• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen June 3rd


Comments ( 121 )

Okay, so far I am actually enjoying this. Although you do need to slow down and add more detail to it. Other than that, I'll favorite it because Fairy Tale is a good show.

I say ally because that would stay true to how both fairy tail and mlp views of dragons. A couple of bad apples spoil the bunch. :eeyup:

Ally path

Becaus in Fairy Tail only dragons can teach others how to use dragon slaying magic

6586190 yeah that is a good viewpoint.

6586688 True, I think I overlooked that bit. Maybe I was thinking Scratch would teach them since he was in a way, a compendium of Fiore magic.

Your great grandparents were quite the powerful makes themselves.

Don't you mean, Mages? :pinkiesmile:
Interesting work so far.

Yup the ally path is the better path cause zelots are a pain for any race to control cause they dont care and believe they're right 100%

Interesting...Definitely gonna track this.

Well, it seems another Fairy Tail member needs visiting!

great grandpa George and great grandma Leanna

Oh, so you're a GaLevy shipper? Good. I'll enjoy the story that much more.

feeling like someone had flooded my veins with molten iron

Laying it on a bit thick, aren't we?

Indeed, but those were just names they used to keep their real identities secret. Their true names were Gajeel Redfox and Levi McGarden.

Fucking called it.

Ignatius Draco. Also known as Natsu Dragneel." I stopped in shock, barely registering the rustling in the brush. Ignatius Draco was a household name in the heating and electric business.


Plus, it gives me time to learn more about my magic."


How was I supposed to know that the Iron Dragon's Breath would make that big of a hole with just a little magic poured into it.

Idiot. It's Dragon Breath. A dragon, with it's last breath, can still turn you to ash.

Darn, I was hoping for at least a scuffle between Dick McMuffins and the dragons when they learned about his magic... Eh. I'm certain that oath he swore will have him fighting some kind of bastardized Loxus/Dragon hybrid, or at least something on that level of power.

6625705 Thanks. I try. But, think of this.

I wouldn't have faved if I didn't like it.

6625719 I thought I saw your name in the list of favorites a couple days back. Honestly i'm still shocked at how many people are liking and favoriting this thing.

6625721 Nope. Found it today. And when will we get the fight?

6625728 really? but your name isn't listed in the list of people that favorited this today.

as for the fight between him and the dragons, i plan to have at least a sparring match in this next chapter, and there will be plenty of scrapping in the sixth chapter.

6625736 I like just faved it half an hour ago. I was on your other story. Will there be blood for the blood god?

6625740 quite a fair amount in the sixth chapter(it's where I plan to kick in the gorey fight part of the mature tag.) and now i remember, you favorited Turn of a key and we had a quick conversation there about a week and a half ago. but yeah, your name hasn't shown up in the list of names that favorited it. did you accidentally double click or misclick and it didn't register?

This is interesting, continue.

*sigh* So disappointing, but then again, if that's how he feels reality conforms then that's on him (I rather like this whole thing otherwise).

hay if i do a dispalcd 3 dragon slayers dispalacd will enypony call me a copycat becas of this :twilightsheepish:

Eh, fine. I find evolution to be a remarkably cruel philosophy.

6628566 so it was nothing to do with the story?:derpyderp2::applejackconfused:

It was included in the story, and is therefore a part of it. But, as I eluded to before, truth is that which conforms to reality, and if you've written your character to see that particular school of thought as reality, and rather clunkily at that, as it is hardly normal conversation to, when asked what species you are, to say 'yes I'm a human, now let me give a brief history of how I'm related to another species entirely that you weren't asking about', then there is little I will choose to do about it outside of a comment here or there.

6633498 more shall be had soon. Unfortunately, working in the restaurant business means weekends are my busier days.

"In my kingdom there is a hidden temple of adepts who train in the various slayer arts. The grand master of the temple is an old friend of mine. When I return I shall send word to him about you."


Here comes Dragon-Makarov.

*rummages around*

Where's my damn popcorn...?

6688540 Oh,

*munch munch*


Fuckin' 'Ell, where'd I put that drink... I'm just losing everything...

6688575 Don't look at me, I brought the popcorn.

6688603 Hey, I helped, I brought the popcorn didn't I?

6688070 Hear have some of mine [hands popcorn over] it coued be metalicana or igneal ?

6688673 Maybe...

*munch munch*

But he made it sound

*munch munch*

like it was going to be a Guild,


and the only Guild that

*munch munch*

the show even touches upon

*munch munch*

is Fairy Tail.


Of course, I'm only on the second season, as I only got into the show a few months ago, so I may be totally wrong.

6688715 metalicana was the dragon that taut gajeel his magic so thats way i thaut that :derpytongue2:PS gajeel is beast dragon slayer

6688824 ...Wendy is the best Dragon Slayer. Gajeel may be Beast Dragon Slayer, however.

Time Skip 9 months

He's drilled that into my head the entire month I've been here.


It is quite pleasant to see a story where turning into statuary is written logically into the story.

6700339 thanks. That was something i felt only a handful of Displaced stories touch on. Yes we understand your character got statued up, and they may give a brief paragraph or two flashback, but very few actually go back to the past to show how they ended up there.

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