• Member Since 30th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen 24 minutes ago

Chicago Ted

"Friendship" is a magical-class noun.


When Twilight discovers in the Canterlot Archives that a seventh Element of Harmony exists, this raises a few questions:

1: What quality is this seventh Element?
2: Where is the seventh Element?
3: Who represents the seventh Element?

The answers to these can be found at the source of the Elements itself-- the Tree of Harmony.

Written as an entry to Rage Review's "F███ This Prompt" #7. It did not win. Downvote as needed.

Big thanks to sunnypack for reading this over on Google Docs and making me feel like a fool.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Curious. Very curious, which is an excellent quality. I had some issues with the pacing, but otherwise very nice. Good luck in the competition!

I know, it's not my slowest work. But thanks!

EDIT: I'm patching things up right now.

EDIT 2: I think I'm done. Rage Reviews-- do your worst.

...That's really quite clever. I actually noticed that seventh color for the first time, while watching the fight scene today.

Reminds me, I still need to sit down with some popcorn and get through Friendship Games. Thanks for the accidental reminder! :twilightsmile:

No problem. Thanks for reading!

Compelling tale as Twi and Spike unravel the mystery! Have an upvote! :twilightsmile:

A few things stuck out while I was reading it that I felt like I needed to comment on, though for the first two don't take my suggestions too seriously: :twilightsheepish:

Half an hour’s journey through the dreaded Everfree Forest soon yielded the Tree of Harmony.

Spike: "Or... We could just fly over it and be there in 3 minutes!"

“So why exactly do we need shovels?”
“Because the sixth branch fell off when the Element was lost, and was buried.”

Spike: "Shovels? We don' need no steekin' shovels!"

Just thinking back to how Spike was so effective at digging holes for Rarity in "Dog and Pony Show" seems like shovels would be superfluous, unless there was rock. But then they'd need pickaxes. :pinkiesmile:

The seventh one-- we fought day and night over it. It cumulated one day, when in our carelessness, we dropped it

Cumulated? Or did you mean culminated?

I liked the ending and who you chose made the most sense. The funny thing is there are so many redeemed antagonists that even after learning what the 7th element represents, it would still be hard to pick which character it belongs to! :rainbowlaugh:

Oops. Thanks for catching that; I'll go patch it up.

And thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

You mean "raises questions".


Begging the question is asserting a disputed point as true:

We are here to determine whether Philip is a wife-beater. He is not here now because he is probably off beating his wife somewhere.

That is question-begging is asserting a disputed premise as true. It is a circular argument. You mean raises the question. This is the error:

> "A startling revelation begs a few provocative questions."

That should be:

> "A startling revelation raises a few provocative questions."

This is the tagline of the story.

Fair enough, I'll change it.

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