• Published 8th Nov 2015
  • 857 Views, 18 Comments

Marks Of Babylon - Phoxjes Rome

My name is Phoxjes Rome. I am a Mark of Babylon, and this is my story. My world... THIS world... Equestria, has fallen into disaster. One pony has destroyed everything, and hurt the ones I care for, so now I will reflect that pain onto her. Twilight.

  • ...

The Proposal

Marks of Babylon

Chp. 12

The Proposal.

"I'm so glad you and your friends decided to accept this Twilight. Soon you'll all be seeing something truly life changing for all." Xandra said to her as the five girls all walked casually towards Canterlot castle.

"And what, pray tell, would that be?" Twilight asked her in return. So far they were halfway through the walk to where Xandra said that they would be meeting Spike. The problem was, that the place they were heading for was Canterlot's throne room.

"That's not my secret to share. I apologize, but you'll have to wait." Xandra told them as she didn't even look back, and continued to walk through the main street of Canterlot.

It was then that she felt her sleeve on her fore leg being grabbed by somepony. She looked back to see that Rainbow Dash had grabbed her, and lifted her off of her fore hooves as she grabbed the other leg. She then pinned her against the wall of the nearest building, and talked to her face to face.

"Listen up, Beswick." Rainbow snarled to her face. "We've waited long enough for this to be over, just so you and the other losers from underground can try and get even with us. Now tell us what's happening, give us back our friends, and get lost."

"Let go of me, please." Xandra simply told her as she looked her in the eye.

"Rainbow..." Fluttershy whispered.

"Let go." She firmly said as Rainbow refused to comply. When she was still held there, her horn began to light up.

"OK, OK fine, go." Rainbow ordered as she let go. After seeing what happened last time when Xandra used her magic, she really didn't want to risk calling a bluff.

"Good." Xandra got back on all four hooves, swept the dust off her clothes and started to walk back in the right direction, before stopping about four steps later. "However, you just referred to my Babylonian residents using an insult."

"Yeah, so what if I did?" Rainbow Dash asked her, while still in the air.

"I will not let you speak to me like that." Xandra replied as her horn lit up and, very quickly, as did Rainbow's flank. The others saw this as well and wondered what she was doing.

"Hey! What're you doing?!" Dash demanded to know. Her question was somewhat answered as her Cutie mark began to illuminate. The mark then appeared to become extremely thin as it traveled through her body. It stopped at her front, as it slowly waited for the rest of it to catch up.

Once it all gathered in one spot, a glowing blue and rainbow sphere of light escaped her body. Wondering what that was, she looked back at her flank.

"Hey, my Cutie mark!" She gasped as she saw that it had disappeared from her body. She then looked back at the sphere, realizing that it was indeed her cutie mark.

"This probably looks familiar to you, Twilight." Xandra said to her, and she knew that she was right.

"How are you..." Twilight pondered in curiosity.

The sphere moved over to Fluttershy, and as it touched her, the same transition happened, as her Cutie mark was then extracted from her as well.

"Ahh!" Fluttershy then squealed as she saw what just happened. The sphere then traveled across her body and eventually reached her flank. Another sphere was extracted from her body, and traveled towards Rainbow. This one was yellow and pink, and connected with her, travelling to her flank.

"What did you just do to us!?" Rainbow asked the mare.

"I simply swapped your Destiny Signatures, therefore also your special talents."

"What!?!" Twilight exclaimed, as she analysed the two of them. Sure enough, she was right: Their Cutie Marks were indeed swapped.

"That's not possible. It took Starswirl the Bearded almost a lifetime to invent that spell, how did you do it so quickly?" Twilight asked her, more fascinated than annoyed.

"I learnt this spell about 900 years ago. I believe it was called The Talent Trade spell, and it's proven to be more useful than I initially thought, as you can clearly see."

"That's impressive. You'll have to teach me sometime." Twilight said to her as she then moved to see Fluttershy's new mark. "But can you change them back?"

"Maybe later." Xandra said so casually, as if a kid just asked her for an ice-cream. The five of them then proceeded to walk towards the castle, just now approaching the staircase.

"So Spike, Rarity and Pinkie're just right up there?" Applejack asked the Babylonian.

"As far as I'm aware, yes." She replied to the farm girl.

"Wait, hold on." Twilight interrupted. "What do you mean 'As far as I'm aware'? Did they not tell you?"

"They did, but for all I know, events can play out entirely different from what we've been told. You should have experience with that just as much as we do."

"Well, true enough, I guess." Fluttershy interjected.

"But our friends always share everything with each other, and almost never go astray." Twilight told her.

"Yes, but that's mostly because you have better upbringings than us."

"What do ya mean?" Asked Applejack.

"Applejack, you and your family have always been respecting for each other, and you had your family's farm even before you were born, so you were naturally prepared for your future. Roranxoa ran away from his home at the age of 10, after stealing his parent's money of course. This was mostly because his parents were violent and ignorant, so he set off to find his own place to stay. Being unsuccessful for the first week, he came across a pack of stray dogs. Knowing that he could relate to these animals in terms of home, he decided to stay with them. Eventually, they become like family, he got his Destiny Signature, and realized his further destiny was to become a Mark."

"Must of been pretty rough, growing up like that." Applejack replied, now looking at the ground after hearing that story. The other three were no exception to sympathy. Twilight especially, because Celestia had already told her this once before.

"Yes, I should imagine so." Xandra then started to walk to her. "Ironic really; you got your Signature because you returned to your family, and he got his because he abandoned his."

"Abusive parents... That'd been unbearable." Rainbow Dash added.

"Still, some may prefer to have abusive ones, as opposed to none at all." Xandra continued.

"You're talking about Illiux, aren't you? About his adoption, and his heritage." Twilight replied, as they continued walking.

"Being raised in an orphanage for 8 years, with only his sister to help him, he learnt the hard way that there are very little ponies in the world that you can rely on, apart from yourself."

"Hold on, Illiux is adopted, and has a sister?!" Rainbow asked again.

"'Had', not 'has'." Xandra corrected. "Illiux HAD a sister, but she's tragically no longer with us. For now."

'For now'? Twilight thought as she continued to climb up the stairs to the castle.

"Now, I'm sure that Twilight has told you about Caxpe, and his backstory. Roranxoa had parents, but no proper upbringing. Illiux had no parents, but a good upbringing. Caxpe had neither of those. You see- Oh, here we are." Xandra stopped herself, noticing that they were at the top of the stairs.

"Good. Finally." Twilight exclaimed, as she rushed herself into the castle, if only to see her friends again. The other three then followed, leaving Xandra on her own.

"Well, no need to rush." She said to herself, straightening her glasses, and walking slowly after them.


"Please?" Pinkie asked, for what seemed like the 278th time to the same pony.

"For de last time, baby, no!" A male Jamaican pony answered her again. This one was dark brown and had a black slick pompadour mane. He also wore a red t-shirt and brown baggy jeans, which complimented perfectly with his black leather jacket.

"Please?" Pinkie asked again, now making it 279.

"Ask mi dat again..." The pony reached behind his chair, in front of the doors to the throne room, and pulled something out. "And I'll be cleanin' yo brains off dis in about 10 minutes."

It was a sledgehammer. A big one, at that. In fact, the head of the hammer was just bigger than his whole head, and he seemed to be about 4 years older than Pinkie and her friends.

"Whoa! Okay, I get your point!" Pinkie replied, as he put it down next to him. She still wanted to see what was right on the other side of the doors behind him. "But just onnnnnne question..."

"What?" He asked, clearly irritated. "If it's to ask 'bout the door, you're dead."

"When do I get my special talent back?"

"Xervint's in dere, about to ask a certain girl a certain question. If she says "yes", you can have it back. 'til den, your under dis guy's watch." He finished, pointing at himself.

"And hopefully, she WILL say yes." A voice came from behind Pinkie, causing them both to look behind her.

Xandra was now right behind her. She began to walk forwards, with her eyes closed calmly and her gentle breathing surrounding the now quiet room.

"Thank you Stonefort, but I'll take over from here. You should get back to your post in the throne room." Xandra ordered the stallion in front of her.

"You got it, miss B." The Jamaican said, before turning around and exiting through the door.

"Hey, you're that girl from the train, aren't cha?" Pinkie asked her, now recognizing her face. Xandra simply nodded, and her horn lit up.

Pinkie then heard a loud banging noise behind her. She turned around, and saw that one of the oversized doors had been slammed shut, leaving the other one slightly open.

"Hey!" Pinkie yelled as she rushed for the doors, now that the Jamaican pony was gone.

"Too late." Xandra told her, as the other door closed as well, leaving Pinkie to hit her face into the door. When she got off to rub her face, Xandra the continued to use her magic on both the doors, making them glow in her blue horn aura. The doors then had a massive lock shape in the center of them, before the aura had disappeared altogether.

"No!" Pinkie shouted as she tried to go for the door handles. When she touched the door, she had a magical, yet electrical zap jolt through her entire body, causing her mane to become more frizzy than usual.

"Small advice: don't touch anything that I've used magic on; you'll end up getting hurt." Xandra said, looking at Pinkie's damage.

"Now you tell me..." Pinkie whispered in return.

"PINKIE!" Four voices came from the hallway. Pinkie knew those voices all too well, and her hopes were somewhat restored.

"Girls!" Pinkie rushed over to where the voices came from. When she arrived, she banged heads with a Pegasus moving at an incredible speed.

"Owie..." Pinkie said, as she got back up, again rubbing her head. "Rainbow Dash! Boy, am I glad to see you. You've got to come see-"

"Um, Pinkie?" A timid soft-spoken voice came from the Pegasus. Pinkie turned around to see the girl she was speaking to was not the one she had in mind.

"Fluttershy?! But how did-"

"We'll explain later, Pinkie." Twilight said loudly, as she and the other two caught up to them. "Right now we need to warn you: Xandra's on her way up here, and she-"

"I'm already here, Twilight." Xandra said from behind Pinkie, as the five of them saw that she was walking up to them.

"What!? How!?" Twilight exclaimed, with her jaw hitting the floor.

"Three reasons: 1, Although a lady stereotypically isn't one to admit their way, I'm way older than you all combined, so my powers are advanced in ways that might seem impossible to you. 2, When you teleport, Twilight, you have to be able to see where you reappear. I don't, I just have to know where. 3, I was a major role in the creation of Va- Pardon me, Discord, and his magic was modeled after my own."

"Enough; stop toying with us! Why are we here?! And where are Spike and Rarity?!" Twilight demanded to know.

"Where's mah brother?!" Applejack asked in addition.

"Give me my talent back!" Pinkie Yelled to her too.

"Put our Cutie marks back." Fluttershy whimpered.

"And hand over Scootaloo!" Rainbow snarled.

Seeing the five of them team up against her from their friendship, Xandra scoffed.

"Patience, ladies. In time, you'll all have what you want back. Well, four of you anyway." She looked at Twilight.

"If you're talking about Spike..." Twilight threatened.

"His name is Skixep now, Twilight. And yes, I am; You're never having him back. That's not even being said as a cliché line either, it's a fact."

"You're not taking him from me forever!"

"Why not; you and your friends did the same thing to me." Xandra turned around.

"Wh-what?" Twilight and the other four looked puzzled.

"I said you turned- nay, FORCED my friend to your side, so I need to do the same thing to you. Difference is, Skixep has his family with him now."

"What're you talking about?!" Rainbow interrupted, causing the girls to look at her. "Spike doesn't have a family!"

"Oh, you're quite wrong about that." Xandra told her. "Xervint, Auxron, and Expherient. All three of them lost there youngest unhatched sibling from a war years ago, and have been looking for him since. I ran a DNA test with some of my colleagues. and it turned out to be a genuine match."

"Oh..." Four of them said unison, save for Twilight who already knew that. "Wait, what about his parents?"

"His mother has yet to hear the news that her baby has been found, and therefore has yet to return. His father is..." Xandra hesitated.

"What? His father is what?"

"Well, Pinkie, that young stallion who you just saw before I arrived?"

"The one with the sledgehammer? Yeah, what about him?" Pinkie asked, not noticing the other's look of fear at the word 'sledgehammer'.

"His name was Stonefort Wreckage. Stone is the second in command of Caxpe's faction of Babylon, the Greasers. The mostly spend their time either smoking cigarettes at the motorhome site, by the shops, whether it be for candy and soda, or their bikes, or out on the streets, starting a riot somewhere."

"What other factions have you got down there?" Pinkie asked, looking at the ground. If she still had her special talent, she would have slammed her head into the ground like an ostrich.

"Roranxoa's faction is P.B.F. (Pony's Best friend), Illiux's faction is Preppy, Caxpe's faction is Greaser, mine is Ingenium, Calsuricxs' faction is Skylord, Phoxjes' faction is Goth and Xervint Auxron and Expherient all have a faction of dragons each: Factions 1,2 and 3. Each one has a second in command, appointed by us personally."

"What's your point?" Rainbow asked in slight boredom.

"My point is, that like yourself, we all have a figure in command, similar to Celestia. Difference is, no one would even dare to DREAM about going head to head with our leader."

Twilight was ready to attack, before she backed herself up. Instead, she just asked "So Spike's dad is the S.I.C. to this leader?"

"Skixep, and yes. Needless to say, he's busy all of the time, so he also has yet to meet his son. In fact, Xervint, Auxron and Expherient are rarely seen with their old man. Look behind you."

"Just because he has a higher authority than all but one member of Babylon doesn't mean he can't find some time to find with his family."

"Look behind you."

"Either way, being with his family or not, I want-"

"Look behind you."

"-To see Spike again, even if you force him to try to destroy us."

"Look behind you." Xandra said for a forth time.

"WHAT!?" Twilight shouted, turning around, then quickly bringing her hoof to her mouth, gasping.

"Firstly Twilight, yeah, it kinda does..." Spike told her, now that she was looking at him.

"Spike..." She said quietly.

"Second, you should be careful what you wish for." He finished. The girls noticed that he was still wearing the clothing he had on from last time, but more importantly, he was holding someone in his claws.

"RARITY!!" The girls all shouted in unison, seeing the unconscious, beaten up unicorn in the dragons hands.

"Could you take her off me yet? She's a lot heavier than she looks."

The five girls rushed over to them, wanting to get the two of them separated. Twilight used her magic to take her out of his hands.

"Rarity, what happened?!" Applejack exclaimed, getting only faint moaning in reply.

"Allow me." Xandra answered for her. "We originally borrowed her so she would make a slight modification to something Xervint needs, but then we figured that we'd give her some alone time with your former friend. However-" Xandra stopped herself at the sound of celebration balloons going off from the doors.

This got their attention, and Xandra immediately unlocked the doors with her magic.

Once she did, the doors opened from the other side, and Checkmate reared his head from inside.

"We're ready." Was all he said.


"Okay girls, before you go in, bear in mind that not only are all nine faction leaders in there, but you're about to see something that will change life as we know it. Got that?" Spike asked them.

"Got it. Now let us in." Twilight demanded from him.

Spike complied, and opened both the doors at the same time, using his newly found strength.

The elements expected the place to be completely clear, thinking that Xervint was there to, as Xandra said, make a proposal to Celestia about this war.

Not... this.

"Wh-wha... What is- Wha- how- were did-" The girls were all in complete shock, seeing what had happened to the throne room.

Before they could say or do anything else, they all saw a faint light glowing in the corner of their eyes, so they turned to see what it was.

However, once they turned their heads, the six of them were hit with a beam of Xandra's magic. This time though, they noticed that the beam had been refracted through one of Illiux's illusion panels, who was standing right there next to her.

When the light faded, the girls were all unharmed. However, they noticed that they had a warm feeling around their bodies. Looking at each other, then at themselves, they quickly found that they were all wearing Kimonos.

"Why are we wearing these outfit all of a sudden? And what did you do to the room?" Twilight asked the Babylonians. Their kimonos all matched their coat and mane colours.

The room was almost completely golden, with statues of Chinese ponies, and even dragons surrounding the walls. Red and green carpets with Chinese markings were laid across the floor, stretching from the entrance to the throne. Tables with white cloth had been placed up all around the room, and all of them were completely stacked with food, nearly overflowing at the top. There must have been about 60-70 tables of food in the room. In addition, crystal glass chandeliers had been hung by some pegasi on a temporary ceiling. Giant Chinese banners had also been hung on the walls, all with different markings and symbols. Even Discord's statue had been transported from the gardens to this room, right in front of the throne. Finally, above the throne on the other side of the room was another banner, but this one was the biggest of them all. It had the Mark of Babylon on it, representing the Marks them selves, who were all here in the room as well.

In addition to the Marks, the room was nearly cram packed with ponies and even a few dogs that none of the mane six recognised. However, given the way that they were dress, it was fair to say that they were all Babylonians as well.

"I thought Xandra already told you." Spike answered her. "Xervint's about to ask a certain lady a question that could change all of our lives forever, and we want you to witness it."

"I know that, but I don't see Celestia anywhere."

"What's with the Chinese decorations? Are you guys having a party or something?" Pinkie asked.

"It's not for Celestia, and you'll find out right about-"

"Twily!" A voice shouted from her left. Twilight knew that voice and that name all too well.

"Shiny!" She shouted back, turning her head. She was right, it was Shining Armor, Cadence and Flurry, also in the traditional outfits.

Twilight ran over to him, and they both locked hooves in a warm embracing hug.

"BBBFF, Why are you here as well?" Twilight asked the stallion.

"Well, it all started this morning. We heard that a dragon was intruding the crystal empire, so me and every guard in the castle went to go pursue her, but we had no luck. That is until she went on the offensive on a few of us, who are still in recovery." Shining told her, breaking the hug, allowing the other five to catch up.

"Before they found her, she wrangled her way into the bedroom, without us noticing at first. Turns out she can turn invisible, simply by smiling." Cadence replied.

"Is she dangerous? I'll take her on, no problem." Rainbow told the couple.

"No offensive, Dash, but last week you proved you can't even beat a colt at a race in flying, let alone taking on an assassin." A voice came from right next to the girls.

The ponies then turned to see him, now realizing that Xervint and his brothers were there. He and his family were also wearing the Chinese clothes.

"You guys are here as well?" Rainbow asked the dragons.

"RD, I'm hosting this entire thing, of course I'm gonna be here." Xervint replied.

"So then can you clarify exactly WHAT this thing is?!" Twilight demanded, still not being on the same page as them.

"If you haven't caught on yet, then firstly, you're stupid, and sceondly-" Xervint stopped himself, as he ducked down a bit, as the other girls noticed Pinkie trying to jump him from behind.

"No!" Pinkie yelled, as she missed, and was now right above his head. Knowing that she was trying to get her special talent back, Xervint reacting quickly as he grabbed her sleeve and threw her across the room.

She crashed into a table on the floor, and caused some sort of pudding to fall on her head. As she got the bowl off her head, she was approached by a small pack of dogs, who pounced on her and began to lick her clean.

"Boys, get off o' her." A cowboy told the dogs as they seemed to obey. Just as Pinkie was getting up, she felt something being poured on her. She picked one up and looked in annoyance at what it was: dog food.

Pinkie then looked up at the pony, and stared in even more annoyance at WHO it was: Roranxoa.

"Carry on." He said with a smirk. The dogs resumed their munching, as Pinkie struggled to get up. Roranxoa, Caxpe and their packs/greasers laughed at her.

Every pony suddenly stopped at the sound of the speed of light being shattered. Everyone looked at the window, and the young stallion flying through it. Calsuricxs flew into the room, and stood next to Xervint on the other side.

"Right everypony, Xiaoshi's coming! Clear the way for her arrival." The Italian colt announced to everypony. Upon hearing this, literally everyone in the room grabbed anything in the way, and moved it and themselves to one side.

"Already?!" Xervint exclaimed, his face turning from a smile to shock at the news. "She's not suppose to arrival for another 1/2 hour."

"Who?" Rarity asked him, looking around along with the other girls.

"His girlfriend, of course. Lady Xiāoshī, leading assassin and second in command of Xervint's dragon sector of Babylon." Spike told the girls.

"Could she be the one who entered the Crystal Empire?" Twilight pondered. As she was wondering, the sound of thin metal clanging lightly on stain glass caught the attention of everypony. More specifically, the clanging came from the stain glass window that showed Twilight and her friends using their elements on Discord.

Within seconds, the sound stopped briefly, and the a horrific noise of steel scratching on glass spread through out the room. Luckily, the noise was only heard twice, and now an obvious figure of a dragon could be made out from the three crosses in the window, clearly made by what looked like razor blades.

Despite what the dragon had just done to the glass, it was amazing to see that the glass had actually stayed in tact everywhere else, especially if said glass was stain glass, which this one was. But this only lasted for about 4 seconds, before the figure moved in attack formation and shattered the window almost entirely.

When she entered, everypony got up off the floor from the sound, and stood up straight to look at her. Unfortunately for Twilight and her family, it was indeed the same dragon from before. Same outfit, hair, scales and weapons. Not that Twilight knew that, of course.

"That's her, the intruder from before." Shining whispered to his sibling

"All yours, big bro." Spike whispered to his.

After opening her eyes, the dragon was about to take a step forwards and wonder why she was called into the room, and more specifically, why Phoxjes asked her to break that exact window when she did. However, she stopped herself even before she moved her foot all the way. The dragon took her time examining the room around, and getting a familiar feeling.

It felt like an eternity, but the silence was finally broken in the room with the sound of footsteps approaching the centre of the room. Every one looked to see Xervint walking towards her slowly, with a look on his face clearly showing how nervous he is.

Without changing her facial expression at first, she looked at who it was that decided to approach her. Knowing that her boyfriend was the only being in the world brave enough to talk to her in a room alone, then it seemed hardly surprising to anyone that he would do something like this.

The dragon smiled her trademark smile, causing her to become invisible again. Just like before, only her squinty eyes and razor sharp teeth were visible to everyone other than herself. Her swift movements caught nearly everyone off guard as she began to pounce about the room, on to several walls, tables and everywhere on the floor, until the teeth and eyes were right in front of Xervint.

Looking at each other in the eyes, they both knew that they were here for a reason. Difference was, Xervint knew what it was, whereas she had no clue. The smile began to fade, along with her invisibility until she was visible to every pony in the room.

With a sigh, he placed his claw on her check and began.

"Xiāoshī. For the past 450 years, you've made me live a fulfilling life. And by fulfilling, I mean you've put me in more danger than that time I let Lord Tirek borrow my powers, and my chainsaw." Ponies in the room laughed, whereas she just stared at him, with a slight smile.

"In that time, I've learnt a lot from you and your culture. What it means to try, how far is too far and what happens if anypony gets on your bad side. All my life, I've wanted to find that someone who helped me feel that I need a reason to keep trying in life, and that I need someone to love. I see now that someone... is me." More laughter. Even Xiāoshī cracked a smile for a second.

"But if anyone comes close, then yeah it's probably you." Xervint commented still. It was obvious that he was getting less nervous about the whole thing.

Twilight and her friends were now starting to catch on with what was happening.

"Now, needless to say, we've had some perfect moments in our home we proudly call Babylon. A prime example being when my mother and father managed to make contact with the Marbidrons of the 8th dimension parallel to this one, and I was given the honour of delivering the speech for peace. Though I still don't understand why I wasn't allowed to use the one I wrote." Even more laughter erupted from the audience.

"I think Xandra knows what I mean." He pointed, to which she replied: "Xervint, your opening line was "What up, dudes and babes? Sick scales alive here, ready to talk to you about myself.", So I had to."

Everyone turned back to the dragons.

"Still, You're the reason I carry on with what I do in life, because you mean too much to me. After all, you light up my life like nobody else, the way you flip you braids gets me-" Everypony kept laughing the more he continued. Xiāoshī placed her claw on her head and shook. As she was putting it down, she felt something gently grab her. She looked to see that it was Xervint, holding her claw with both of his.

"Anyway, I've had a lot of sad moments in my life that I've had to endure. I've had to slaughter my own pets for their own benefits, I've been expelled from school, seeing Brownman leave the Achievement Hunters, and I've even lost my baby brother for eight years." Xervint looked back at Spike, who then winked back at him.

"But, easily the most miserable moment of my life is right now..." Xervint got down on one knee. "Knowing that you're not my bride."

Upon hearing this, her eyes widened and she covered her mouth, knowing exactly what was coming up next. Twilight and the other elements weren't exactly oblivious to this either, seeing all the signs earlier. The girls had different reactions, including either covering their mouths at the news, tilting their heads in confusion, or placing their hooves on their hearts and "d'aaaawww"ing.

"Xiāoshī, my leading lady, my loyal S.I.C., my treasure from the caves, the lotus in my garden, my beat for my wingbeat and Chinese beauty, will you marry me?"

Xervint, for the first time since he could remember, felt a genuine feeling of nervousness spreading across his body. sweat starting appearing on his head, his wings starting to flutter quietly as Xiāoshī was staring at the ring he just pulled out. The very same ring that he had forced Rarity to modify earlier in the day.

Knowing and/or seeing everything that he and the other Babylonians had done for her, just for this one moment, really touched her heart that she rarely used. Without even having to look, she knew that all eyes were on her right now. However, being an assassin, she wasn't used to having the spotlight shining over her. luckily for her, she was blessed with her unique ability to vanish upon showing happiness.

This time, however, was a very rare occasion, as she actually did feel genuine happiness.

There wasn't much left to say or do right now, except for the obvious: give him an answer. Seeing those teeth open, everypony drew in closer; for the first time in their lives, Xiāoshī was going to reveal her voice to someone other than Xervint.


Comments ( 1 )


It is far from perfect, or even completion. I appreciate your input and respect your opinion.

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