• Published 21st Oct 2015
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Sanctuary: An Interview of a Changeling - CrackedInkWell

Filliedelphia's police investigates an unusual case where in an abandoned Asylum, three ponies were founded murdered except for the changeling that was found restrained. This is the interview of that changeling.

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Video Tape Evidence: (Part 2)

(Security Camera of room 324 of River Side Hospital: 2:19 PM.)

Resto raised an eyebrow. “That’s a rather strange name for a pony. Lovejoy?”

“What? I didn’t choose it,” the doctor said. “Oh! Before we get started, would it be too much trouble to take your picture?”

The changeling looked at his restraints. “There’s not much I can do anyway.”

“Give me a moment.” The unicorn walked behind the curtain for a moment before returning with a camera and a tripod. “In case you’re curious, I have a hobby in photography, something I’m planning to do full time soon.”

“What does that mean?”

The stallion set the camera beside the lower right hoof corner of the bed, making a few adjustments. “I’m afraid that this will be my last day at the hospital. For you see, I’m going to be retired very soon and wanted to finally get to do what I love.”

“I… I suppose that makes sense,” Resto said. “So do you want me to do anything, change into somepony or-”

“No no, just the way you are is perfect. Now, please look just above the camera. Yes! Like that, now hold still for a moment…” The bulb on the camera flashed. “There we go. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get down to business.”

“Okay, so what do you want from me?”

“First of all,” Dr. Lovejoy took out a pocket watch, “I want to say, thank you so much.”

The changeling tilted his head. “For what? Having my picture taken?”

“Well that, and for assisting me earlier a couple of days ago. Really, you’ve been a huge help.”

“I still don’t understand.”

“You will in a moment.” The elderly stallion moved over to the machine that was measuring his vital signs. “So, are you sure you don’t recognize me in any way?”

Resto shook his head.

“To tell you the truth,” the doctor continued, “it’s quite a coincidence that you were found at Sanctuary’s. It was the same place that I practiced in before I came here.”

Resto’s expression drooped. “Y-You did?”

“Oh, yes. Very noisy place as I remember. So many random screams, so many mad ramblings about nothing, and quite the hotbed for… experimentation in the field of medicine. But it was an enlightening place to be before I earned my degree.” He looked over to the Changeling. “Do you feel a little paranoid right now?”

He nodded.

“Ah, that’s good. That’s very good,” the old stallion softly smiled. “You’re almost ready.”

“R-Ready? F-For what?”

“In good time,” he said, looking at the water bag. “We just need the liquid fungus from Sanctuary’s to kick in. After it’s in your bloodstream, I’ll inform my old mentor that you’re ready.”

“What mentor?” Resto demanded nervously. “What is all this for?”

“Why,” the doctor chuckled, “it’s for the procedure, of course. Surely, you’ve already become acquainted with my teacher, Doctor Red Cross.”

(Helmet camera from Officer Thunderclap, Sanctuary Mental Hospital, 3:24 PM.)

The detective coughed in the mask. “Geez, it’s really hard to breathe in here!”

“It must be from all the dust,” Thunderclap said, pulling up one of the bookshelves in one of the hospital’s libraries. When they entered, there was black mold spread across the ceiling. Dust was powdered over the floor, tables, chairs, and overturned bookshelves. “You okay?

The pony looked into the camera and nodded. “Yeah, I am. I guess I’m a bit tired is all, and really hot underneath this mask.”

“Don’t worry.” The camera looked down at the officer’s hooves which were turning over some books. “Just a few more minutes and we’ll be out of here.”

“Do you think that Resto was lying?”

“Huh?” The camera looked back up to him. “You mean the bug? I don’t know. I guess it’s very probable at this point, considering some of the inconsistencies he told you.”

“Like what?”

“Like how he talked about this place being lit up even though all the power has been cut, which still doesn’t explain how that mare got electrocuted.”

“He could have used magic,” the detective suggested. “After all, some unicorns could charge batteries, so perhaps Resto used his magic to charge the machine before he threw the switch. Anything else?”

“Well, remember how he described Doctor Red Cross, the same guy that the historians found out to be one of the doctors who used to run this place? You have seen the photo of the guy himself, did you?”

“Not yet, why?”

“The cutie mark that he described didn’t match. The real Red Cross had just that, a simple red cross; it didn’t have two snakes circling around it.”

“Mind showing me this photo sometime? I think it would help with the case at hoof.” The detective said as they moved another bookshelf and suddenly jumped. “Whoa!”

“What is it?” The camera moved closer to the pony. “What you find?” The officer looked over to what he was seeing, “Is that a mannequin?” A hoof reached into the frame, pulling out the other half of the life-size doll from underneath. In which they found that this white mannequin was unique, its limbs had joints in which it could move, and it had on an old nurse’s hat, complete with a yellowing uniform.

“Now, what is this thing doing out here for?” Hoof Print asked. “The uniform is old, but the mannequin itself looks a little… new.”

A thought came to the officer’s head. “Did anypony say why the three victims came here in the first place?”

“I think it was something to do with seeing if there are any ghosts in this place… wait.” The detective looked down. “What if they were trying to film a hoax, and this thing was supposed to be the ghost?”

“Interesting, but why would it be here? We’re practically on the other side of the place where the victims were found.”

While Officer Thunderclap said this, Hoof Print leaned toward the dark space that the mannequin was pulled out from. “Hey, flash your light in, I think I see something.”

The camera tilted before the lights on the helmet dipped into the dark hole, illuminating underneath the overturned table to reveal dusty books and a video camera.

“Jackpot!” The officer reached in, grabbing onto the camera. After getting out from underneath, he opened the tiny screen, he pressed a few buttons, but nothing happened.

“Maybe the batteries are dead.” Hoofprint took it into their own hooves. “Hopefully this will explain what’s going on here.”

There was the crackling sound of a hoof-held radio before the officer’s camera picked up. “Detective Print, Officer Thunderclap, come in please, over.”

The gray Detective reached for the speaker, “Yes, we’re here. We’ve found some interesting evidence and the missing camera, over.”

“Nevermind that for now, we need you over at Riverside Hospital immediately. Something’s happened to the changeling!”