• Published 25th Oct 2015
  • 6,375 Views, 183 Comments

Talking to Rocks - SPark

Ever since visiting the Pie farm, Big Macintosh has had rocks on his mind.

  • ...

Talking to Rocks

Big Macintosh Apple sat on the train to Ponyville and thought about rocks. Rocks came in all kinds of shapes and sizes and colors. Of course he usually thought of rocks as gray, and of gray as boring, but he had to admit that gray could sometimes be surprisingly elegant and beautiful. And there were other colors too. Geodes, gray and simple on the outside, were sparkling bright on the inside. Which reminded him that gems, of course, were also rocks. Gems in every color of the rainbow. Sapphires in stunning blue, rubies in brilliant red, amethysts in shimmering, sparkling, violet; a color he could get lost in.

He'd thought he'd known about rocks. There were certainly plenty of rocks on the Apple farm. They worked their way up through the soil over time, creeping into the fields where they had to be dug up and hauled away, lest they interfere with the growth of newly-planted apple trees and other, smaller crops. Mature orchards never needed the rocks removed, though. The roots of the full-sized trees grew around them, holding them still, so they didn't surface. That had been all he knew about rocks, and all he thought he'd ever need to know. Now, though, he just couldn't stop thinking about rocks. Big rocks and small rocks, rocks gray and otherwise. Rocks held in an apple tree's embrace.

He continued to think about rocks the next day as he went about his chores. In winter there weren't as many, the farm mostly slept. The Apple family did all the little things that had been neglected during the busy times; repairing and replacing and—when the weather allowed—repainting various bits of the farm. That took less time than planting or tending or harvesting, though, so the pace was slower, sleepier. He liked the slow times, when he could just sit and think for long hours about whatever took his fancy.

Just now, it was still rocks. He sat on the edge of a new field, due to be planted with sapling apple trees come spring, and stared at the snow-covered space. Somewhere under the snow rocks were slowly inching their way up through the soil, by some mysterious means he didn't understand. The ones nearest the surface would be dug up soon. Was that how a rock farm worked? The crystals he'd seen everywhere suggested that something other than simply harvesting ordinary rocks went on there, but he didn't know what.

"Ya been awfully quiet today, big brother." Applejack sat down beside him in the snow and looked up at him curiously.

Big Macintosh looked at Applejack without turning his head, raising the eyebrow on that side and smiling slightly.

Applejack chuckled. She knew him well enough to know what he was saying. "Yeah, I know yer not one for talkin' much, but I ain't heard even a single 'eyup' outta you all day long. Somethin' on yer mind?"

Big Macintosh paused and considered, as he always did, if it was worth saying anything or if he should just shrug and remain silent. At length he answered, "Been thinkin' 'bout rocks."

"Goin' to the Pie's place got the subject on yer mind, huh?"


"I gotta confess I still don't get how rock farmin' works. They got such pretty crystals out in the fields, they gotta be doin' somethin', but I haven't the foggiest notion what."

Big Macintosh nodded. "Eyup."

"Same fer you, huh? I wonder if Twilight might know? Seems like that gal knows most everythin' about everythin' sometimes."

Big Macintosh tilted his head to the side, then nodded. "Maybe so."

"I'd never heard of rock farming before I met Pinkie Pie. There are so many topics to study, it's simply impossible to be familiar with all of them! I sometimes wonder what it would have been like to live in the days when a single pony really could keep up with every book being published. The research possibilities would be limited, but think of actually knowing the sum total of equine knowledge!" Twilight paused to take a breath and noticed Big Macintosh, who was looking at her with a somewhat bemused expression. "But right, rock farms. As I was saying, I hadn't heard of them before, but I've done a bit of reading since, and the subject is quite fascinating. I always knew that crystals grew, of course, but the idea of actually farming them, well!" She shook her head. "It's quite remarkable."

"Rocks grow?" Big Macintosh considered this. Were the boulders pushing up in the fields actually growing there, like weeds, then?

"Most of what we call rocks don't grow, no. They form through other processes. Igneous rocks, for example, form from cooling lava or magma. And sedimentary rocks..." She shook her head, pulling herself back on track. "Well, they form from sediments, of course, but crystals, which can be considered rocks, do grow."

"Like how plants grow?"

"It's not exactly analogous, the growth of plants is actually a quite complex organic process that converts sunlight and water into various other molecules that the plants use to build their tissues. Crystals grow through a much simpler process of repeating molecular structures. But I suppose there are some similarities, especially in the way plant growth habit and crystalline growth habit are specific to their particular species or crystal."

Big Macintosh chuckled. "So that means yes?"

"Well... it means plants and crystals have things in common, at least. As do rock farming and more conventional farming. Earth pony magic tends to be deeply involved in both, of course. I know that you Apples basically talk to your trees, telling them how to grow. I mean, I've seen Applejack literally talk to them out loud too, but you talk in a different way, through your magic, when you're planting and tending them."

He nodded. It was true. There weren't really words in it, but he didn't need words to tell the plants what he wanted, and he didn't need words to tell what it was they needed either. That was one of the reasons why he liked being alone with the trees.

"From everything I've read, it seems like rock farmers talk to their rocks in pretty much the same way."

Macintosh was silent for a long moment, staring into space past Twilight before refocusing on her and asking, "Could a regular farm pony learn to talk to rocks?"

"Probably!" Twilight smiled brightly. "It's always a little more difficult to learn skills that aren't directly related to your special talent, of course, but ponies do it all the time. I don't know if a unicorn or a pegasus could learn to do it, but somepony who already knows how to talk to plants could probably learn how to talk to rocks, given time and effort."

"Well, thank you kindly for the information, miss Twilight. I right appreciate it."

"It's no trouble at all. I love sharing knowledge with ponies." Twilight beamed at him. "And I love learning too. Maybe I should see if I can learn how to talk to trees, or to rocks. I still struggle with pegasus magic, but earth pony magic is completely fascinating, I just haven't had time to dip a hoof into it. Hmm. The library has an entire section on the topic, of course..."

Big Macintosh chuckled again and let himself out of the room. He wasn't sure she'd even noticed him going. Applejack's bookish friend was an interesting one, and quite a talker once you got her on a topic she liked. She'd also been quite helpful. He was still thinking about rocks as he walked back to the farm, but his thoughts had turned in a new direction. Now he was thinking about how to talk to them.

The saddlebags were a comforting weight across his back. They were packed full of everything he'd need for a week or two away from home, including a generous supply of apples. He could have carried twice as much, but there was no reason to bring any extra fripperies. He tightened the buckle holding them on and nodded in satisfaction.

Applejack gave him a quick hug, as did Applebloom and Granny Smith.

"Ya'll sure you'll be okay while I'm gone?"

"We'll be fine." Applejack gave him a reassuring smile. Then she ruffled Applebloom's forelock. "It'll give me a chance to get this here newly grown-up Apple more familiar with all the winter chores."

Applebloom ducked out from under Applejack's hoof and made a face at her, but then turned to Big Macintosh with a bright smile. "Maybe if you learn how to talk to rocks, you can tell them to stop coming up in the fields and we won't have to dig out as many when spring comes!"

He chuckled. "Maybe so."

Another round of hugs and goodbyes and he was on his way to the train station, where the Ponyville Express ran a line out towards the Pie farm. Thoughts of rocks still played through his mind, but a few thoughts of the apples he'd left behind joined them. He'd miss his family while he was gone.

The closer the train drew to the now-familiar rock farming country, though, the more his thoughts slipped away from the bright colors of apples to the subtler shades of rocks. Rocky hills rose all around him in familiar tones of brown and gray, and then suddenly the train pulled in to the station, and he got to his hooves to disembark. He found his heart beating just a little bit faster as he exited the train.

A little more walking and he was there. A thousand different colors spread out before him; white snow and multi-hued crystals, brown soil and gray rocks, topped by the great, looming grayness of Holder's Boulder. His eyes, though, went directly to one particular speck of one specific shade of gray. Marble Pie, standing among a field of crystals, her hooves worked into the dirt beside them, an expression of intense concentration on her face.

Big Macintosh walked slowly across the field towards her. She heard the sound of his hooves against the dirt and looked up. Her eyes widened in surprise, and then she ducked her head, partly hiding her face behind her hair, and her cheeks flushed pink. She didn't say anything. He considered for a time, and decided to venture a "Howdy."

"Hi." Soft, almost a whisper.

He scuffed a hoof on the ground, feeling his own cheeks heat a bit, and looked away from her. She flashed a tiny smile in his direction, then went back to what she'd been doing. He watched with interest, wondering if she was talking to the rocks. What else would she be doing, standing there like that with her hooves in the dirt?

The silence stretched out, Marble's eyes half closed, Big Mac's shining with interest. It could have been an awkward silence, but it wasn't, really. Big Macintosh dug his own hooves into the dirt, feeling it. It wasn't like the dirt back home, rich with leaf mold and full of life. It was thinner dirt here, and dryer. Still good, though. He smiled. Marble looked up and smiled back. There was another long silence.

Then, in that soft voice, nearly as quiet as the tinkling whisper of crystals growing, she said, "I've been thinking, lately. About apples."

Author's Note:

Just a quick note, as I'm getting a fair number of comments on this: Big Mac and Marble are not actually related. The "cousins" thing is a cute shout-out to the Pinkie Apple Pie episode, but in that episode even if Pinkie had turned out to be an Apple, (which remember was never confirmed) it would have be a.) a fourth cousin, which means five generations removed from the same ancestor (and if you go back a mere eight generations, nearly every single human on earth has the same ancestor, so that's really not related at all) and b.) "by" a fifth cousin, so by marriage, not directly related anyway. So no, this is not an incest ship. They are as closely related as any two random people off the street are likely to be, basically. Siblings is incest. First cousins is incest. Second cousins are actually okay genetically and legally as well, third cousins are definitely not incest, and calling anything past that incest is just being silly. Ship without guilt, folks!

P.S. If you'd like to support me in making more stories like this, consider becoming a patron.

Comments ( 176 )

Very cute fic! ^^

Unrelated: I love how you and Twinkletail posted MarbleMac fics one right after another :P

Great minds think alike :raritywink:

I do have to admit, this ship is growing on me. It's like flutterMac, but cannon.

6564169 Heee. That amused me too! I just went and read theirs, it's not bad either. I like mine better, but I would, I'm kind of biased. :pinkiehappy:

6564194 I've always been a fan of FlutterMac, but the show really has practically made this one canon, so I could not resist doing something about it when I realized I had a halfway decent idea.

Comment posted by SilverKaizoku deleted Oct 26th, 2015

6564195 Dear lord, there's already two groups to go with both fics. o_o

6564220 It's as close to a canon ship as we're likely to get, in a show that's aimed at the 6-ish demographic and isn't really much about romance. (Well, I suppose you can also count Cadance and Shining as a canon ship too, but is it a "ship" if they're actually married?)

6564230 That sure didn't take long! Though we need more stories. Right now the stories to groups ratio is 1:1 and that's just not right!

6564241 I'd love to help, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut...

I was bad and read this before I read the episode~ *teehee*

6564244 Well, you should go fix that! It's a pretty good one. Not my fav., other than the adorableness of Marble, but it's got a lot of cute and fun stuff in it.

6564256 B-But I'm watching a hockey game! D:

Comment posted by SilverKaizoku deleted Oct 26th, 2015

6564259 ...incest? Duuuuuuuuuuude. It's incest if it's siblings or first cousins, but "a fourth cousin twice removed by a fifth cousin" is basically not related at all.

6564260 This one was just too cute. I don't do a ton of ship fics, but I couldn't resist.

6564267 Fine then. I see it as incest.

6564274 You know that you're fairly likely to be about that related to any random person of your ethnicity that you run into, right?

6564279 Whatever. Enjoy your ship.

6564274 Exactly how far apart do you have to get before it's no longer incest to you? Seriously they are so distantly related that you could potentially argue that anyone being with anyone is 'incest'.


Fourth cousin twice removed means that Person A's great-great-great-great-great grandparent is person B's great-great-great grandparent. I'm not sure what 'by a fifth cousin' means, but we are definitely talking about a level of relation that you are insane for calling incest.


What I'm getting here is that you didn't realize how stupid your position was, but you're too pigheaded to back down, so you're going to pretend you don't care while continuing to respond to every comment.

6564298 Then why'd you even comment in the first place? What a waste of time.

EDIT: Also you should probably update your bio on your user page.

I'm a pretty relaxed person. I try not to sweat the little stuff and am very supportive. I'm very kind and understanding,and am incredibly patient(too the the point where I've been called too patient). I will do my best to try and understand people and there troubles

Seems to be a blatant lie given your behavior in these comments.

6564304 Well, I've always gotten the impression that the ranking algorithms take comment number into account somehow, so if somebody wants to have stupid arguments in my comments, I don't really mind. So long as things stay fairly civil, anyway. :scootangel:

Speaking of which, does it say that there have been just two views on this story for anybody else? It does for me, but I can't believe people are faving it without viewing it, that doesn't make sense.

6564311 I'm seeing 2 as well. Mind you I still need to read it, it's on my read later list for now as I need to get to bed. Hm, when you see people 'faving' it does it tell you specifically that they added it to their favorites shelf? Or might putting it on the 'read later' or 'tracking' shelves be shown to you the same way?

Well, that was cute. Seriously, the animators were pushing the shipping buttons on this one. It's too obvious to be accidental.

6564325 It shows me the specific shelf, but only if the shelf is set to public, so I don't see everyone who adds it to their read later, as that tends to be a private shelf (I believe it's set that way by default) I see a few read later notifications, and most of the various weird and individualized shelves. (Some of those amuse me. Though I do wish people would stop adding Spark to Light a Candle to "dead" shelves. It's not dead, just... resting. For a long time. Totally will be finished someday, really. :twilightblush: )

6564336 I think it's about as close as we're likely to get to a canon ship, unless they do another Hearts and Hooves Day episode, maybe. :twilightsmile: (Or unless you count Cadance and Shining Armor as a "ship". Not sure how that one works, really... Are married couples ships?)

SO CUTE! I loved it. You tied the ending with the beginning so well, I adored the last line of Marbles, that was genius.

And you made rocks sound so...magical!

And you do a dang wonderful Twilight. You were right on target with that one. One of the best Twilights I've read, I'd say. You did EVERYPONY well, really.

6564357 Aww, thank you! I honestly love writing Twilight in excited "nerd babble" mode. I tend to do that myself sometimes, when I'm really into something. :twilightsmile:

6564256 And now that I've done the thing, I must resist the urge to write for the ship.

Also, Pinkie's family is awesome. That is all.

6564306 It is true. People who know me can confirm this.

6564377 Then if you are so incredibly laid back, could you see your way to not being uptight in public at people over the ships they enjoy? That'd be nice, thanks. :raritywink:

6564374 They are! Though I'll admit the other Pie family story idea in my idea folder is very much a grimdark kind of thing. Or maybe grindark, as it'd be a dark humor piece. Dunno if I'll ever get around to writing it though, I have far more ideas than time!

Absolutely fantastic! :pinkiehappy:

6564382 I don't want too. But anytime I try, the rage comes back in full.

I don't like getting angry. But I can't seem to let things go. I can't just let sleeping dogs lie.

Okay, Marlbemac isn't incest. But, I'm not found of it because I'm a picky person.

6564387 "Once I was in a place without rocks. It was horrible." —A Maud Pie horror fic :P

6564396 I appreciate you admitting it.

Next time, though, may I give you some advice? When a ship is not for you, for whatever reason, I suggest you don't read the story and don't comment on the story, and you'll find (shock!) that you don't get "rage", because you're off reading and commenting on the stories that make you happy instead. Purposefully exposing yourself to something you've decided you hate is just silly and pointless, and publicly commenting to shit on it will just piss off everyone else too.

6564390 Thank you! :pinkiehappy:



I learned a new word today that I shall treasure forever.

It's perfectly OK to dislike a ship ^_^ everyone has their own preferences for what they like and don't like and that's one of the things that make this world a beautiful place!

6564398 Hmmm... are there any places without rocks? I suppose that depends a bit on how you define a "rock". Coral atolls, maybe?

I have a lot of issues. I don't know why I can;t just do this. It's like whenever i try to avoid unnecessary drama, something just pulls me to it.

I don't like drama. I don't like debility starting shit. I'm sorry about my behavior here. It was childish.

6564419 I... don't know. :twilightoops: I was just tryin'a be funny.

6564438 Come now! Taking silly things waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously is what fandom is for, right? :pinkiehappy:

6564443 So very true.

What a sweet and cute fic--as sweet and cute as the ship and how it was implied.

I was really surprised by the episode today.

6564504 Thank you! (The episode had a few moments I wasn't expecting, the adorable shippishness among them.)

Yes, that new episode has spawned a ship so immense that I have revoked myself as a Cheerimac shipper. (Though I'll still ship it due to DisneyFanatic2364) And now, the ship has created dozens of fan works in the span of ONE FREAKING DAY. It's just like: WHAAAAA???????!?!?!!!!!?!?!! My mind does not comprehend!!!!! Anyway, good story!

This is a very amazing ship story I have read!

So sweet!

6564549 Thank you! This fandom is pretty nuts sometimes!

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