• Member Since 20th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


For someone named "TheTimeSword", I sure don't manage my time very well.


Comments ( 29 )

I liked it, I was wondering how you'd justify one of the main characters murdering everyone like that.

er why cant we read the chapters before there updated

You totally can, I'm not going to stop you. They're in the process of being updated, as this was my very first story, so the quality is very poor. Spelling mistakes, grammar issues, and run on sentences. You can still read it as is, and the story itself will not change after it's updated.

There will also be an Epilogue chapter added at the end, once everything has been updated.

I thaught it would be applejack or rarity, but I couldn't guess why and how she can.
I didn't even imagine that it was the spellbook!

im calling a crazy freaked out sie to cadence that comes outr when shes scared to kill others for no reason

nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bucking way its * thud

creppy masked pony * no spoliers

Well, first let me tell you this is one of the best horror/gore fics I have ever read and probably is one of the most thought out of the bunch, I honestly am probably going to have nightmares tonight, 10/10:pinkiehappy:

I knew it! I knew it since that bitch found Twi with Pinkie's body, when she asked Twi to just "go ahead".

And such is the ending(?). Awesome story!! Definitely held the suspense.

7676472 Not really. Other than the Introduction chapter, which says the title, the only thing that references are the chapter names. :twilightsmile:

So birthday boy was the first to go. Some birthday present.

I thought for sure Cadance would be the next victim, considering she was knocked out leaving her completely at the mercy of the killer.

So Spike's evil book did this to Rarity?!

Discomfort settled in Rarity’s heart as she opened the castle door with her magic.

Looking back, I wonder why. Was she considering not killing any of them? Was she having second thoughts?

Rarity eventually entered the room, greeting Twilight with a gentle smile. The two spoke shortly about the party, while the Crusaders were already off running amok in the dining hall

You are literally talking to a soon-to-be murderer!

“Hey now, we better eat before you start forcin’ ponies out on the dance floor. Don’t want no one to pass out from starvation while they’re dancin’.” Applejack pulled Pinkie into a headlock as she cautioned the party pony.

Yeah, but you also don't want to throw up while dancing. They'll eat when they get hungry.

Rarity was going on about fashion to Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash was exaggerating details of her latest exploits in the Wonderbolts to the Crusaders, and Pinkie Pie was chattering on to Applejack about the delicious food she made.

And Rarity was also planning to murder everyone.

It was a piece of timber, made into the shape of a bone with Spike’s name carved into the center.

Been a while since I've read, but I feel like someone's getting clubbed with it.

“I know how much you want to be a true knight, and true knights wear white. Perhaps one day you’ll be my knight.” Rarity blushed and turned her head away, trying to hide her embarrassment.


The CMC are just painfully stupid sometimes.

Hmm... Let me put early bet and say CMC did it.

I guess wrong- Wait no, there's still two more of them.

Welp, I was wrong, It wasn't them.

“You just had to have all the pieces fit together nicely, didn’t you?” She slammed her face again, gritting her teeth with the angry tone of her voice. “You couldn’t stop THINKING!”

Really? I feel like Twilight figured out with observation. She almost fell for Rarity's lies.

I gotta say, usually kids are inherently safe in slashers, so seeing the gruesome fates of the CMC in this took me by surprise.

Frankly, this story has everything I want in a slasher:

  • Likable characters, first and foremost (victims that are actually massive jerks and supposedly deserve what they're getting are so overdone), which is admittedly likely a bit easier when you already have well-liked characters, but even throughout, even when characters resort to aggression, it's always understandable and sympathetic.
  • Genuine tension. This is definitely an edge of your seat kinda story. The air of danger throughout the story ensures that carnage is not just an empty threat (some newer slashers—cougoughScream6coughcough—could learn a thing of two lol). No one really feels safe at any point in the story, plot armor is nowhere to be found, so any survivals actually feel pretty earned. Since this is written, jumpscares aren't really able to be used (hence why I tend to prefer written horror, but so little of that is actually in the slasher subgenre).
  • A solid mystery. The mystery element is fully thought out and kept me guessing all throughout. There's enough evidence and red herrings to where the twist makes sense but you also can't fully see it coming. It's definitely different than a lot of other whodunnit-style slashers, which give plenty of potential villains, but never really detail any actual possible motives or mystery until the twist, so it's effectively impossible to figure out the killer without guesswork, looking at casting (for movies or tv series, see the trope Narrowed It Down to the Guy I Recognize, and/or going off of last minute judgements based on who is alive and who isn't.
  • Gnarly kills. The gore is used pretty well, and doesn't take away from any of the story's horror at all. Every kill is visceral and packs a punch, which is only accentuated by the likable characters.
  • Most importantly, to me, a kickass Final Girl. Twilight is pretty obvious in this role, being the main character. I mentioned that no one really has plot armor, and that's still true, even if the Final Girl is obvious. The reason for this is that she is constantly fighting for survival and thinking on her feet, justifying her survival. There's also the part where the killer wasn't really trying to kill her until she figured it out, but even after that, she's still fighting.

Overall, a really good story and a solid slasher. I know you haven't posted in awhile, but I'd love to see a completed trilogy if you ever do come back. :twilightsmile:

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