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Comments ( 65 )




Very fun. Very hot.

I'm not into this, at all. But I'm not giving it a dislike because I can't judge something if I can't like it.

I... uh... I'm gonna need Octy to come over here and soak me too. Dayum.

She gets bigger but reverts when she cums.

do the ponies that grow because of her revert eventually?

If not, what happens when it gets to the point where she's the only one left UNDER ten feet tall?



Yes. At some point or another, anyone involved will turn back into their normal self.

6685908 6685951 the idea wasn't so much that she shrank when she came as she shrank when she was done. if she'd decided to try for a round two? she'da stayed huge or maybe even grown.

that being said no one can stay horny forever, not even bonbon. no matter how much she'd rather stay huge forever. also the ponies she infects do not actually gain the ability to get huge on their own. if bonbon shrank down she'd need another dose from the source to grow again.

You three are- in my opinion- the top three big pony authors, and it makes me quite happy when I see one of you excited for another's story.

6685699 this is going to be sweet. Instantly going into my clop library.

Well, I for one am very happy to see this tagged 'Incomplete' so long as it means more. Especially if it includes more deliciously huge Celestia and slutty Luna. :rainbowwild:

This story is DELICIOUS.

A link to cover full version, please? Even in PM.

This story is... disrespectful... to... the... uh... beautiful mares....
Fuck it, I can't lie even in writing.:derpytongue2:
Write more. Please. This is good [even though I like a little less extreme expansion], and an enjoyable read... Along with humorous.

This is quite good, but I don't know about Bonbon. You're trying to characterize her as some kind of dominatrix, but she just comes across as arrogant and entitled. If I were Octavia, I'd have used my new size to simply pick her up and throw her across the concert hall. Really she kind of killed it for me, and with her now getting the position of power (by being the big one) I'd run for the hills.

There's another story featuring Tavi growing at an alarming rate called "Octavia's Magic Bow"http://www.fimfiction.net/story/142272/octavias-magic-bow. But your story is 100 X's better! :pinkiehappy: Can't wait for the next part. Will be interesting to see Bon Bon and the rest's "Big" experience and reactions! :twilightsheepish:

Huh... All I've ever seen is Subby Bons. Dommy Bons was definitely a welcome take.

6685908 I'm just wondering what happens to the guys...

If your reputation is about to be destroyed, at least do it with a bang :rainbowlaugh:
Lucky for Tavi that Vinyl wasn't there. She'd constantly remind her of it

6687996 they probably grow a second dick along with the expansion :rainbowlaugh:

6688406 I was figuring something along the lines of a TF. Add a vag, tits, more feminine shape, change the vocal cords, and a few other things. I mean, there were guys in that Concert Hall, right Author? Can we see what happens to them as well?

Saving this for later. But so far, totally fucking hyped to read this. This. This is my kind of story.

6688417 So this is what you've been up to all this time, hmmm?

You sex-crazed weirdo you. XD How you been buddy? PM so we don't litter the comment section.

6687991 literally the entire reason i decided to go that way. bonbon is almost always the more passive member of the relationship and i figured "fuck, let's do something different."

6688400 well i mean, there's still a whole other 5k words that's been paid for. vinyl tag's there for a reason and it's not for that brief as fuck cameo at the beginning.

6688417 ask the commissioner, but i figure "sure, why not?" as for whether we'll see the rest of the concert goers, well, that's spoilers.

1) Right? She's always dommy in public, then subs herself to death for Lyra. It's good to see the roles reversed.

2) I mean, it only makes sense.

...Of course, I'm trying to make sense out of candy-colored horses with magic cum.

If Octavia doesnt end up getting her cock plugged, im gonna be very disappointed.

Okay I had some objections with most of the characters talking like they were southern, but great fiction dude :rainbowlaugh:

When do we get some more?

Comment posted by Ink Sword deleted Dec 21st, 2015

she was literally sitting right next to the princesses and neither of them saw this happening or not join?

oh please finish this story :fluttercry:

You know, up until the “What the fuck is that smell?”-line, this looked like a pretty good story with an easy to follow plot line...

And then the plot line suddenly got drunk, flipped a swarm of birds to anyone who likes stories that make sense within their predefined settings, decided to attach a nuke to a random rocket, and blasted to beyond infinity.

Sure, it was pretty hot to read, but what the actual fuck?

6769730 completely agree. It started out good and then said "Ha, NOPE" It started good but then got eh

This isn't dead, right?

would love to see a update

I sure hope it will get updated, seeing such an unf going to waste would be irrational


well i mean this is something i have been paid to write. money's changed hands, it'll get done. i promise you that much. it'll still be a few weeks minimum before you see the second half tho

“You think I'm just gonna let a cock bigger'n I am get away? No, not happening. Not until I've had my fun. I want to feel it against my body, hard and thick and big and harder and thicker and bigger and BIGGER until it can't take it anymore and cums all over the place. All over me.” She lifted a leg to stand on Octavia's beanbag-sized sack, slowly climbing her way up. “I wanna feel every individual fucking sperm in those cumsacks of yours, whore,” she growled, before hefting herself upward and straddling the monolith before her. “Flowing up and out and everywhere. Gallons and gallons and gallons of cum and it's all fuckin' mine.”


“C'mon, bitch. Cum for me. Cum all over me. I wanna get fuckin' saturated. I wanna be so thoroughly coated in cum that I could shower and shower and shower and shower and still reek of your scent for the next year. Two years. Fuck it, forever. Any given moment from now until the day I die, I wanna be able to give myself a good sniff and get myself a nosefull of your musk. To smell tonight. The night that I took a cock the size of a fucking building and made it mine. All mine. My fucking property.”



7000670 second chapter is at 4,662 words - and counting - as we speak, putting the total wordcount at 10k-ish

considering this was a 10k word commission, expect an update hopefully in the near future!

I for one welcome our new anthro futanari overlords.

“C'mon, bitch. Cum for me. Cum all over me. I wanna get fuckin' saturated. I wanna be so thoroughly coated in cum that I could shower and shower and shower and shower and still reek of your scent for the next year. Two years. Fuck it, forever. Any given moment from now until the day I die, I wanna be able to give myself a good sniff and get myself a nosefull of your musk. To smell tonight. The night that I took a cock the size of a fucking building and made it mine. All mine. My fucking property.”

This may be the hottest thing ever written in history.

7024677 Yea, we will learn how to breath musk instead of air....

what the fuck do you mean point of no return.”

Best line right there.

Phew, that made more sense at least.

Well, it was still batshit insane to follow... but at least I could follow it now.

I- its... BEAUTIFUL.


Gotta remember to make that all time favorites folder.

This is the shit.

Does the cum of affected ponies ( eg Bonbon) have the same effect on unaffected ones like Octavia's cum?

7028916 nope. thankfully only octavia's cum can do that.

doesn't mean you'd want bonbon filling the local reservoir with semen tho.

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