• Published 28th Oct 2015
  • 446 Views, 3 Comments

A one week stand - Jeweled Pen

In the human world, Octavia finds himself in the midst one a one week relationship with the strangest woman he's ever met. Will he survive the week? More importantly, will he be able to handle it ending?

  • ...

Chapter 7: A contract signed

Octavia stared at the roof, his mind racing. Had it all been a mistake? She'd seemed so angry. Did she really think he expected her to... perform for him? All he wanted was her music.

His face turned a little red and he rolled onto his side, looking out the hotel window at the filled parking lot. Okay, so he wanted more than just her music, but he would happily settle for her music. She was talented, he could see that. Maybe not the most talented ever but one day she might be. It was best he snatched her up now while she still had time for him. Besides, he could afford it.

He'd left out the fact that the entirety of her contract was being paid out of what he earned. But it was worth it. There was no telling what new music they could create together. Things he could be really proud of. Taking his music to new heights. The fact there was a beautiful, talented woman there besides him who was quite exciting to be around helped. Though he--

He frowned as he heard a sudden pounding on the door. Who would be here at this hour?

“House keeping!” a muffled voice said from the other end.

He let out a sigh and got up, walking towards the door. It was almost midnight. Who would send house keeping now? He grabbed the knob and pulled. “I'm sorry, we don't-- ack!”

He stumbled back and fell as Vinyl landed on top of him, her arms around his neck. She smirked at him. “Did you really think house keeping would come at this hour?”

“W-what? How did you get here? Who told you where I was?”

“It wasn't easy, mister Octavia Melody. I had to call half a dozen hotels before I finally found this one. I figured you'd be in this area though.”

Before he could object further, she stuffed a piece of paper in his face. He reached up and pulled it back, his eyes widening. “You... you signed it. But you were so mad before and--”

“Eh, I'm a woman of fierce passions,” she said with a dismissive wave. “Besides, I had a roomy who wanted me out anyway. I figured it might be a good experience. Worst comes to worst, I can get a new job when I get back.”

“Your boss didn't mind?”

“Strobe? Nahhhh, totally cool with it. She was practically screaming at me to go in the end.”

He nodded. “You uhhh... you know we're not leaving today, right?”

A look of horror fell over her face and she put a hand to her forehead. “No! We aren't? But I already have everything packed!”

“I get it, you two are a couple!” an angry voice called from inside the room. “Can I please get some sleep?”

Octavia cringed. “Sorry, Beauty! She ummm, she just--”

“She signed it, I get it. I can hear you from here, it's a two bed room. It's really not that big and you two are really loud! Out!”

“Right, right, sorry,” Octavia gave her a sheepish smile. “Could you get up, please? We should do this in the... we should do this outside.”

She chuckled and jumped off him, stepping out of the room. He followed behind her, quietly closing the door behind himself. “Come on,” he muttered, though still found himself following her out the door. To his delight, she seemed quite excited. Her hands were shaking a little and she had an extra skip in her step. “So, you actually signed it,” he said once they were outside. The air was a bit cold and nippy, but he didn't really mind. All he could notice was her.

“Yeah. I wasn't going to at first. It really was a big risk. But hey, what's the point of living if you don't take the occasional risk? My mother once sunk her entire life savings into a type writer factory, you know? Taking risks are part of life.”

“Really? How did it go?”

“She lost the factory and we almost lost the house. Not the point,” she said with a shake of her head, before smiling to him. “The point is, I'm down for this. I know it's a big risk and I know my music isn't exactly what your kind of fans usually go for. But... well, who knows? It's a chance, a good chance. And I believe you. I think you really do care more about the music than making out with me.” She paused and looked him over. “Or at least an equal amount.”

He nodded. “I do. I mean, I do care more about that,” he mumbled, looking away from her. “I never thought... you changed it. You really did change my music in ways I never expected. It was still mine, but different. I want to see what else we can do. I think six months will be enough time.” He then sighed. “You didn't need to come all the way out here, though. It can't have been easy.”

“Oh, don't worry, I charged the cab to your room.”

“Wait, what?”

“It says travel expenses are paid for,” Vinyl said with a smirk. “I looked it over verrrrry closely, you know. Right here.”

Octavia face palmed. “Travel expenses to... oh, forget about it,” he said before smiling. “I'm happy we'll be working together. I'm pretty sure you'll drive me crazy, but I think it'll be worth it.” He closed his eyes. “I... think this is the part where we break up, right?”


“You wanted to be sure I wasn't using you, right?”

He suddenly felt a pair of hands on his shoulders and he was yanked forward. His mouth was covered by hers and he let out a little eep as she held him against her. By the stars she was soft. Finally, she pushed him back and his eyes opened to stare at her.

“I don't think you are,” Vinyl said with a smirk. “Besides, what's wrong with a little fling? It was only going to be a week before, remember? Now it's just going to be a short six month fling. Barely a blip on a rock star's radar. You play the cello, but I'm sure it's sorta close.”

Octavia snorted. “Of course. Every so often we all don face paint and light the flowers on fire. Could you imagine trying to do a stage dive?”

Vinyl snorted. “I'd actually love seeing you try to do that. Cello and all. I bet you'd break someone's nose.”

“Only if you were one of the one's catching me.”

“Oh? So, is that your go to pick up routine? Break a girl's nose? Or try?”

“Only when I'm pretty sure the girl is crazy.” He looked down at the contract. “Are you... sure you want to do this? I know it's--”

“Crazy? Insane? A bit wild? I've already left my job and I have someone who's going to store my stuff for a bit. Trust me, it'll be fine. I don't know what I'm doing but I rarely do.”

He nodded before reaching out to grab her hand. “I uhhh... I just want you to know. I did mean everything I said. There's still two days to--”

“I'm not backing out. I made my bed, I plan to lie on it. Also, I'm getting room service. That's covered too, right?”

He gulped. “P-please no. Room service is expensive, it would be cheaper to get a cab and just...” He frowned when he realized she was laughing at him.

“It'll be fine, relax,” she gave his hand a squeeze. “Besides, we make beautiful music together. Who knows, in six months there's no telling where we'll be. Maybe we'll have made a best selling record. That or I'll have finally driven you off the deep end, you'll be in jail, I'll be six feet under.”

He snorted. “Is there anything you can't say with a smile on your face?”

“Asparagus,” she said with a shudder. “Can't stand the stuff.”

“Wanna get some coffee?”

“Isn't it a bit late for that? Don't you have a show tomorrow?”

“It'll be a late one. And I can get decaf. I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a while, anyway.”

“I'd love to.” She turned and started hauling him down the street.

Octavia smiled as he followed behind her. He couldn't believe how lucky he was. To imagine it had all started with a nearly broken nose. Now he wondered where it would end? More importantly, would he survive the next six months?

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