• Published 24th Feb 2012
  • 7,310 Views, 361 Comments

Changing Worlds - AxleandWheel

The new ponies in town, the BLU team, have some adapting to do

  • ...

Fireworks, Part 1

“Happy 5th anniversary!” Pinkie screamed, a massive barrage of confetti knocking over the unsuspecting ponies. Pyro sprawled backwards, blowing a stray lock of yellow hair from her eyes

“Fifth anniversary?” Pyro got up, looking at the other victims of the technicolor assault: Derpy, Demoman, Spy, and Heavy. The group had only a few minutes prior been gathered by Derpy for a discussion at Rarity’s place. Derpy stood, a giggle coming from her necklace. “Seems like the surprise worked quite well,” She looked over at Pinkie and flashed a grin. “Just as you asked!”

Pyro sighed. “You sneaky dog, Pinkie, no fair. If you wanted me to party you could have just asked.” She stared up at Carousel Boutique, noting a surprising lack of decoration. The group walked inside, seeing the old crew all standing around the walls, varying amounts of confetti in their manes. Scout seemed to be attempting to lead a conversation with Miss Pauling, eliciting eye rolls from Twilight and Medic. Engineer, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Sniper sat against a wall discussing the recent wonky weather patterns with Rainbow Dash. Soldier was seemingly talking to himself until Angel revealed himself behind a rack of dresses. “Not the standard hangout though, going fancy this time?”

“Actually darling, you are,” Rarity called as she entered the room. “This is a large milestone in the relationship we’ve had with you all and I simply insist on getting to gussy everyone up.” Thread and fabric floated around her head like some sort of fashionable final boss, the gleam in her eyes making Pyro sweat a little.

“W-wait, I don’t think we need to-” She was silenced by a bolt of fabric wrapping around her midsection. Similar fabrics started running around the legs of everyone present. “A-aren’t we missing people? Trixie?”

“She and Starlight are out on a small mission right now, but they’re going to be back before the party,” Twilight answered, slightly nervously looking at Rarity. “Shouldn’t you maybe do this one at a time, Rarity? There’s a lot of us here for you to try to multitask like that.”

“I work quite well under pressure, Twilight.” She huffed.

“Is that why you’ve had to get a new fainting couch like six times last year?” Dash interjected, earning a snicker from Applejack and Scout. Miss Pauling used the opportunity to slip away from him, batting fabric off her leg like she was being surrounded by snakes.

“Oh hush…” She grimaced. “Though I do suppose that many suits and dresses is a bit… daunting. Nevertheless I have assistants to aid in any qualms I might have”

“Miss Rarity, a moment?” Spy called, adjusting his already extremely well tailored suit. “While doing things in a group setting would technically be more efficient, it would also rob possibilities for input, along with making more work for yourself. I propose that with the two of us, we could easily knock out the designs and measurements in around two hours, less once I get the gentlecolts taken care of. Suits don’t take as long to formulate as dresses after all, and there’s only 7 to worry about.”

Rarity pondered a second, then clapped her hooves. The assaulting fabrics and measuring tapes slithered away into Rarity’s back room. “I knew you’d be a boon, Spy. Alright, everypony, if you’d please hang around in the waiting room, or at least in the general area, I’ll call for you when I’m ready.”

Scout fidgeted a bit, looking at whatever random objects would catch his eye. “This ain’t gonna take long, is it?”

“Not if you’re cooperating.” Spy grinned. “But we can easily go two at a time if you’re that hard pressed for this to be over.”

“I mean sure, whatever floats your boat.”

“Spy, take care of Scout if you would, Miss Pauling please come with me.” Rarity chimed, eyes still lit up and passionate.

The group slowly dispersed to different parts of the room, some going outside to enjoy the sunny summer weather. Pyro stood around awkwardly for a while, leaning against a mannequin until one of Rarity’s assistants gave her a dirty look. She sheepishly took a seat next to Demo to avoid any trouble. The two had found a fairly quiet area, sharing a polite if rather substanceless conversation for a while. A lapse in the conversation led Pyro to stare out the window of Carousel Boutique, watching the clouds drift by and wondering how long this was going to take.

“So yer gonna ask Derpy to be yer date, right?” Demo asked as if it was the most casual conversation starter in the world. Pyro did not receive it that way however, so shocked she practically spasmed in surprise.

“What in the flying hell are you talking about!?” She said far too loud, drawing looks from the still present ponies. Pyro covered her muzzle as a streak of a red blush graced her cheeks, Demo cackled in response. “Th-this is like an all town thing, not some date night dinner party.” She remarked with a hushed whisper as everyone eventually returned to their conversations.

“It’s tradition, y’know. A big party, fancy clothes, it’s romantic, perfect for a first date.” Demo smiled, turning until he could see her with his good eye. “I mean ya don’t hafta have a date but it seems like a waste.”

“We’re best friends Demo, not school kids waiting for Sadie Hawkins.” She scoffed, her blush still bright as she used her hooves to nervously preen her wings. Her mind raced at the thought though, over a thousand miles per hour. As obvious as it might to someone from the outside what Demo meant, Pyro simply couldn’t piece it together.

“Yeah, yer really actin like it.” He chuckled. She kicked his foreleg and he let out a little pained laugh. “Aye, What’s the big deal?”

“The big deal is that I definitely don’t think of her like that and she definitely doesn’t think of me like that either. We’re best friends, nothing more, and I’m not gonna make my biggest friendship awkward because you want to pair us off!” She whispered with a frustrated tone, jittering a bit, feeling her hooves getting warm. “Derpy is a great pony but I don’t think she’s-”

Yet Pyro was cut off mid-sentence as Rarity spoke aloud to Derpy, who was wearing some new attire.“Darling, step here, I need to see how the natural light hits” Rarity called out to the cross-eyed cutie, using her magic to dim the lights and adjust a window curtain to let the sunlight hit the model slowly rotating in the center of the pedestal.

Pyro looked upon the golden-maned beauty in front of her. Rarity had to have had this picked out she thought, as the shape fit perfectly, framing every feature in such a way that she looked divine. The details of the white dress were framed in gold, the sunlight shining slightly off them to give almost an aura. The lines of the fabric led one's eyes away from Derpy’s ocular issue, but not in an attempt to hide it. Rather, she looked completely natural, as if her eyes were the most normal thing in the world. Seeing Derpy in such breathtaking attire she could not stop herself from muttering the word, “Beautiful…”

"Ya like her don't you." Demo teased, and Pyro could hear the grin on his face, a fact that would have infuriated her if her brain wasn’t short circuiting at the time..

“S-she’s my best friend s-so of course I like her.” She sputtered, turning her head to face Demo but having a hard time tearing her eyes away from Derpy.

“Not like that. Romantic like.” He took a swig from his favorite pocket flask that he kept under his cap, still sporting a know-it-all grin.

"Wh-what, n-no I mean we're best friends that's such a weird thing to say" She let out a long, awkward, nervous laugh. Way too long. Something she quickly realized, which only served to make her more nervous and laugh more awkwardly. She buried her face in her wing. "She'sreallycutewhatdoIdo?" she eventually said in one breath, just above a whisper in volume.

Meanwhile, across the room, Rarity finished taking notes. “Fantastic, Miss Hooves, just need to make a few minor alterations and we’ll have it perfect. Let’s get you back to the fitting room now. Watch your step” Derpy stepped off the rotating platform as instructed and went back with Rarity, seemingly oblivious to Pyro’s nervous breakdown.

“This isn’t fair.” Pyro whined but Demo simply snickered, pushing Pyro’s fully extended wings behind his head. Only now was Pyro realizing how tense her wing muscles had suddenly become. “What am I supposed to do? How do you tell someone you want to more than just friends?”

The door on the west side of the foyer opened, and Scout walked out with an uneasy expression. “You sure, Spy?” He asked.

“Positive. I have everything I need. Democolt, if I may have some of your time?” Demo hopped up.

“Lass, I’d get some advice from ponies with better dating histories than me.” He got up from his seat and walked towards Spy, following the well-dressed colt and disappearing into the room with him. Scout walked past Pyro, throwing her a slight glance.

“You, uh… you okay there?” He asked, a little giggle in his voice

“W-what do you mean?”

“I mean it’s a pretty natural thing, if you want it to go away I’ve had the best luck by tensing my back muscles and relaxing ‘em. Really calms ‘em down.” He snickered again.

She realized that her flared wings were still not only visible but spread like a bird catching a thermal. “I’m Fine!” She yelped in embarrassment, small tendrils of steam flying from her nose. “I’m totally fine! Not nervous, or panicked, or flustered! Nope! Absolutely, totally fine!” Scout bolted from the angry mare as she began to ramble. Pyro sat back down, taking a deep breath and trying to relax herself; body and mind.

“This doesn’t make any sense, I mean, I’ve never liked girls before… But then again, I didn’t really like guys before either…” she muttered under her breath. “I’ve never really felt like that… Maybe it was just the light? I mean, Rarity is really good at her job.” She tried to reason with herself. “Yeah, that’s gotta be it. Just the light, there’s no way I actually have those kinds of feelings for my best friend in all of Equestria.”

“All done Miss Hooves.” The east side door of the foyer opened up and the pair of mares inside walked out. Derpy no longer wore the dress, in fact she looked much as she always did. Still, merely seeing Derpy’s warm smile and autumn colored eyed made Pyro feel a hard thump in her chest. All sound around her, save for the sound of her own beating heart, seemed to turn to static for a moment as her gaze fixated on the goofball of a mare.

“Or not,” Pyro muttered, feeling herself begin to panic once more. Developing a crush was not one of her skills, and hiding it wasn’t much higher on the list. Yet while Pyro was so deep in thought she almost didn’t notice Derpy walk past her, giving her a slightly confused look.

"Pyro?” The mare asked, slightly tilting her head to the side. “Rarity’s calling for you.”

Rarity looked at Pyro, tapping her front hoof on the ground impatiently as she was slightly annoyed at the spaced out firebug. Pyro shook her head to get her thoughts back on track. “T-thanks Derpy…” She muttered, getting up from her seat and walking past. Pyro felt Derpy’s tail brush against her own for just a moment, but that was all it took for her cheeks to flush a bright red once more. Panicked and flustered, she hustled into Rarity’s dressing room while Derpy looked on, sporting a confused yet concerned expression.


“Pyro, I understand it’s part of pegasi anatomy but I need you to calm down a bit, your wings are being a bit hindering” Rarity huffed as she took a few measurements down, patiently waiting to be able to measure the chest as Pyro fidgeted in place.

“S-sorry, just… got something on my mind.” Pyro explained as she flexed her back muscles and her wings slowly furled back, joints aching a little. Rarity wrapped her tape around Pyro’s chest and jotted down a few numbers.

“Would you like to talk about it?” Rarity asked, her eyes focused on her notes.

“Well… I mean… So this party...it isn’t like… romantic or anything, right?” She probed for that answer first. Why treat it like a date if it wasn’t even that type of get together?

“Romantic? Well if I have my way there will be moments; some slow dancing, a few fireworks, nice clothes, all the makings of something truly unforgettable.” Rarity sighed wistfully. “But it’s hard to tell with the motley crew we have around here these days.”

“B-but like… it isn’t required, right?” Pyro asked nervously, as if trying to lead the graceful mare to a desired answer. It took a moment for Rarity to piece it together but as soon as she did she let out a gasp of pure excitement. The model platform spun to bring Pyro face to face with Rarity.

“You liiiike somepony~” Rarity giggled happily. “That’s why you’re so fidgety, isn’t it!”

“I-I do not!” Pyro exclaimed, denying the accusations despite her face going a deep crimson.

“You can’t lie to me, I’m more knowledgeable than anypony else about this kind of thing!” Rarity got even more uncomfortably close, pressing her nose against Pyro’s. “Tell me. Tell me tell me tellmetellme! Is it Big Macintosh? Soarin? Wait, have you even met him? Or maybe Scout? Is it Scout?”

“Ew, no!” She tried to escape this nightmarish interrogation of fashion and romance but Rarity’s tape had wound itself around the back of her neck. “I don’t have a crush on a former coworker! Or anypony!” Pyro was unsure if Derpy even truly counted as a former coworker considering the unusual nature of how they came to meet in the first place. She tried to piece her thoughts together, but then violently shook her head. Pyro simply couldn’t accept that she could have a crush on anypony, especially not Derpy.

“So nopony from your world…” Rarity remarked as her scissors snipped some light red fabric while she adjusted a few pieces, trying to match colors. “Hm, must be someone you’re quite close to though, you don’t seem like the type to just develop such strong feelings out of thin air.”

“You’d be surprised.” Pyro grunted under her breath but then let out a sigh, raising her voice. “Fine, I’m not gonna tell you who but I do sort of… maybe… I don’t know, is it a crush if just seeing them makes your heart pound like an enemy locked inside a shack you set ablaze, desperately trying to get out before they’re burnt to ashes?”

Momentarily taken aback by such a remark, Rarity simply asked “Is this your first?”

Pyro paused. There’d never quite been a feeling so strong, but even as a kid, she was always in her own little world, so how would she know? “I… I guess.”

“Well love does hit hard and fast.” Rarity giggled. “I won’t pester you for more details, but if you like them, then they’re probably a fine stallion.”

Pyro pondered whether to answer, then let out an embarrassed sigh. “Mare, actually...that’s not weird, is it?” She lowered her head, slightly ashamed.

“Not in the slightest.” Rarity replied as she continued with her work, “Maybe in your world such a thing may have been unusual, but here in Equestria love is celebrated in all its forms! No need to feel ‘weird’ or ‘embarrassed’ about it.” As she spoke she trotted over to Pyro to do a few more measurements, she took a moment to raise Pyro’s chin up with a hoof and show her a friendly smile. “You should be excited to share that love, not scared. Whoever that mare is will be thrilled to know how you feel. You have my word.”

“T...thanks, Rare.” Pyro gave Rarity a hug and proceeded to wipe her eyes that were threatening to well up. Rarity then lead her to the door, where Demo stood outside, seemingly waiting.

“You finished already? Swear these two are fast, it’s like they were born fer it or somethin’” He joked, noticing Pyro’s slightly sad expression. “Aye, why so glum? Let’s grab a drink.” Without a sign of protest, Pyro followed Demo as he led the way towards Heavy’s Sandvich Emporium, yet the brief walk had an unbearably long silence to it. In an effort to break it, Demo apologized for some earlier behavior. “For the record, Pyro, I didn’t mean any harm by teasin ya. I hope I didn’t hurt yer feelings.”

“It’s fine… I don’t really know what I’m feeling, to be honest.”

“I’ll cover a round for ya at Heavy’s.” He ribbed her gently. “We can talk about what you wanna do, if anything.”

“Party’s not for another week, so I have some time I guess…” As they neared the Sandvich Emporium Pyro’s eyes drifted skyward, lost in thought for but a moment before she asked Demo, “I’m not like… crazy, am I? She was… super pretty, right?”

“Aye, she did look pretty fetchin,” He agreed. “Maybe ya just needed to see her in the right light.” They arrived at the eatery and Demo used his key to open up the bar. He sidled behind the counter, bumping into a fair number of bottles that had been left back there from the previous week, narrowly avoiding breaking some. “Really should clean this place, health inspector won’t be happy again.” Demo chuckled, “What are ya havin?”

“Surprise me.” She said with a heavy sigh. In the blink of an eye a shot glass of dark liquor hit the table in front of her, and she downed it just as quickly, feeling the pleasant burn.”Ooh, what is that, ten year?”

“Seventeen, but close enough. Figure you could use a bit of quality.” He put away the fancy bottle and poured a cocktail mixed with his house whiskey for each of them: A whiskey sour for Pyro and a rusty nail for himself. They clinked their glasses together.

“Bottoms up” The pair said in unison.

Pyro took a sip and set the glass down.

“Askin people out is nothin to worry about, lass, Watch.” Demo took a look around the Sandvich Emporium to see if any ponies were still lingering from last night’s rager, but with nopony in sight he called out for his best customer, “Ay Berry!” Demo’s favorite regular seemed to rise from one of the booths like a zombie, her hair was a tangled mess and she looked both tired and hungover.

“Yeah?” The barely cognisant mare asked.

"Wanna go get drunk at the party together next week?”

"There’s a party next week? Uhm, yeah, sure. I’ll be there” She tried to stand up to leave the bar but stumbled over her own hooves and fell to the floor, falling asleep almost immediately after with a loud snore.

Demo returned his attention to Pyro, giving her a confident smile. “See? Easy as pie.”

Pyro squinted her eyes and gave Demo a skeptical look. “Aren’t you two already dating? Asking out your girlfriend doesn’t count.”

Demo looked at Pyro and rolled his eye. “Nah, 's unsustainable. But she’s a helluva drinkin’ buddy and a damn good wingpony.”

“Well I don’t think that approach is gonna work for me, Demo. I’m not as… open about that sort of thing.” She took another sip of her cocktail.

“Fair, fair. I’m only telling you what works fer me. Maybe you should ask around, see what some of the others think.” Demo tilted back his head and downed the rest of his glass,setting it amongst a pile of dirty glasses to be cleaned at a yet unknown point in the foreseeable future. “I gotta start getting this place prepped for Heavy gettin back, take care of yourself Pyro.” He saluted her and walked off into the kitchen. As Pyro tossed a couple bits on the bar, just so she would feel a bit less guilty about getting a free drink over such a silly circumstance, she heard Demo call out from the kitchen. “Could ya get Berry home fer me? I’d drag her there meself if I didn’t have work to do!”. She gave an affirmative reply and proceeded to walk out of the bar ever so slightly buzzed with an unconscious Berry in tow and looked around, dropping the partied out mare at home before heading out into town to search for the rest of her friends.

A familiar voice off in the distance let her know that Rainbow Dash had gotten through Rarity’s dressmaking session, a feat that seemed almost surprising considering how much the two would bicker over wardrobes. Pyro headed toward the voices but arrived partway into a conversation.

“Well of course I know how to help, Scout!” Dash exclaimed confidently. The pair of pegasi were hovering above the trees, lying down upon a comfy looking pair of cumulus clouds. Pyro fluttered up to join them without speaking, not wanting to interrupt.

“Stick with me and Miss P will be all over you!” Dash assured Scout.

Miss P? Pyro’s immediate thoughts went to herself, sending a little shudder of disgust at the thought of someone like Scout hitting on her. It only took an extra second to think of Miss Pauling. Scout had been on-again-off-again pursuing that mare since before they even got here after all.

Dash turned to greet Pyro with a warm grin. “What’s up? Don’t tell me you were eavesdropping, were you?” The rainbow maned speedster gave a teasing grin.

“Not on purpose, no. Demo had to ditch me to do his job, ugh.” She said with sarcastic disgust. It earned an amused chuckle from Dash but Scout took a second to breathe a sigh of relief, clearly only just now remembering he didn’t work today. “What are you two dorks on about today?”

“Scout’s got mare troubles.” Dash explained.

“Makes sense,” Pyro teased, “You are a mare, Scout, and you look like you have troubles.”

“First of all how dare you, I’m the studliest stud in Ponyville. Secondly I do frickin not have mare troubles! I’m just in a bit of a rut and could use a girl’s advice” Scout interjected, largely unamused.

“Sounds like you have mare troubles.” Pyro laughed at him.

“Oh like you don’t got stallion problems, little miss wingboner.” He scoffed angrily. Pyro’s cheeks turned red at that remark and Dash cleared her throat, trying to break the tension.

“I mean I can help you both, I’m pretty good at this.” Dash scooted over to make space for Pyro on her cloud, throwing an arm around the firebug’s shoulder. “There’s literally only one thing you need to make anyone interested in you.”

“Raw sexual energy?” Scout asked.

“A passion for destruction of public property?” Pyro asked.

“Confidence!” Dash answered a little incredulously. “You two really are bad at this.”

“Dash I don’t know if you’ve met Scout but I can’t think of anyone who thinks more highly of himself.” Pyro tried to explain as politely as she could, “I have yet to see him walk past a mirror and not make googly-eyes.”

“I’m gonna choose to take that as a compliment.” Scout crossed his forelegs.

“Let’s see…” Dash put a hoof under her chin and thought for a moment, “Okay, Scout, if you were to ask Miss Pauling out, what’s your angle? How do you seal the deal?”

“Easy, first I just get the ‘ol Brooklyn charm going.” Scout arched his brow slightly and gave a wry smile in an effort to look suave. “Then tell her she’s looking fine. Like crazy, super fine. Throw in something about how she’s rocking the glasses and then...” He stands up from the cloud and then leans back against a passing cumulo-nimbus, “I ask her if she wants some sweet equestrian sausage back at my place.”

“I think I threw up in my mouth a little.” Pyro responded with a disgusted look an audible gag. “Not to mention we’re vegetarian now, if you say something like that I’m pretty sure Fluttershy would end you faster than Ms. Pauling would.”

“It’s a metaphor, when I say equestrian sausage what I really mean is-”

“Finish that sentence and I promise you’ll wish we had all died back in Teufort.” Pyro assured him.

“Well, loverboy, your chance is here.” Dash drew the pair’s attention and pointed them over to where a slightly huffy looking Miss Pauling was trotting down the road, seemingly annoyed. Of course it was obvious to anypony else that Miss Pauling was annoyed, everyone except Scout of course. Scout seemed to go a little blind as he scrambled off the cloud and tried to land nearby without her noticing; sucking in his gut to try and look tough. To an outside observer it was hard to tell if he was in pain or simply trying to flex.

“Hey Miss P!” Dash called out. Miss Pauling looked up with squinted eyes, not amused.

“Oh. Hello Dash, Pyro.” She glanced at Scout, then looked back to the girls.

“So… How goes it?” Pyro tried to make polite conversation. That lasted all of a second before Scout slid his way between Miss Pauling and the other mares.

“Hey uh… Miss P… What are your plans for the party?”

She paused, looking confused. “I’m… going? Maybe dance, drink a little, the usual things that normal ponies do at par-”

“Cool, cool, you know I was thinking maybe, I mean you’re a good lookin mare, I’m a good looking stallion.”

“Debatable.” The purple pegasus muttered. Scout continued undeterred, making it unclear if he heard her at all.

“And I thought to myself, ‘This is a perfect dating opportunity’. Parties are great for that after all.”

“Is there a point to all thi-” Miss Pauling was cut off as the arrogant pegasus continued to ramble.

“And who better to go with than the lovely little Miss Pauling? You’re single, I’m single, it’s a perfect match. Now I know what you’re thinking: ‘Scout is so cool, I can’t believe he’d ask me.’”

Miss Pauling scrunched up her face, eyebrows arching. Pyro was starting to wish she had some popcorn. “Can I say some-”

“But I assure you that no matter what you may think, I’m not too good for anyone. After all, I love dorky chicks.”

“What are you-” She was visibly fuming, almost shaking from sheer aggravation.

“So I’d gladly do you the honor of escorting you to the party” Scout turned to the now red in the face mare. “What do you say?”

“How about for once you LISTEN TO SOMEONE THAT ISN’T YOURSELF!?” Miss Pauling exploded at Scout. Everypony recoiled as Miss Pauling got in Scout’s face. “I don’t like you! I don’t want to date you! I thought I’d made this clear by now!” Her wings flared as she yelled. “You’re arrogant, you’re pompous, and you don’t know the first thing about me! Why would I ever date you!?”

“Hey I know-” Scout tried to interject.

“What’s my favorite food then? Favorite color? What’s my first name?” She leaned in, accusing glare. A dense silence filled the air. Pyro looked away, desperate to stop the awkward encounter.

“...P...Paula?” Scout guessed. Miss Pauling smacked him across the face with her wing hard enough to send him sprawling.

“You want to get with someone, it’s probably a good idea to listen to them first, you absolute idiot!” Miss Pauling flew away, ranting under her breath. Once Miss Pauling left both Rainbow Dash and Pyro glided down from the cloud above and landed beside the visibly dejected Scout.

“Sooo…. This is about seven times past sufficiently awkward” Pyro tried to lighten the mood. Scout didn’t say anything for a long while, holding his reddened cheek.

“I… should get going anyways, work starts soon.” He muttered before flying off in a slow dejected flap of wings. Yet anypony watching could see that not only was Scout not heading toward the post office, it was also a Sunday.

“Well great. Super helpful.” Pyro groaned with a furrowed brow watching him leave. “Confidence my flank.”

“Man, that was… rough.” Dash rubbed the back of her head. “I was sure he had it.”

“Dash, how many ponies have you dated?”

“I mean… y’know, like… The thing is...I mean what even is dating?” Dash let out a nervous chuckle and then raised a hoof and pretended to look at it as though she was wearing a watch, “Oh look at the time I have to go…uh, stare at the sun! Later!” She fled fast enough to kick up the leaves around them. With a huff the lovelorn mare decided to see if there were others out and about that could give actually useful answers. Pyro turned her path towards Sweet Apple Acres and took the long walk as a chance to reflect on confidence; realizing too much of it was just as harmful as having too little..


The dull whir of machines greeted Pyro’s ears as she approached the west orchard of Sweet Apple Acres. After years of failed attempts, it seemed Engi had finally convinced the Apples that a couple of machines wouldn’t get in the way of their famous reputation for quality and love. She spotted Engineer standing out in the field, his head inside a strange looking piece of machinery. Not too far off from Engineer was Applejack working in the field as well, a fresh empty cart attached and approaching at a leisurely pace. Pyro looked back to Engi, giggling to herself as a wicked idea came to mind. Whenever Engineer was lost in work, he was incredibly easy to scare; Pyro never passed up a chance to make that dweeb scream in surprise. She began to slowly approach him and drew in a deep breath to ready a blood curdling yell.

“Pyro!” Pinkie shouted from behind. Pyro jumped into the air, striking a fighting stance akin to those seen in a kung fu movie, then relaxed as soon as she realized what had just happened. Pinkie rolled on the ground laughing. “Oh man I got you gooood!”

Applejack chuckled as she walked up. Engi pulled his head out of the machine and gave a chuckle. “It’s nice to see the shoe on the other hoof.” He tilted his hat slightly upwards. “Can y’all give this thing a lift? I need to tighten a couple of bolts on the underside.”

Pyro blushed a little from embarrassment but helped Applejack and Pinkie Pie raise the machine over Engi’s head, yet even with the three of them working together it was a difficult task. “What is this hunk of junk, some kinda apple based sentry?” Pyro joked as she let out a strained groan.

“Not quite.” Engi explained, clasping a wrench in his mouth. “I built a piston powered apple tree bucker. With proper calibration it should make the process a little less terrible for the joints and let anypony help during big harvests.” He tightened a few bolts. Pyro was surprised at how well he could speak around the wrench. "Alright, set 'er down." The trio did so, Pyro shaking her hooves to work out the stiffness.

“Engi’s machines have been quite the boon, I tell ya. Didn’t want any of ‘em at first after all the problems we had with Flim and Flam, but with a touch of tech from somepony that actually cares about the quality, it’s saved a lot of trouble.” Applejack smirked. “Ever since he opened that workshop, Engineer’s been makin stuff to help almost everypony in Ponyville.”

“It’s in my nature, I like to solve practical problems.” Engineer admitted, with a smug look on his face. He hooked the apple cart to his device and reached into a bag, pulling out a small, translucent crystal. Once he placed it into the machine it started giving off its dull whine of starting up. “Now while that warms up, Pyro, tell us, what brings you all the way out here?”

“I uh… w… well I might…” Pyro shifted in place uncomfortably, looking at the ground. A long, awkward silence filled the air as everypony looked at her expectantly.

Amid the silence Pinkie Pie leaned in close to Pyro and quietly asked Pyro, “Would it help you to whisper it to me and I can blurt it out for everyone to hear?”

“...Yes.” Pyro leaned in and whispered, “I uh, have a crush on somepony and I don’t know what to do.”

Pinkie let out a gasp, hopping upwards in surprise and excitement at the reveal. “YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEPONY?” She shouted loud enough to make some of the looser apples on the trees to snap right off the branches.

Applejack let out a short laugh while it was clear Engi was just barely holding in a loud chuckle of his own. “Aw, that’s cute, sugar-cube. Anypony we know?” Applejack inquired, giving a friendly smile.

“I’d rather not say.” Her yellow cheeks flushed a vibrant red as she looked away.

“Oh really now.” Engi was biting his lower lip in an effort to keep his mouth shut. “I think I have a pretty good idea. I bet you bits to barley that it’s De-”

A look of murderous intent flashed across Pyro’s face as she glared intensely at Engineer. “Keep talking and you’re gonna need your fancy machines to replace the parts of you I break.” She quipped.

“Been there, done that.” He held up his left front hoof. Pyro sighed heavily and rolled her eyes, it was far too easy to forget that colt once only had one arm. Since he'd gotten it back from the transformation, it never seemed to be a big deal to the Texan.

“I’ve always wondered why you got your hoof back but Demo didn’t get his eye back. Did some creepy wizard roommate curse it with or something?”.” Pinkie pondered aloud, raising a hoof to her chin.

"Y… yes actually...exactly that.” Pyro answered, stupefied as to how the party pony had guessed something so specific so accurately..

“Magic is weird.” Applejack remarked with a furrowed brow. All four of them nodded, as if this was the most sage thing anypony had ever said. The machine however, gave out a coughing sound with a huff of black smoke, as if it was offended.

“So, like…Do any of you have experience with that sort of thing?” Pyro stood quietly, letting her question hang in the air.

“Beats me, romance was never something I cared about.” Engi turned back to his little piston machine, adjusting dials very gingerly and looking fondly upon it.

“I’m right there with ya Engi.” Applejack chimed in.

Pinkie nodded in agreement. “Too much effort.”

“W-what do you mean?” Pyro asked with a raised brow, completely dumbfounded.

“Well, ya can try for it sure, if that’s somethin’ you want, but I’m always swamped with somethin’ to do out here.” Applejack motioned a hoof as she looked over the fields. “I don’t wanna just go to some fancy schmancy restaurant, spend a buncha bits on overpriced oats, and talk about nothin for 2 hours.”

“At least y’all ain’t expected to hoof the whole dang bill.” Engineer chuckled. “Honestly, I’d rather be in the workshop with my tools and machines, that sounds like an ideal night to me.”

“Or out in the fields bucking apples with friends and family, there’s too much work to be done to fret about that silly nonsense.” Applejack added, trotted towards the apple cart.

Pyro watched them both nod at each other, the two were so in-sync it was hard to believe they had only known each other for such a short time. She leaned over to Pinkie and whispered. “Are uh… are we sure they aren’t an item?”

“Even if they were they’d never actually talk, just work around each other in silence.” Pinkie giggled softly, and Pyro let out a small laugh herself.

“Alright, should be ready for the first test. AJ, where would you normally strike this tree? I need to calibrate its targeting algorithm”

Applejack walked around the tree and prodded it a few times, inspecting it with a squinted look. “Right here, ain’t that obvious?.” She pointed to a spot that seemed indistinguishable from the rest of the tree. “Should go right to the branches and shake ‘em real good.”

Engineer put the flat head of his mechanized piston against the spot, secured it in place, and flicked a switch. The machine slowly drew the head back, as one could faintly hear the sound of a spring coiling tightly. “Test 1 primed. Firing in three… two… one.”


The sound of splintering wood made everypony wince, it sounded as if a bone was breaking more than wood cracking. The tree barely shook however, only knocking down two apples that looked like they were about to fall off anyways. The piston head moved back, and a circular dent of bark fell off the tree. Engineer looked a little embarrassed about the misfire. “Ehhh… that’s why we calibrate.” Applejack looked at both Engineer and the tree with a sour expression.

“Engi, shouldn’t you test that on lower settings first?” Pyro looked at the tree, visibly nervous.

“I uh… that is a 3 on the scale of power, so… I thought I was…” He said sheepishly as he hung his head low. “Guess it doesn’t quite have the Apple Family touch yet.”

“Cheer up Engi, I’m sure you’ll get it! Besides, I need you to make a suped-up party cannon sometime...seeing what that thing can do has given some ideas.” Pinkie let out a playfully mischievous laugh and rubbed her hooves together.

“We’re gonna test this doohickey on the less productive and withering trees from now on.” Applejack said firmly. Engineer nodded in agreement. “Pyro, don’t worry about some silly date, it’s really not that big a deal.” The pair walked off after loading Engi’s piston into a cart.

“B...but I really like her.” She muttered. Pinkie patted her on the back with a hoof.

“Sorry they weren’t much help, Pyro. If it’s any consolation, if you had a crush on me I would totally date you! But you don’t, so I won’t. I’m sure whoever you do have a crush on though will totally say yes!” Pinkie reassured the firebug before she bounded off after Applejack and Engineer. “Now if you’ll excuuuuse me, I need to talk to Applejack about a bet. If you need me, just give a shout!”

Pyro raised an eyebrow. “Bets? I like bets.”

“Sorry! You’re not allowed!” Pinkie said cryptically, disappearing over a hill before Pyro could demand answers.

I need to think. Pyro thought to herself. I need… booze.


By the time Pyro finally arrived at Heavy’s restaurant it was a little busy as the dinner rush neared its end, with several hungry ponies seated inside & waiting for dinner even though closing time was only about twenty minutes out. Pyro walked in, dodging one of Heavy’s servers, a pale blue unicorn in a standard uniform.

"Hey Songbird,” Pyro asked, “Have you seen Demo?”

Songbird put down some plates and turned to face Pyro, that professional smile showing all the while. “He had to close the bar for the night, something with Spy and Rarity.” The mare explained with an indifferent shrug. “If you need a drink, Heavy’s in the back with Medic.” She started walking towards the back room. “Follow me.”

Pyro appreciated a friend like Songbird, she always knew when somepony was looking for a drink. The pair walked through the swinging doors. “Heavy! Two things. A: Pyro is here, and B: Table 6 really wants those garlic knots.”

“They will get garlic knots when Heavy has garlic knots to give!” Heavy shouted, stomping his massive hoof on the table. Songbird just rolled her eyes and headed back through the swinging doors, taking plated orders from the white unicorn helping Heavy out.

“Don’t tell me he’s got you’re working here too, Medic.” She looked over at him and saw he was in the process of chopping some lettuce. Though even a novice could tell Medic wasn’t doing it properly.

“No, no, nozing like that.” Medic answered, sticking his nose up at such a notion. “Heavy is just very short staffed today. Ze geniuses he employs decided to test a new mixed drink by Demoman, and none of zem can hold their tequila.” He seemed more than a little annoyed, magically pushing his glasses up the bridge of his muzzle. “What’s on your mind, Pyro? Is zat rash back?”

“Uh, no, well...thing is...I sort of-” Pyro was cut off as Songbird leaned in through the swinging doors to pass along some good news.

“Just two more orders, guys, then it’s smooth sailing.” Songbird called, moving behind the counter to help Heavy finish.

“It can wait, finish up, I’m gonna go raid Demo’s stash of whiskey.” Pyro walked toward the back, seeking the special alcohol only her and Demo knew the location of.

The two assistant unicorns levitated ingredients one after another to Heavy, who meticulously pieced them together into his picture perfect signature dish; the sandvich. Meanwhile Pyro opened the walk in freezer and snagged a hidden bottle of brandy, carrying it out just in time to see Songbird leave with a tray full of sandviches . On the counter sat a sad, empty pan that once held garlic knots. The ponies before her relaxed, leaning against the counters. “Dinner’s done for now, right?” Pyro asked, shaking the bottle temptingly at her friends.

“Da, last order just went out, kitchen is closed. Heavy needs to start cleaning.”

“Have a shot with me at least,today has been a rollercoaster of garbage.”

Heavy groaned but acquiesced, pulling down a shot glass for each of them as Pyro poured the chilled drink. Medic’s horn glowed a soft yellow hue as magic grabbed his drink while Heavy’s purple grabbed another. Pyro wrapped a wing around her glass and raised it. “To uh… to 5 years of a new life and uh, all that it brings I guess.”

They clinked their glasses and downed the booze. Medic let out a cough right as Pyro felt the burn hit her chest. “Still tastes like paint thinner.” He complained, coughing slightly.

Heavy chuckled, “What is matter doctor, is your throat a little…”

“Don’t you dare zay it.” Medic quipped.

Hoarse.” Heavy guffawed at his own joke, nudging Medic in the side.

At the painful joke Medic rolled his eyes and flipped his shot glass over, disinterested in having any more to drink if it meant dealing with more terrible jokes.

“What would you expect from the friend only booze?” Pyro chuckled. She poured herself another and downed it just as quickly.

“So, are we drinking to good news or bad news?” Heavy asked.

“Honestly I don’t know exactly what it is, good or bad. It has a little bit of both. Love life crap, you don’t wanna hear about it.” Pyro set the bottle down and shuddering as she could feel a light buzz begin to settle in.

“Ahh, Pyro has a crush on somepony, zat makes sense.” Medic gave a smile as he chuckled. “It’s fine, you can chat about it.”

“Well, when we were doing the dress thing this morning, I kinda realized that… Derpy’s cute.” She blushed as she admitted it to someone aside from herself. It felt good to own up to her feelings without trying to curtail around them.

“So what is problem?” Heavy sipped his drink. “Plenty of mares cute, what makes this so different?”

“Eh, I’m just… spooked I guess.” She took a gulp, swallowing her nerves. “It’s hard to change a relationship into a romantic one after it being friendly for so long. Know what I mean?”

“No.” Heavy remarked.

“Ja.” Medic groaned.

After that Pyro saw Medic shoot a look towards Heavy, but Heavy didn’t seem to notice, as the look only lasted a second. Heavy stood up and went to the kitchen and began making a little bit of food for each of them. All the while it sounded as though the bulky unicorn was humming a tune to himself.

The group maintained idle chit-chat for about twenty minutes before the kitchen door swung open. “Heavy, restaurants emptied, tables are clean, I’m clocking out!” Songbird tossed her apron onto a counter and winked at the massive unicorn. “See you tomorrow, thanks for the help Medic!” The mare turned and left, Heavy watched her walk away for just slightly too long. Pyro noticed the way Heavy looked at Songbird, along with noticing that Medic looked away with a small, unvoiced huff.

“You got your own crush, big guy?” She chuckled, taking a bite of her sandvich. It’d been 5 years of the same recipe and ingredients but he still made these things taste amazing every time.

“Heavy does not have crush, just appreciation. Though when she is no longer employee, and if hair was braided, perhaps.” He let out a hearty laugh. “She’s only here for another month before she has another job lined up, so we will see how the cards fall.” He stood up and walked towards the back room. “Heavy needs to close up kitchen, so please finish up quick.” And with that he slipped past the inventory room door, which shut quietly behind him.

“We will.” Medic whined, staring at the floor.

Pyro looked at him, a little concerned. “You uh… you good?”

“Pyro… if I’m being honest… no. zis whole conversation seems… silly to me. Like it even matters.” He pushed his overturned shot glass aside. “Fact of it is, it isn’t up to you. It’s up to her. And even if your heart is set, it can all fall if zey don’t feel ze same.”

Pyro thought about that simple statement and it brought on a realization. A primal fear bubbled in her heart, one she hadn’t thought of with all her fears placed elsewhere. All her worries and thoughts had been on if she should, but not once had she thought about whether or not she could.

Medic finished his meal and stood, leaving without a glance back. “Personally… I don’t see ze point in going for something zat is probably not going to work out.” He left through the kitchen door. Pyro stared at her food, suddenly sick to her stomach, and a stinging sensation in her eyes. The liquor had made her much more emotional than usual, and she could tell it wouldn’t end well if she kept eating. She pushed her meal away and grabbed the bottle off the table, quickly heading out of the restaurant and going to her room for the night.

After traipsing upstairs, Pyro collapsed on her bed, and a new, unpleasant emotion hit her. Her eyes stung as her vision blurred and she realized what it was; a tear, running down her cheek. Pyro was unfamiliar with this sort of feeling, sadness like this was different from something like pain or anger. It hurt in a way that couldn't be fixed with violence or medicine, but at least brandy could dull the pain. “Today’s been pointless hasn’t it.” She muttered to herself, taking a swig while staring out her window. She was suddenly aware of how quiet everything was around this place when nightfall came. Nobody seemed to be around; either at jobs or out doing something exciting. She wasn’t any different though. When she wasn’t making fireworks she was just passing the time around town with anypony that called her friend. Sure this bedroom was her ‘home’ in a manner of speaking but only now did it start to feel like it was missing something.

She looked around her room. Cluttered with odds and ends, but none of it was worth keeping. Mostly trash or dishes. Papers that she’d forgotten to get rid of. She had but one memento; a burnt out diary, bearing a tarnished gold lock that gleamed in the moonlight coming in through her curtains. Pyro bent down and picked the book up in her teeth, then fishing for the key in her bedside table. She unlocked it and flipped through the pages, using the moonlight to help her read the scorched pages.

Day 5: Made friends with that loud french dude, the red one. He seems nice. Really likes both hide and seek and my rainbows, screams for joy whenever I find him! I wish he would stop cheating though! Hiding with magic like that is totally unfair!
Day 124: Found a big new lollipop, decided to decorate it to celebrate the occasion! Used some of the streamers I saw on top of the fence to wrap it up. Sharp streamers though, I cut my hand while doing it. Everyone was screaming with excitement when I showed it off.
Day 340: Starting to think they don’t trust me, even my other Blu friends seem to stop talking whenever I walk into the room. I’m not sure it’s a coincidence but I really hope it is.
Day 471: They haven’t been talking to me much, its getting kind of lonely honestly. I still get the occasional small talk from a few of them but the others don’t even give me the time of day. Was it something I said? Do they not like rainbows?
Day 655: Why are they all ignoring me? I don’t get it! Are they afraid of me? Why? I’m not scary! Nothing about me is scary! Glitter, streamers, rainbows! That. Is. Not. Scary. It isn’t!
Day 656: It’s always been flames hasn’t it. Those laughs were screams, weren’t they? Am I a monster? How did I not notice. How?
Day 657: im going to burn this place to the ground. All of it. Til there’s nothing but ash left. If they see me as a monster then fine...I’ll be a monster.

The page after wasn’t one entry, but rather several days worth that she had clearly been writing on top of each other. A madness of sorts that had overtaken her when there was nothing else left. Pyro shuddered as the memories came back one after another, and threw the book against the wall. She took a long drink from the bottle. “I’m crazy, so why am I acting like I’m not... It’s better if I just… don’t.” She muttered, looking at the small swig left. She closed her eyes and saw a sight she’d left behind a long time ago. Pyroland laid out happy before her, sprawling with flowers that were singing and dancing. She could herself skipping forward holding a full can of whipped cream in her hoof. Her room was full of colorful flowers, just like Teufort used to be.

She leaned over and pulled out something from her table. A smile crossed her lips as she decided to stop fighting what had always been there and pulled a budding flower from a small box in the bedside cabinet. With just a strike against the side, it was suddenly in a very beautiful bloom of dazzling colors. She sighed happily and drifted away into the flowers as she could begin to hear the faint sounds of laughter and joy in the distance.