

Okay, rant done. :yay:

Reinhardt or winston!!!! For one of the bad guys i sense widowmaker or reaper

6628201 well to be honest apparently goole docs doesn't do that for some reason...i don't know if it's a setting or something

6628556 if it's about capitalized i's, i don't know if it's a setting in google docs or anything cause it doesn't do it for some reason

My guesses for the "Teams".
Reinhardt, Winston, Mercy, Tracer, Pharah. For "good".
Reaper, Widowmaker, Roadhog, Junkrat, Hanzo. For "evil".

Reasons for choices... I can picture Mercy and Pharah as pegasi easy. One is a doctor and the other is a security chief very noble jobs, so good. Reinhardt and Winston are kind of the nice guys tank wise, and I don't think Bastion would convert to being a pony very easy (He was my backup idea for a good guy.).

Evil was kind of a no brainer except for Hanzo.Everyone has been depicted as evil/crazy but him, but in his backstory he was once in organized crime so that is why I lumped him in. :pinkiehappy:

This is much needed. I'll be watching. As for the heroes and villains:
Heroes: Tracer, Winston, Soldier 76, Genji, either McCree/Zenyatta
Villains: Reaper, Widowmaker, Hanzo, Junkrat, Roadhog

Just my guess.

6629152 FINALLY YES!!!! originally the title was going to be the cavalry line tracer says in the end but i didn't want to have it twice...so i went with Bob Ross

some one beat me to the first mlp/overwatch crossover

i was planning on writing about some sort of junkrat and roadhog crime spree where fluttershy becomes a unknowing accomplice.

oh well this story should motivate me to get it done.

great story btw

its a perfect day for some mayhem

ps. i feel your beta envy, i guess you need a twitch channel with 10,00 followers that blizzard can exploit for hype before you get into the're beta. (i acually heard of a guy selling his overwatch beta approved battlenet account on ebay for 800 usd. the hype is making us all insane.)

From good ones i would like Reinhardt with his epic armor and rocket hammer:pinkiehappy:

6628538 always look over things before publishing. That way, you catch any mistakes that gdocs might miss

For me...her personality is a bit...flighty. So, she should be a pegasus...Though, I have no problem with her being an Earth Pony...

Awesome, we need more, and Tracer is one addicting persona :derpytongue2:

6629403 the werid thing was that if i got in i was palnning on streaing it every day...but sigh

6629589 always a good suggestion...hammers are fun

6629619 although there is no story submission thing yet...

6630303 Have you tried Tools>Preferences in a g-Doc?

6630298 Right, and Tracer is the only one I can think of that can keep up with Pinkie. I'm just wondering who else is now in Ponyville?

6630352 nope won't accept it keeps turning capital I into lower case after agreeing...so idk?

6630394 WHO KNOWS!?!?!?!...the short answer is i do...but hey i'm replyign alright?

Wow first chapter in and I already love it. Good job although a couple things:
1. Since Tracer used to be a pilot for the slipstream program I think she would be a Pegasus. Although if you want write her as earth pony I'll be fine with that as well.
2. In our world (The Human world) Tracer is a fictional character from a video game, so is Sunset going to recognize her like:
Sunset: "Hey aren't you Tracer aka Lena Oxton from Overwatch?"
Tracer: "The one and only love."
Sunset: "Yeah I remember my friends talking about that video game, Rainbow Dash was pretty excited to get play as you."
Tracer: "Wait did you say video game?"
Sunset: "Uh, yeah ha ha ... your actually a fictional character from where I live."
Tracer: "So first I get turned into a talking pony, next you tell I'm character from a video game what's next?"
Pinkie: "Oh oh, you get written into a crossover fanfiction with us!"
Everyone looks at pinkie
Pinkie: "What, it could happen."
Ok you don't have to write it like that that's just my own idea but hey feel free to use it if you want.
3. Is Sunset going play a role in this story or she just here for the sake of being here like other fics I've read involving her? I'm asking this because Sunset is my favorite character and maybe Tracer could relate to her going from pony to human like how she just went from human to pony.
Anyway keep up the great work and good luck with this story, I'm giving it a like and favorite. :)

1. remembered that while i was at work today and was thinking the same thing

2. I don't see it working that way for this fic although in another it could happen, my view on the multiverse can have things happen like that but i think i'm going to pass on it this time, don't think i can infer things like that about the eqg-verse...at least so far

3. i do plan on having her do stuff not just be a bit of a macguffin

Wait, i thought Hanzo was a good guy?

6646012 nope bad, he's from a family of assassins...and he "killed" his brother genji, who is a good guy

ya but didnt he go on to regret it all seek redemption?

6646023 not redemption exactly but to restore his honor...he's not with/was overwatch though his brother is. and unlike his brother probably still doesn't have any kind of problems about taking a life..at least from what i can glean form little snippets that blizzard gives us...until directly stated though he's a bad guy for me...guy "killed" his brother man

And this that Genji looks like a bit like Tenno is only a mino plus no?

But still I wonder how soon Winston will start to create tech way beyond anybody in MLP?

6646316 um sorry i have no clue what your first sentence says... and as for Winston...maybe?


Ugh me and my English.......

Genjii looks a bit like Tenno.

On the other note I can understand why you are sad about not being in the Overwatch beta. But hey in the weekend they might send a lot more invitations.

Just what exactly is Overwatch, anyway? It's a video game, right?

Well this just hit my top 10 AWESOME! I can't wait to read more soon and I like where it's going with the teams.

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