• Published 2nd Nov 2015
  • 954 Views, 57 Comments

Tears of Gems - Mesiagamer

After 2 years of working on his own he come back to Caterlot high. Now to deal with high school life again after 2 years of academic isolation can a few younger students remind him the magic of friendship.

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Homecoming (Day one part one)

On a Monday morning a 17-Year-old student wearing a gray hood with a weird circle design on it a black pair of jeans with blue shoes. He had black shoulder length hair that if just to let rest would completely cover his face but he holds back behind his ear. His skin is that of a Crimson Red. He’s wearing a black backpack with the alchemical symbol of fire on the buckle. He was sitting in the back seat of his parent’s car obviously not happy about where he was. “I don’t get why I have to go to “Canterlot High…” His voice was rather quiet and showed a sort of forced maturity. “… The level of intellect required to enter is almost as low as that of Everfree High.”

A Quite pretty woman with Purple almost black skin and long white hair speaks up first sitting in the passenger’s Seat of the car. “Now Alchemy do not say such things when you know for a fact that Academics isn’t the only thing that matters.” She was wearing a light purple pants suit as her outfit.

“Mom doesn’t give me that I’m not…” He said when she finished though he was interrupted by a man in the driver’s seat. He had bright yellow Skin with Black hair cut down to a near buzz cut wearing a gray business suit.

“Now Alchemy Star this kind of attitude is exactly the reason why we pulled you out of the independent study program and enrolled you in Canterlot High.” They park in front of the school seeing the destroyed statue but he continues. “Just please don’t repeat what you did last time…”

“Bye Dad by Mom.” He said simply opening the door getting ready to leave.

“Alchemy.” His mother said bluntly causing him to stop, she then kisses his cheek. “Lighten up a bit today.”

He simply nods and walks inside to the school. As he was walking in he just went right past a few students in the hall, the girl with what looked to have purple skin and blue hair with multiple stripes going through. She was wearing her hair in a ponytail holding it in a star-shaped clip. Wearing black-framed glasses and looked to be wearing a Sort of modified and personalized version of the Crystal prep uniform. The Guy was wearing a black unzipped hoodie with a black undershirt with the Japanese character for 'wolf' on it along with dark green pants accustomed to a chain on the side and black strap boots. He had yellow Eyes, Black spiky hair, and Gray Skin.

He heard the students call him but he ignored them not wanting to be late to class that is the one with the spiky head grabbed his arm. “Hey, why are you just walking don’t you want a tour?”

Taking a deep breath, he turned to the two with a small smile. Once he did the blue haired girl spook up immediately recognizing him shocked “Al?”

Alchemy himself was just as shocked and speaks up as well. “Twily?”

This caused the guy with the spiky hair to speak up. “You two know each other?” He asked confused.

The girl speaks up. “Oh right silly me Zero this is…”

“I’m no one Twilight, I should get to class.” He pulls away from Zero’s Grip and turns ready to go when he speaks up seeing the symbol on Al’s arm.

“Hay is that from Fullmetal Alchemist?” He asked curiously.

He only gave a small nod when he spoke Turned away from them. "Ya."

"Finally, another Anime fan around here nice to meet you, my name’s Zero Gravity." He said this holding out his hand for a handshake walking around to stand face to face with him

“I have to go I’ll see you both in class.” He walks away from both of them walking around Zero not giving him the time of day.

Zero shakes his head a small bit. “Weren’t we meant to show him around Twilly… Twilly?” He asked turning to face her seeing her mostly out of it. With this, he snaps his fingers to wake her up. “Twilight come on snap out of it.”

Twilight shakes her head snapping out of it. “Oh um sorry Zero… we should get to class…”

“Twilight who was he?” he asked slightly concerned

She looks down before speaking. “An old friend…” She starts walking to class silently thinking with Zero slowly walking behind her.

Right as Alchemy walks in his first class the bell rings and he just sits at a desk slightly annoyed. Then a teacher with a purple pants suit came up to the front and most of the students groaned around her. To him, this was a sign this was a no-nonsense teacher the kind of teacher he likes.

“Good day class as most of you already know I am Ms. Harshwhinny, but seeing as we have yet another new student in the class I think it's best that I introduce myself as this new student should as well.” She gave him a small stare indicating that it was time for him to introduce himself to the class. He didn’t stand up but just spoke. “Hello everyone my name is Alchemy Star and I look forward to graduating with most if not all of you.”

Ms. Harshwhinny gave him a small glare not sure what to make of him at the moment. “Is there anything else you like to say before we start class?”

“Just one thing that I’m not here to make friends I’m Just here to study so if you all don’t mind leaving me alone unless a group project is involved that would be great.” This actually shocked even the teacher when those words left his mouth but quickly regathered herself and began the lesson.

“Well with that out of the way let’s turn our books to page seven hundred and thirty-nine for some group reading today. The rest of you please follow along.” She pulls out a book and gets to work on making something to

The rest of the classes went along a similar vein with most of the students strangely, at least to him, shocked at his comments about not wanting to make friends with others at that school. A few even tested this and approached him between classes. He flat out brushed them off. When lunch rolled around instead of heading to the cafeteria he took his boxed lunch and started to make his way towards the roof. In the halls along the way a person with pink skin and puffy pink hair came out of nowhere, he didn’t bat an eye with her starting to babble on about something random as she followed him. After a while, he got sick of it and turned to her with a glare. “Will you just go away I have too much work to do even give you the time of day. I’ve had enough with everyone here trying to make friends with me! Now get going before I start screaming because I am not interested in being your friend and I don’t think I ever will be.” He said this in a slightly harsher tone than honestly he really meant to use. After what he said he started to walk away not realizing that the girl’s hair went completely limp behind him and took on a slightly darker tone of skin and hair.
He makes his way to the roof and found a nice place to sit near the edge of the roof and started to eat the peanut butter and jelly that he had made for himself smiling at the isolation. As he ate he heard something nearby something familiar to him that he’s only done by himself for the past couple of years.


He heard the crying was coming from nearby something tugged at him to go see, but why, he didn’t know. Not knowing what else to do he stood up leaving his lunch going around seeing what it was when he found the crying he saw a freshman girl there with pink skin, purple and white hair and wearing a gold and black colored outfit with a silver glitter skirt but most predominantly a tiara hair clip.

From what he saw he didn’t know what to say or exactly do. He looked over at the door thinking about what to do. During this, he was remembering something from one of his first days at Crystal prep. After thinking for a moment he looked back to his lunch with a small sigh and gathered it up. After making sure he got everything he walked back over to the crying girl and sat down next to her not arm’s length away from her before speaking up. “Hey, are you alright?”

She looked up shocked for a moment before turning to him before speaking up in a very hostile manner. “Go away! I’m fine!”
Alchemy didn’t flinch at the familiar sight and grabbed the half of the sandwich without the bite in it with a napkin and handed it over to her. “Here.”

The girl looked at the sandwich shocked and looked at him with a look that said. “What’s this?”

“It’s peanut butter and jelly on wheat bread. I’m guessing if you’re up here crying that you haven’t had lunch yet.”

She looked like she was about to remark against this but then her stomach made the choice for her when it gurgled. Reluctantly she grabbed the sandwich half and took a bite. As she was eating he grabbed the small chip bag in his lunch box and opened it and put it in between them before continuing to eat. They just sat there and ate for a little while before the girl spoke up looking at her half sandwich “Why are you here?”

Alchemy looked at her for a moment. “What context? Why am I on the roof or why am I sitting here?”

“Both.” She said simply

“The reason I’m on the roof was that I wanted to be alone for lunch.” He says back as he ate

She looked up at him questionably. “Then why are you sitting next to me if you wanted to be alone.”

“You were crying.”

The girl was dumbfounded at this and the questioning look never left her face. “That’s it?”

“That’s it.” He said now halfway done.

It was quiet for a moment before the girl spoke up again. “You some kind of pedophile or something.”

This sudden outburst caused the boy to swallow his current bite to fast causing him to cough violently before grabbing his water bottle and taking a big gulp out of it. All the while the girl was laughing. “NO.” he coughed again for a moment before speaking up. “I’m a new student here not one of those monsters.”

Her laughing subsided and she was smiling again. “You opened the door not my fault for wandering in.” her smile quickly faded when he saw the glare he was giving her and looked down sadly. Whispering to herself. “No wonder I lost my best friend.”
He picked up on this and looked at her with a look of sympathy. “You lost your best friend well no wonder you were crying. What happened?”

She gave him angry glare tears present in her eyes. “Like I’m going to tell a stranger my problem’s especially if he’s likely lower than me!” She curled up on her knees and started to cry again.

His only response to that was to say his name. “Alchemy Star.”

She heard this turned to him. “What?”

“My name it’s Alchemy Star. If you don’t want to talk that’s fine but I can provide an open ear for you that’s completely unbiased since I’m new here.” He took a bite out of his sandwich turning forward again.

The girl was pondering what he said for a moment before speaking up again. “Diamond Tiara. That’s my name just so you know.” She went back to eating her sandwich half again.

Alchemy Smiled before continuing. “Well it’s nice to meet you, Diamond Tiara and like I said I’m here to listen if you need it.” He went back to eating his sandwich and the two just continued to eat with both of them just grabbing chips out of the small bag and finishing off a small bag of grapes leaving both of them still hungry but with enough food in there bellies to continue the day. When the bell rang Alchemy cleaned up the mess they left before standing up. He looked back at the girl before talking. “I’m going to have to tell a teacher you’re up here. You know that right?”

The girl looked at him for a moment before she wiped away her tears. “I’ll be in my class on time just go.”

He just stood there for a moment before turning away when he was at the door he turned back to her one last time. “Like I said I’m here to listen if you need it.” As he was walking away he thought he picked up the words ‘thank you’ between the sobs but couldn’t tell. On his way down he stopped and put his hand on his for head wondering what the heck he just did. He told himself he wasn’t going to make friends here so why did he stop and help her. It didn’t help him and she wasn’t wrong they were total strangers so why… why did he help her? He shakes his head and went back to walking he couldn’t think about it right now. When he got back to the ground floor he walked over to the nearest trash can and threw away the garbage he had. After the garbage was gone he started to walk to the gym for his second to last class.

When he got to the locker room he changed into his provided CHS gym uniform consisting of a pair of purple shorts and a white T-shirt. He then walked out to the gym and saw everyone doing stretches getting ready for the class. Taking the opportunity he goes and hides a book on electrical engineering in the bleachers before picking a spot to stretch. After a short bit of stretching, he heard footsteps coming near him. When he looked up he saw a group of boys one of them with a look of fury. He raised his eyebrows confused. Before they got to him a girl with bright blue skin with a long ponytail walk in wearing a gym uniform obviously two sizes too small for her.

Almost instantly most of the other guys just passed out from seeing her the guys in front of him just covered their eyes so they saw nothing with a few glares from the other girls with some of the others shaking their head. He looked around and saw a violet-skinned girl with pigtails and an orange skinned girl with orange hair just as poofy as the pink girl’s hair he saw earlier, both of them laughing. With the orange one saying. “That never gets old.”

Alchemy sighed, shook his head, and used his bangs to cover his face to hide the blush that was forming on his face, he’s still a guy what did you expect, and went back to his stretching. Just then the coach came in and started to yell. “Alright, you maggots we…” He looked around the room and facepalmed. “Let Iron Will guess Sonata is in a uniform that’s too small again.” Everyone in the gym that was still awake nodded their heads and the coach sighed. “Sonata there’s a spare uniform in the office to get it and get changed, also you and your sisters have detention after school.” This caused all three of the girls to complain while everyone else still awake laughed at them. “THE REST OF YOU QUIET AND BACK TO YOUR STRETCHING BEFORE I HAND OUT MORE DETENTIONS!” this shut everyone up and got them back to stretching. As this was going on one thing was going through Alchemy’s head. “This is going to be one crazy school year.” He said to himself getting ready for class.

Comments ( 1 )

Two things:

One, you need a proof reader. This was hard to read.

Two, this isn't any different from the first draft. I hope you follow what I advised you to do.

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