• Published 2nd Jun 2012
  • 13,456 Views, 252 Comments

Creeping Darkness - Pen Stroke

Alan Wake must write a story where Twilight faces the Darkness of his world to save Equestria

  • ...

Offer A Warm Heart To Those Lost in The Dark

It took some time, but Twilight eventually reached the end of the orange trail of light that was coming from her horn. And there, at the end, she found what she assumed was Applejack.

The farm pony was lying on the ground, body completely covered in shadows, but she wasn’t a Taken. No, a Taken would have jumped to its hooves and attacked Twilight as soon as she had gotten close. No, this was really Applejack, just encased in shadows. The unicorn could only imagine that she was wrapped in darkness as well until being freed by Zane.

Now, Twilight had the perplexing problem of trying to do the same for Applejack. Zane hadn’t given her the details of how to free someone, but spoke like the unicorn would know or be able to figure out what to do.

Stepping closer, Twilight lowered herself down so she was lying near Applejack. The farm pony was curled up, legs tight against her chest, and Twilight could make out a discernible tremble. She was really, really scared. For a moment, Twilight’s anger flared as she was unable to understand how anything sentient, even the Dark Presence, could do this kind of thing to a pony. Still, it was a rage Twilight pushed to the back of her mind as she leaned in close.

Zane had had spoken to her at first, it was his words that let her realize he was there. Maybe she just needed to talk to Applejack.

“It’s okay, I’m here.”

“What... Twilight... oh, heavens Girl, it’s good to hear your voice. Where are you?” Applejack replied, the orange pony still wrapped in shadows but getting to her hooves.

“I’m right beside you.”

“Where? I can’t see you.”

“Relax, I’m front of you.“ Twilight reassured. “What’s the last thing you remember?”

“Before ending up in this nasty darkness... I was in that alley, and all those birds flew into my face. Then... then there was pain. Worst darn pain I’ve ever felt, even worse than the time I cracked some ribs at the rodeo. Then... I woke up in this blackness. Couldn’t see, feel, or hear nothin’... and I don’t know why but I’ve never been so scared in all my life... until I heard your voice. Now... I reckon I don’t even remember what I was scared of.”

Twilight smiled. “That’s good, but you’re not out of the darkness yet. We need to, well... basically we need to turn on your light.”

“Twilight, I hate to break it to ya but I ain’t got no light on me. No flashlight, lantern, not even a match.”

“Your inner light.”

“My inner light? Twilight, are you going all philosophical on me?”

“Yea... it’s kind of how this place works.”

“Shoot... was never that good at philosophical stuff. Still, I trust ya. I’ll do whatever you want.”

“I want you to think of a memory, one time where you were perfectly honest with some pony and it felt good. Like the time you saved me from falling off the cliff, and you convinced me to let go because you promised me that I’d be safe, that it was the honest truth.”

“Yea... I remember that. I could tell how scared you was, but I knew I couldn’t hold onto you long enough to explain that Dash and Fluttershy were going to be able to save you. Not without both of us getting pulled over the side. Still, even when you hardly knew me... you trusted what I said, and it felt good to know that you were willing to trust in my honesty.”

Twilight smiled, seeing the darkness around Applejack start to waver. “Good, I want you to hold onto that memory, just close your eyes and hold onto it.”

It took a few moments, but the darkness began to unravel, fading until only the orange cow pony was left. Applejack still had her eyes shut, straining herself to think about that night. Twilight couldn’t keep herself from chuckling a little before putting a hoof to her friend’s shoulder.

“You can open your eyes now, Applejack.”

“Wha... well shoot, not exactly Equestria but a country mile better than where I was.” Applejack said as she looked around. She then turned to Twilight, a big smile on her face. “Still, it’s awful good to see you Twilight. By my reckonin’ I had to be in that dark for weeks..”

“Well, it wasn’t weeks... but right around twenty four hours.”

“Just a day... shoot, felt longer than that.” Applejack said, scratching her head, only to quickly glance up. “What the... Where in tarnation is my hat?”

“You lost it when you were taken. Still, we tried to keep a hold of it.”


“The last time I saw it Fluttershy had it, but that was before we came to this place.”

“Well, puts my mind a bit more at ease known she’s the one been taking care of it. So, where is Fluttershy... and for that matter, where are we and what are we doing here? ... and why are all those funny lights coming out of your horn?”

“I’ll explain, but on the way. We’ve got to go find the others too.”


It didn’t take long and soon the six friends were reunited, Dash being the last since she was the last to be taken. Never had the ponies been happier to see their friends. For some, it was like having their friends being brought back from the dead, since none of the ponies had ever been exactly sure that being Taken wasn’t just another way to say a friend was killed.

“So,” Dash began, having been filled in on roughly what had happened. “What now?”

“Now we need to save the princesses.” Twilight said. “From what Zane told me, the necklaces we found in the castle can point us to them, since the necklaces represent a fond childhood memory for both Celestia and Luna. A pure memory.”

“Yes, that is correct. koooh....kssssh

Twilight and all her friends turned, seeing the floating figure of Zane just above them.

“Who is that?”

“And what garish thing is it wearing?”

“This is Zane. Don’t worry, he’s a friend.”

“Yes, and you are right Twilight. koooh....kssssh It is time for your friends to free the princesses from the darkness. You, however, have another task.”

“I do?”

“Yes. My attempts to save another from the darkness have failed. The darkness is holding me back, keeping me from her. koooh....kssssh Her light is necessary; without it there is no hope of defeating the Dark Presence, which currently wears the face of Nightmare Moon.”

“It’s wearing her face!? That sound positively ghastly!” Rarity commented

“Yes, it is.” Zane assured.

“But, won’t my friends need my help to waken the princesses?” Twilight asked.

“The light from their five traits, their five virtues are enough to hold back the darkness. They must only find the princesses and then help them escape the dark. koooh....kssssh There is no hope, however, unless we save this other. I can guide you to her, but then I will have to act as a decoy for the Dark Presence. koooh....kssssh Buying you the time you need to offer a warm heart to one who is lost in some the deepest parts of the Dark Place.”

Twilight looked back over her shoulder. “What do you think guys?”

“Don’t worry about it Twi, we’ll go get the princesses.” Applejack reassured. “I’m just want to make sure you trust this here Zane person.”

“Yes, he is a tad creepy, Dear.”

“Zane is the one that saved me; he could have just left me in the dark if he wanted.” Twilight answered, taking off the moon pendent and using her magic to secure it around Rarity’s neck. “Don’t worry girls, I’ll catch up with you later.”

“You got it Sugarcube... but, uh... how do we make these here things work?”

“They are a manifestation of childhood beliefs. koooh....kssssh To give them power, simply remember a pure childhood memory where you believed in something, even though it may seem childish.”

“OOOH... Oooh, like Santa Hooves? No, the Tooth Fairy. Oh, wait, even better, the Cupcake Pixie.”

“Who or what is the Cupcake Pixie?”

“Silly, she’s the little cupcake sized fairy that makes all cupcakes and other baked goods so scrumdiddlyumptious... well, except the time Applejack helped me in the kitchen when she was all tired. Those were definitely not scrumdiddlyumptious.”

“Yes, something like that.” Zane replied before landing on the ground in front of Twilight, the heavy metal of his suit sending a small shock wave through the ground. “Now, we will have to dive very deep very quickly to reach the pony we seek. While we dive the darkness will try to overpower you. koooh....kssssh You must keep the light on inside. If you don’t then I may not be able to bring you back out of the depths.”

Twilight nodded. “I understand.”

“Then we shall begin to dive.”

“Okay, so, how does this work do you hold my hoof or-” Before Twilight could finish the world faded into black around her, Twilight once again feeling numb to the world. She began to get a sense of sinking, and the terror that once filled the pony began to spring for anew. Twilight’s breathing began to accelerate to a panicked state.

“Remember,” Zane offered, even though he too had faded into darkness. “Keep the light on inside. koooh....kssssh It’s what will keep the darkness at bay.”

Twilight squeezed her eyes shut, even though it really had no effect on what the unicorn was seeing. She then focused, or at least tried to focus, on the fond memories she had with her friends. It was, however, more difficult than before. When she thought of the memory the first time, when Zane freed her, she wasn’t contending with the fear at the same moment. Zane had stopped the terror in Twilight, allowing her to think clearly.

Now, however, the terror was pressing and demanding to be at the forefront of Twilight’s mind. It was a struggle, like a mental pushing contest. Twilight tried to focus on her memories, of meeting her friends, of the good times and laughs they had together. About the many lessons of friendship she had learned from her stay in Ponyville.

The terror, however, pushed back with equal force, and it began to infect Twilight’s memories. Mutating, the fear went from just something general to a fear of losing her friends. Twilight’s imagination began to betray her. She was able to see her friends walking away, turning their back on her. She began to feel hopeless, like she’d never have another friend as long as she lived.

“Keep the light on. You’re letting the darkness win. koooh....kssssh

Twilight gritted her teeth, her mind literally at war with itself. Her friends wouldn’t just leave like that. It was a fear, but an unfounded one. The terror then started to offer reasons why her friend would leave. Because they thought she was too nerdy, because she was such a shut in. Because they were afraid of her and her magic after the Ursa Minor incident.

Good memories were turned against Twilight, forcing the unicorn to find fresh ones... and she was starting to run out of ammunition.

“Just a little farther, only a little deeper. koooh....kssssh Hold onto the light, use the strongest memory you can.”

Strongest... Twilight’s mind froze up a bit. What was her strongest memory... what was the moment she was happiest to have friends, when her friends have proven that they wouldn’t abandon her? Then... a spark. A spark much like the one Twilight remembered from the faithful day. The memory of the fight with Nightmare Moon, when Twilight saw the Elements of Harmony be shattered. She had feared the worst, lost hope... but then she heard her friends... and she felt the spark inside. The spark of magic, of friendship.

This memory seemed to do the trick, the terror welling up finally getting pushed back. Twilight thought she heard Zane laugh a little, almost a chuckle to himself as the terror subsided fully and the unicorn realized it didn’t feel like they were going any deeper.

“We’re here.”


Twilight opened her eyes and found herself someplace she didn’t expect. She was in a stone hallway, completely barren of furniture but, then again, Twilight could only see the part of the walls directly around her, which were illuminated by her unicorn light. Anything beyond a certain distance was just pitch black, as if the world didn’t exist beyond the light.

“This is the prison the Dark Presence made for the pony you seek. You must find her in this place, but move quickly. I will not be able to keep the Dark Presence distracted for long. koooh....kssssh

With that Zane’s presence and heavy, scuba diver breathing was gone... but instead of a pressing silence Twilight did hear something. It was quiet, very quiet... something so quiet you’re not sure you’re really hearing it or if it’s just your ears playing a trick on you.

It was coming from down the hall, and after straining her ears Twilight allowed herself to move in the direction of the sound, if only to make it out more clearly. She kept casting her eyes about the darkness in front of her, glancing back from time to time as well. The darkness felt threatening, dangerous... unfriendly. The hallway as a whole giving Twilight the sensation she just didn’t belong.

It took some time, Twilight walking slowly due to the ominous feeling she was getting, but the noise finally grew loud enough for Twilight to discern what it was. It was quiet, distant... but discernible.

It was crying... the crying of a very small pony: a filly, or maybe even a foal.

A new haste entered Twilight’s hooves when she realized the nature of the sound. She trotted, her feet clipping and clopping against the hard stone of the mysterious hallway, which just seemed to stretch on forever without any doors or furniture. It was just a ceiling, two walls, and a floor that just kept going and going.

At least until Twilight drew close to the crying, and suddenly found herself face to face with a heavy wooden door. The crying was emanating from behind the barrier, and Twilight only lingered a moment before stretching out her magic, opening the latch and pushing the heavy door open. Whoever had been crying gasped at the creaking of the door hinges, falling silent as Twilight moved into the room.

It was a bedroom, a fairly comfortable looking one, but completely dark. The furniture and decor was toned in purples and blacks, something that might have looked very pretty and welcoming room when the lights were on. In the dark, however, many things in the room seemed to take on very harsh shapes, Twilight unable to deny that some of the shadows were looking a little too much like evil things staring back from the dark.

Guiding her light about the room, Twilight eventually took notice of something moving. It was in the bed, a very small bulge beneath the covers... a foal. She was small, or at least appeared small in comparison to the huge, princess sized bed she was in. The foal had the covers pulled up over her head, her hooves just barely poking out as she trembled visibly.

Twilight moved over to the bed as quietly as possible, but with hooves and a hard stone floor it’s impossible to make a silent approach. At the sound of the hoof steps the foal in the bed ducked under the covers further, as if utterly terrified of Twilight.

“Hey, it’s okay, you don’t have to be scared.” Twilight offered, making her voice as quiet and soft as she could, trying to emulate the tender caring tone Fluttershy used with her animals. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“Who... who are you?” The foal under the blankets asked.

“My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

“Are you a monster?”

“No, I’m just a normal pony.”

“She told me that anything that comes out of the dark is a monster, and that they would be mean to me.”

“Well, I promise I’m not going to be mean to you. That and I’m not in the dark. In fact, there is a little bit of light coming from my horn. I bet you can see it, even from beneath the covers.”

“It... it is brighter under here.”

“See? Now why don’t you come out?”

“You promise you’re not a monster?”

“I promise. I’ll even Pinkie Pie promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my OW!” Twilight flinched, biting back her voice. Darn it, she had to remember to be careful of that last part.

“Okay, I’m coming out... but just to look and make sure you’re not a monster.”

The foal began to crawl back towards the top of the bed. Twilight saw a pair of dark toned hooves peak out from under the covers, followed by a unicorn horn and a deep, regal purple mane. A color several shades darker than Rarity’s glamourous hair. Those were followed by a dark color coat and a pair of turquoise eyes.

“See, I’m just a regular old pony.” Twilight offered, though she was squinting in the right eye from managing to hurt herself doing a Pinkie Pie promise again.

“I... I guess you look pretty normal.” The small foal offered, inching herself a little further out from the covers. It was slow, but soon the little foal pulled herself all the way out and stood on the bed, staying as far away from Twilight from possible and refusing to meet the unicorn’s gaze.

This was probably a good thing, because Twilight’s eyes had narrowed in disbelief. The foal in front of her had a solid black coat and her regal purple mane flowed across her back and face like a sad waterfall, hiding part of her face much like Fluttershy’s hairstyle... actually it was more akin to Pinkie Pie’s hair the few times it fell straight.

Even with hair across half her face there was no hiding the foal’s big, rich, turquoise eyes, which at the moment reflected how scared the little foal was. The eyes themselves, however, weren’t shaped like normal pony’s eyes. No, they were more diamond shaped, the pupils with dagger-shaped slits. They were eyes that bore more of a resemblance to a dragon’s eye than a normal round pony eye.

The final features of the small foal were her unicorn horn and pegasus wings. She was an alicorn, an alicorn that was very, very familiar looking. Twilight had to rub her eyes, making sure she wasn’t just seeing things, but when she looked back there was no denying what she saw. The resemblance was uncanny, perfect.

The little foal in front of Twilight looked exactly like Nightmare Moon. Well... at least what Nightmare Moon would have looked like if she was a foal.

“Um... so what’s your name?” Twilight asked, trying to end the silence that had fallen on the room, if only to keep the foal Nightmare Moon from ducking back under the covers.

“I... I don’t know.”

“You don’t know your name?”

“She didn’t tell me what my name was. She just told me to stay in here, otherwise the monsters would get me.”

“Who told you that?”

“I... I don’t know.” The foal whimpered. “I... I was all alone in the dark and then she found me and put me in here, and told me that if I didn’t want to get lost in the dark I had to stay here. But it’s dark in here too and I don’t like the dark and she left me alone and... and...”

Twilight felt her heart breaking as she saw the foal starting to tear up. Even if she looked like Nightmare Moon, she was nothing like the evil mare who had plotted to plunge Equestria into an eternal night. Before Twilight realized what she was doing she was up on the bed, moving over to the foal as she hooked her hooves around her. The foal Nightmare Moon seemed to find comfort in this, burying her head in Twilight’s shoulder as she cried.

“Shhhh... shhhhh... it’s all right.”

“I don’t like the dark...” The foal blubbered. “I don’t like being alone... I don’t like the cold either... but it’s cold and dark and lonely in here and I don’t want to be here anymore... but she said that if I leave the monsters would get me.”

“Who told you all this?”

“She... she kind of looks like me, but... but she’s all grown up and her mane is all black. She’s scary, but she saved me from the dark and brought me to here so I could hide... but then she left me alone and I don’t like being alone.”

“Shhhh, it’s okay.” Twilight reassured, holding the foal a little more tightly. She could only imagine that the foal was describing Nightmare Moon, the real Nightmare Moon, the one that had embraced and then been taken over by the darkness. What kind of sick, twisted thing could scare such a sweet little foal?

“Listen, I know it was scary, but you don’t have to be scared anymore. I mean, it’s not dark in here anymore is it?”

The foal pulled her head away from Twilight’s shoulder, looking about a bit. “Well... it isn’t as dark.”

“And are you still cold?”

“No...” The foal replied, snuggling a little bit more into Twilight.

“And you can’t be alone anymore because I’m here.”

“I’m not... but you’re just going to go away like she did. You’re going to leave me alone here in the dark and cold.”

“I do have to go back to help my friends, but that doesn’t mean you can’t come with me.”

“No!” The foal wailed, shaking her head furiously at the thought. “She said the monsters would get me. She said they’d come out of the dark. That they’d come and get me. That they’re waiting, just outside the door. ”

“Shhhh... shhhh... I know, but the monsters won’t be able to get you.”

“They... they won’t?”

“No, and you know why?”


“Because I’m going to be there, with my super special light spell.” The unicorn replied, pointing a hoof at her horn.

“What... what makes it special?”

“It makes all the monsters go away.” Twilight said with a confident smile.

“It does?!” the foal asked, perking up a bit as she rubbing the tears away from her eyes.

“Yep, that’s how I was able to get here. It protected me, and I didn’t see a single monster. It’s really easy spell too. Would you like to learn it?”

The foal nodded, Twilight’s smile widening a bit as she began to explain the spell. It really was a simple spell, one of the first Twilight had learned. It had gotten the unicorn in trouble a couple times when she had stayed up past her bedtime reading thanks to her own built in night light. Twilight was a little worried how long it would take the foal to get the spell. She was young and it had taken Twilight a little time to get it herself.

Still, the foal Nightmare Moon was as adept at magic as the royal sisters. While she struggled with her first few attempts, on the fifth try her horn snapped to light, a single point of light shining out from the very tip.

“I... I did it!” The foal said, a smile on her face.

“See? Now you don’t ever have to be scared of the monsters ag-” The last words died in Twilight’s mouth as the foal hugged her neck tightly.

“Thank you!”

“You’re... you’re welcome.” Twilight offered, unable to keep the smile off her face. This foal was just so sweet, and she had been so scared. Twilight couldn’t contain the happiness welling up inside her from the simple fact she had been able to make the foal Nightmare Moon feel better.

The pair just sat in the moment for a time, Twilight letting the foal be the one to end the embrace. “There, are you feeling better?”

The foal nodded her head.

“Good, but my friends are probably wondering where I am. I should be getting back, but I’d like it if you could come with me.”

The little foal craned her neck, looking at the distant door and the darkness of the hallway beyond it.

“And you promise the monsters won’t be able to get me?”

“Not if you keep using that super special light spell.”

“But, what if the light goes out?”

“How about this?” Twilight began, climbing off the bed. “I’ll let you ride on my back. That way, if one of our super special lights go out then the other can keep the monsters away.”

“Okay!” The foal chirped, moving quickly across the bed before stepping onto Twilight's back. Despite her age the foal Nightmare Moon proved she had an amazing sense of balance. Perhaps it was part of being an alicorn, or maybe even just part of being part pegasus. Standing on clouds, after all, was probably more difficult than standing on a pony’s back.

“So, are you ready?”

The foal nodded, and with a gentle smile Twilight began to walk slowly towards the door. They stepped into the hallway, and the foreboding feeling began to wash over Twilight again. Still, the unicorn took her time and walked slowly, looking over her shoulder several times to check on the foal.

Foal Nightmare Moon was scared; Twilight could tell by how tightly she was holding the unicorn’s neck. Still, while she was scared, the foal didn’t run back to the bed to hide under the covers. She stayed with Twilight, clinging to the unicorn’s back and finding some sense of safety from the mare who had found her in the dark.

Eventually, Zane’s presence returned... and while Twilight was thankful he had come back she was afraid foal Nightmare Moon would bolt at the sound of his breathing. Still, she instead just clung closer to Twilight, looking around for the source of the sound.

“It’s okay, it’s just one of my friends. I know he sounds scary, but he’s really very nice.”

“You promise?” the foal asked.

“Yes.” Twilight replied before looking towards the ceiling. “Zane, are you there?”

“Yes, and you have done well, Twilight. You have found the light we need. koooh....kssssh

“Yes, but who is she?”

“She is Nightmare Moon, or at least part of the mare you once knew by that name. koooh....kssssh

“She’s only part of her?”

“Yes, she is the embodiment of the last pure virtue that existed in Nightmare Moon. She is the one virtue that remained buried, the virtue that exists within anyone, even those born from the malice, hatred, and jealousy of another pony’s heart. koooh....kssssh

“What virtue is that?”

“Innocence: pure childhood innocence. koooh....kssssh The innocence we have before we come to really comprehend the unfair realities of the world. For some, the light gets covered up early; they are unable to enjoy the innocence of youth. Still, all are born with it, and all still have it inside, preserved by their memories and brought back to the surface by interacting with children still young enough to enjoy it. koooh....kssssh

“But how could Nightmare Moon have any innocence? She was just the witch Luna became when she grew jealous of Celestia.” Twilight asked as the tunnel faded around her, Zane pulling Twilight and the foal Nightmare Moon back up from the depths of the Dark Place.

“She was born of Luna, yes, but Nightmare Moon shares Luna’s history. koooh....kssssh This is where the innocence originated. When the two were split apart by the Elements of Harmony, the innocence was split as well. No soul can exist without some light, and for Nightmare Moon the spark of innocence was the last shard of light in her black heart.

“And this is how Nightmare Moon fell to the darkness. koooh....kssssh To gain the power she desired she gave herself to the darkness, let it take and rip away pieces of her soul. This little foal here was one of those pieces, and without this small spark of pure virtue inside, Nightmare Moon was consumed and became nothing but a puppet to the Dark Presence. koooh....kssssh

“In the Dark Place any part of a person can gain sentience and a physical form. When Alan went insane, the part of his mind that was still logical and willing to fight gained a physical body of its own in his dreams koooh....kssssh and that part was able to fight back and regain control.”

“I hope you don’t expect her to fight.” Twilight snapped, surprising herself a little at how protective she was of the foal.

“It is the only way. To defeat Nightmare Moon, to weaken the Dark Presence enough to free Alan so he can end the story and save Equestria, the darkness that currently fills what remains of Nightmare Moon’s heart must be replaced. koooh....kssssh Her heart is filled with darkness, and it can only be purged by the strongest of lights: the purist of virtues.

“That is the role this one has to play: a role that she may not survive. koooh....kssssh Now, the Dark Presence is near, it has sensed something going on in theses depths. I must concentrate on getting you two back to the shallows.”

With that Zane fell silent, even the breathing from his suit became muted and distant, even though Twilight still had the sense she and the foal were being pulled back out of the darkness.


The unicorn glanced back, seeing the foal Nightmare Moon slowly coming out from her hiding place beneath the unicorn.

“What is it?”

“Is... is my name Nightmare Moon?”


“Your friend kept talking about me and calling me Nightmare Moon... is that my name?”

“Well... kind of.” Twilight admitted.

“I don’t like that name. That’s a scary name. I don’t want to have a scary name.”

Twilight settled herself down, lying on the black ground. The foal quickly curled up beside the unicorn, and it was obvious from her face that she was really troubled by the fact she had such a scary name.

“You know, you can change you’re name if you don’t like it.”

“But I don’t know any other good names... besides Twilight....... Can I have your name?”

“You could, but then what would my name be?”

“I don’t know.” The foal replied, leaning her head against Twilight’s side as she used the unicorn as a pillow.

The unicorn couldn’t keep a frown from moving onto her face. This foal, while once part of Nightmare Moon, was not the same pony. She was just a scared, innocent little filly that had been left alone in the dark. She was Nightmare Moon without the nightmare or even the moon. She was... like the night. When you take away the stars and moon, night still remains in its simplest form. Night, in pure simplicity.

Night... Twilight’s literature filled brain hung on this word as she thought back to many of the stories she had read. Both stories, plays, and poems that portrayed the night with different names, sometimes letting it play a character. On in particular stood out in Twilight’s mind, a poem from an author she couldn’t remember from some random collection of poems she had half read one night before going to bed.

She walks in beauty throughout the night
Upon her darkened flanks, the stars shine bright
Upon her brow rests the blessed moon, full glory in the night
Against her ebony mane, does the evening delight
She is Nyx, she is the blank canvas of night

The author’s intent in the poem was to describe the beauty of a mortal mare, to try and woo her. It was a love poem, but at the moment it was inspiration.

“Hey, I’ve got a name for you.” Twilight said, smiling as she leaned her head into the foal.

“You do?”

“Yes. How about we call you Nyx?”


“It’s an old name for night. It comes from a distant part of Equestria.”

“But isn’t the night scary?”

“No, the night isn’t scary.The night is beautiful, especially when moon and all the stars are out. It’s wonderful and amazing... just like you.”

The foal giggled, cozying up beside Twilight as her eyes slipped shut. “I like that name...” Nyx said with a yawn. “Can I really have it?”

“Yep, it’s all yours.” Twilight replied quietly, watching as the foal began to drift off to sleep beside the unicorn. After being trapped and scared in the darkness for so long, it was no wonder somepony so young would be tired.

Without even realizing it, Twilight brought her head down, curling her neck around as she rested her head on the ground near Nyx. Maybe she was just as tired, or maybe it was because she was watching Nyx sleep... but Twilight was finding it hard to keep her eyes open. It was strange, to think she felt safe enough to sleep in the Dark Place... but between Zane and Nyx, the unicorn just couldn’t resist.

Yet, as sleep overtook Twilight, a single thought rolled across her mind. An echo of something Zane had just said.

“That is the role this one has to play: a role that she may not survive.”

Zane didn’t really mean that, did he?