• Published 30th Oct 2015
  • 690 Views, 8 Comments

It Dwells in Darkness - MisterNick

Zipporwhill is an energetic pegasus. She has a loving family and a pet dog. She also has a problem with being late to school. One day after taking a shortcut she runs into something that is worse than being tardy. Something dark. Something evil.

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It Saw Me

The cool, damp morning air rushed passed her face as her wings beat a steady rhythm carrying her to Ponyville Elementary. The sweet smells of edelweiss and honeysuckle tinted the air. Zipporwhill inhaled the scent deeply as she followed the winding road; a small smile crossed her face as she followed it along the edge of the Everfree Forest. She darted along the forest’s edge and focused on the road ahead as the sun continued to slowly climb over the hills. It was then that Zipporwhill saw her shortcut to the left and banked hard into the forest’s underbrush.

She’d used the small deer path for weeks until her father had found out about it. He warned her that it was far too dangerous for young fillies, even quick ones like her, to use. The Everfree Forest was a wild and unpredictable place. Everything from timber wolves to hydras were known to live within its boundaries. Not that Zipporwhill had ever seen any of them. However, her father had said not to go there anymore so she’d honored his wish, until now. What he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him and if being to school on time meant having to break her word then she’d just have to do it.

Zipporwhill whipped past the tall spruces and dove under a fallen elm as she continued her flight faster than she had ever done in the past. Her heart raced as her wings strained beating faster still as the breeze made her eyes water. The sounds of morning cicadas chirped as she neared the exit. Her smile grew wider as she flew upward toward the forest canopy before pulling her wings back and diving downward toward the forest floor, only opening them slightly at the last second to avoid crashing into the ground and zoom past the tree line into an open field, then over a railroad tie fence and back to the road. Zipporwhill cheered, spun in the air, and landed.

The young pegasus panted and looked over her shoulder, that shortcut had shaved at least a half hour off of her time. She was ahead of schedule. She would be early, and would have a little time to catch her breath.

Zipporwhill walked down the road humming Minor Swing as she approached the old Sugar Kiss Mill. Long before she was born Sugar Kiss Mill had helped to grind up wheat and corn for bread and had helped pump water to other parts of Ponyville. These days however, the mill wasn’t in use. Its roof had holes, the blades were ragged, and most of the equipment was missing. Yet, when a good breeze came a pony could still watch it slowly turn. Today however, was not such a day and the windmill remained very still.

Yet, as still as the mill was, the young pegasus felt her stomach knot as she approached it. Her brow grew damp with anxiety as she slowed her pace until she finally stopped in front of the mill’s crooked gate. It was an unusual feeling, one that she hadn’t experienced any of the times other times she’d passed by the mill. The world grew still as she peered into the mill’s guts when she saw something move deep within the gloom.

At first it appeared to be a shadow of another pony. Its head had the outline of a young filly about her age. Yet, when it moved it slid along similar to an octopus and pulled the pronounced gloom with it.

Zipporwhill’s heart pounded hard against her breast as tears formed in her eyes. She tried to move her legs, yet she couldn’t. Her entire body remained glued in place as she watched the shadow slowly slink its way across the mill’s floor, belonging to no other creature but itself. Zipporwhill closed her eyes and managed to take a half step back when the smell hit her. She couldn’t place it but, it was an acrid sweet stench that burned her nose and turned her stomach. She could feel the pancakes rising as she opened her eyes briefly, to see the black thing just outside of the mill, floating in place as two of its tendrils clutched the stonework in wait, its cold stare apprising her hungrily.

Zipporwhill’s eyes slammed shut as she quietly begged for whatever that thing was to pass. It was then she felt the sun’s rays slowly creep up her back warming her as she trembled. Yet, the warmer she got less noticeable the smell got until it was completely gone. Zipporwhill opened her eyes, the morning sun covered the mill and the shadow was nowhere to be seen. Removing her glasses the young pegasus wiped her eyes and tried to collect herself as she trembled. “You’re okay. You’re going to be okay,” she repeated until she heard the first chimes of the school bell.

“Oh no,” she muttered her eyes widening as her heart sank yet again. How long had she been standing in front of the mill? She couldn’t be sure but, if the bell was ringing there wasn’t a moment to spare!

Zipporwhill’s wings flapped harder and faster than she could remember. They ached with each down beat as she gasped still out of breath from her shortcut through the Everfree. She zipped along faster than she thought possible given how tired her wings were. “Please, oh please keep ringing,” she prayed, the front door clearly visible on the school.

Down the hill she bolted. Her wings carrying her with reckless abandon screamed in agony from overuse. As she reached the front steps of the school the bell quit ringing. “No,” she cried in despair falling to her knees gazing up at the wine colored pony that stood in the doorway.

“Zipporwhill are you okay,” asked a wine colored pony in an even tone yet concerned tone.

“Miss Cheerilee,” sobbed the little filly, “I didn’t mean to be late. I was going to be here early honest; but then I saw this shadow and and and-“

“I know you didn’t mean to be late,” said Cheerilee as she put a foreleg around the young pegasus’ shoulders, “But this is your third time in a row. You’re going to have to stay after today okay?”

“Oh no please,” sobbed Zipporwhill, “There really was this shadow thing!”

“It’s not that bad, I have to do it all the time. When your father comes to get you maybe we can figure something out to help you get here on time okay? “

“Yes Miss Cheerilee,” said Zipporwhill as she wiped her eyes.

“Okay then and no more stories about shadows okay? Go take your seat.”

Zipporwhill walked to her seat slowly and quietly as she fought back her tears. She muttered to herself as she passed by Diamond Tiara to get to her seat. “Way to go whimper will. You really put your hoof in it this time,” said the smirking pink pony with the garish hair accessory.

“It wasn’t my fault it was a shadow or ghost or something,” muttered quickly Zipporwhill.

Diamond Tiara blinked, taken aback by this revelation. “Wait, what? A-are you saying you saw a shade?”

“Thank you Diamond Tiara for your continued commentary,” said Cheerilee, “You get to help me clean up on Friday.”

“Oh come on!”

“Monday as well you say? Why thank you for volunteering. I’ll make sure your father gets a nice note about your behavior too,” responded Cheerilee, “Now if there are no more outbursts please turn to page fifteen in your vocabulary books.”