• Published 16th Nov 2015
  • 6,244 Views, 44 Comments

Shadowbolts Adventures: Desperate Hearts - DragonShadow

When Sunny Flare hears that Twilight Sparkle is lonely, she decides to find her somebody to love.

  • ...

02 - Getting Out There

Chapter 2: Getting Out There

Getting the entire group together was a bit like herding cats sometimes, especially when Lemon Zest broke out the roller skates, but Sunny Flare managed to get them all moving in the direction of the dating service slash spa she found on the edge of town, The Love Spa. The place looked clean and inviting on the outside, which she took as a good sign, and her impression only got better when they walked into the lushly decorated lobby. Already there was a thick carpet just beyond the shoe rack by the door, where many pairs of shoes sat behind locked glass.

"Welcome!" A sensual voice with a hint of an accent called up to them as a woman slightly older than them swept toward the door, bowing graciously at their entrance. "My name is Aloe! What can I do for you?"

"We're here for your dating services," Sunny gestured to her group of friends. "You know, those ad videos for your website."

"Ah, wonderful! We're always here to help precious young ladies seek love!" Aloe grinned a toothy grin.

Sour Sweet grumbled. "Is she gonna help us find love or eat us...?"

Aloe continued on. "Would you like to freshen up with our spa services first?"

"A spa before the videos?" Sunny asked curiously.

Aloe nodded enthusiastically. "Of course! We want all of our lovers to be at zeir best for zee videos! You can freshen up in the spa, and be ready to knock zem dead with your charm!"

Sunny Flare considered this for a moment, then turned back to her friends. "What do you say? I have a few hours to kill."

Sugarcoat stepped forward. "I think I speak for all of us when I say spending the day getting pampered sounds pretty good after all the manual labor yesterday."

Indigo Zap snorted. "Are you ever gonna get over that?"


"It's decided. Let's do it." Sunny turned toward Aloe. "Six for the full treatment."

"Wonderful! I'll take your shoes, and my sister will show you into the back where you can prepare for ze hot tub."

"Hot tub? Heck yes!" Sour Sweet grinned.

After removing their shoes and locking them up with the rest, they charged toward the back, where they met another woman who looked nearly identical to the one by the door, and in fact even her voice was nearly the same.

"Good afternoon. My name is Lotus Blossom, please feel free to make use of our lockers, and here are your towels." She moved behind the counter to pull six thick towels up and hand them to Sunny.

Lemon gaped in awe. "Are you two twins? Did you like, use your twin mind powers to know we were coming back here?"

Lotus just smiled. "Yes, we are twins. And no, she radioed ahead."

"Awww..." Lemon's shoulders slumped.

"The truth is out there, Lemon." Indigo patted her back and headed into the locker room.

As the six girls undressed at separate lockers, Indigo Zap called across the room. "Hey Lemon Zest, did you seriously get Vinyl Scratch to let you come do this?"

"Um, yeah." Lemon replied. "I think her exact words were 'good luck, babe'."

"Oh." Indigo fell silent for a moment. "Lemon, you have the best girlfriend in the world."

"Yeah, I know."

"Like, I'm going to turn gay just so I can steal her from you."

"You can try, but I'm not letting go without a fight." Lemon Zest was practically beaming as she continued to change.

Sunny Flare cast a quick glance as Twilight Sparkle in front of the locker next door, who was looking over her shoulder at Lemon Zest. There was a trace of sadness in her eyes as she watched the look on Lemon's face. The look of a girl undoubtedly in love.

"Looks pretty nice, doesn't it?" Sunny Flare asked softly.

"She looks so happy." Twilight turned back toward her locker.

"That's why we're here, Twilight." Sunny Flare took the smaller girl's shoulder in a firm, comforting grip. "It might not be immediately, but we'll find you someone. Heck, maybe I'll find someone too."

"Yeah? You're looking?"

"I wouldn't object." Sunny lifted her towel to tie it around her chest with practiced ease, then closed her things away safely in her locker. "Come on, let's go relax."

The Love Spa was a really nice place, and Sunny Flare couldn't help but release all of the tension of her schoolwork and the previous day's labor. The hot tub was first, where the girls soaked in the warm waters in the soothing ambience of warm lights and soft string music. Sunny Flare let herself sink in up nearly to her shoulders and gave a deep, relaxed sigh. The others weren't all so relaxed, though. Lemon seemed to be stalking Indigo around the water, only to turn away when Indigo looked back, and Twilight was sitting rigid with her back against the wall of the tub and her arms tightly wrapped around her chest.

"Are you okay, Twilight?" Sunny asked in a worried tone. "You're not having second thoughts, are you?"

"N-no, of course not." Twilight smiled sheepishly. She was sunk into the water up to her neck. "I just don't want to be groped from behind."

There was silence for several moments before Indigo finally asked the question. "Why would one of us do that?"

"To compare size," Twilight replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. The silence reigned again, this time broken by Sugarcoat.

"Twilight. I'm saying this with love. Stop watching anime."

Next up was a massage from a small gang of masseuses. Sunny could feel her already loose muscles being kneaded underneath her skin, spread and relaxed to a degree she wasn't sure she had ever felt in her life. She'd never considered herself the kind of girl to make frequent spa trips, but if they were able to accomplish this every time, she may just consider making a habit of it. But then, that really did depend on what the bill came out to. If she tensed up again right after she finished, then the massages were meaningless.

Once the massages were done they made their way around to a sauna, where Indigo did nothing but complain. "Are we really paying them to make us sweat? We could be working on my car right now and sweating just as much."

Sugarcoat smirked. "That requires effort. And not everybody will do it for sweat and sandwiches."

"Oh for Pete's sakes, I'll pay you in money next time, okay!?"

"Promises are lies until you make good on them."

"I will, I promise!" Indigo paused, speaking before the giggles could begin. "Oh shut up..."

A brief stop in some showers for a rinse, and then their final stop in a salon where they received manicures, pedicures, and had their hair styled at the same time. There were so many employees working on them Sunny was sure she was going to have to beg her mother to pay all of this off, but she refused to ruin the moment with such thoughts.

At last their day at the spa was nearing its end, and the girls emerged, fresh, relaxed, and with a light coating of makeup provided by a professional stylist. Lotus Blossom was waiting for them right outside their room.

"I hope everything was to your liking."

"I never thought I'd say this..." Indigo stretched skyward with a serene smile on her lips. "But I could get used to the spa..."

"You said it..." Even Sour Sweet had a relaxed smile on her face.

"I'm glad, you'll be at your most relaxed and beautiful for your online profiles. We'll set up your accounts once ze pictures are taken, of course." Lotus Blossom smiled brightly. "We have a couple of different backdrops for you to choose from. A view of the ocean through a window, a bedroom with soft lighting, a crackling fireplace, ze choice is yours." Lotus held out a small pamphlet. "Whichever of you wishes to go first, of course."

Sunny Flare glanced down at Twilight, but the smaller girl didn't volunteer. "I'll go first," Sunny took the pamphlet to look it over. "I think the fireplace will work for me."

"Come right zis way." Lotus led them back through a long hallway lined with rooms, each with a different motif, until they turned into one that was decorated like a log cabin, with a crackling fireplace burning against the far wall, in front of which sat a sturdy oak chair with a thick comfortable cushion on the seat. "Have a seat. Do you know what you want to say?"

"Hm, I'm not entirely sure." Sunny took the proffered seat, turning toward the video camera set up in front of it. "What sorts of things to people usually talk about in these things?"

"Say a bit about yourself. Who you are, what you like, what you're looking for. Things zat will help others decide if zey would like to get to know you better."

"Alright, sure." Sunny flare cleared her throat.

"When you're ready, darling." Lotus Blossom gave her a thumbs up, looking down at the view screen on the camera to center the girl.

Sunny focused on the camera, putting as bright a smile as she could on her lips. "My name is Sunny Flare. I'm eighteen, on my last year of high school, and plan to go to college with a major in medical science. I like walks, taking care of my family, and spending time with my friends. I like guys who are honest, dependable, and kind. Um... I think that about covers it."

"Short and simple. I like zat. Who is next?"

"Me-me-meeeee!" Lemon Zest rushed toward the chair, nearly shoving Sunny out of it with a bright grin. "I'm Lemon Zest! I'm eighteen, Aquarius, and love meeting people! I also love music, dancing, exercise, and puppies! So if you're interested, ladies, give me a call. I'm looking for a cool chick with a hot butt." She pointed at the camera with a wink, clicking her tongue enticingly.

Lotus Blossom chuckled under her breath and shook her head. "Brilliant. Who's next?"

"I think I can take it from here." Indigo Zap approached the chair and plopped down as Lemon Zest moved out of the way, taking a deep breath as she faced the camera. "I'm Indigo Zap, I'm eighteen, I like working with my hands... and I'm really good with my hands... heh... heh, see, that's a, uh..." Indigo trailed off with a cough. "Can we start over?"

"As many times as you want."

"I'm Indigo Zap. I'm eighteen, I like building stuff, and I need a guy who can keep up with me. If you think you're that guy..." She put her hands on her hips cockily. "Hit me up, and I'll be the judge of that."

"Oooh, very feisty." Lotus Blossom nodded in approval.

"I guess it's my turn." Sour Sweet approached the chair as Indigo moved out of the way, sitting and putting her hands in her lap. "I'm Sour Sweet." There were several long minutes of silence.

"I think they need more than that," Sugarcoat pointed out from the sidelines.

"Oh, do they? Well maybe I'm not going to jump through their hoops like a little monkey!" She jumped to her feet, glaring at the camera. "You wanna know me? Hit me up and I'll get you real well acquainted with me! If you're not the spineless wimp I think you are! You jerk! Making me sit here and audition for you! I hate you!" She whirled to march away from the chair and marched out the door.

"Um..." Lotus looked up in confusion.

Sunny Flare smiled apologetically. "She'll be okay, she can be like that."

Without batting an eyelash Sugarcoat took the seat in front of the fireplace. "Are we ready?"

"Oh, yes, of course." Lotus resumed her place behind the camera. "When you're ready."

"My name is Sugarcoat. I'm eighteen, and if you go on a date with me, it might be the worst experience of your life. I will watch you, I will judge you, and I will let you know if you don't meet my expectations. If you're not prepared to discover your true worth as a man, don't even think about asking me out."

Lotus Blossom looked up over the camera blankly. "You know you're paying for zis video, right? Are you sure you wouldn't like one more... enticing?"

Sugarcoat adjusted her glasses with one hand as she stood up. "Oh yeah, I'm sure."

"Well." Sunny Flare moved across the room to where Twilight was still watching from the door. "There's only one left."

"Heh... yep..." Twilight wrung her hands together in front of her. "One left..."

"You've come this far. You can do this, Twilight. Just sit down and talk about yourself. It's not that difficult, is it?"

"I'm not really one for making myself sound great..."

"You don't need to sound great. Just be honest, and people will see how wonderful you are."

Twilight Sparkle gulped, then took a deep breath. "Okay, okay you're right. I can do this... I will do this." She moved to sit down in the chair, smoothing down her skirt and adjusting her glasses very carefully before facing the camera head on.

"When you're ready." Lotus angled the camera down slightly for the shorter girl. Sunny Flare gave her an encouraging thumbs up from behind their camerawoman.

Twilight took several deep breaths before speaking in a somewhat quiet, but firm tone. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm eighteen, and currently a high-school student... and while I haven't chosen a college major yet, I've been told my academic scores are such that I should be able to find something relatively easily... I just haven't found what really drives me yet, you know? And while I guess there are some obvious choices I could make... I'm just rambling, aren't I?"

Sunny twirled her hand behind her, mouthing the words keep going.

Twilight looked at the camera again. "And... and I may not have much to offer somebody... my body isn't great, I don't get out much, and I barely even know how to talk... but maybe you don't mind a girl who's a little bit of an eccentric genius. If you don't mind that... I'd really like to meet you." Twilight forced a meek smile onto her lips as she stared into the camera.

Sunny moved in front of the camera and clapped a hand on her shoulder. "That was beautiful, Twilight. Straight from the heart."

"Oh come on, I was just rambling..."

"Yep." Sugarcoat nodded. "But it was adorable."

Lemon Zest nodded in agreement. "Totally! If you were a puppy I would hug the crap out of you right now!"

"Yeah, don't sell yourself short, Twi." Indigo gave her a thumbs up. "I think we're about all wrapped up here."

No sooner did she speak than a thunderous crash echoed from the next room, followed by Sour Sweet's voice screaming "%^$# this place!"

Sugarcoat folded her arms with a subdued smile. "I'm satisfied now."

"And that's my cue..." Sunny Flare rushed toward the next room to calm her rampaging friend.

Thankfully, Sour Sweet's damage was minimal, and Lotus Blossom agreed to let it slide, once Sour Sweet had been calmed down by hugs. The end of the day only got better when she found out that the spa wasn't nearly as expensive as she had expected.

"We believe zat having guests come back is more important zan taking money from zem immediately," Aloe explained at the front desk.

"Then come back we shall, I think." Sunny smiled in relief as she forked over the money they pooled together to pay for it. They finished setting up their online accounts they could check at home, then left the building in high spirits. Even Twilight, as nervous as she'd been throughout the day, looked more relaxed now than she had right after her massage.

"So who's optimistic about our chances of bagging good ones?" Indigo Zap asked. "I think we have a better chance of getting landed on by an X-Wing."

Sugarcoat shrugged. "I think that was a waste of time... but the spa treatment was nice, at least."

Lemon grinned. "Yeah, I'm not gonna be leaving Vinyl any time soon anyway, but I had a good time."

Sour Sweet's shoulders were slumped as she grumbled, "I don't care, I have a headache..."

"I haven't done any research on the statistical odds of dating services leading to lasting relationships..." Twilight commented. "But at least I can look forward to trying."

"That's the spirit." Sunny winked and nudged her shoulder.

Twilight giggled softly. The two of them were walking a bit ahead of the others, so she could speak softly without them hearing. "Sunny, thank you... not just for today, but it seems like you've been helping me, and all of the others constantly since we became friends. I hope you don't think I haven't noticed, or that I don't appreciate it."

"Have I?" Sunny thought about it for a few moments. "I can't say I noticed... I guess this is just how I do things. But thank you for saying so, Twilight. I'm glad to help make your lives a little easier."

"And we'll help you too, if you need us."

Sunny nodded. "I'll keep it in mind." She looked up as they approached her driveway, stopping to turn back to the others. "Well, I'll see you girls tomorrow. Make sure you take your medicine tonight, Sour Sweet. You'll feel better."

"Yeah, yeah..." Sour Sweet grumbled.

The girls all said their goodbyes, and Sunny Flare made her way up the driveway to her door, heading inside. The house was quiet, though there was a pleasant breeze moving through the front hallway. She slid off her shoes, set them by the door and took off across the cushiony carpet. As she made her way down the hallway, her feet sank into the carpets several inches, giving the impression that she was walking on a cloud.

She stopped at one of the doors on her way and gripped the ornate knob, pushing it open. The room inside was dark, with the only light coming through the thin curtains on the windows overlooking a bed. The light silhouetted several tall machines, whose hoses were trailing down through the air and underneath the bedsheets, where a small figure was lying on his back, covered up to his neck. His eyes were closed, but she could see his shallow breathing from here.

Sunny Flare slipped into the room and closed the door quickly to block out the light. She approached the bed and leaned down, running a hand over his forehead. He felt a little warm, so she reached up to pull the blanket down a little past his chest. Her lips pressed against his forehead and she leaned back to take a seat in the small wooden chair beside the bed, her hand snaking over to the nightstand to pluck a book from the top of it.

"Daring Do approached the wicked looking creature, her eyes searching for sign of its intent, but it wasn't long before she realized that it just looked lonely..."

Comments ( 30 )

Huh, Sunny Flare reads Daring Do. I'm okay with this.

Didn't expect that turn at the end at all. It's got me quite curious about Sunny, I must say. The fact that she appears to be taking care of this person probably plays into why she was a little more sensitive to Twilight's situation.

Also, Sugercoat's and Sour Sweet's videos were hilarious.
"If you're not prepared to discover your true worth as a man, don't even think about asking me out."
Just... I can't. x'D

I think my OC wants to respond to Indigo's video! Solid Story, you're doing the Shadowbolts justice!!

No sooner did she speak than a thunderous crash echoed from the next room, followed by Sour Sweet's voice screaming "%^$# this place!"

Sugarcoat folded her arms with a subdued smile. "I'm satisfied now."

So am I Sugarcoat, so am I.

"And that's my cue..." Sunny Flare rushed toward the next room to calm her rampaging friend.

"Well, I'll see you girls tomorrow. Make sure you take your medicine tonight, Sour Sweet. You'll feel better."

I love it when Sunny takes care of Sour when she goes rampaging.


Twilight Sparkle is 18. There's no prison issue there. There's a host of moral and social issues to deal with, but no legal ones.

Sunny team mom.

And with a secret apparently, a very sick family member I'd guess, a brother?

The girls are older than I'd have thought but I can live with that.

So there's more to Sunny than just life at CPA. She seems to have a little brother or sister who is very ill that she's taking care of. The movie left the canvasses so blank that they're wide open for filling out like this, and you're doing a great job. I wonder what the other 'Bolts are dealing with?

Oh, and Sour Sweet is on meds. Sounds about right. :raritywink:

Is it weird that I kind of want to go on a date with Sugarcoat now? :trixieshiftright:

Looking forward to more of this and maybe some LemonxVinyl.

"Hey Lemon Zest, did you seriously get Vinyl Scratch to let you come do this?"

"Um, yeah." Lemon replied. "I think her exact words were 'good luck, babe'."

Wait! Vinyl spoke? With real words?:pinkiegasp:


I've pictured them as a bit younger really 14-16, although I can't say I know much about the American schooling system to know how that age would map to their school.


I don't blame people for thinking they'e various ages, I just say 18 for a couple of reasons.

1: At the very least Flash Sentry and the 4 Motocross competitors have driver's licenses. Even if it's for a sport, it would be illegal for them to get behind the wheel without them, and one must be 18 for that (In America at least).

2: Quite simply, if I ever do decide to address sexuality, I'd like to be able to do so without having to censor myself or tapdance around site rules.

3: The pony versions of everybody are clearly legal adults, I see no reason for the humans not to follow suit.


I can certainly agree with all of those reasons, even if my own personal perceptions don't quite match.

The only story issues I can see is that they would be leaving school and going their own ways in, well, less than a year. Still a bit of timeline shuffling can fit any number of stories in that period. And them thinking about where they're going and what they're futures hold could be a story by itself and is brushed upon here.


Cartoon laws of relative time state that it doesn't matter how much time "is left", you have as much time as you need to tell as many stories as you feel like telling. Even if that means having the same holiday repeat over and over.

I never realised how good of a ship lemon zest x vinyl scratch is! can't wait for the next story in this series.:twilightsmile:

"I'm Lemon Zest! I'm [an] Aquarius, I also love music, dancing, and puppies!

Lemon Zest and I are like the same person. :yay:

Strange that Sugarcoat's video sounds the most interesting to me as a person. Not because of any romantic intents, but rather it would be like running the gauntlet. To prove your worth as a man!

Indigo Zap-

"I think we have a better chance of getting landed on by an X-Wing."

Me-Blink for several minutes........and Indigo is new waifu

6643789 In some states in AMerica the legal driving age is 16.


You can get a Learner's Permit at 16 in every state, but you can't drive alone with a real license until 18.

6681934 You can get a restricted license in some states, foe example : South Dakota - Restricted Minor's Permit - To obtain a Restricted Minor's Permit, you must be at least 14 years of age and pass the vision, knowledge, and driving test, complete the requirements of the Instruction Permit, and have not been convicted of a traffic violation during the past six months prior to obtaining the Restricted Minor's Permit. You must show all documents that were required for the Instruction Permit. An individual up to age 18 years of age may hold a Restricted Minor's Permit. The permit is valid for 5 years.

Restrictions: Entitles the holder, while having the permit in his immediate physical possession, to operate a motor vehicle during the hours of 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. if the motor vehicle is being operated with the permission of the minor's parent or legal guardian; and during the hours of 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. if the minor's parent or legal guardian is occupying a seat beside the driver. Upon turning 18 years of age, the permit converts to Operator's

The laws used to be more lenient. In California we used to be able to have a full license at 16. Too many accidents and under age drinking and driving ruined all that. Oh well, you guys are younger then me so you lose out, lol.

"Oh, do they? Well maybe I'm not going to jump through their hoops like a little monkey!" She jumped to her feet, glaring at the camera. "You wanna know me? Hit me up and I'll get you real well acquainted with me! If you're not the spineless wimp I think you are! You jerk! Making me sit here and audition for you! I hate you!" She whirled to march away from the chair and marched out the door.

OK, this is why Braeburn would probably never consider going out with you, toots.

Sunny Flare cast a quick glance as Twilight Sparkle in front of the locker next door, who was looking over her shoulder at Lemon Zest. There was a trace of sadness in her eyes as she watched the look on Lemon's face. The look of a girl undoubtedly in love.
"Looks pretty nice, doesn't it?" Sunny Flare asked softly.
"She looks so happy." Twilight turned back toward her locker.

At first I misread this, so I thought Sunny had an unrequited crush on Lemon

EDIT: I got to the end there, and holy crap.
This definitely goes a long way toward explaining your take on Sunny Flare. I love it!

I will never get tired of the "cat herding" metaphor.

"I just don't want to be groped from behind."

There was silence for several moments before Indigo finally asked the question. "Why would one of us do that?"

"To compare size," Twilight replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. The silence reigned again, this time broken by Sugarcoat.

"Twilight. I'm saying this with love. Stop watching anime."


Also, this spa treatment must be costing them at least seven hundred bucks each. :twilightoops:

I'm looking for a cool chick with a hot butt.

So...an Arctic hen sitting in a campfire?

"My name is Sugarcoat. I'm eighteen, and if you go on a date with me, it might be the worst experience of your life. I will watch you, I will judge you, and I will let you know if you don't meet my expectations. If you're not prepared to discover your true worth as a man, don't even think about asking me out."

And this is why Sugarcoat is best Shadowbolt.

That ending came as a surprise and was sad. :fluttershysad:

I haven't read too much of your SA, but Sunny Flare seems to be the most protagoniest protagonist of this fic, an irony since she seemed the least important Shadowbolt in the film thanks to her lack of lines and distinctive mannerisms, though I guess that makes her good for the straight (wo)man. That depressing ending though, wow.

Twilight's line about being groped and Sugarcoat's line after that was probably the best part of this chapter :rainbowlaugh:

"Twilight. I'm saying this with love. Stop watching anime."

Sugarcoat, you just spoke heresy. :ajbemused:

Overall, however, nice story!

Plot twist ending yeahhhh!

"To compare size," Twilight replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. The silence reigned again, this time broken by Sugarcoat.

Please don't tell me it's on the different sizes of their breasts. :ajbemused:

Next up was a massage from a small gang of masseuses. Sunny could feel her already loose muscles being kneaded underneath her skin, spread and relaxed to a degree she wasn't sure she had ever felt in her life. She'd never considered herself the kind of girl to make frequent spa trips, but if they were able to accomplish this every time, she may just consider making a habit of it. But then, that really did depend on what the bill came out to. If she tensed up again right after she finished, then the massages were meaningless.

Rarity would definitely approve of that. :ajsmug:

"Oh, do they? Well maybe I'm not going to jump through their hoops like a little monkey !" She jumped to her feet, glaring at the camera. " You wanna know me? Hit me up and I'll get you real well acquainted with me! If you're not the spineless wimp I think you are! You jerk! Making me sit here and audition for you! I hate you !" She whirled to march away from the chair and marched out the door.

Should of expected this would happen. :facehoof:

"My name is Sugarcoat. I'm eighteen, and if you go on a date with me, it might be the worst experience of your life. I will watch you, I will judge you, and I will let you know if you don't meet my expectations. If you're not prepared to discover your true worth as a man, don't even think about asking me out."

If I saw that video myself, I'd not want to date her. 😒

Twilight took several deep breaths before speaking in a somewhat quiet, but firm tone. "My name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm eighteen, and currently a high-school student... and while I haven't chosen a college major yet, I've been told my academic scores are such that I should be able to find something relatively easily... I just haven't found what really drives me yet, you know? And while I guess there are some obvious choices I could make... I'm just rambling, aren't I?"

Yep. 😑

"Oh come on, I was just rambling..."

It was still perfect. 😊

No sooner did she speak than a thunderous crash echoed from the next room, followed by Sour Sweet's voice screaming " %^$# this place !"

I'm not even gonna question what just happened. 🙄

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