• Published 15th Oct 2015
  • 9,679 Views, 111 Comments

Never Grow Apart - New Canterlot

With Rainbow Dash becoming the captain of every major sports team at Canterlot High, Fluttershy feels lonely and scared that her best friend is slowly slipping away from her forever.

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Chapter 6: Flutter's Dash and the Start of Something New

Dash was grimy, dirty, and all kinds of sweaty by the time the game ended. Her body was covered in grass stains when the end game buzzer sounded. While panting and out of breath, she and the rest of her team gathered in a tumultuous crowd in the middle of the field to jump up and down and hug each other. They had won the game in a landslide victory despite Dash’s slow start at the very beginning. The score was so skewed in the Wonderbolt’s favor that the crowd of onlookers cheered well past the sound of the final buzzer. The only thing left to do was to dump the remaining water on their star player, something the crowd enjoyed immensely. After their little celebration had ended, both teams lined up to shake hands before retreating to the locker rooms.

No one else would ever know why, but Dash’s slow start to get into the zone at the beginning of the game was all due to that little peck on the cheek she received from that small girl who seemed to be the only thing she could think about the whole game. Her muscle memory and many years of practice gave her the winning edge she needed to play while another part of her brain mulled over what had happened to her. By the time the game ended and celebrations had begun, Dash still couldn’t get little Fluttershy out her mind. Although she tried to resist, her eyes continued to scan the edge of the field during the game to see if her number one fan was still there.

Fluttershy had taken a spot outside the locker rooms to wait for Dash after the game ended. Most of the players had left the locker rooms long before Dash emerged. It was apparent that she had just taken a shower, her skin glistening and her hair shining in the light of the hallway. That wide victory smile and proud hands on her hips was a beautiful pose which Shy couldn’t help but admire and appreciate. Together, they left school, walking side by side towards home while Dash began retelling the game with incredible passion.

In the midst of Dash’s elevated mood from her victory, she remembered clearly how supportive Shy had always been. A part of her felt as if Shy was also responsible for her success. “Thanks for being there.” Dash smiled down at her as she spoke with an exuberance that rivaled Pinkie’s usual enthusiasm.

Shy did her best not to look confused. “Hm?” She squeaked softly as she felt Dash’s hand move up her back to pat her on the shoulder.

“I know you don’t like sports much, but you’re always there watching me and cheering me on.” Dash giggled softly and released her hold. “I know I say it a lot, but I just thought I’d say it again.”

“Oh…um…y-yeah.” Shy smiled meekly. “O-Of course. And…I’m sorry about…earlier.”

“Sorry?” Dash looked down at her. “For what?”

“Um….t-that…thing I did…before the game.” Shy blushed very suddenly and averted her gaze towards the ground.

Dash bit her lip with a smile and giggled again. “You know, when you did that, I was kinda surprised. It really threw me off for a while.”

“I’m so sorry I did that…”

“No, it’s totally fine.” Dash patted the top of her head. “I honestly didn’t really mind it. It was…different, but…I didn’t hate it. Actually, I…kinda liked it. Really felt like a best friend’s moment, you know?”

“Y-You…liked it?” Shy looked up at her with wide eyes.

“Sure, heh…” Dash smiled at her almost stupidly. “It was…sweet? Is that the right word? I dunno…”

Shy nervously twirled her thumbs together with frantic speed. This was a very pivotal moment for her. Dash acknowledged that small peck on the cheek, and right now she seemed fine with it. This was a great leap forward in the right direction, and perhaps the rest of the night might prove to add to that progress as long as she didn’t screw anything up.

“I-I see…” Shy squeaked out her last word.

It was getting hard to ignore this gnawing attraction she was feeling for her small friend, and Dash wondered what this little peck on the cheek meant. She also wondered what it would mean for their relationship as friends if they actually did become something more. With a giggle, Dash let her mind wander farther into that idea, seeing themselves at a movie together sipping out of the same soda with Shy leaning up against her chest. A deep red blush spread across Dash’s face as she realized just how much she loved that mental image.

“S-So, uh…” Dash’s voice cracked a tiny bit. “…There’s something I kinda wanna…ask you…” She eventually finished her sentence as they rounded the corner leading into their neighborhood.

“Y-Yes?” Shy hesitantly responded, worried more than ever now at what might come next.

Dash linked her fingers together behind her head and laughed awkwardly. “This isn’t a totally serious question.” She paused and cleared her throat. “But uh…do you…” Oh crap… Her words fell back down her throat. She wanted to finish her question, but each time she tried to, it felt like her stomach was tightening around her diaphragm. “…do…you…”

“Yes?” Shy squeaked again, becoming more nervous and scared with each passing awkward silent second.

“…like…me?” Dash exhaled hard with relief as she finally finished her thought, taking in deep breaths before laughing at herself. “That was a stupid question. Just forget I asked. It was wayyyyy stupid. Totally lame. I don’t even know why even went there! Sometimes I can be really dumb…” Dash began to ramble again.

This was definitely not how Shy wanted to have this conversation. In her imagination, she pictured a more romantic atmosphere while having mustered up the courage to pursue this idea on her own, not having it forced upon her. Right now was a wickedly horrible time to be doing this, and Shy felt very put on the spot. Her knees shook with anxiety as Dash rambled again, and her mind raced for some way out of this situation as a new level of disappointment began to creep up on her, dragging fresh tears along for the ride.

With a tear trickling down her cheek, Shy began to pick up her pace. Her feet moved faster and faster into a run as streams of tears trailed off her chin. She felt so ashamed by her long time hidden affections, and a part of her wished they had never even met. By the time she was sprinting down the street, she was sobbing in full force with an arm over her face.

“Shy?” To her surprise, Dash brought herself back from her rant when she noticed her small friend run away. “Hey, Shy?” She didn’t stop, leaving Dash the only option to scream after her. “Shy! Hey! Where are you going?” Dash began to run after her, her quickness allowing her to catch up to the poor girl easily. She reached out and grabbed Shy’s shoulder, gently but firmly spinning her around. “What’s your deal? Why are you crying???”

Fluttershy whimpered loudly and sniffled hard into her wrist, turning her head side to side to keep from having to face her eye to eye. “S-Stop…”

Dash grumbled and put two hands on her shoulders to keep her from squirming away. “Shy! Stop! I’m trying to talk to you! Was it something I said? If I hurt your feelings, I would like to know. I’m sorry, ok?”

With an angry squeak, Shy brought her tiny fist up into the air before slamming it down on Dash’s chest. Her strike was so pitifully gentle that Dash wasn’t sure if this was out of anger or exhaustion. “You jerk…” Shy nearly whispered, her voice slowly becoming louder and louder. “…you stupid jerk…”

“…Jerk?” Dash felt a bit hurt by the name calling, but her sensible mind told her she deserved this. “…Really?” She squeezed Shy’s shoulders and put a hand on top of her head. “Fluttershy, I’m sorry…I didn’t mean it when I said that. I wasn’t really serious.”

“But…why?” Shy looked up at her finally, her eyes flooded and cloudy with fresh tears. “Why?...Why??...Why???”

“Why what?” Dash cocked her head. “Why am I not serious?”

Shy responded with an angry nod and bit her lip. “Yes…”

“I…didn’t…I didn’t think you wanted me to be.” Dash wiped one side of her friend’s face with the palm of her hand. “Do you actually like me? Like…like-like me?” Shy bit her lip harder, but her lower lip still quivered. Her head slowly moved up and down in a nod, leaving Dash very flustered and speechless. It was finally out in the open, and although it surprised Dash to know it, a part of her wasn’t too surprised. “O-Oh…wow…I…”

“D-Don’t you…” Shy sniffed. “…dare say…you had no idea. Don’t you dare say you didn’t even know.”

“Whoa, chill…” Dash took a step back away from her, but Shy advanced to keep the distance close. “…I honestly didn’t know that. So, I’m sorry, ok?”

Shy wrapped her arms around Dash’s waist and buried her face into Dash’s chest. “You big meanie…” She sighed heavily.

Dash wrapped her arms around the smaller girl’s shoulders and rested her chin on top of her head. “Shy…” She closed her eyes and snuggled her face into her long pink hair while squeezing her arms around her. “…I…” Shy put her hands on Dash’s waist and stood on her tip toes to plant a very soft little kiss on her lips, catching the athlete by an even bigger surprise. The first thing Dash realized was how salty that kiss tasted. Shy’s tears had really made a mess of her face. It took a second for her mind to clear enough for her to realize just how exhilarating and awesome that kiss was. This was her first real kiss, and every part of her body loved it and craved for more. There was something almost magical about having Shy’s warm, soft lips press against her own. Thankfully, Shy leaned up again to kiss her one more time. To her growing, immense surprise, Shy felt Dash squeeze her body, nearly lifting her off the ground with a hand behind her head to prolong the life of their kiss. When Dash moaned very softly yet hungrily with their lips in contact together, Shy squeaked loudly.

After a few of the shortest seconds of her life, Shy felt her feet plant firmly on the ground as Dash released her hold on her body. They both stared at each other with flustered smiles, basking in each other’s presence. Dash licked her lips with an awkward grin. “…Shy…you are…really…cool..” She giggled softly and blushed uncharacteristically hard.

Shy squeezed her waist again and kissed Dash’s shoulder before taking a step back. “….You’re still a jerk…” Shy said quietly through a soft smile.

Dash giggled harder and nodded her head. “Yeah, yeah…I know.” She draped an arm around her shoulder and held her close. “…and you’re still here.” Dash felt a poke in her ribs from Shy, making her giggle a bit. “…That was…really…something.”

Shy nodded and looked down at the ground. “D-Dashie…I am so sorry about that…I shouldn’t have done that without asking…I don’t know what came over me…I just…It just…happened. I’ve been holding back for so long that I…that I…that I…”

“Shhh.” Dash patted the top of her head and smiled at her. “Relax. It’s cool. Don’t worry, ok? Yeah, I mean…I really didn’t see that coming, but…I’m not mad or anything.”

“..I’m sorry…” Shy felt another tear forming in the corner of her eye. “…I just…I’ve been…so…overwhelmed with how I feel…and it just….came out…and I…”

“Heyyyyy.” Dash wiped her face again and pulled Shy’s head down on her chest. “Relax, ok? Seriously. I’m not mad. I think…we should go back to my place so we can talk…” Dash looked around the street corner to see if any other pedestrians were out an about. “I don’t wanna do this out here. Would it be cool if we went back to my place for now?”

“Mhm…” Shy nodded her head slowly and nuzzled her face into Dash’s neck. “I…would like to talk to you about us…and I hope I haven’t changed anything or made anything…um…weird between us.”

“What? No way, Shy. Everything’s cool. You don’t need to worry. And yeah, I’d love to chat this out.” She nuzzled the top of her head before put a hand on her lower back.

“Can…I ask you…” Shy looked down at the ground again. “…I mean…do you… like me too?”

“Um, well…I think so.” Dash nervously rubbed the back of her head. “…I wanna say I do. It feels like I do…”

“Good…” Shy wrapped her arms around Dash’s neck and quickly pecked her cheek before letting go. “…I’m glad…”

“Heh, yeah…me too.” Dash marveled at how cute and innocently beautiful she both looked and felt in her arms.

After a very brisk and short walk home, the two girls made their way through Dash’s front door and down the hall to her room. Dash’s father hadn’t made it home yet from his daughter’s game, probably spending his time hanging out with the other players' dads for a while. Without even having to ask, Dash fetched Shy a glass of water before they retreated back to her bedroom. Once Shy finished her water, Dash brushed her hair away from her face and took the glass from her. “Thank you…” Shy hoarsely choked out as she breathed slowly for the first time in a little while.

“No prob.” Dash rubbed her back as they sat on Dash’s bed facing each other in sitting positions with their hands resting on each other’s shoulders. Shy knew it probably wasn’t going to work as well as she wanted, but she needed to clearly tell Dash exactly how she felt and what she wanted the relationship to be. She was worried that Dash might get it in her head that this was a friends-with-benefits relationship or something, but little did she know just how naïve and truly innocent the athlete really was about romantic relationships of any kind.

“I um…” Shy stammered. “…I really…really like you…I think I even love you…” She choked as she felt the word ‘love’ leave her throat. “…I always have…and…I’m really sorry it’s taken so long for me to come out and….tell you…”

Dash pulled Shy forward to put her arms around her waist. Something about having her arms around Shy’s waist close to her butt felt simply amazing. It was soft, warm, slender, and very cozy. “Shy, I don’t care about that…I mean, I do kinda wish you told me sooner. We could’ve been kissing and stuff years ago.” She giggled a bit and pressed her forehead against Shy’s. “I think it’s really awesome that you told me though. I’ve never felt this way before about anyone…I dunno…I really like you too, I think.”

Shy let her lips brush up against Dash’s before whispering, “…Are…you sure?”

“Well…” Dash hesitated. “…It’s hard to say…I think you’re great, and it’s been really awesome reconnecting with you and hanging out with you more. You’re my best friend, and if this is the next step…then…I’m ok with it…I want it. I wanna try it.”

Shy blinked back a tear with a smile on her face. “That’s all I ever wanted…” She wrapped her arms around Dash’s neck and pressed her face into her shoulder. “I love you…so much…”

Dash wondered if she should say it back. Would be alright to say it? To say you love someone was a big thing to even think about, and the only person who ever told her that was her dad and Pinkie, although when Pinkie said something, nothing sounded all that serious. “I…um…” Maybe if she said it, she might feel it. “…love you too…”

“Don’t…” Shy whispered.

“Don’t?” Dash felt puzzled. “…don’t say I love you?”

“Yes…don’t say it.” Shy shook her head and pulled back a little to look up at her. “I don’t want you to say it until you’re completely sure. I don’t…want to hear it until you feel ready.”

“O-Ok..” Dash backed up a bit and cast her eyes down at her blankets. “…but…I’m not just…saying it. I mean, as a friend, as my best friend, I do love you…”

“Right now…” Shy scooted forward to sit in her lap. “That’s good enough.”

Dash felt her hand move down to Shy’s bottom, giving it a soft little squeeze. The sensation of soft warmth in her hand made her heart race. Her pulse only became faster as she felt Shy’s hands clasp against her cheeks before receiving an incredibly long kiss. They sat there for nearly a full two minutes, their lips locked together. Once Dash pulled away, she cleared her throat.

“So um…do you want us to be…together? Like a couple?” Dash asked.

“U-Um…d-do…a-are you ok with that?” Shy tensed up a little in case of a disappointing answer.

“Sure. I…would like that.” Dash nodded. “I’ve never been in a relationship before, but…with you…it somehow feels…really…awesome-ish…”

Shy giggled softly for a long moment and shook her head. “Oh, Dashie…you know exactly what to say.”

“I’m pretty sure you’re making fun of me now…” Dash frowned at her.

“Would you feel better if I kissed you again?”

“I dunno…would you feel better?”

Shy nodded and blushed hard. “Mhm…” Dashed answered her by leaning forward and planting a rather strong and firm kiss on the small girl’s lips, making Shy fall back onto the bed with Dash on top of her. When she pulled away, Dash looked down at her with a grin. “I…” Shy choked as she swallowed hard. “…Can…um…you do that again?”

Dash blushed and giggled at her. “Yeah? Was I that good?”

Shy looked away with a little frown and pulled her hair over her face. “…Now you’re the one making fun of me.”

“Sorry…” Dash brushed her hair back and pulled Shy’s hands down to her sides to kiss her again. This time, the kiss lasted longer that before with only a tiny bit of force. When they broke the kiss, Dash took a deep breath before sighing. “…Shy…I have to say it. I need to say it.” She put her hands on Shy’s shoulders and looked down at her rather sternly. “…I don’t really now how…but, I do. I love you, Shy. Now that I think about it, I don’t think it’s all that hard to know if you love someone or not. Right now…it feels like you’re the only other person in the world who really matters to me. That’s gotta be love, right? If it’s not love, then yeah…I mean…I guess I really am stupid.”

Shy nodded slowly and looked away to the side as an intense wave of relief and calm filled her. “I…It is, Dashie…” She looked back up at her. “That’s how I feel about you…and that’s how I’ve always felt about you…I just…I know I’m being silly, but…I just had to be sure you feel the same way….And…if you’re stupid, then…I guess I am too…”

“I think…” Dash rested on her tummy on top of her and giggled. “…we should just not talk for a while. Sound good?”

Shy nodded slowly again and blushed furiously as Dash planted a warm and rather wet kiss on her lips. Both girls could tell that neither one of them had any experience kissing, but they both were experiencing the addictive joy of such affection for the first time. Each little kiss they traded felt like millions of poetic words had been said, and as the ballads became more grand and heartfelt, each new kiss became deeper.

It took Dash by surprise to feel Shy slip her tongue in between her lips. Shy had waited for the right moment when Dash opened her mouth to breath, and now she was both tasting and feeling the immense surprise and joy of Dash’s flavor. Her lips were sweet and her tongue was hot and slimy like a warm piece of salt water taffy. The strange yet fascinating mix of taste and texture ended when Dash pulled her head back in surprise, leaving Shy feeling very much unsatisfied.

“Sorry…” Shy pulled her hair back over her face. “…I didn’t mean to do that…w-well…I-I did…b-but I...”

Dash pushed her hands away again and pulled them both up to a sitting position. Whatever just happened, she wanted more. “Come here…please…” Dash wrapped her arms around Shy’s waist, pulling her into her lap. The only thing Shy could do was hang onto her shoulders and squeak. Dash leaned her head forward to kiss her again, and Shy nearly giggled when she felt Dash’s lips purposefully open up, giving her invitation. She obliged her athlete by slipping her tongue back into her mouth.

This was all completely new to both girls, but Dash felt more intrigued and curious than ever before. There was something about Shy’s advances that made her body ache and long for even more of what Shy might do. Dash closed her eyes as she felt Shy beginning to suck very softly on her lower lip, sending waves of heat up her spine and to her now burning ears. Whatever Shy was doing, it was heaven. Her body felt limp as an awkward little moan escaped her mouth. As Shy played with Dash’s lip in her teeth, she could feel Dash shiver. It was unusually satisfying to find out just how much sway and pull she had over Dashie when they became intimate. It was as if Dash was, in a way, submitting herself over to her.

Shy eventually pulled away with a soft giggle escaping her lips. “Are...you ok, Dashie?” She asked with a rather playful grin.

“Oh yeah…I uh…I’m good…I’m realllllly good….Super…” Dash stared blankly down at her with a smile. “…That was…really awesome…what you did…” For a long while, both girls became lost in each other's warm embrace. It wasn't until they tired themselves out from long kisses did they realized that they had a party to attend.


Big. The house was big. That was Rarity’s first impression when she walked through Twilight’s ornate crystal glass door into the grand hotel lobby sized room Twilight referred to as her living room. With chandelier lights and stain glass windows, her house was no doubt something out of an old Victorian romance novel. Rarity couldn’t help but squeal and gasp as she took in the breath taking home.

Twilight came down the stairs in her usual pleated skirt and blouse to greet her with a smile on her face. “Hey, Rarity.” She smiled at her guest and took the dry cleaning bag from the wide mouth fashionista. “Did you find the place ok? I hope it wasn’t too out of the way.” She eyed Rarity’s shimmering white dress with awe. “You look really nice! I love that dress.”

Rarity paid no heed to the bookworm's compliments. “Who cares about how I got here, and who cares how I look…” She turned to face her with an emphatic grin. “Your home is simply BEAUTIFUL!”

“Really?” Twilight blushed a tiny bit and giggled. “I always just thought of it as a house.”

“You really have no idea how profoundly blessed you are to dwell in such luxury!” Rarity walked over to a tapestry curtain and rubbed the material between her palms. “So velvety…” She gasped.

“Aw, come on.” Twilight giggled again, starting to feel embarrassed. “It’s not all that.”

“But it is, darling!” Rarity swooped over to her and grasped her hands together around Twilight’s wrists. “You simply MUST tell me who your decorator is!”

“Ummm…I have no idea.” Twilight felt what she assumed to be her new dress beginning to fall from her hands. “Is…this the dress you made me?” She asked, looking down at the bag. “I really don’t want to drop it. Sorry.”

“Oh, yes of course! Your dress! How could I forget!” Rarity let her go and held up the parcel. “I must admit, I had my worries last night. I feared driving over here might cause some unsightly wrinkles, but hopefully we can press them out if need be.”

Twilight shrugged and motioned at the bag, anxious to see what lavish outfit awaited her. “Can I see it?”

“Of course!” Rarity unzipped the bag and gently removed the garment, holding it up to give Twilight the best view. Long silver and purple overtones laced at an angle circled the torso of the dress while dark purple lace over white velvet circled the waist area down to the knees. “Tah-dah!” She exclaimed with pride. “I do hope you like it. I know it was last minute, but I put every fiber of my creative being into this.”

Twilight approached and touched the smooth silky material. “It’s beautiful…I love it! It’s so me!” She squealed with delight before feeling self conscious of her behavior. “I mean, you’ve really outdone yourself on this. I had no idea you could make such amazing furnishes.”

Rarity simply smiled and held her head high. “I do pride myself on being one of Canterlot’s best up and coming fashion designers.” She giggled and shook her head. “I’m merely kidding, dear. Such high praise has yet to grace my ears.”

“I think you may be right, though.” Twilight shook her head and clapped her hands together with delight. “It’s the most gorgeous dress I’ve ever seen! Is…it really ok to keep it? It looks too nice to have all to myself.”

“Pish-Posh.” Rarity shook a finger in front of Twilight’s nose. “Please do not worry yourself. I made this especially for you, to be worn by you, and for you to keep. It’s yours!” She held out the dress to her and shook it a little for her to take it.

Twilight gratefully accepted the gift and unraveled the dress completely in her hands. “Gosh…I…don’t know what to say. It’s lovely…I can’t thank you enough for it.”

“It’s quite alright, dear.” Rarity giggled a bit. “You could thank me by letting me help you put it on.”

“Sure! I would love that.” Twilight nodded.

“Twilight? Is this one of your new friends?” A new voice called out from the bottom of the stairs leading to the upper floors. An older woman with a very striking resemblance to her daughter approached the two girls, early signs of grey hair around her temples that showed graceful aging.

“Hey, mom.” Twilight motioned to Rarity, then to her mother.

“Velvet.” The older woman grasped Rarity’s hand and squeezed. “Twilight Velvet. It would probably be easier just to call me Velvet.”

“A pleasure to meet you, Velvet.” Rarity smiled up at her and nodded. “I’m Rarity, a new friend Twilight’s.”

“It’s nice to meet you too.” Velvet nodded back to her and let her hand go. “It brings me so much joy to finally see my daughter making such wonderful friends.”

“Mommm..” Twilight whined and palmed her face.

“It’s true, isn’t it? Besides, I’ve been waiting a very long time for you to meet new people.” Velvet gave her daughter a hug as Twilight rolled her eyes. “Oh, is this your new dress?” She pointed at the garment. “It’s lovely! You know, Twilight here has been talking none stop about getting a new dress since she got home.”

“Mommmmm.” Twilight whined again. “Stop it. You’re embarrassing me.”

“Isn’t she sweet?” Velvet smiled innocently at Rarity.

“She really is.” Rarity giggled and nodded her head. “I have no doubt about that.”

“Ok ok…” Twilight wrapped the dress around her forearm and grabbed Rarity’s hand. “Is it ok if we go now?”

“S-Sure…” Rarity felt herself being pulled upstairs while Twilight led the way.

“Oh, one other thing.” Velvet tilted her head towards the stairs to call out to them. “Twilight, your room is a bit of a mess. You might want to put your books away first.”

“Oh…right.” Twilight remembered the state of her room. Since this was the first time she actually had company over, it never occurred to her to clean.

“I really don’t mind it.” Rarity said as they stopped in front of Twilight’s door. “Your room can’t be any worse than mine. I have swatches and pin cushions everywhere.”

Twilight opened her door to reveal a master bedroom sized rotunda with a king sized princess style bed in the center, books in big piles every few meters. “Well, still…Sorry about the mess.”

“Forget the mess…” Rarity began walking around the room. “You have an incredible bedroom! Why, a person could get lost in here just dancing the night away!” She began twirling in circles, taking in the breathtaking size of the rotunda.

“Really? Thanks, I guess…It’s not all that great.”

“Oh, but it is! If I had a bedroom this big, I could have multiple work stations and even multiple drafting tables for all my designs!” Rarity squealed with delight at the idea. “Oh, please excuse me. I lost myself there for a moment. Come come!” Rarity motioned for Twilight to come closer. “Let’s have a look at you in that dress!” Twilight giggled at her and nodded her head before stepping onto a stack of books Rarity was pointing at. “Alright then, darling. Please turn around for me.”

Twilight did as she was told and gasped loudly with a deep blush on her face when she felt Rarity unzip her skirt. “R-Rarity?”

“Oh, my deepest apologizes. Perhaps a little warning was in order.” Rarity looked up at her with an innocent smile. “I’m afraid this will be necessary in order for you to change, darling.”

“It’s ok. It just kind of caught me off guard.” Twilight did her best to hide the blush on her cheeks. “Do I…need to get undressed completely?”

“Yes please, dear. You may leave on your necessities, of course.” Rarity nodded her head at her.

“Ok…but don’t laugh, alright? I wasn’t thinking about it when I got dressed this morning.”

“Thinking about what?” Rarity asked as she pulled Twilight’s skirt down to her ankles. Her question was answered when she stared directly at her butt covered by panties with little owls wearing glasses reading books. As hard as she tried not to, Rarity couldn’t help but stifle a small snicker of amusement.

Twilight blushed harder and sighed. “Yeah…”

“D-Darling…” Rarity tried to speak through her little giggle fits. “…It’s quite alright. I’m sure it won’t matter once you put on your dress.”

“Good.” Twilight fidgeted nervously and began unbuttoning her blouse. “Promise you won’t tell the other girls about this.”

“I promise, darling.” Rarity reached for the dress and began untying the big bow in the back. Twilight lifted her feet up one by one as Rarity worked the dress up over her surprisingly perky hips. The torso of the dress fitted over Twilight’s shoulders after she had taken her blouse off. “Just one moment while I…” Rarity huffed quietly as she began lacing up the back before tying the remainder off into a bow. “…There! All finished.”

Twilight stepped off the stack of books and approached her full sized mirror by her bed. “Oh wow….” She blushed very hard, this time from amazement at her appearance. Her new dress complimented her every feature from her skin tone to her figure. “…I look…I look…”

“Smashing?” Rarity put her hands on her hips with a proud smile. “Gorgeous? Luscious? Delectable?”

“Perfect!” Twilight spun around to face her and threw her arms around her neck. “Thank you so much for this!”

Rarity gave her a hug back and brushed a loose strand of ribbon from her shoulder. “I am very happy you are so pleased with it. Seeing how pretty you look fills me with a great deal of pride.”

“Woooooow!!” Came a voice from the bedroom door. Both girls whirled around to see a very wide eyed Pinkie in almost as nice of a dress perfected with candy shapes and bright pink streamers. She bounded over to Twilight and threw her arms around her. “You look sooooo pretty!!” She exclaimed as she began squeezing the poor girl's breath from her lungs.

Velvet stood at the threshold of the bedroom door with Applejack. “A few more friends of yours are here, Twilight.” Her mother announced.

“Howdy, ya’ll!” Applejack tipped her hat towards everyone while dressed in the same country flared dress Rarity had made for her for the last school dance. “Well Ah’ll be, Twi. Don’t ya’ll look prettier than a spring peach!”

Twilight gasped for air when Pinkie let her go. It took her a moment to regain her footing. “Uh, thank you.” She replied hoarsely. “You both look very nice.”

“Aw shucks..” Applejack actually blushed a tiny bit. “Ah honestly wasn’t sure if Ah was gonna get all fancy tonight, but Ah’m glad Ah did. Kinda fergot how pretty this here dress is.”

Rarity felt a bit thrown back from the sight of Applejack. Although she wasn’t so dolled up as herself, there was an incredible vibrancy of natural beauty about her. Her long blonde hair was braided behind her head, and a very slight tint of lip gloss danced across her delicious pink lips. It was impossible not to have an ever glowing red tint spread across her face. “I am…quite pleased you did.” Rarity told her truthfully. “You do look incredible.”

Applejack shook her head with a smile. “Nah, Ah ain’t all that. It’s nothin’.”

Pinkie grabbed Twilight’s hand and pulled her towards the door. “Twilight! Important talk! Where do you want the cake, the punch, the streamers, the boom box, and the disco light???”

“Umm, h-hey, wait!” Twilight gasped as she felt herself being pulled downstairs. Applejack and Rarity followed them down with Velvet in tow. “What are you talking about?”

Applejack chuckled and pointed with a thumb outside. “Me ‘n Pinkie brought a bunch a party fixins. Kinda took us a while since we had to pack up my truck ‘n get all dressed up. Hope we didn’t ferget nothin’.”

“You brought all that?” Velvet asked. “Goodness, you girls are very resourceful. My daughter is very lucky to have friends like you.”

“No she’s not.” Pinkie said adamantly. “It’s us who are lucky to have her!”

“Aww…Pinkie.” Twilight gave Pinkie a hug.

“But seriously.” Applejack chuckled again. “Ah got a truck full a goodies, ‘n Ah need a room to put it all.”

“How about the ball room?” Velvet pointed down a broad hallway.

“You have a ballroom?” Rarity gasped and brought a hand over her head for dramatic affect. “I think I may just faint…”

Applejack rolled her eyes and put an arm around her waist. “If yer gonna faint, then do it. Don’t say yer gonna do it.” She teased her with a chuckle.

Although she wasn’t entirely serious before, Rarity now did actually feel a little weak in the knees. Applejack’s touch was firm, yet somehow very reassuring and pleasant. The arm she felt around her waist was strong and supportive, and the heat from Applejack’s body was beginning to spread around her like a warm embrace. “I…I…” Rarity blushed furiously as she felt AJ pull her into a leaning position against her shoulder.

Pinkie jumped up and down in a circle for a moment, completely ignoring everything else around her. “Who’s ready to dance??!”

Twilight clapped her hands together and nodded with a growing excitement and anticipation for her first party. “I know I am!”

“I’ll go open the ball room up for you girls.” Velvet smiled at them and pinched her daughter’s cheek. “You girls have fun tonight.”

Applejack pushed Rarity up against a big supporting pillar by the door. “Try ‘n breathe, er somthin’, Rare.” She sighed. “Wanna help me unpack the truck, Pinkie?”

“I call cake and disco ball!!!” Pinkie pulled the front door open and shot outside.


Rainbow Dash had borrowed her dad’s car with Fluttershy to drive over to Twilight’s place. Unfortunately, it never occurred to her to get Twilight’s address. Thankfully, Sunset knew where the place was, so Dash offered to pick her up so the three of them could all go over there together. As they drove, Sunset gave Dash little directions from the backseat.

All three girls were dressed appropriately for a party. While opting out of a dress, Dash wore bright red skinny jeans with a blue button up top and sunglasses, looking the part of a night out at a club instead of a high school party. Shy had her last dance dress on, green overtones complimenting her soft and delicate features. Sunset wore nearly the same thing as Dash, but instead of jeans she had on leather pants and her jacket over an orange tank top. The two athletes definitely had different tastes than their friends.

With Dash behind the wheel and Shy sitting beside her, Sunset couldn’t help but notice that the atmosphere between them was different. They seemed closer somehow with their tone and body language when they spoke to each other. The biggest giveaway was Shy’s attitude. She seemed more relaxed and energetic than usual when Dash spoke to her. This wasn’t a bad thing, but Sunset did feel curious enough to ask.

“Hey, Dash.” Sunset tapped her on the shoulder from behind.

Dash smiled. “Yo, what up?”

“You two seem kinda…different.” Sunset eyed Shy in particular. “You two…didn’t drink or anything did you?”

“O-Oh, no of course not.” Shy shook her head and looked back at her. “Do we really seem…that strange?”

“No, not really.” Sunset shook her head. “But you guys do kinda seem…I dunno, happy. Did something good happen?”

“Besides winning that game?” Dash asked. “Wasn’t that awesome?”

“Yeah.” Sunset giggled. “But that’s not what I mean.”

“I…um...” Shy felt the urge to admit this new change in her life to someone. She and Dash had decided on beginning a relationship together, and although she had no idea what would happen, she desperately wanted to shout it out to the rest of the world. “…It’s nothing..”

“You sure? I don’t mean to sound weird or anything.” Sunset rested her chin on Dash’s seat. “It’s just nice to see you two as friends again.”

“We never stopped being friends, you know.” Dash laughed.

“Yeah, but it’s been a tough week for you guys.” Sunset smiled at them both. “I may be new to this whole friendship thing, but I could see that pretty easily. Well, that and Pinkie was really freaking out when Shy was crying a couple days ago.”

“Oh…” Shy squeaked and looked out the window. “Is…it alright if we don’t talk about that?”

“Sure.” Sunset nodded. “Sorry, Fluttershy.”

Dash took a turn when Sunset pointed left at the next light. “Yeah, we’re good. We…talked…about that.”

“So you guys are cool now?” Sunset asked.

“Yeah.” Dash nodded and looked at Sunset through the rear view mirror. “We are.”

“Mhm.” Shy simply nodded, keeping her gaze focused out the window to hide the red tint spreading across her cheeks.

“Cool.” Sunset leaned back in her seat with a smile.

After a few more minutes on the road, they pulled up to a massive Victorian style mansion. Dash wondered if they really were at the right place, but she recognized AJ’s truck, Rarity’s little white two door sports car, and Pinkie’s unmistakably pink VW bug. Dash pulled up behind the truck and parked, both her and Fluttershy staring blankly out the windshield at the house. “Whoa…” Dash gawked. “Seriously??? Twilight is loaded!!!”

“Oh my…” Fluttershy couldn’t help but admire the pretty flower gardens circling the entrance in the approaching moonlight.

“I told you this place is big.” Sunset giggled. “That was my reaction too a couple days ago.”

All three girls got out and began walking towards the front door. The faint noise of loud dance music and soft vibrations across the ground beneath their feet told them that the party had begun without them. “So…do we knock…or…” Shy scanned the edges of the doorframe for a doorbell but couldn’t find one.

Dash felt her phone buzz, so she pulled it out of her pocket to view the screen, a text from Pinkie told her the front door was unlocked. “We can just go in.” Dash opened the door for the other two girls. “The door’s unlocked.” The music became much louder as the door swung open, and all three girls smiled appreciatively at the lavish home. They followed the music and flashing lights down a hall to the ball room. Inside, Pinkie was already cutting loose with an awkward duckwalk with her tongue sticking out, and Twilight was surprisingly doing the same thing. Rarity was busy pouring herself some punch while Applejack snacked on a slice of cake.

When Pinkie saw the last three members of their group arrive, she bounded across the room to greet them. “Hey girls! Isn’t this the bestest new best friendest party ever?!”

“What?” Dash turned her head to point her ear to Pinkie to hear her more clearly.

“Come on!” Pinkie grabbed her hand and pulled her out into the dance floor. Dash felt incredibly silly as Pinkie began doing a funny dance around her, but not wanting to be shown up, Dash began to dance. Her own dancing was much more methodical and practiced. The electronic dance music was her cue to bust out a couple robotic jerking motions.

Sunset giggled at them and turned to Fluttershy to ask in a loud voice, “You wanna join them?” Fluttershy was about to speak, but the loud music made it impossible to even hear her quiet self. Instead, she resigned to shake her head. Sunset merely shrugged and made her way to join the energetic group.

Rarity put an arm around Fluttershy, leading her towards the punch table where they could hear each other. “Terribly sorry, darling. I tried to tell Pinkie not to play her music so loudly.” She sighed.

“I-It’s ok..” Shy smiled up at her, very happy to see her friends having so much fun. Rarity held out a plastic cup full of purple punch, and she gratefully accepted. “Thank you!” She squeaked over the speaker’s noise.

Dash began popping her shoulders back and forth as she danced her way along the floor towards the punch table. She stopped to shake herself off and put an arm around Shy’s shoulders. “Come on, Shy!” She said in a crackling squeal into her ear. “Come dance with me!”

Shy blushed hard and wiggled her thumbs together nervously. She wanted to go dance with Dash, but she was very worried she might look like a fool. Worse, she worried she might become too affectionate if she got caught up in the moment. She never did get to make her decision as Dash firmly pulled her out onto the dance floor. Much to Pinkie’s surprise and Twilight’s astonishment, Dash and Shy began to dance together very closely, their bodies nearly pressed against each other. Everyone began to eye them curiously, each girl wondering if something more was happening between them. Rarity had her mouth covered with a blushing smile while Dash spun Shy around.

Those suspicions stopped when Dash picked Shy up, hoisting her to a sitting position on her shoulders, everyone giggled hard while watching Dash run a circle around the room with Shy’s arms outstretched like an airplane and a smile on her face. It was plainly obvious the two girls were best friends, and probably nothing more.

Nearly an hour went by, and so far the only person who wouldn’t dance was Rarity. She just stood by the punch table with a blissful smile, watching Applejack shake her country hips side to side. Somehow it felt sort of wrong to be gawking at her like that. Maybe this was the reason she decided on not cutting loose. If she got too close to Applejack in the midst of celebration, she might do something completely lacking in tactful grace.

But goodness sakes…that idea was very tantalizing.

Author's Note:

Well... yeah....been a while, huh?
I'm sorry about that. A LOT has happened to me over the holidays. I passed a really big test and landed myself a job I always wanted, and school got super crazy....
I hope everypony had an awesome Thanksgiving! My plans include writing the start of my next Rarijack story for ya'll next weekend. Time to get my "darlings" and "sugarcubes" on!
I received so many wonderful comments and messages from all of you. For the first time ever, I had a full inbox of supporting notes of encouragement. My heart felt very uplifted and I couldn't have been happier.
I don't care what anyone says, the brony community is a place of love! I've never felt as part of a family of like minded and passionate people in my entire life than I do right now with you all.

Comments ( 27 )

really one of my favourite stories on this side. I love how well you wrote Dash and Fluttershy, there were so many awwwww moments I stopped counting :rainbowkiss:

I'm betting that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash's relationship will be a subplot in the next story, including them working up the courage to tell their friends. If that's the case, I think I'll keep an eye on you.

Perfect ending for this story! I loved it, and I can't wait for Rarijack :raritystarry:

AHH IT WAS SO GOOD! I have to admit, I did not see this chapter coming (in terms of content, not actual appearance). I don't think I've ever seen a "love confession" go quite the way you did it here, and I have to say that you are quite creative! It was as good as I expected to be. Even better, in fact. You've still got that great talent at writing dialogue, something I must admit I still have issues with myself. And I'll have you know that I was feverishly checking Fimfiction every day to see if your story had been updated or not. I enjoyed your descriptiveness in regards to the intimate scenes without making it too vulgar, although I know you could write something more hardcore without it being gross. I know some of the other stories you've written. All in all this story was short, sweet, exciting, interesting, and leaving me wanting more. That's why I'm so glad you're making a sequel. 10/10 story good sir. I knew you could do it. Looking forward to your next endeavor, and you can be sure that I'm going to read it.

I've been waiting for a couple of weeks for this update. Every day, I've checked my feed for an update on this story. Now I've finally gotten it, I must say: I am very satisfied.

Easily one of my favorites, I loved it so much

When I was reading the part when Rainbow Dash put Fluttershy on her lap to let her french-kiss her. I was shock you wrote Rainbow almost being submissive. Yes I have read two or three fics of Rainbow being the sub of the two. However, your fics gave my mind quite a shiver of an idea.

How can you properly and realistically write a fic of Rainbow Dash being the sub from Fluttershy?

Expect my answer in a few weeks.

So yea, I'm pretty sure you know I like your fic a lot. Just to put it simple. About your RariJack, not the biggest fan but for sure I'll give it a chance.

A very sweet story with Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash! I like this story a lot and I'm looking forward to your next story! :twilightsmile:

Such a sweet story! When I was (much) younger than I am now, I was in the same position as Fluttershy, but I was too timid, too afraid, and thus I never acted upon it. I lost out on the chance to really follow my heart. This story brought back those pangs of missed opportunity, but it also coated those feelings in sweet sugar. Pinkie would find my metaphor quite apt, and yummy (I love her characterization by the way, nicely done!).

I liked it so much I added it to my favorites, upvoted it, and now follow your stories. Well done, and I look forward to your future endeavors, should you have them! :ajsmug::rainbowwild:

P.S. - I'm an AppleDash shipper, but I was completely sold on your choice of light RariJack shipping. It was rather adorable to watch unfold.

That was awesome I love this ship in the school setting it suits the characters and the issues in the relationship brilliantly. You executed it so well thoroughly enjoyed it.

I fixed the spelling errors and now the story is FINALLY complete.

Ajddjfnfjcnndxmsmmsdbdxddnjdmd =I :fluttercry:

Relevant to my interests.
Have a moustache. :moustache:

Ooh man, this fic was absolutely fantastic! All the characters were perfectly on point, the fluff was just beautifully fluffy, the parents interaction with the kids was amazingly done, and overall it was just fantastically written. Plus it has hints of Rarijack with a possible follow up story about them! The only thing I like more than good Flutterdash fics is good Flutterdash fics with some Rarijack in them! Thank you for this amazing story and I'll be looking forward to the follow up!

This is definiteley one of my favorite ships ever, but regardless, every fic has its problems. With this one (this is my opinion), it was the ending. The problem with the ending was that it was a little expected. Fluttershy tells RD about her feeling and RD says "I love you too" or something like that. While this was a little unique with Fluttershy running off and her punching RD, it was rather textbook. (Once again, this is my opinion) A better way to do that would be instead of RD telling Flutters she loves her (with words), she just kisses her deeply. Then the party (That chapter didn't actually have to happen, but it did which is fine), I thought it was kinda dumb that it was formal, and I think it could've been more subtle. (but this is your story and you can write it however you want) Other than those little nitpicks, this was a really good fic.

Dear god what's happened to me, I'm sitting here at 3 A.M trying to sleep so I can go to work in 2hrs so I can survive college as I obsess over a show intended for little girls. Well, if I'm gonna die alone, the. I'll die enjoying myself.

6808865 I do understand where you're coming from. I just didn't really see Dash or Shy really acting more out of character than normal since this is their FIRST relationship ever. I was kind of worried how my readers would react if I took too many creative liberties with the confession scene, but this fandom is very tolerant of such endeavors. :pinkiehappy: I will take your advice to heart and I appreciate your thoughts.

OK so...
While I enjoyed the story (yes, I did), I think it could really be written better at some points. I'm guessing this is one of your first stories, and you're just starting to develop as a writer.
So, you chose to use 3rd person narrative, as opposed to 1st and 2nd, of course...
Stories are usually written with narrative in 3rd person limited PoV, "a method of storytelling in which the narrator knows only the thoughts and feelings of a single character, while other characters are presented only externally." (in further text 3PL)
I read your story about a fortnight ago and if I remember correctly, there is a scene where Rainbow is talking on the phone with Shy, and you were switching scenes to show what both of them were doing while they were talking.
What you used there is called 3rd person omniscient PoV, "a method of storytelling in which the narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all of the characters." (in further text 3PO)
Not exactly sure if it's 3PO, but it's much closer to it than to 3PL
When I say stories are usually written in 3PL, I mean if I've ever read a story written in 3PO, I don't remember it. 3PL is basically standard for 3rd person narrative, so I advise you to use it. Not saying you only used 3PO, but you did use it.
There are scenes where nobody's the focus (usually when The Mane 6 are all together), In that case, you should only present them externally i.e. how they look, sound, react, but not how they feel.

Switching 3PL focus (say, from Rainbow to Fluttershy) should, of course, be done between the scenes.
For example: Let's say RD is walking Shy home and the current focus is RD. You can't suddenly narrate Shy's feelings. You have to wait until they get to her home, say/hug/kiss goodbye, and part; that's when the scene ends. You should mark the switch of focus with something like a horizontal rule, or *** (or ~~~). Then you can switch to Fluttershy's PoV.

When narrating, you shouldn't use nicknames; so it's not Shy, it's Fluttershy. Although, you can say Rainbow (maybe even Dash) in stead of whole Rainbow Dash, but not Dashie or RD. This is... debatable, but I think it's rather important for the quality of the story.

In my opinion, you've written the Mane6 well, with the exception of Rainbow Dash. For her in this story, everything is 'cool' and 'awesome' a little too much. Kissing your best friend can be great, fun, exciting, maybe even awesome, but not cool. Them reconnecting was great, but it wasn't awesome. They way they reconnected (sleeping in the same bed) could maybe be considered awesome
You can keep RD in character without her saying 'awesome' and 'cool' so often.

That's about everything that I remember... It should go without saying that I'm commenting this to help you become better writer, and with no bad intentions.
What I recommend? Why, reading more, of course. If you wanna write, you gotta read.
I'm gonna recommend stories I've found interesting (I'm just gonna assume you like FlutterDash). You seem to like writing EQG, so first I'm gonna recommend Chocolate Cake Shots, and Other Things You Discover in College
Then there is a classic, Magnetism!
And a little one-shot, Under the Aurora
I came to this website to read FlutterDash, but I've drifted towards adventure, so many FD stories I've read are kind of a blur I don't even know if FlutterDash is your OTP...

Well then, best of luck! :scootangel:
And sorry for the wall :trollestia:

7028987 I do understand what you mean. I always imagined her giggled to be all crackly and hoarse like she's portrayed in the show, but please don't feel singled out. You are far from the first person to tell me so.

The review will come soon.

Write it
Record it
Edit it
Post it

Repeat tons of times as I screw up everything lol


I.LOVED. IT! Such a great story. While I find myself leaning towards TwiDash shipping (pony versions) FlutterDash was awesome! I loved every minute of it and liked the hinting at the RaraJack shipping


I really liked this. You wrote Fluttershy really well, captured her timidness nicely and all that.
My biggest complaint would be that fact that you made Rainbow 'giggle' a lot. She doesn't really giggle in the shows, so its unlikely she should be giggling here. I'm sure there were different synonyms you could have used instead of giggle. I mean obviously when she is with Fluttershy it could be acceptable with the idea that she is letting her guard down around her. But meh.

edit: Oh, now that Im reading the other comments, it would seem others have already mentioned this. Sorry lol.

7379490 It's more of a snicker/snort/giggle/voice crackle, but yeah, you're on to something there. I've had a lot of the same sentiments.

So good bro, keep up the good work.

oKAY, why do rarity feels so weird when she's talking to applejack? do she like her or something? :rainbowlaugh:
also, WHERE'S YOUR RARIJACK EG FANFIC?!?! :flutterrage::pinkiecrazy:

What’s the source for the cover art?

This was an amazing and heartwarming story. I absolutely LOVE the idea of FlutterDash! The fact that they were friends growing up just makes the idea of them in a relationship a lot easier to move into. They make a really cute couple, and their differences would make them perfect for each other. I would LOVE to read more on how their relationship develops and more cuddling and romance.

Thanks for the fic!

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